Children's birthday quest: ideas, scripts

Children's birthday quest: ideas, scripts

If you need ideas for children's quests for your birthday, then read the article. It has many interesting holiday options.

Modern parents arrange children's birthdays very interesting. If earlier children were gathered at the birthday of the birthday, so that the guys simply frolic and eat on a piece of the cake, now it is fashionable to arrange real quests. Children should not only have fun, but also remember the holiday for a long time, as well as get acquainted with new heroes and characters from their favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

In this article you will find many different scenarios of children's birthday quests for children of different ages. Read further.

How to spend a children's quest for a birthday at home: a holiday script for a girl 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old

Children's birthday quest at home
Children's birthday quest at home

When arranging a holiday for her daughter, it is important to remember that he should be bright and memorable. It is worth noting that a children's quest for a birthday at home can be held according to the script of a particular cartoon, or you can take your daughter’s favorite characters as a basis. Here is an example holiday script for girls 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old (you can change the characters):

  • Favorite girlfriends come to the hero of the occasion.
  • A coloring with wood is glued on the kitchen door.
  • On the chest of drawers, a postcard with a task, the heroine of the cartoon, the doctor “Plush” smiles inside and it is written: “Hello dear guests! Before entering the room, you need to complete the task. ”
  • The postcard has photos of girls and painted boots. Girls understand that they need to paint the picture and glue photos.
  • Where to get the felt -tip pens? In the hint, the drawing of the boot, they open the shoe department and immediately see the bundle, in it are felt -tip pens and glue.
  • Each guest chooses its photo and jointly color the drawing (it can be any, the main thing is a small volume so that the children are not tired and quickly deal with the first task).

Then the children should enter the kitchen. There they are met by a joyful birthday, in anticipation of a further joint game. Gifts must be given after the game so that the children are not distracted. We continue:

  • There are saucers on the table. In each chocolate egg with a surprise.
  • Inside, except for the toy, a piece of paper with a pattern.
  • Girls go to the room, according to the prompts, each finds a plush animal with the letters from the alphabet.
  • On the table is another postcard with the last task.
  • The heroine of the cartoon wants the girls to lay out the words under each toy (for example, tooth, stomach) and told which of the instruments to be treated.

You can purchase a set of toy tools in the store or draw them on paper. The children cured all the little animals (they can take them home later) and the time came to the solemn part. Gifts are presented, then a sweet table, and of course, a delicious cake with candles.

Children's football quest for birthday at home: a holiday script for a boy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old

Children's football quest for birthday
Children's football quest for birthday

For a birthday for a boy at home, it will be interesting to spend precisely a football or other sports children's quest. All children who will come to your celebration will appeal to such a holiday. Here feast scenario for a boy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old:

  • All players come in sports uniform.
  • Guests are divided into two teams: black and white. Prepare t -shirts in advance in advance.
  • The coach can be appointed an older brother or dad.
  • In a small bag we fold black and white cards, two of them red. Who will pull them out, they will be captains.
  • The coach announces the birthday of one of the participants.
  • Each player composes a small rhyme or sings a song with congratulations.

Now it's time to start the game:

  • Plastic cones are placed on the floor.
  • Each team should carefully and as soon as possible the ball to the finish line.
  • Guests can compete who will fill the ball most on different parts of the body. The main thing is to purchase soft balls in advance so that no one is crippled.
  • Players stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other in a circle.
  • The player’s whistle stops. Whoever has the ball remains out of the game. And so to the last player, whose team is a point.

Then the coach plants the guys and shows the album with the logos of famous teams and players. Children should guess the names of their favorite players and teams. At the end of the match of each child, prizes are expected. Medals with funny inscriptions are best suited.

Advice: Organize the festive table in the thematic style. You can order a cake in the form of a soccer ball, buy glasses for soda with a sports ornament and so on.

Children's birthday by Harry Potter: Scenario

Children's birthday by Harry Potter
Children's birthday by Harry Potter

The guests wake up in the morning and see the core on the window, with a notification of enrollment in a magic school. Take care of this in advance, and ask the parents of all invited children to help you. Bring toys to them in advance toys and tell mothers and dads what needs to be done. Here is the script for the children's birthday by Harry Potter:

  • Hogwarts is in the birthday house.
  • The birthday mother turns for a while into Professor McGonagall, and dad becomes the director of Dumbledore. They welcome players and ask to go to the "hall".
  • On the table is a hat with a note. To enter the faculty, you need to find a philosopher's stone.
  • The first test is to find a clue in the forest and "turn into a spider."
  • At the entrance to the room are colored balls. It is necessary to gently pass, holding on to the thread, crossing the forest inhabitants on the floor until the end of the room.
  • On the chest of drawers, photos of characters and boxes with a picture of faculties are laid out. The task is to determine which course every hero belongs to. Under one of the photos there is a note and a key.

What to open with a key:

  • In the next room, players are trying to find a clue and find a box, a mini hero Harry Potter sits in it and asks to go through tests.
  • All participants are given pens, and they answer questions related to a fairy tale.
  • From the circled letters, the word "bath" will be obtained.
  • Players run to the bathroom and see the inscription “Open me” on the mirror.
  • The long -awaited prize awaits everyone behind the mirror.
  • A bag of magic sweets and each participant of keychain brackets.

Then the children need to be invited at the table, on which there are many sweets and there is a huge cake.

Children's quest gifts for birthday: riddles

Children's quest of gifts for birthday
Children's quest of gifts for birthday

Another option for holding a children's birthday quest is a holiday of gifts with riddles. It will turn out very unusual and interesting. Here is a script for a children's quest of gifts for a birthday with riddles:

  • The original solution will be the design of the ridge card, with which the birthday person will receive the long-awaited prize.
  • Waking up in the morning, the culprit of the celebration discovers on his table an original postcard with an attached map inside. It will be more interesting to make a card manually, as well as the card itself.

