The best recipes for wedding cakes. How to cook chocolate, protein, multi -tier wedding cake with cream and mastic at home?

The best recipes for wedding cakes. How to cook chocolate, protein, multi -tier wedding cake with cream and mastic at home?

Simple and original recipes for wedding cakes, we offer to cook at home.

Not every mistress, without cooking skills, decide to make a wedding cake with your own hands. But if you know good recipes and make a little effort, you can surprise your guests with this phenomenon.

Wedding cakes

Recipe for the original wedding cake

Original wedding cakes

Chocolate biscuit:

  • Flour is a glass
  • Butter - 200 grams
  • Sugar - one and a half glasses
  • Gorky chocolate - 200 grams
  • Salt and vanillin through a pinch
  • Baking powder - 20 grams
  • Eggs - 8 pieces

Mousse from black chocolate:

  • Black chocolate - 400 grams
  • Butter - 60 grams
  • Cream - two not complete glasses
  • Liquor - half a glass
  • Gelatin - 16 grams

White glaze:

  • White chocolate - 200 grams
  • Cream - 100 grams
  • Butter - 100 grams

For biscuit:

  • Beat oil with sugar
  • Add melted black or milk chocolate, salt, yolks
  • Separately, beat the proteins with sugar to a persistent foam
  • Sifted flour and mix with vanilla and baking powder
  • Gently connect all three masses
  • We bake at 160 degrees, until cooked
  • Cool
  • Cut a little in a circle of cake so that there is a small gap between the cakes and the shape
  • We impregnate the liquor
  • We remove it in the cold

Cooking mousse:

  • We soak all the gelatin in a small amount of cream
  • We divide the finished gelatin into 3 parts
  • Beat the remaining cream and send it to the refrigerator
  • Heat chocolate with butter
  • Compounds with a third part of gelatin, stirring until dissolved
  • Add the liquor
  • Cool
  • We connect with the third part of the cream
  • We put the biscuit in the form lined with a film that goes beyond it by 10-12 cm
  • Pour the gap between the biscuit and the shape of the chocolate mousse
  • Cool
  • We do the same manipulations with milk and white mousse
  • Then we water the cake from above first with milk mousse, then white
  • We expose the night
  • Pour white icing from heated oil with cream and white chocolate
  • Leave in the refrigerator for an hour
  • Decorate
Original wedding cakes

Simple wedding cake recipe

A simple, but at the same time very tasty and delicate “attack”, will decorate a wedding celebration. The taste of the wedding cake will surprise the guests with its unusualness, and the speed of cooking will not take a lot of precious time, so necessary during wedding troubles.


  • Cottage cheese is a kilogram
  • Sugar - 800 grams
  • Egg yolks - 8 pieces
  • Flour-about 2 kilograms
  • Soda - tablespoon
  • Vinegar - teaspoon


  • Mix the yolks with a mixer with sugar
  • Combine with cottage cheese missed through a small sieve
  • We add soda to curd soda to the curd mass
  • Mix
  • Add sifted flour
  • Knead the dough
  • Divide the finished dough into 16 balls
  • Roll out thin cakes
  • We bake at 200 degrees, each cake separately


  • Beat 2 cups of sugar with proteins from 8 eggs
  • We heat 1.5 liters of milk
  • And slowly introduce proteins with sugar, continuously stirring the boiling mass
  • Pour 8 tablespoons of flour
  • Hold on low heat until thickened, not forgetting to interfere
  • Then cool and add 400 grams of oil
  • Mix well
  • We lubricate each cake with the finished cream
  • The edges of the cakes are cut evenly
  • From the resulting crumb, sprinkle the top and on the sides of the cake
  • We decorate for previously thought out details that can be done manually or buy pre -ready elements.
  • The cake should survive at least a day

Recipe for a multi -tier wedding cake

Wedding cakes
The test base for a wedding multi -tiered cake can be selected any. It is important to correctly and beautifully collect the cake.

