Literary quest for fairy tales for preschoolers and children in elementary school

Literary quest for fairy tales for preschoolers and children in elementary school

A selection of interesting quests for fairy tales for children of preschool and school age.

Quest for fairy tales for preschoolers-the eldest, middle, younger group in the preschool educational institution: quest-game "On the roads of fairy tales"

Quest for fairy tales for preschoolers-the eldest, middle, younger group in the preschool educational institution: quest-game "On the roads of fairy tales"

A quest is always fun and interesting. And therefore, if you have nothing to occupy children, then try to entertain them with its help. So that preschool children can better perceive information, put them questions in the form of poetic puzzles. Invite the children several tasks that will ultimately lead them to some interesting prize, it can even be a sweet cake for the entire group. If the group is large, you can divide the children into two teams, and perform tasks for speed. Just the winning team give additional prizes - coloring, plasticine, soap bubbles.

IMPORTANT: Try to ensure that during the passage of the quest game “on the roads of fairy tales”, each of the teams received an equal number of additional prizes. Otherwise, part of the children will remain displeased with entertainment.

The quest for fairy tales for preschoolers is the eldest, middle, younger group in the preschool educational institution:

First location: Make a large paper figure of Baba Yaga and place it in a prominent place, for example, on the cabinets of children. She will be the starting point of the quest. Make a riddle to your kids and ask them to give the right answer and find a figure in the group.

Riddle to the first location:

On the forest edge
She sits in a hut.
Does not want to live calmly,
The prince is fooling.
A stupa with a panel is dear to her,
This is malicious ... (Baba Yaga.)

Second location: The dashed line indicate the road to the table of the teacher. Near him, make a riddle about Emele, and place his paper figure. To be more fun for children, invite them to blind a fairy -tale hero from plasticine. Award all the children with a sweet candy, and give the winner 2 pcs.

Riddle to the second location:

With honest people
The stove goes along the road.
Who is sitting on the stove?
What does the fairy tale tell us?
And in what fairy tale is it
Is the stove rides like a salad?
Pipping kalachi,
The guy was driving on the stove.
He rolled around the village
And he married the princess. (Emelya.)

Third location: Indicate the path to the next task with the arrow. Here, invite the children to make a familiar fairy -tale hero out of paper. Give them scissors and paper, and you can make a riddle. Invite all the quest participants to cut out a paper bun. You can just draw your eyes and mouth. And you can cut out a contrasting color from paper and glue using glue.

Riddle to the third location:

On sour cream bags
The window is cold
I did not tremble in front of the wolf
He ran away from the bear
A fox on a tooth
It's all caught ... (Kolobok.)

Fourth location: Print in advance a picture that shows a fairy -tale or cartoon hero familiar to everyone. Cut it into small pieces, and then, having made a riddle to the children, offer to assemble a puzzle. The picture can be depicted, for example, a crocodile gene.

Riddle to the fourth location:
He plays a little
For passers -by on an accordion.
He seeks to build a house,
To live in it with friends,
And the old woman is a nost
He does not want to be friends with him.
You are undoubtedly known
Green crocodile ... ( Crocodile Gena.)

Fifth location: Invite the children to play the game "spoiled phone". Take a mystery to one child quietly, for example, about Dunno, and offer this word to convey by a chain from a child to a child. After the game is finished, make the main prize - a cake for the entire group.

Riddle for the fifth location:
In a hat with round fields
And in pants to the knees,
Busy with different things,
Just study him laziness.
He is the famous artist
He is a well -known poet,
Greatly raised
He is dressed very fashionably.
Who is he, quickly guess!
What is his name? (Dunno.)

Quest for fairy tales for children in elementary school - quest "Visiting the fairy tale" Turnip "

Quest for fairy tales for children in elementary school - “Quest visiting the fairy tale“ Turnip ”

In order for the children to receive a maximum of positive from joint pastime, develop a cheerful school route. Several classes can participate in the quest. Just so that they do not intersect on one location, it is necessary that they begin to start a quest-game quest with a certain temporary gap.

Ideas for a cheerful quest route on fairy tales for primary school children:

  • The first location is the class that is assigned to the guys
  • Second location - gym
  • The third location is a library
  • Fourth location - school hall
  • Fifth location - assembly hall

Quest "Visiting the fairy tale" Turnip "

Task for the first location of the quest based on fairy tales: Invite the children to solve the name of the fairy tale. Enormize the letters with riddles. They can be printed on beautiful sheets, and simply hang on the walls of the class. Start the quest from the simplest task, encrypt the names of the fairy tale "Turnip"

Riddles for solving the word:
At the buckshot Volodya
This letter does not come out
And, of course, very strange
But it comes to Polkan!
(Letter R.)