How to make a card? Instructions:

  • Find a variety of pictures-subscriptions on the network.
  • Print them, cut and glue them onto the map.
  • It is better to make about 6 points of the task, starting with the lung and ending with those where you need to turn on the logic.
  • Glue the pictures and draw the arrows.

Here are a few interesting riddles for children:

  1. Balloon. Inside, put a handkerchief piece of paper. For example: “Two saucers, connected together, slowly crawl” this turtle. The child enters the circle with the first letter of the guessed word - "H".
  2. Cube. Everything seems to be simple, a toy cube. But the task is to find an object in the form of a cube. Suppose it will be a box or box. In it we hide a new hint with a mystery. “Very sweet balls came to us with Bakhchi” - watermelon "BUT".
  3. Tap. The child runs to the bathroom, a candy awaits him on the shelf, and a small crossword puzzle inside him. Make any simple crossword puzzle. The first letter of the word, which will turn out in the end, will be a guess. For example, a letter "P".
  4. Remote controller. In the room, the birthday person includes a TV, it shows a character from a favorite cartoon, let it be ALLADIN - "BUT".

Of the prevailing first letters, we have a nickname of your favorite dog. The gift is waiting for her litter.

Quest "Birthday of kindergarten": Scenario

Quest "Birthday of kindergarten"

Kindergarten also has a birthday every year. Often to arrange a holiday on this subject is entrusted with the parent committee. If you need to come up with a script for the holiday, then make an interesting quest. These are the stages of such a celebration:

  • The host goes on stage: "Dear friends! Today, our "Vasilka" turned 10 years old. We have prepared interesting contests and riddles for you ".
  • Children of the older group come in, in the hands of each a flower, sing the song "Favorite Kindergarten".

Then the competitions begin:

Drawing competition:

  • Those who wish should draw a kindergarten, as they see it, and tell about it.
  • The most original narrator receives as a gift a book of alphabet and a set for creativity.

The host announces the second competition:

  • From each group 2 participants each -girl and boy.
  • Need for 5 minutes The girl “mother” to put on her “son” in the kindergarten.
  • Who managed faster, he won.

Third competition:

  • Children sit in a row and take a ball.
  • The main thing is to quickly convey it to each other and, with the word “stop”, throw it on the floor.
  • Whoever did not have time - tells any verse and inserts the phrase "Vasilek" into it.

Next competition:

  • Those who wish to go on stage, everyone gives a piece of a simple mystery and the child should depict the correct answer with gestures and facial expressions.
  • The rest of the children guess.
  • Parents can also take part.

Competition "Dance":

  • Music turns on, children jump, dance.
  • Music is silent and you need to freeze the position in which he danced.

The most active participants are issued prizes and everyone is sent to groups for a “sweet table”.

Games for children's birthday for quests

Games for children's birthday for quests
Games for children's birthday for quests

If you do not know what to come up with games for a children's birthday, then below we offer interesting options. On their basis, you can come up with something of your own, more cool and funny. Maybe you will want to add some family or personal points that relate to the life of only your child. Here are games for children's birthday for quests:


  • The basis is the logical construction of events.
  • The child develops attentiveness and observation.
  • Players will travel along the road of fairy tales, performing various trials.
  • It will be necessary to add figures, using a magic fluid to show words, look for magic signs, etc.


  • You can make a search card for a gift from pieces.
  • In the cut picture you can write a riddle or secret code.
  • It can be a phone number or apartment.

Guess what's in the picture:

  • In the figure, images of different animals are imposed on each other.
  • Everyone needs to be painted with a certain color.
  • As a result, you will find a hidden creature or element.


  • In a store for creativity, buy special paints and an ultraviolet flashlight.
  • An invisible hint and tasks can be written on any subject. As an example, write on the player’s hand one word, in the end you will find a clue.


  • You can use the ABC Morse, a cipher from numbers, symbols made by your own hands.
  • For example, pictures with vegetables, animals.
  • Each image is assigned a letter.

Take these games as a basis and come up with something of your own, you can, along with other family members. It will be very entertaining, and the holiday will be much more interesting.

Where you can celebrate children's birthday: Ideas

Celebration of a children's birthday
Celebration of a children's birthday

Most often, children's birthdays are arranged at home. But sometimes I want to come up with something original, including an unusual place for the holiday. Here are ideas where you can celebrate children's birthday:

  • Depending on the weather, the children's holiday can be arranged on the street or at home. Active games in the fresh air will benefit the children.
  • If you live in a private house, place the guests tables in the yard, decorate with the birthday man a house with luminous garlands, manually make paper jewelry. It can be multi -colored flags, stars, origami. Do not forget about balloons.
  • Arrange Aqua makeup and dress all guests in carnival costumes. The launch of a paper snake and a hide and seek will cause a storm of delight. Adults can recall childhood and run with children. If there are no problems with finances, and I do not want unnecessary troubles - call the animators.
  • In entertainment centers for children, many attractions are installed, you can visit an unusual place-anti-cafe. In addition to treats, the child will enjoy communicating with friendly cats and other animals.

If the date of birth falls on the eve of winter, then you can go to entertainment parks, where you are waiting for skiing, getting to know Husky dogs. If desired, they can ride you in a sleigh. There are also contact zoos in the parks where the kids learn a lot about animals, will be able to feed and stroke everyone.

Video: quest 7 surprises for 7 years. Arishi's birthday

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