Erogenous zones, points and places in men. How to find erogenous zones and points in a man? How to make a man's massage of erogenous zones?

Erogenous zones, points and places in men. How to find erogenous zones and points in a man? How to make a man's massage of erogenous zones?

Erogenous zones are places on the body that have special sensitivity. You need to know them so that sex turns into an intriguing adventure, and not boring panting.

Enchanted sex able to raise a degree of love in a relationship and significantly diversify life, bringing a special zest into it. But often the majority of couples, which, it would seem, have long known each other by heart, bypassed by a boring twenty -minute puffing in bed, after which, if there is satisfaction, it is not at all enchanting, as expected.

Sex is significantly transformed if you show imagination

This happens due to complete sexual illiteracy, after all, according to most women, a man has only one Erogenous zone And it is located in the groin.

In fact, there are a lot of excitation zones in men and to give the maximum pleasure to the partner you need to know them by heart.

Where are the erogenous zones in men?

Surprisingly, even most men they themselves do not know About our zones Hypercurobudism. Most likely, they did not come across a skilled lover in life, who would lead to the top of pleasure in all possible ways, And there were only stupids that are poorly oriented in what a man needs. But you not at all like thatif you read this article? So, consider zones of increased excitability most men.

All of the erogenous zones know everything

There are erogenous zones that bring excitation and pleasure absolutely all men. This is due to male physiology, the sensitivity of certain zones, which is due to the characteristics of the structure of the body of a man. Such zones include:

  • penis and scrotum
  • ear shells and earlobes
  • neck
  • breast
  • wrists
  • toes
  • the zone between the shoulder blades
  • zone between the penis and anal opening
  • armpits
The armpits are also sensitive

In addition to these zones, there are specificthat can be erogenous in your partner, or may not be highly sensitive. In order to diagnose It is required to conduct a small experiment and explore these places on your partner's body:

  1. buttocks
  2. navel
  3. the back of the head
  4. shin
  5. fingers

Video: 5 unexpected erogenous zones on the body of a man

What areas of men are the most erogenous?

It is well known that the most excitable Part of the body of a man and at the same time his main pride - penis. But few people know which caresses are most pleasant to the man and where the most pleasant points On this organ of pleasure.

As a rule, women are limited to inept oral caresses, if they want to show a tribute to the male penis, not suspecting that having started a whole intriguing game using hands, tongue and lips, you can give an unearthly pleasure to the partner.

The inguinal zone requires special stimulation

Penis not equally sensitive In all places. So, Member and Uzdechka head the most excitable areas, the stimulation of which in various ways will quickly lead a man at the top of bliss. Do not forget about testicles - They love affection very much and not only with the use of hands.

Penis caresses should be delicate

Few people know, but an incredibly sensitive zone are men's ears. Correct biting, kisses and gentle whispering can bring a man to a real peak of excitement! But you should not focus on this zone - after stimulating the ears go to other pointsThere are plenty of men.

Your man can go crazy from tender strokes and kisses neck, nape and area between the shoulder blades - These zones are also incredibly excitable. It is only important to be able to influence them and correctly dosize the time of caresses.

Erogenous zones in men, photo

Lips - an incredibly sensitive zone
The back of the head
shoulder blades
Genitals and groin
Toes and foot

How to find erogenous zones in men?

Sometimes it seems that men representatives of another planet - Such an abyss of misunderstanding is laid between them and us. But in bed this misunderstanding should not arise, because a woman who wants to deliver pleasure beloved, can find thousands of ways to do this.

The main trick of real courtesans, women who are good in bed, are that they not afraid to experiment And each sexual intercourse for them is an exciting game, not a duty or standard procedure.

Study your partner: do pleasant touch and kisses, stroking and massage, and at this time follow the reaction Men - she will certainly tell him everything pleasant that she causes special delight, and why it is better to refuse and do not repeat.

Conduct an experiment and find the area of \u200b\u200bthe partner's sensitivity

Do not forget that any of your actions performed with tenderness and affection will deliver positive emotions to a man, and will also open for you individual zones of sensitivity And they will allow you to know your partner.

How to stimulate erogenous zones in men?

Know erogenous zones In order to bring a man especially pleasant moments not enough - you need to know how to stimulate correctly These areas. Women who believe that erogenous points can be caressed as you like, they are very mistaken, because if you follow this motto, then your partner may not receive an enchanting orgasm, but tickling. Agree, this is not the best completion of a long prelude.

