Needlework magic: knitted amulets and embroidery talismans

Needlework magic: knitted amulets and embroidery talismans

It has long had its own magic in needlework, but this is not just an invention. In fact, with the help of proper embroidery and knitting, you can achieve the fulfillment of desires.

With the onset of cold weather, we take out warm sweaters or scarves from the cabinet, which are made by a person’s family personally. Even the thinnest sweater can warm you with its warmth in the most severe frosts. In addition to the fact that they warm, such things still serve as protection against evil spirits and act as amulets and talismans.

Magic of needlework: Magic knitting

In the days of our ancestors, knitting was associated with magical art. In the process of knitting patterns, the craftswoman put the soul in them. A piece of energy of the person who did the thing remained in it forever. A person’s mood will depend on what he put on today. A sweater, which seems to be beautiful at first glance, but with poor energy or, a scarf made in a good mood, which looks no longer new.

Magic of needlework Based on the main rule - the power of thought. Being bad or good you tolerate all your feelings to the thing when you knit. A knitted thing in a bad mood can be used with benefit. For example, having tied a small scarf in a bad mood, then set fire to it and at the same time set fire to your bad mood. This method will help get rid of negativity.


The process of knitting itself affects a person’s mental state. In the process of such monotonous work, your nerves return to normal, the condition improves, and you calm down. In this case, knitting can be compared with meditation.

The finished thing helps to cope with the ailments. If there are constantly problems with the throat, you should tie a scarf that a loved one weaved, and pronounce the spell: “I wish the tonsillitis to pass!” Back hurts? Treat yourself with a grandmother's scarf. After a while, everything will take off everything with his hand.

So that in your house it is always full of happiness and good luck should produce a ritual:

  • Prepare dense threads of different colors, according to the number of people who live with you in the house. Tie something bright and what you will constantly use the whole family (for example, a mitten to take hot).
  • Put it in a corner, which is located in the east, pronouncing a spell, constantly shake the little thing: “shaking, shake, come for good luck, the end to it! Exactly!". Having finished the ritual, wash the product.
  • Present as a gift to your spouse.

Needlework magic: magic embroidery

Embroidery also belongs to magic of needlework. Each thread has your energy, thoughts, desires. During embroidery, the threads cross and fix your mental message on the canvas. That is why things that are embroidered with hands are strong amulets and talismans.

In the process, the master concentrates on a specific image. If you want to make a talisman better to embroider it when the moon begins to only grow. Before starting, the needle must be led to the lips and say magic words:


The words
The words

After you should choose a sketch of the talisman itself. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the teachings of Feng Shui.

  • For unmarried girls, embroidered peonies are perfect to get married as soon as possible.
  • Any living creatures, including people, predict a meeting with the second half.
  • If you have plans to buy a house or apartment, embroider a house or a windmill.
  • The image of a car or trolley will help to buy your own transport soon.
  • To improve well -being, green trees with many leaves should be embroidered.
  • Cranes are a symbol of health.
  • Horses - promotion on the career ladder or new job.
  • A ship with sails - attracts good luck.
  • If a girl wants to marry - wedding rings.

What will your amulet do not play a large or small role. Electing the amulet, you need to say such words:

We embroider
We embroider

Magic words should be pronounced three times: before sitting down at work, in the process itself and when you finish.

Video: Obel from embroidery

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