Rucot paradise all day
In a stream is erasing underwear,
Wash, rinses
And dragging home.
He splashes in a stream -
It will turn ... (in the letter E.)

Parrot, parrot,
Do not scare dad with mom.
Do not look for a bug in cereals,
And find us the letter ...
(Letter P.)

Cat, cute cat,
You play a little with her
With a cat, you probably
Do not forget … (letter K.)

With this letter begins
“Watermelon” and “Almanac”.
She meets to us all
In almost all words.
(The letter a.)

Task for the second location: Print the color pictures of the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip". Hide them in different places. Explain to the participants that they will need to open all the pictures and place them as in a fairy tale they come to pull out a turnip. Next, invite the guys to complete several tasks. When they complete the task, they will be able to open one picture. When all the pictures are opened, you can proceed to the third location.

Ideas for tasks:

  • Blowing soap bubbles to speed
  • Contest for dexterity - you can throw and catch the ball
  • Jumping in bags
  • Endurance contest - who will tighten more, will squeeze
  • Twisting the rope
  • Can be transferred to the speed of potatoes with a spoon to a certain distance

Tasks for the third location: Inflate balloons and put notes in them with words. Place them throughout the library. The main thing is that the children freely reach them. Invite the guys to burst the balls, get notes and add quotes from the fairy tale from the received words. To switch to the next location, it will be necessary to add 2-3 quotes.

Ideas for quotes:

  • He planted Grandfather Turnip and says: "Grow, grow, turnip, sweet!"
  • The turnip grew sweet, strong, big, big.
The simplest idea is how to quickly make a puzzle for a quest

Tasks for the fourth location: Children come to the school hall and see that he is dotted with small pieces of paper. Among these pieces of paper, it will be necessary to find parts of the puzzle on which the phrase “Assembly Hall” will be written. To complicate the assignment, scatter other bright pictures in the lobby. But do not divide the main puzzle into very small parts, try to make the letters very bright, for example, red or acidic lightning. Children should quickly cope with the task. If it is difficult for children to understand which word should be folded, you can give tips in the form of riddles.

Idea for riddle:

Here we are on stage,
Holidays are held in it,
In KVN we play here,
We sing different songs.

Task for the fifth location: Decorate the scene of the assembly hall so that it resembles the scene from the fairy tale "Turnip". Divide the children into commands and offer to speed the turnip from the ground, of course, the paper. Here, the guys will need to show how well they know the fairy tale. They will have to play all fabulous heroes, and go out to pull out the turnip, just like in a fairy tale.

A little reminder for those who do not remember:

Mouse by the cat
Cat by the bug,
Bug for the granddaughter,
Granddaughter for a grandmother,
Grandma for grandfathers,
Grandfather for the turnip -
Pull-pull-and pulled out the turnip.

The class that will be the first to cope with the task, receives the prize and is awarded the winner's cup. When all school teams cope with tasks, you can arrange a joint fun disco.

The quest traverse on the tales of Chukovsky-“Phone”, “Fedorino Gore”, “Mukha-Tsokotuha”, “Moidodyr”

The quest traverse on the tales of Chukovsky-telephone, Fedorino Gore, Mukha-Tsokotuha, Moydodyr
Quest Traveling on the tales of Chukovsky-“Phone”, “Fedorino Gore”, “Mukha-Tsokotukha”, “Moidodyr

The purpose of this cheerful quest, introduce children to Chukovsky’s fairy tales and develop their desire to read. Choose some most popular and recognizable fairy tales for the game, and already build your quest on them.

The quest traverse on the tales of Chukovsky-“Phone”, “Fedorino Gore”, “Mukha-Tsokotuha”, “Moydodyr”:

First location: "Phone"

Choose a room without windows, or just cunn up the windows tightly, try to create twilight so that it is difficult to distinguish objects. Invite the children to find an important item in a gloomy room - a phone. Tell me what to look for a mystery.

Giveo its name as a mystery:
We have a miracle of technology
Apparatus, well, the highest class!
He conveys his voice
He will lead through the tube.
Get the bolder number,
Close with a friend, acquaintances.
Voices and sounds in it,
I really need ...
(Answer: telephone.)