We make a biscuit:

  • Beat 600 grams of butter with 700 grams of sugar and 2 pieces of salt
  • Gradually introduce 12 fresh eggs, gently mixing
  • We pour 600 grams of senior flour, 200 grams of starch, 2 bags of baking powder
  • Mix well
  • Slowly add a glass of milk
  • We prepare three forms that are different in diameter within 2-2.5 cm
  • Lubricated with butter before the shape of the form with paper
  • We bake at 180 degrees half an hour
  • Cool cakes, at this time we prepare the cream:
  • In a mixer, beat a liter of cream, 1.5 kilograms of sour cream, a glass of sugar, vanillin and a half glass of cognac
  • We impregnate the cooled cakes with cream
  • We spread on a dish
  • We connect each new layer using wooden sticks. Placing one in the center, piercing all three layers on one and four sticks in a circle
  • You can use, also a storyteller. It is simpler and looks more original

Multi -tier wedding cake on a storyteller
We like the decoration. We buy ready -made beads, flowers from mastic, make patterns of whipped cream. Or just decorate with herbs or flowers that can be eaten. We leave the trap at night for impregnation.

Wedding cake recipe with mastic

Wedding cakes with mastic

We prepare a classic biscuit:

  • 9 eggs,
  • 1.5 glasses of sugar
  • 1.5 cup flour
  • a little vanillin and baking powder


  • Half a kilogram of butter
  • 2-2.5 cans of milk of condensed solid

For impregnation of layers: Banana, apricots, kiwi

Military mastic:

  • 1.5 cups of milk powder
  • 7-8 spoons of condensed milk
  • 1.5 cup sugar
  • any dietary dyes


We bake the biscuit a day before the main design of the cake. What would the sediment of the cake, the mastic did not crack and did not swell.

When using mastic for decorating, the cream is made only on an oil basis.

From another composition of the cream, stains, strokes may appear.

  • Beat sugar and eggs for 5-10 minutes with a mixer
  • Add soda and beat a little more
  • Sift the flour and gradually add sifted flour
  • Mix
  • Pour the dough into a lubricated mold
  • We cook 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  • The cooled biscuit is cut into 3 cakes.
  • The top should be below and the bottom at the top
  • We impregnate the first layer with a beaten cream
  • We lay a layer of apricots
  • We impregnate the second layer lay out the chopped banana
  • We impregnate the third layer with cream, lay out kiwi
  • Once again, we soak the entire cake well with cream and send to stand for a day


  • Mix all the indicated ingredients, add the dye of the desired color
  • Mastic should be plastic and not sticky
Wedding cakes with mastic

We collect the cake

  • We get the finished saturated biscuit
  • With the help of a slightly heated knife, align the cream around the entire perimeter of the cake and sides
  • We send to the refrigerator for half an hour
  • Sprinkle the table with sugar powder,
  • Roll out the thin mastic
  • We wrap the mastic exactly on the rolling pin
  • Distribute to the cake, with hands
  • We bend the edges under the cake, gently cut off the excess
  • We decorate the cake making figures from mastic. We use forms for cooking cookies
  • Adding various dyes to mastic, you can quite brightly and beautifully transform the wedding cake
Wedding cakes with mastic

Video: Making a wedding cake of a house

Wedding chocolate cake, recipe

Biscuit :

  • Wheat flour –150 grams
  • Chicken eggs - 6 pieces
  • Sugar is a glass
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Milk chocolate - 100 grams

We knead the dough, as for a classic biscuit, previously melting chocolate.

We bake at 180 degrees.


