Magic whispers for love: how does it work? Whispers from white magic for the love of a man, guy, husband, at a distance, so that his beloved, husband, man, guy loved, called, missed, came, returned to the photo, growing moon, in full moon, back: words, read

Magic whispers for love: how does it work? Whispers from white magic for the love of a man, guy, husband, at a distance, so that his beloved, husband, man, guy loved, called, missed, came, returned to the photo, growing moon, in full moon, back: words, read

From this article you will learn how to pronounce whispers to love.

Schemes - these are simple conspiracies or love spells, if you use them correctly, they act. We learn more about them.

Whiskers from white magic for the love of a man, guy, husband, at a distance

Whisper for love at a distance
Whispers for love at a distance

Simple good whispers from white magic will not hurt the person you often think about. Schemes can be used at the beginning of your acquaintance, and if you already know a person well. They can be pronounced at a distance if you, having met with this person, have forgotten all the words that you had to say or, if your loved one is far from you.

If you know well the man to whom the whisper, you need to prepare his photo and 2 candles. You need to do this at midnight when the growing moon. Light candles, look at the photo, and imagine that your beloved with you, mentally say whisper:

  • Birds without wings do not fly, do not swim without water, you can’t be without me.

Then simmer the candles, put the photo under the pillow, and go to bed. In the next nights you can repeat the whisper again.

If you do not have a photo of a lover, then a whisper can be sent to him with the help of wind. Choose a day when a strong wind is on the street, climb to an elevated place, from where everything is visible, turn to the side, from where the wind blows, and pronounce mentally whisper:

  • Grace up my words, wind, take them to the one who is dear to me, not to be without me, do not live, only love me.

If you pronounce words with all the passion, often think about this person, he will definitely pay attention to you.

Good, good whispers to attract and luck in love to meet a man, guy, love: words, read

Whispers for good luck in love
Whispers for good luck in love

If you really want to meet your loved one, then, before going out into the street, you need to recall the whispers.

So, at home, going outside, focus, close your eyes, imagine that your loved one is in front of you, whisper whisper:

  • Our meeting is inevitable, love with you, happiness with me.

And you will certainly meet the desired person on the street.

Whiskers to attract the attention of guys, men: words

Men’s psychologists believe that the guy’s attention should be paid to himself, you need to be active, but you do not always manage to be confident in yourself, especially with the man you like. To do this, they came up with whispers, it is worth pronouncing them to yourself - and your desire will come true. Whispers are desirable to use first dating.

If you spend time in a large company, and there the man you like, try to pass by him more often, look at him so that your views meet, while remembering to yourself whisper:

  • Eyes in the eyes, soul to soul, love of love.

Whispers, so that the guy, the man falls in love: words

Whispers for love
Whispers for love

If you liked the man, and you know that he is free, but he does not pay attention to you, this will help whisper:

  • My gaze is sharp, my heart is hot, if I pass you past you, you will notice me.

You should say such words whenever you meet a man you like. And if you can invite this man to your home, at least in the company of other friends, then at home, treating him with your food, repeat a whisper to yourself, and look at him. A man will not stand your gaze, and will answer you.

To love, husband, man, guy loved: words

Whispers for love so that a man loves
Whispers for love so that a man loves

If you are afraid that the husband will change with another woman, he can be whispering after going out into the street. whisper Next content:

  • With me you are young and daring, and with others - weak and old.

Whispers to miss, call: words

If you want a husband or your boyfriend to miss, and do not think about other beauties, he needs to mentally read this whisper:

  • Go dear, hurry, and do not forget me, come back to your native threshold, and don’t know the road to other people's women.

Important. After reading the whisper, try not to think about the man constantly, do not focus on your desire to get him, otherwise the fulfillment of desire comes down to zero.

Whispers to come, returned: words

Whispers to love so that the man will return
Whispers to love so that the man will return

If a husband or guy abandoned, but you continue to love, and want him to return, you need to say the next one often whisper:

  • Go where you go, but you will be sad for mine, without me, the light will not become sweet, sadness, longing for the rabbi.

Whispers in the photo: words

If your loved one is far away, and you have his photo, you can pronounce whisper To the photograph, bringing her close to her lips:

  • Do not forget about me, be always with me and love me.

But in order for the whisper to act, no one should see the photo, only you. Get it out of a secluded place, say a whisper, and hide it again.

Whiskers on the growing moon, in the full moon: words

Whispers for love in the full moon
Whispers for love in the full moon

The sorceresses have long been connected by their magical power with the moon. They held their sessions on the growing moon, and most of all in the full moon. In the full moon we see a large moon that is fascinating. Our ancestors advised and start the new moon on the full moon.

And whispers also come true most of all in the full moon, and during the growing moon, and if it is also Friday, then the effect of whispers will certainly be, the moon will help in this.

Words: omnipotent moon, give my beloved heart.

It is interesting. How to find out when the growing moon? On the moonlit night, when the sky is clear, without clouds, look at the moon. It is complete, with the letter “C”, and “C”, looking in the other direction. So, the moon is complete - the full moon; “C” is an old moon or waning; In the third case, mentally put a wand to the moon, the letter “P” turned out, which means growing.

Whispering in the back: words

If you say a whisper to the past, and a man in your back, then your love impulses are transmitted to him.