And to make the children be interested, process the contour of the phone with paint that reacts into the light. Give them flashlights, and let them find the desired item. When he finds it, suggest voice the name of the poetic fairy tale, and reproduce at least a small part.

For example, the very beginning:
My phone rang.
- Who says?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel.
- What do you need?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.

The second location "Fedorino Gora"

Place several tables in the room - their number depends on the number of participants. Place the dishes on the tables - you can plastic. It can be plates, glasses, knives, forks, spoons. Arrange the dishes mixed with stationery. Invite the guys to speed up the tables on the tables. Specify that the entire office should be neatly folded into the box, and the dishes are packaged - spoons to the spoons, plates to plates, and so on. At the end, again ask to say the name of the fairy tale, and read some of the parts

The correct answer is “Fedorino Woe”:
The sieve jumps through the fields,
And the trough in the meadows.
Behind the shovel is a broom
I went along the street.
Axes, axes
So they are pouring from the mountain.
The goat was frightened
She spread her eyes:
'What? Why?
I don’t understand anything.

The third location "Fly of the Tsokotuha"

The third location "Fly of the Tsokotuha"

To conduct this stage of the quest, you will need several large cans with cereal. Hide in the cereal with riddles. Ressions will help the participants guess the name of the fairy tale. Prepare the containers in which you can pour cereals in advance. Yes, and let each of the teams independently decides which bank to open the first. One of them will immediately have the correct answer, which means this team will be able to move faster than others. The remaining riddles should be just leading.

Examples of riddles
I bought a samovar,
And the mosquito saved her.
(Fly Tsokotukha.)

I'm very annoying,
But in the rhyme, so, by the way,
I'll tell you without embellishment:
My mosquito saved my life.
(Fly Tsokotukha.)

The people are having fun -
A fly is going to marry
For a dashing, Udereki
Young ...

The musicians came running
The drums pounded.
The guests began to dance.
Can you call them to me?
Tara, Tara, Tara, Ra-Ra,
Merring ...

The correct answer is "Fly-Tsokotuha"
Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,
Gilded belly!
The fly went across the field
The fly found the money.
A fly went to the bazaar
And I bought a samovar:
Come, cockroaches,
I will treat you with tea! ’

Fourth location "Moidodyr"

To conduct this stage, you will have to work a little, and prepare the props in advance. It will be necessary in advance, on a sheet of paper (select the size yourself) Wax Write the word Moidodyr. Further, when the children come to this location, it will be possible to give them colored pencils and offer to paint the paper sheet. In the process, the word will appear, and they will be able to guess the name of the fairy tale. If you want to complicate the task, you can write the score letters, or even on separate leaves, then it will be more difficult for children to guess a verbal riddle. Well, at the end, the mandatory recitation of the passage.

The correct answer is “Moydodyr”:
The blanket ran away
The sheet flew away
And a pillow, like a frog,
I jumped from me.
I am for a candle, a candle - in a stove!
I am for a book, that - run
And skip under the bed!
I want to get drunk tea
I run up to the samovar
But pot -bellied from me
He ran away like from fire.

At the end of the quest, the winning team receives a prize-these can be books with the poems of Chukovsky, thematic coloring, or just sweets.

Quest in Russian fairy tales -“Kolobok”, “Kostaccum Gorbunks”, “Ryaba Kurochka”, “Morozko”: Guess the quote from a fairy tale

Quest in Russian fairy tales -“Kolobok”, “Kostaccum Gorbunks”, “Ryaba Kurochka”, “Morozko”: Guess the quote from a fairy tale

In this case, you will need a leader who will clearly and clearly read the quote from fairy tales to participants. Players will need to guess the fairy tale and show, for example, a small scene from it. It can be a short dialogue, or just an imitation of the protagonist. In this case, one should not adhere to some strict rules, the main thing is that everyone is fun.

IMPORTANT: To complicate the fabulous quiz, it is necessary to read out quotes and other fairy tales to children, confusing them slightly.

The first location of the quest in Russian fairy tales is “Kolobok”:

  • The Northern Deer told Laplandka the whole story of Gerda, but at first he told his own - it seemed much more important to him. (The Snow Queen.)
  • - Kolobok, Kolobok, sit down on my tongue and prick for the last time. Kolobok jump a fox on his tongue, and his fox is a din, and ate it. That's the fairy tale a bun, and who listened is well done! (Kolobok.)
  • “The waves tirelessly roll one after another and smooth out everything solid, I will be tireless! Thank you for science, bright, fast waves! " (Wild swan.)
  • Kolobok lay down, lay down, took, and rolled - from a window to the bench, from a shop to the floor, on the floor to the door, jumping over the threshold - yes to the canopy, from the canopy to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard beyond the gate, then And further. (Kolobok.)

