Who is the Black Widow Woman, why is a woman called a black widow?

Who is the Black Widow Woman, why is a woman called a black widow?

During the marriage, a man and a woman give each other oaths to live happily ever after, until death separates them. But, if a nuisance happens and one of the spouses dies, the second is not obliged to live all his life alone, so he finds a second partner for himself, but if misfortune happens again, a person begins to think about his life.

Women in the event of the death of the second, third partner are interested in the question - is this an absurd accident or an evil rock? Women whose husbands die are called "black widows."

Black Widow: Definition of a woman

  • If you ask an ordinary person who the Black Widow is, he will easily answer this question. This phrase is called women who have buried 2 and more husbands. It is difficult to answer who was the first black widow. There is a legend telling about a socialite Sternval Aurora Karlovna.
  • She was one of the most beautiful ladies living in St. Petersburg. Among her fans were Turgenev, Pushkin and Vyazemsky. Despite the large number of fans, the girl’s personal life did not work out. At first she buried 2 her suitors. After she had to survive the death of her son and daughter -in -law. Therefore, the girl decided not to connect herself with the bonds of marriage, and to devote her life to charity and social activity.
A woman who buried more than 2 husbands
A woman who buried more than 2 husbands

Why is a woman called a black widow?

  • The term "black widow" came from the name of a spider -karakurt dangerous for a person. The poison of this insect is 15 times more dangerous than the poison of explosive snakes.
  • Females of spiders are very bloodthirsty. They eat the male immediately after mating. It is believed that the Black Widows, like the females of Karakurt, themselves are to blame for the death of their beloved. After all, they have powerful and destructive energy. The most unpleasant thing is that most women of black widows do not even suspect this.

Black widow: signs

  • The concept of "black widow" is known around the world. In different countries, women of black widows are different.
  • Slavs are considered more superstitious. Therefore, in Russian -speaking countries there is one sign regarding black widows.
  • It consists in the fact that such women cannot be invited to the celebration of marriage. It is believed that her curse can go to a new family.
They say they are not invited to weddings
They say they are not invited to weddings

Tags of a woman of a black widow

  • Despite the superstition, you will not find any tags on a woman in a black widow. These are ordinary women who do not develop personal life for one reason or another.
  • It is impossible to visually determine that in front of you is a black widow. It is necessary to carefully and for a long time to look at the lifestyle of a woman in order to understand who she is.

Black Widow: Signs in Women

  • There are several signs that allow a woman to recognize a black widow in a woman. If you carefully look at the object, then it is not so difficult to determine this.
  • The first sign, as mentioned above, is the death of men who were married to a woman. The second sign is psychological. A woman is always in a pleasant mood.

The main character traits:

  • friendliness;
  • openness;
  • friendliness.

In addition, the woman is always in the circle of men. A lot of attention signs are paid to her.

There are frequent cases when a man before meeting a black widow had no success in work or personal life. But, in the process of relations with a woman, he reached incredible heights in business and became successful. Unfortunately, the terrible end was already predetermined.

Such women pay attention to men
Such women pay attention to men

Psychology of a woman of a black widow

Despite the attention of men, women are difficult for women in black widows. Literally after several tragedies in life, women refuse to start a new relationship. In addition, others shun them.

There are several explanations for the occurrence of such evil rock:

  1. Strong curse. Psychics and parapsychologists are convinced that the rock of the Black Widow can be sent to a woman with the help of black magic.
  2. Karma. If the daughter has a strong emotional connection with her mother, she will choose a man like her father. At the same time, her husband will die at the same age as her father. It is believed that with a strong energy connection with one of the parents, the child adopts his fate.
  3. Passive victim. A woman that the husband infringes on a black widow. If he mocks her (morally or physically), then after death he will convey his negativity. Even from the other world, he will spoil the life of the ex -wife, preventing her from building a long relationship with other men.
  4. Energy vampirism. Some girls are looking for themselves men who will fill them with energy. During the relationship, the woman will bring guys to physical and emotional exhaustion. After the death of her husband, she begins to look for a new victim, because she needs energy.
There are many reasons for such a rock
There are many reasons for such a rock

As you can see, the concept of “black widow” is very negative. According to esoterics, there are several methods to get rid of it. The first way is to turn to a psychic to remove the tag of evil rock. If the situation was not caused by a curse, then you need to go to church and rewind sins.

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Video: Black Widow Syndrome

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Comments K. article

  1. Nonsense is complete! Each has its own fate, which the Lord God predetermines! If he lets the widow twice, then he appointed, and not some magicians. And even more so, this unfortunate woman herself.
    And very complete nonsense - the above "signs" of the "black widow"! Well, how can there be goodwill and a good mood to be a sign of something bad, all the more terrible? Stop the head of superstitious people to fool!

  2. It is clear that you do not want to publish true comments.

  3. So they are always funny

  4. Black widows are women born in the year of horse.

  5. This is the year born in the year of the horse and also the number 1 and 8. It looks like this: 3+14+19+62 \u003d 8. This is the date of birth.

  6. Complete nonsense! It doesn't matter what year the woman born is. This is written in the family.

  7. Your comment is waiting for verification.

    I'm a widow three times. And my character is just as described in the article. And men always circled around me ... And also - I am scared to live ... And I was born in the year of the monkey ..

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