A man needs to be brought to orgasm, and not to laughter
  • Concerning genitals Men, then here any delicate movements with both hands and mouth will be pleasant, desirable and lead to orgasm
  • Stimulating the penis, don't forget that caresses heads and bridle They can lead to a quick orgasm, and to extend pleasure, switch to less sensitive areas, for example, caress the penis along its entire length or testicles sexual partner
  • It is important to know that pM's caresses should be as tender as possible - this zone is too sensitive and if you overdo it, then the man feel pain, not unearthly bliss
Stimulation of the neck with the hands

Erogenous zones such as neck, back, nape, toes do not tolerate too long and too tender touch, since the partner can simply become tickling.

Try to be at the same time soft and persistent, use lips and arms And the stimulation of these points will not pass in vain. Also useful will be exciting massage of these zoneswho will prepare for more intimate caresses and “heal” the partner for the prelude.

Massage of erogenous zones in men

For a gentle and erotic massage The above areas can be used by hands and lips. But if you consider it massage with something more extravagant And your intimate relationships with a partner suggest this, then with the courage to do such stimulation.


Do not get involved in the massage process itself, since it is only prepares To the main dish, but not a nail of the program. Combine gentle touching hands, lips, chest, intimate organs To the body of the partner and he will definitely appreciate it. Do not forget about the fact that the massage deserves not one man zone, but all.

Try to pay at least a bit of attention Each erogenous corner partner, but do not turn the game into a speed supermarath.

Do not forget about the main erogenous zone

And give the main attention in massage paul member - These caresses will become a wonderful completion of languid stimulation. Giving the partner the pleasure of increasing, you will force him it is eager to expect Each of your subsequent step and freeze in anticipation of the magical moment.

Anal erogenous zone in men

Scientifically proven that the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus has the same number of nerve endings as clitoris women. Therefore, women who know about the power of clitoris stimulation may guess about those sensationsthat a partner can experience when stimulating the anal zone.

It is important to understand that far not every man will allow their partner stimulate the anal zone, since more conservative male representatives consider such caresses the lot of homosexuals And they are afraid to admit even to themselves that the anus it has special sensitivity. And they do it in vain, because in their excitability the anal zone is one of the main ones.

Stimulation of the anal zone will bring unprecedented pleasure

If your man a supporter of a variety of caresses and not a hamp in bed, then you can give him extra pleasure stimulating the anus finger. Caret this in parallel with this penis partner, and shortly before orgasm, move your finger to the area between the anus and the scrotum, having produced a gentle massage there. So the sensations with orgasm in a man will increase significantly, it will be longer and brighter.

- nipples - an erogenous zone in men?

Everyone knows about the special sensitivity of female nipples, but about the fact that nipples in men Also excitable are remembered by few. Stimulation of this zone is great for starting delicate preludeSmoothly turning into stormy sex. Initially, the caresses of the nipples should be tender and careful, then the intensity can be enhancedBut you should not bend with this.

Men's nipples

Kiss your partner’s nipples, stroke, lick, bite, but do not get carried away otherwise you can deliver to a man unpleasant sensations Or cause him boredom. If you see that a little nipples increased and hardened, then stimulation of the zone can be stopped and moved to more intense caresses in other erogenous areas.

Do men have an erogenous zone - ears?

There is not only such an erogenous zone, but even considered one of the most sensitive. The variety of caresses is completely dependent on your imagination: your ears can be stroked, tenderly caressed with kisses, bite the lobe, massage and even lick the auricle.

Even tender whispers can drive a man crazy

When stimulating the ears, it is better to give preferences caresses with mouth And a tongue than with your hands. Since this zone is gentle, then you should treat it extremely delicatelyOtherwise, the partner will not feel in bed with a chic woman, but at the reception of Lor.

How to stimulate erogenous zones in men: tips and reviews

All men are individual and everyone it has its own erogenous zones. As for the opinions of many men about numerous articles in women's magazines about the stimulation of pleasure areas, they are the most contradictory. Some agree, others talk about more pleasant pleasures, but still the reviews of men about erogenous areas in many ways converge:

  • the highest pleasure can be obtained when stimulating the penis
  • caresses with mouth more pleasant than caressing hands
  • if the partner touches chest or crotch during caresses to the body of a man, then the effect of stimulation significantly intensifies
  • stimulation of the legs most men who have not encountered this, consider it completely not exciting
Love every corner of the partner’s body and demonstrate it

The strength and duration of the pleasure of partners in bed largely depend on the dedication of everyone From partners. Caress the body of your loved one, thus show your love by investing all tenderness in their affectionwhich are capable of.

Then the process will be pleasant to both, and the stormy orgasm of the partner will become the highest reward for labors. And do not be a Hanja: For a woman who loves her man there are no prohibited areas and unacceptable caresses.

Video: Erogenous zone. The most erogenous zones

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  1. Oh, you know ... Now, if a man has problems with potency, then at least what you do, there will be no sense. In the end, only the effect of sildenafil (the doctor prescribed) and physiotherapy courses helped us. Now the husband is in bed of the wow))

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