Lecho from zucchini for the winter: the best recipes. How to cook delicious lecho from zucchini for the winter with onions, tomato paste, eggplant, pepper

Lecho from zucchini for the winter: the best recipes. How to cook delicious lecho from zucchini for the winter with onions, tomato paste, eggplant, pepper

Do your households love vegetable stews very much? So that you can delight them with such a dish and with the advent of cold weather, try to prepare a gentle lecho from zucchini for the winter.

Lecho - This is a delicious winter dish consisting of several types of vegetables. If you cook it from zucchini, then, depending on the recipe, it will resemble either delicate caviar or a spicy vegetable snack.

Such conservation is prepared exclusively from fresh flight fruits, spices and a small amount of vegetable oil.

Tasty lecho from zucchini with onions: prescription preservation

Delicate snack from zucchini with onions

Lecho, prepared according to this recipe, is very delicate and slightly sweet to taste. Due to the fact that it does not contain garlic and chili pepper, you can calmly give it to young children, without fear that it will provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


  • 2 kg of young fruits Tsukkini
  • 1 kg of onions
  • 0.5 kg of carrots
  • 1 liter of quality juice from tomatoes
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp of citric acid
  • 5 g of white pepper
  • 1.5 tbsp. l sugar
  • 1.5 tbsp. l salt

Cooking salad of zucchini and carrots:

  1. Wash the tsukkini in clean water and cut them into small pieces
  2. If you use large overripe vegetables to prepare conservation, then first remove seeds and loose core from them, and only then proceed to grinding
  3. Peel the onion and cut it with the most thin half rings
  4. I wash, clean and finely chop all the carrots (if you wish, you can grate it on a coarse grater)
  5. Put the pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil into it and lay out onions and carrots in it
  6. Pour tomato juice into an enameled pan, lay out damped onions and carrots and crushed tsukkini
  7. Salt, pepper conservation, cover it with a lid and cook for about 10 minutes
  8. After this time, add sugar and citric acid to vegetables, reduce the fire for a minimum and wait another 15 minutes
  9. We lay out the finished dish in glass containers and roll up with lids

Tasty Lycho from zucchini with tomato paste: recipe for the winter

Zucchini from zucchini with tomato paste

Lecho made of juicy tsukkini with the addition of tomato paste to its taste is very similar to standard vegetable stews. But the presence of Bulgarian pepper in its composition makes the finished dish more hearty and fragrant. Such a winter appetizer will be well combined with almost all side dishes, fish and meat.


  • 400 g of tomato paste
  • 15 pcs. zucchini
  • 10 pieces. Red Bulgarian pepper
  • 1.5 liter of purified water
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 2.5 tbsp. l salt
  • 3 tbsp. l sugar
  • Half a glass 12% vinegar

Recipe for making vegetable snacks from zucchini and tomato paste:

  1. We transfer tomato paste into an enameled pan and dilute it with water
  2. Put the resulting mixture on fire and bring it to a boil
  3. Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil to it and cook it 7-10 minutes
  4. Wash, clean and cut into the same pieces of tsukkini and bell pepper
  5. Clean the garlic from the peel and chop it with a knife
  6. The first to send bell peppers and garlic to tomato sauce
  7. After this whole mass boils for 10 minutes, add crushed zucchini to it
  8. Mix the vegetables gently and languish them for another 20 minutes
  9. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking, add vinegar to conservation and try spices enough in it
  10. If the taste of the dish is completely satisfied with you, you can calmly roll it

Recipe for the winter of delicious lecho from zucchini and pepper

Fragrant winter conservation of zucchini and pepper

Since young Tsukkini have not a very bright taste and aroma, it is impossible to cook a truly tasty lecho from these vegetables alone. Of course, you can eat it, but believe me, this dish will be quite fresh.

To bring interesting notes to such conservation will help you with juicy bell pepper. This vegetable goes well with zucchini and tomato sauce, making these components of the winter workpiece more fragrant and piquant.


  • 3 kg of tsukkini
  • 1.5 kg of Bulgarian pepper
  • 1 l of finished tomato sauce
  • 1 kg of onions
  • 150 g of vinegar
  • 3 tbsp. l salt
  • 2.5 tbsp. l sugar
  • 400 ml of vegetable oil
  • A mixture of peppers with peas

Recipe for cooking lecho from zucchini and bell pepper:

  1. Peel the skin and cut into thin half rings from the skin
  2. We remove the stalk and change from the bell pepper, and chop it with a large straw
  3. Remove all excess from the onion and chop it with neat rings
  4. Put an enameled pan on the stove, pour all tomato juice into it and most of the vegetable oil
  5. On the remainder, we allow the onion to transparency and add the sauce to the pan
  6. Next, we lay all the Bulgarian pepper there and boil the entire mass for about 20 minutes
  7. Then add zucchini, a mixture of peppers and vinegar to the pan
  8. Cook the dish for another 15 minutes and lay it out in sterilized jars

Tasty lecho from eggplant and zucchini: recipe for the winter

Vegetable appetizer from eggplant and zucchini

Lecho, prepared from Tsukkini and eggplant, has a rather interesting and piquant taste. It is the presence of a large number of blue in this conservation that radically distinguishes it from all the blanks, with which we introduced you a little higher.