  • Milk - a little less than a liter
  • Sugar - one glass
  • Egg proteins - four pieces
  • Butter - two hundred grams
  • Sift flour - four tbsp. tablespoons
  • Cherry - by eye
  • Gorky chocolate - 30 grams
  • Cherry juice - almost a liter
  • The thickener is two grams
  • Cream is half a liter
  • Rum 3 grams
  • Add the thickener to the juice
  • Cook until cooked
  • Add cherries
  • The cooled biscuit is divided into 3 cakes
  • We impregnate the skin of the skin
  • We lay out the cherry on each layer covering with whipped cream
  • Coat the sides of the cake cream
  • Grind chocolate on a large and fine grater
  • Sprinkle with a thick layer with the entire cake first with a large, and then small grated chocolate
  • We put the cherries in the center

This is the most famous German chocolate cake. It has a thin exquisite taste. Which is ideal for the wedding table

How to cook a protein wedding cake? Recipe

wedding cakes

  • Beat the chilled proteins 16 eggs into a dense foam, slowly adding half a kilogram of sugar
  • Finished protein mass, gently put on a baking sheet previously covered with tracing
  • We bake over low heat in the oven, before drying


  • Beat 800 grams of warm oil with condensed milk (2 banks)
  • We fall asleep 2 cedar nuts
  • Beat to the splendor
  • Determine the cake on the dish, impregnating each layer with cream
  • Decorate with nuts mixed with cream residues
  • At the center we attach any jewelry figures in advance in a confectionery store

Wedding cake recipe with fruits and berries

To prepare such a cake, the ideal option using jelly. The cake keeps a beautiful view for a long time. Fruits and berries do not disperse, preserving not only the appearance, but also taste. Moreover, the assortment is huge. Raspberry and strawberry design looks beautiful.


  • Softened oil (cream) - 300 grams
  • Any cottage cheese - 500 grams
  • Large raspberry berries - 400 grams
  • Very thick cream - 650 grams
  • Low -fat kefir - glass
  • fresh strawberries - half a kilogram
  • Jelly strawberries - half a glass
  • Baking powder - 1 bag
  • Gelatin - about 10 grams
  • Cool eggs - 6 pieces
  • Senior flour is a glass of glasses
  • Crumbly sugar powder - half a glass
  • Small sugar - glass
  • Profile water - incomplete liter


  • Foam eggs with sugar and oil
  • Add kefir, baking powder and flour
  • Shake
  • We bake until cooked, maintaining 180 degree temperature in the oven
  • Cool
  • Divide by 3 layers
  • We divide strawberry berries in half
  • Malina's berry we boil with a half glass of sugar
  • We make a cream: foaming cream with powdered sugar and adding cottage cheese
  • We lay out the bases from the dough into the matrix in diameter 0.5-1 cm larger
  • Lubricate alternately raspberry syrup and cream
  • Between the edges of the cake and the shape, we spread strawberries on the sides of the cake
  • Pour half a height with a dissolved gelatin
  • We remove for hardening
  • Then fill the remaining void with gelatin
  • Decorate the top with strawberries and raspberries
  • Cool another 2-3 hours

You can make assorted strawberries with kiwi.

Wedding cakes

Recipe of exquisite cream for a wedding cake with a photo

Wedding cakes and cream
We prepare the base for cream filling:

Wedding cakes
  • A glass of milk, an egg and a gram of 150 sugar stirring
  • Heating on low heat
  • We bring to a boil
  • Cool

We prepare a cream mass based on:

Wedding cakes
  • Beat 250 gram bricket of softened oil with Vanilin bag
  • Add the prepared base
  • In one half of the resulting cream, add a tablespoon of cocoa
Wedding cakes
  • Into another tablespoon of cognac
Wedding cakes
  • We smear the cakes with white cream.
  • Lubricate the top layer of the cake and sides with chocolate cream.
  • We decorate with figures and beads. On the sides we draw a white cream and rose
Wedding cakes
  • It is not necessary to strive to repeat culinary masterpieces
  • Choose the recipe you like
  • Previously bake and taste
  • And only then we prepare a festive option. Investing all your love and diligence

Video: Winter Wedding Cake

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