Quest - game for children at home with notes: script, rules

Quest - game for children at home with notes: script, rules

This article describes the quest script for children at home with notes.

Quests are a fun and exciting game that can be easily organized at home, and even use for an unusual presentation of a gift for the holiday. At the same time, an ordinary quest can be made even more vivid and memorable, if you supplement it with an interesting script.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Interesting tasks for quests for children and adults at home". You will find the rules and description of competitions.

In this article, we will consider the scenario of an interesting and at the same time simple quest for children with notes that can be organized at home. Read further.

A children's quest script with notes at home for a birthday: Rules for the game

Children's quest with notes at home for birthday
Children's quest with notes at home for birthday

In fact, the scenario of such a quest can be any, for example, the search for pirate treasures or a game based on the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the organizers of the game. The only thing that should remain unchanged in any scenario is the rules and essence of the game. It is we will analyze them further. Here are the rules of the game and the script of the children's quest with notes at home for the birthday:

  • The essence of the quest is to search for a hidden gift or prizes for all children, using notes cleaned in secluded places and notes (or apartment) notes with prompts.
  • On average, the quest is given 40 minutes, however, time can be changed, taking into account the size of the room in which the game and the age of the participants are held.

In general, this is a very memorable and exciting entertainment, in which children of different ages can take part.

Video: Children's quest on pictures - very easy!

Quest for children at home with notes: Tasks

Quest for children at home with notes
Quest for children at home with notes

Now it is worth considering the most important and perhaps the most interesting detail of the game - these are notes with hints. We list 12 simple puzzlesThe answers to which can be placed in the territory of the house or apartment. Here are tasks for a children's quest at home with notes:

Depending on the planned beginning of the quest, the first riddle It can be announced immediately or found by children independently, randomly.

Option for older children:

  • A house is made from iron,
  • Walls - like plots in it,
  • There is no roof, there is only a bottom,
  • And at the bottom - one window.

Option for young children:

  • A white trough is nailed to the floor.

As many have guessed, the answer to the first riddle is a bath. It needs to be hidden in it the second riddle.

  • There is in the grandmother's kitchen
  • Four blue suns,
  • Burned and faded
  • Four blue suns,
  • Golyash is ready, delicious pancakes are ready,
  • And now we do not need the sun until tomorrow.

The third note You need to leave somewhere near the stove.

  • Somewhere in the house there is a portrait,
  • It’s painfully similar to you.
  • Only you will smile,
  • The portrait will smile at you too.

The fourth note We hide behind the mirror.

  • Hard bristles,
  • Bone back,
  • It is friends with a tasty paste,
  • And faithfully all serves us.

Respectively fifth note We place it next to the toothbrush.

  • He goes back and forth, but he never enters the house,
  • And although it is always on the spot,
  • It takes so two hundred times during a day,
  • With one hand - he meets those who come,
  • With another hand - escapes the departing,
  • Who comes in, who comes out -
  • They take her hand and drive her.

Sixth note It is placed next to the front door.

  • A small house is a transparent bubble,
  • A light lives in a small house,
  • He sleeps all day, and at night he wakes up,
  • So bright light around the house will disperse!

We hide seventh note Somewhere next to the light bulb.

  • When I am lying idle
  • Without opening the mouth,
  • I admit frankly, such a boredom!
  • But soon there will be summer
  • And then, in my big mouth,
  • Road and beach items,
  • All people will immediately put.

The eighth note Hides in a bag or suitcase.

  • From the heated well,
  • Through the nose, boiling water flows.

We hide near the kettle ninth riddle.

  • There is a back - does not lie down,
  • There are legs - and does not walk,
  • It is only worth it, but it makes others sit.

Tenth note We hide next to the chair.

  • Four ear, but two belly.

The eleventh note Put under the pillow.

  • Back and forth, back and forth,
  • Walks, walks a miracle pour,
  • Stop - grief will happen,
  • Even the sea can perfume.

We hide the twelfth note Somewhere near the iron.

  • Tough, prickly,
  • Flying, clumsy,
  • Everything that they put on the back,
  • In an instant, she will smear.

As a result, the gift will be found by small seekers near the grater.

These are simple and kind riddles, with which you can organize an amazing adventure for children without even leaving home. In the end, it remains only to wish adults and children a pleasant, unforgettable game that will give a lot of positive emotions and leave unforgettable memories. Good luck!

Video: Interesting tasks for quests. Recommendations from Kvex

Video: quest search for a gift from birthday notes

Video: The quest script at home. Many interesting ideas!

Video: How to make a quest at home with your own hands for children 5-8 years old?

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