This winter snack can serve as an excellent addition to the second dish and even serve as a separate and independent dish.

Control components:

  • 10 pieces. small zucchini
  • 8 pcs. small eggplant
  • 10 pieces. Bulgarian pepper
  • Large bunch of parsley and dill

Components for sauce:

  • 2 kg of tomatoes
  • 500 ml of vegetable oil
  • 200 ml of table vinegar
  • 2 glasses of sugar
  • Half a glass of salt
  • 1 tsp L Coriandra
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf
  • 10 Goroshin fragrant pepper

Preparation of winter snacks from tsukkini and eggplant:

  1. First, wash all the vegetables thoroughly and only then proceed to grind them
  2. Cut the eggplant into pieces, transfer them into a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and let the bitterness go away
  3. Cut the ass and chop the zucchini in the same way as the blue
  4. Cut the Bulgarian peppers in half and chopping into strips
  5. Relieve tomatoes from the peel, stop them on a meat grinder and transfer the resulting mass to an enameled pan
  6. Add chopped garlic, salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil and all spices here
  7. Bring the sauce to a boil and lay peppers, tomatoes and eggplants in it
  8. Fix everything thoroughly and cook 40 minutes
  9. Add chopped dill and parsley to the conservation and flow it for another 10 minutes
  10. Lay the finished vegetables into jars and close it with vacuum lids

Recipe for sweet tasty Lycho from zucchini: recipe for the winter

Sweet winter conservation of zucchini

In its composition, this lecho is practically no different from those with whom we have already introduced you. The only difference is the presence of a rather large amount of sugar in it. But it is this component that greatly changes the taste of the finished product, making ordinary conservation more interesting and piquant.

Lecho components from Tsukkini:

  • 3 kg of tsukkini
  • 1 kg of tomatoes
  • 1 kg of onions
  • 300 g of tomato paste
  • 1 cup dramatic oil
  • 1 cup sugar (can be reed)
  • 3 tbsp. l salt
  • 150 ml of vinegar

Preparation of conservation:

  1. We cut tomatoes and zucchini with acceptable pieces for you
  2. We eliminate the onion and cut into half rings
  3. From tomato paste and water we make a fairly liquid sauce
  4. After mixing, you should get approximately 1.5 fluids
  5. Give the sauce to boil and put salt in it, sugar vegetable oil
  6. Когда соус закипит начинайте по очереди закладывать в него подготовленные овощи
  7. First we add tomatoes and onions to the pan, wait 10 minutes and lay the tsukkini
  8. After that, cook the snack for another 10 minutes
  9. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar to it and carefully mix everything
  10. We lay it in pre -prepared banks and wrap it in a warm blanket

Recipe for lecho from zucchini and tomatoes without sterilization

Winter snack from zucchini and tomatoes

If you love that a light Christian is present in canned vegetables, then try to cook a lecho without prolonged heat treatment.


  • 1.5 kg of Tsukkini
  • 1 kg of tomatoes
  • 700 g of Bulgarian pepper
  • 500 g on onions
  • 1 cup of vegetable oil without smell
  • 6 tbsp. l sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l salt
  • 90 ml of vinegar
  • A mixture of peppers


  1. We scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin from them and interrupt in liquid puree
  2. We rub the carrots on a coarse grater, and cut the onion into half rings
  3. Mine and cut into strips Bulgarian pepper
  4. Put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove and let on onions and carrots on it
  5. From scrolled tomatoes, salt, sugar and mixtures of peppers, cook spicy sauce
  6. Add onions, carrots of tsukkini to it and cook all this over low heat for 10 minutes
  7. Then add vinegar to the lecho, wait another 7 minutes and lay out the vegetables in clean glass containers
  8. We turn the rolled jars on the bottom and wait for them to cool complete

Lecho from zucchini calorie content

  • Since Lecho is prepared from vegetables, it can be attributed to useful low -calorie products. If you prepared this conservation according to a classic recipe and did not add anything except zucchini, tomatoes, carrots and onions to it, then the calorie content of 100 grams of the finished dish will not exceed 30 calories
  • If during the preparation you added sugar and vegetable oil to vegetables, then its calorie content will increase to 90 units. If desired, you can reduce these indicators by adding slightly less sugar to the winter workpiece
  • But keep in mind that you need to reduce the amount of sugar only if you use fresh tomatoes to prepare tomato sauce. Since they have their natural sweetness, this will practically not affect the taste of the finished dish
  • If the recipe provides for the use of tomato paste, then in no case do not try to reduce sweetness. Because of this, the sauce can turn out very sour and this will make conservation unsuitable for use

Video: Lecho with zucchini

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