Courier express courier service (ETS Express and RETS-Express-tracking parcels and mailing from China to the Russian Federation with Aliexpress on the tracking track: links to tracking sites. CourierServicexpress: Summaries and delivery time from Aliexpress to Russia, where are the sending?

Courier express courier service (ETS Express and RETS-Express-tracking parcels and mailing from China to the Russian Federation with Aliexpress on the tracking track: links to tracking sites. CourierServicexpress: Summaries and delivery time from Aliexpress to Russia, where are the sending?

In this article you will read useful information about the courier service of CourierService.

The most popular and large trading platform in the world - Aliexpress, offers its customers not only a huge selection of goods and minimum prices, but also different delivery methods from well -known postal services. One of these is CourierServicexpress. How much do you need to pay for this company for delivery, how to track the movement of the banderoli and where to get the parcel? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

What kind of delivery of courier service for aliexpress to Russia, paid or free, fast or not?

What kind of delivery of courier service for aliexpress to Russia, paid or free, fast or not?
What kind of delivery of courier service for aliexpress to Russia, paid or free, fast or not?

If you are only interested in Aliexpress For purchases of various goods, and you still do not have an account on this trading platform, create it. This will help you our article on this link. You can also register with video instructions that are on this link.

So what kind of delivery CourierServicexpress (ETS Express and Rets-Express) on Aliexpress Is it paid or free to Russia? Let's understand:

  • Delivery from this company is paid, but not too expensive. The official website of the company is located by this link.
  • Many sellers include the cost of delivery to the price of goods. In this case, you will see the inscription that the delivery will be free.
  • Review the pages of the same product from several sellers. So you can choose the most profitable delivery from cost from CourierServicexpress.

Information about how much you will have for delivery, you can on the product page, in the tab "Shipping and payment". Scroll the slider slightly down and see this tab - click on it.

What kind of delivery of courier service for aliexpress to Russia, paid or free?
What kind of delivery of courier service for aliexpress to Russia, paid or free?

In this case, the seller has already included the cost of delivery in the price of the goods. Therefore, in the column "Information about delivery" It is indicated that the delivery is free.

Delivery from this company is fast or not? This question worries many buyers, because I want to get the goods as quickly as possible. Let's understand:

  • Delivery from the company CourierServicexpress It is considered fast.
  • On average, the goods will be delivered in 20 days.
  • But the package can go 30-40 days. If you are not ready to wait so much, then you will have to give preference to another type of delivery.

Remember: The less the delivery time has the delivery time, the more you will pay for the movement of the banderoli or for the product itself, if this service is included in its price. Therefore, it is better to dwell on the "golden mean" - delivery from CourierServicexpress.

Delivery of courier service: Delivery and time of delivery from Aliexpress to Russia

Delivery of courier service: Delivery and time of delivery from Aliexpress to Russia
Delivery of courier service: Delivery and time of delivery from Aliexpress to Russia

Russia is a huge country, and it is natural that nearby areas to the border will receive a parcel faster than remote ones.

  • For example, buyers living in the city of Blagoveshchensk will receive a parcel 15 days after sending, and it will go to the Crimea for a month.
  • Therefore, the deadlines and time of delivery from the company CourierServicexpress with Aliexpress they will be different to Russia.
  • In addition, the delivery time also depends on the work of our mail.

On weekends and holidays, the mail does not work, so the movement of the parcel is suspended for this time.

How to track the parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierService for the track number of the order: links to tracking sites

The most interesting process for any buyer of a foreign or domestic online store is tracking the movement of the parcel. Products with Ali come from China, but tracking them is as simple as from any Russian chain store. In order for this process to be available, a special number will be needed.

How to track the parcel sent with Aliexpress CourierServicexpress By the track number of the order? Here are the instructions and links to tracking sites:

The track number is on the page with detailed order information. Go to your account and click on "My Aliexpress» on top, right and to the tab from the drop -down menu "My orders".

How to track the parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierService for the track number of the order: links to tracking sites
How to track the parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierService for the track number of the order: links to tracking sites

On the new page, find the order of interest and click on the link "Read more".

How to track the parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierServicexpress by the track number of the order?
How to track the parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierServicexpress by the track number of the order?

A page with detailed information about this order will open. In the form you will see the data of delivery services and the track-number. Copy it and insert it into a form on one of the sites that trains the packages.

How to track the parcel sent with Aliexpress CourierServicexpress: Track-Numer of Order
How to track the parcel sent with Aliexpress CourierServicexpress: Track-Numer of Order

Here are links to sites that customers usually use from around the world to track the movement of their parcel:

All of them are almost the same, despite the fact that they have a different interface. Enter the copied track number in a special column, which is always on the main page of the site. Click "Search" And after a couple of seconds you will get the result: where your package was recorded for the last time and when.

How to track the parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierService Express by the track number of the order: links to sites
How to track the parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierService Express by the track number of the order: links to sites

On any of these sites, you can enter the address of your mailbox, and all the information about the movement will come to it. You will not need to constantly go to the site for tracking and check the status of the movement of your banderoli.

How to track a parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierService Express by the Track-Nomer of the Order: Form for Entering Data
How to track a parcel sent from Aliexpress CourierService Express by the Track-Nomer of the Order: Form for Entering Data

Delivery of courier service with Aliexpress to Russia: Where are the parcels come?