After guessing the fairy tale, invite the children to repeat the dialogue of the kolobok and the bear:

I am a bun, a bun,
I am in a scraped box,
According to Susek Meten,
On sour cream is a mix
Yes, in oil buckles,
There is a cold on the window.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother
I left the hare
I left the wolf
He left the bear
From you, foxes, to leave!

The second location of the quest in Russian fairy tales is “hobby horsemen”:

  • There is a bear between the Christmas trees, the bear wanders between the birches, descends into the ravines, rises to the hillocks. Walked, tired and says, sit on a stump, put a pie! (Masha and the Bear.)
  • Outside the mountains, behind the forests, behind the wide seas, against the sky - an old man lived on earth in the same village. (The Little Humpbacked Horse.)
  • The crane is a knock-a-foot with his nose on a plate, knocking, knocking-nothing falls! And the fox licks himself and licks porridge, so she ate everything herself. (Fox and crane.)
  • Everything was still standing, but the horses did not happen. Only a toy-humpbaches at his legs turned around, clapped with joy with his ears and dancing his feet. (The Little Humpbacked Horse.)

At this stage, you can play a mini-scene of Ivan's farewell to the skate before swimming.

The third location of the quest in Russian fairy tales - "Morozko"

The third location of the quest in Russian fairy tales is “Morozko”.

  • In some kingdom, in a certain state, and there was a king with a queen, he had three sons - all young, idle, daredevils such that to say in a fairy tale or write with a pen. The younger was called Ivan Tsarevich. (Princess Frog.)
  • He took the homeless to the forest, dumped into a snowdrift under a large spruce and left. The girl sits under the spruce, trembles, her chills make her chills. Suddenly he hears - not far away Morozko cracked on the Christmas trees, grins from the Christmas tree to the Christmas tree, snapps. (Morozko.)
  • Suddenly the bad news spread in that kingdom-state. The miracle-yudo who was filled on their land is going to attack, to destroy all the people, all the cities and sat down to burn with fire. The old man and the old woman were bent, sunbathed. (Ivan-a peasant son and a miracle-yudo.)
  • The old man went to the forest, reaches that place - his daughter, cheerful, ruddy, in a sable fur coat, all in gold, in silver, and near - a box with rich gifts sits under a large spruce. (Morozko.)

To go to the next stage of the quest, invite the children to draw the main characters of the fairy tale. Let everyone choose the one who he likes the most, and draws the way he sees. Subsequently, from these children's drawings it will be possible to make a memorable collage, which will always remind the child of the fun day.

The fourth location of the quest in Russian fairy tales is “Ryaba chicken”:

  • Grandfather was angry at his granddaughter, shouted, went the goat of his mouth. Pas, pass, fed the spot and drove home. And he ran ahead, sat down at the gate and asks: “My goat, goat, black eyes, crooked leg, sharp horns, did she eat well, saw well?” (Goat-Dereza.)
  • Grandfather and Baba lived, they had a chicken pockmarked. I demolished the testicle under the floor - variegated, vastly, bone, wise! Grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse came running and crushed his tail. (Heap of poles.)
  • Ivan Tsarevich began to tell how the Gray Wolf helped him to get the prey, how the brothers killed him, sleepy, but how the gray wolf was torn to pieces. (Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf.)
  • How can we not cry - grandfather and woman answer. We have a chicken pockmarked, demolished the testicle under the floor - variegated, vastly, bone, wise. (Heap of poles.)

After guessing the name of the fairy tale, ask the guys to reproduce her short option. Who can do this and receive the main prize.

The short option may be like this:
Once upon a time there were grandfather and woman
They had a chicken pockmarked.
The Yaichko chicken was demolished, not simple - gold.
- Grandfather beat, beat - did not break
- Baba beat, beat - did not break.
The mouse ran, touched the tail, the testicle fell and crashed.
Grandfather is crying, a woman cries, and the chicken clucked:
- Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, a woman: I’ll demolish your testicle is not golden - simple!

Video: quest game on Anderson's fairy tales in the preparatory group

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