How does it work? You follow behind your beloved man, at some distance, clench your hands into fists, and repeat such words to yourself- whispers:

  • Look at me, fall in love forever, never leave, be mine forever.

If the whisper has acted on your chosen guy or man, he will turn back.

Love, high -speed, gypsy whisper to love in the name: Words

Gypsy magic does not belong to white magic, rather it is black magic. It acts better than simple whispers, but the consequences after it are sometimes not cured.

If you ordered a gypsy to make a love spell on a loved one, she turns to her spirit, which the gypsies called the egregor. The spirit, in return for the service, takes the jewel from the gypsy, if there is no one, then she pays her energy. After such a rite, the energy field is destroyed by the person who ordered a love spell, and he is sick with severe diseases, becomes aggressive, and there will be no sense from such a love spell.

Schell: Do not forget about me, be with me, but love me.

But there are times when the gypsy love spell does not work:

  • If a person who is made a love spell has a strong will.
  • A person has pure thoughts, he is sincere.
  • If there is great love between the two people, and the third person wants to destroy it, and orders a spell.

Whispers for marriage: words

Whispers for love for marriage
Whispers for love for marriage

If there is a beloved man, and you are meeting for a long time, but he does not offer you to marry him, you need to read mischtage-polit for loveWhen the full moon comes. How to do this right?

  1. Wait for the full moon to come.
  2. Prepare the sacred water, if this is not, you can water from the spring, but the effect will be less.
  3. Make the rite at midnight: pour a full glass of water, put it in front of the window, and read the prayer 3 times.

The words of prayer:

  • As grass and trees dry without water, the fish also dies without water, and the servant of God (the name of the beloved) so as not to live without me. As I quench my thirsty with the spoke water, so long, burning, eternal love will come to him, so that he could not hear me, to admire me. Amen!

Whisper prayer passionately, put the desire for a happy life in your words, drink water, and wait for the results in 1-3 weeks.

Whispers to passion: words

Whispers for love and passion
Whispers for love and passion

Whispers for passion are read if they want in bed, there was more passion in a love match.

A whisper to passion A woman can charge dinner when she cooks, pronouncing such words:

  • Honey, eat, add male power, considerate on me.

And before going to bed with her beloved, a woman puts a pepper under his head, saying:

  • Pepper, our love with you, beloved.

Whispers to the longing of a loved one: words

Whispers for love, longing
Whispers for love, longing

Whispers from white magic require a kind of victims from a person reading a whisper:

  • Before reading a whisper, you need to keep a post (not to eat imminent food) for 1-3 days.
  • Before pronouncing a whisper, you need to read the prayer to the saint corresponding to your name or Virgo Mary.

You can bring longing to the person with whom you are familiar. And, for example, you really like the famous actor, you cannot influence him. You can like a longing for a loved one with a whisper, spoken late in the evening or early in the morning when the moon grows. Pour water into a glass, throw a pinch of salt, and read whisper:

  • Both Solon’s water and the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will yearn without me. Just as people cannot without water, so he cannot without me.

After pronouncing a whisper, drink water, and wait for the news from a dear person.

Whispers so that the guy, the man kissed: words

Whispers to love so that the man kisses
Whispers to love so that the man kisses

Go on a date to a man, and you want him to kiss you before going outside, say, marching around the apartment, whisper:

  • Even the walls want to kiss me, and you will not restrain me and kiss.

Whiskers to be the only and beloved girlfriend, wife: words

In order for her husband to love his wife, and she was the only one for him, whispers should be read everywhere. For example, you cook soup to your husband. Cook and say whisper:

  • I don’t cook soup, but I warm up love, my beloved person will eat, I will love me.

And if the husband goes on a business trip, and you collect his things, say such whisper:

  • I strok a sweet shirt, let him envelop him like my love, and protect his heart from other women.

Whispering in bed, before bedtime: words

Whispers for love in bed
Whispers for love in bed

To “tie” your loved one in bed, having sex, you need to mentally read to yourself whisper:

  • You are my king, and I am the queen, to be together forever, we will never part for us.

These words need to be whispering to yourself, putting all the passion in them.

Whispers with a kiss: words, read

Whispers for love with a kiss
Whispers for love with a kiss

With kisses in a man and a woman, a powerful exchange of energy occurs. In order to fall in love with a man even more, a woman mentally, with all passion, pronounces whisper:

  • May my love will flush into your mouth, and my heart will respond to the call.

Magic whispers for love: how does it work?

There are no guarantees that all whispers will work. A positive result is possible if the guy he liked has not yet shown interest in the girl, and the whisper can push, and the man will be interested in the girl.

The whispers should also pronounce a girl who does not yet have a lover, but she wants the Higher Forces to appear, will undoubtedly send such a man.

In order for the whispers to work, you need to adhere to the rules:

  • Believe in what you say whisper
  • Understand the words
  • Learn the text of a whisper by heart to pronounce it without looking into a piece of paper

How quickly do love whishes work?

If you believe that whispers will help, they will definitely help. And how much time to wait until the whispers begin to act: a week or a month - it doesn’t matter, it is more important that they are performed.

So, now we know what whispers for love can be pronounced in different cases.

Video: a very strong conspiracy with which you can return a man

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  1. All these are fairy tales, just that woman was worse than he expected, so he returned to the former.

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