Delivery of courier service with Aliexpress to Russia: Where are the parcels come?
Delivery of courier service with Aliexpress to Russia: Where are the parcels come?

If you took advantage of this delivery service for the first time, then you will be interested in where the parcels come. Delivery CourierServicexpress With Aliexpress To Russia is a convenient and simple service. The courier will deliver the package:

  • If your city has an office of this transport company, then you will receive a parcel at home.
  • When the parcel comes directly to the settlement, the buyer receives an SMS message with the date and delivery time. The phone number will also be indicated for communication if you cannot arrive at the specified place or time.
  • Then the courier will call back to clarify the time and place of delivery.
  • If the recipient cannot get a parcel within the specified time, he can change the time or place of delivery.
  • Also, the buyer Ali may indicate that he will receive the parcel at the post of his city. In this case, you need to specify the index.

Important: If for some reason the courier could not get through to you and happened several times, then he sends a parcel to the warehouse of problematic goods. Then, in order to get your departure, you will have to contact the company and explain the situation. In this case, you will have to name your last name and address of residence. From the warehouse of problem goods, the product will bring you a courier to your home.

Delivery of courier service with Aliexpress to Russia: reviews about delivery

Delivery of courier service with Aliexpress to Russia: reviews about delivery
Delivery of courier service with Aliexpress to Russia: reviews about delivery

If you do not know the delivery from CourierServicexpress With Aliexpress To Russia or not, then read the reviews. Dissatisfied buyers will not be silent, and you will learn the truth, or vice versa, if there are many positive reviews, then you can safely give preference to this particular delivery.

Maria, 32 years old

I think the company CourierServicexpress Provides a modern service for the delivery of goods from China. I always tried to choose paid delivery, as they are more reliable. But at one point I was tired of overpaying and I decided to choose delivery from this company, especially since the cost of the services is inexpensive and it was included in the price of the goods. The package came in 15 days, as I live in Moscow. The courier was polite, warned of delivery time. We agreed on the place, and I received the parcel when it was convenient for me.

Inna, 29 years old

I have always received goods with Aliexpress At the post office, as I chose free delivery. I recently decided to use it CourierServicexpress. I received the parcel quickly. A parcel without any damage. But I did not like the fact that the courier brought the departure on the weekend, called at 8 in the morning, woke up. Otherwise, everything is fine!

Dmitry, 25 years old

Thanks to the employees CourierServicexpress For reliability and efficiency! I began my review with gratitude, as I ordered Aliexpress Smartphone for his girlfriend for her birthday. He was afraid that the goods would not have time to come during and therefore decided to choose paid delivery. The seller assured me that this is a reliable company, and the cost of shipping is already included in the price of the goods. It suited me, and I really received a smartphone two days earlier than the declared deadline. Thank you!

Video: Parcels from China, who delivers and what is the difference 📦🇨🇳

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Comments K. article

  1. Sharashkina Office! They didn’t deliver the parcel in time and did not contact me! I ordered the bovar with Ali and had to come to the NG in terms of time, which happened. On December 29, the package was in my city in the warehouse, but where is this sweet and how to find it and how to find it Question. The transport company did not bother to contact the Molts and offer to pick up the parcel myself. In general, I expected a call from them and did not wait and on December 31 rushed about the city in search of a gift for replacing the one in the warehouse. I only had a phone number through a call to Moscow. In the end, it turned out that the package would be delivered to me after the festivals, but for me it was no longer relevant. There were no other problems of the other transport companies, they were immediately tied up, they clarified time and brought home. After I found a lot of negative reviews about this company And with the same delivery problems, like me. Don’t contact this company, I will have to wait for a rinker for a very long time. I will not be surprised if the review is deleted, because. The reviews that are profitable for the company are written above, there is no NTKPKE Negative in them, one sugar.

  2. That's definitely Sharashkin’s office. I ordered a tablet with Ali on November 28. And the seller sent it to this particular service. Before that, I ordered a lot of goods this first time. The tablet was a gift to the child for the New Year. He was tracking poorly. At large points. He lay at every warehouse a week. By December 29, I began to write to the seller. He said that there was a parcel. In general, I had to buy another gift. Today is January 5. From December 28 to today, the parcel was lying in a warehouse in Moscow. And only today I left. Another week to go to the Crimea. In general, be careful when ordering and ask the seller how he will send. It is not known when the package will come. This company works terribly.

  3. I confirm all of the above
    The problem is the delivery of the order ETSSD1012251195YQ, the cargo entered the KS 02/05/2018, 02/06/2018 it was supposedly handed to me (I did not receive it), and on 02/07/2018 the cargo was transferred for delivery, after this extreme date the track is not tracked and there is no cargo!
    I contacted their Call Call Center, after two-day proceedings, the Segrey employee said to me that the parcel was handed to me and there was my painting, my wife and I requested a copy, and did not receive it as of 02/21/18, and additionally tried to find out, checked. Whether their couriers, according to the instructions, the passport data of the recipient, in response, we did not receive clarification, except to go to their central office and solve the issue, nothing else comes to mind, while we collect documents for contacting Rospotrebnadzor.

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