Laveron - instructions for use. Laveron for women and men

Laveron - instructions for use. Laveron for women and men

When sexual life is no longer pleasing, as before, or your body for some reason does not allow you to experience the previous sensations and previous desires, you can turn to the help of plant drugs. Laveron is just such a drug for both men and women.

Laveron - Instructions for use

Important: Laveron is a biologically active food supplement. It has 100 % natural composition. Production - USA

How it works.

The effect of the drug is aimed at increasing blood flow to the genitals.

And good increased blood circulation in the genitals is an obligatory part of sexual desire, excitement and vivid sensations.

The drug must be taken 30-40 minutes before the alleged intercourse. The drug begins to act actively when excited.

Important: 40 minutes after taking the drug, you will not feel anything special if you just sit and wait. Go to your partner and start kissing and excited. Only then will the drug act act

Acts during 6-8 hours.So, taking the drug will allow both men and women to feel the highest facets of pleasure and make your body want intimacy.

The drug is not addictive. This excludes the lack of sexual arousal outside the drug.

Laveron for women action
Laveron for women action


The drug consists exclusively of natural plant components, extracts:

  • Tsistanhei Solonchakova
  • The fruits of Chinese wood
  • Red American raspberries
  • Mango fruits
  • Coarse -flowered roots
  • Garlic bulbs
  • Dioecious nettle leaves
  • Leaf Barosma Berezova
  • Evkommy cortex vyazolite
  • Korney was astrothing in the rise
  • Cinnamon crust
  • Restored roots with adhesive
  • Ginkgo biloba leaves
Laveron's composition is vegetable
Laveron's composition is vegetable

Indications for use in men and women.

  • To combat frigidity
  • To enhance susceptibility during sex
  • To achieve orgasm
  • For potency
  • With problems with an erection
  • To increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones

Release form - Laveron tablets

Laveron is produced in tablets of 250 or 500 mg


  • 1 pc 500 mg
  • Or 30 pcs 250 mg
Laveron tablet
Laveron tablet

Laveron for women: dosage

Women need to take 1 table. 500 mg 40 minutes before the estimated proximity. The drug is taken 1 hour before or after eating. Otherwise, the absorption of the drug may be impaired.

In severe cases, it is permissible to take 2 tablets, but this measure is quite extreme. It is better to take 1 tablet 500 mg in such a situation for 3-5 days.

To obtain a more stable, non -disposable effect of a 250 mg tablet, you can use 2 times a day for one month. This measure will help you achieve emotional unloading and stable sexual desire.

Laveron how to accept
Laveron how to accept

Laveron for men: dosage

A 500 mg tablet must be taken 40 minutes before intimacy. In the absence of the effect, we will accept the receipt of tablets of 1 per day for 3-5 days.

In order to avoid violation of the absorption of the drug through the walls of the stomach, you need to take 1 before or after eating.

For a more persistent effect, you can take 2 tablets 250 mg per day for one month.

This will help normalize the sexual function.

Laveron for men
Laveron for men

Laveron: Contraindications

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Cardiovascular diseases and violations
  • The presence of a reaction to any of the components of the drug
  • Severe atherosclerosis
  • Hypertension
  • Insomnia

Laveron is analogues

Exclusively in its composition, Laveron is a drug that has no analogues. Such a composition of rare plant components is not found in other drugs.

As for the promised effect, many drugs promise the same effect:

  • Vuka-Wuka
  • Silver fox
  • Impaz
  • Select

Important: If your goal is first of all - increasing libido, then pay attention to the drug Silver Fox (you can read more in the article All about libido in women. Libido decrease in women: causes. How to increase libido in women?

Laveron for libido
Laveron for libido

Laveron: reviews

Given that the drug is a biologically active addition, its effect will not be one hundred percent for all men and women. From here you can find a variety of reviews about this drug:

  • “The drug did not help at all. Sorry for the money thrown off. In addition, she took the drug with food, after which, instead of excitement and desire, she received diarrhea and 40 minutes of combating intestinal disorder. "
  • “I drank a pill in the hope of feeling wild excitement and was disappointed. I was waiting for a strong desire and excitement, but it never came. Although, it might start to affection with her husband. "
  • The drug is awesome. I did everything according to the instructions. I drank a tablet an hour after meals. After another 30 minutes I went to the guy. After 5 minutes of kisses and hugs, I felt an incredible desire. The whole body seemed pulsed. Sex was very stormy, not to mention orgasm. "
  • “The drug was very helpful. Sometimes there are failures with an erection. This is already pushing me with intimacy with my wife. But one tablet combined with preliminary caresses quickly gave the expected effect. I'm satisfied, my wife too. Now I want to drink a course of 1 month. "

Important: if you analyze the reviews about the drug, we can conclude: the majority are satisfied with the drug, women are satisfied only with 60 %

Loveron reviews
Loveron reviews

The drug Laveron has pretty good reviews from women and men who used the drug exclusively according to the instructions. Although the drug has a plant composition, use it only if necessary and do not neglect the recommendations for dosage and use.

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