How do girls show sympathy? How to understand what the girl likes?

How do girls show sympathy? How to understand what the girl likes?

The main reasons why the guys are afraid to get acquainted with the girls are described,
The main signs of female sympathy are listed, tips and recommendations are given how to “read” the girl and make acquaintance with her.

The relationship of opposite sexes is multifaceted, mysterious and often unpredictable. In most cases, this is due to the mystery and complex nature of a woman. Men often do not understand hints and it is difficult for them to decipher the sympathy signals given by women. How to guess that the girl shows interest, and get acquainted with her, not being afraid to be rejected, you will learn from this article.

Why are guys afraid to get acquainted with the girls, and the girls remain lonely?

The following fears often interfere with getting to know the girl who attracted the guy:

  • Refusal
    A man selfish in nature values \u200b\u200bwith his dignity and is very afraid to hear the word “no”. The man perceives the refusal heavily, so not everyone is resolved to take such a risk
  • Crowded place
    A possible reason why the guy is in no hurry to approach a girl is a large accumulation of people around her. Fear of ridicule in the eyes of the crowd is much worse than to hear not alone

  • Discrepancy
    A man is afraid of comparison with friends of a girl who can be more successful, what she does in life and her financial situation. Fear to lose in these and other comparisons, may push his desire to get close to the girl
  • Negative installation
    Doubts about their own strengths and the thought that nothing will work out, predetermine the mood of a guy who ultimately decides that there is no need and try to try
  • Be used
    There are frequent cases when a girl meets a guy and talks cute with him only from the calculation that he will pay for her drink or dinner, and then disappears in search of another for the same purpose. Fear of replenishing the ranks of men whom women use for their own purposes, scare away guys from unfamiliar girls

How can a guy become more confident in himself?

In order to cope with fears, one should work on your confidence. If the guy does not doubt that he is a girl and believes in the power of his own advantages, he will certainly be able to convince the girl of this. And in the event that the acquaintance does not develop as we would like, it will not “hide” on failures.


  • Start with your acquaintances with whom you do not feel discomfort when communicating. Tie with them conversations on any topic, even on the most frank

Important: the experience of multifaceted communication and the ability to maintain a conversation in different situations - guarantors of a confident dialogue in the future acquaintance with a girl

  • At the next stage, learn to tell compliments to your colleagues, female friends. They should be short and natural. For example: "This dress is suitable for you", "You look good"
  • Now you can proceed to a more complex: random communication with strangers. No need to immediately set a goal to take a phone number from the girl. To begin with, just say hello. Then you can try to tie a conversation. The main thing is to be honest and sincere. Experiment, look for your style and remember that your goal is to become more liberated and confident, and not find a life partner. The dialogue did not work - it's okay, it will turn out with another girl

2. Achievements
If you consider yourself unrealized, unsuccessful and do not like yourself, you can hardly achieve confidence in communication with the female half. Analyze your achievements, find strengths, make a list of your most successful qualities. You will understand: everything is not so bad. Perhaps you focused only on failures and forgot about your achievements. Select the emphasis, believe in your potential. This will bring fruits not only in personal life, but will help in professional development

3. Study of female nature
Learn to read a girl, respond to her signs. Perhaps she already shows sympathy for you, but you just don’t notice it. If you learn to correctly interpret the signals that she gives, you will know what to wait, which means you will feel much more confident

How can a girl show sympathy?

Men believe that it is they who take the first step towards an unfamiliar girl. In fact, the first communication between the guy and the girl occurs long before the words. A look, gait, body pose and other signals can issue clear information whether the girl is interested in meeting. In other words, a woman chooses a man they like and first gives him many non -verbal signals. And the man only approaches her and starts a conversation.

Important: contrary to common opinion, the initiator of acquaintance in 90% of cases is a woman.

Most men are not able to recognize signs given by women or get confused in them, are afraid to make a mistake and simply do not respond to these signals. If a man nevertheless meets a girl, behind this, as a rule, is just a desire to take a chance.

Important: the girl shows sympathy in most cases using non -verbal signals.

Verbal and non -verbal signs of female sympathy

To the non -verbal signs by which you can determine female sympathy:

  • Delayed gaze
    The girl starts flirting with a short, but noticeable look at the man, after which she quickly turns away or switches attention. She can repeat it several times. To be more attentive, this signal cannot be missed
  • Pruding
    If the guy is interested in the girl, she straightens, takes the most successful position of the body to emphasize all her external advantages, straightens the hairstyle
  • Smile
    If the girl smiles slightly when the guy meets her gaze, this is a clear sign of sympathy
  • Truck
    This signal can be observed after tying a conversation. If a woman shows interest, she accidentally, and sometimes consciously touches the hand of a partner. If the girl touches the palm of the hand - this indicates the desire of closer communication

As for verbal signs, everything is much more obvious here. The girl is clearly interested and shows sympathy for you if she is:

  • actively participates in the conversation
  • avoids monosyllabic answers
  • it is divided by personal information
  • asking questions
  • often calls you by name

Important: if a girl is expressive, emotional, actively gestures when she says something, blushes easily, etc., she undoubtedly experiences feelings of sympathy and tries to impress you.

Direct and indirect signs that the girl is interested in a guy

The criteria by which it is indirectly determined that the girl nourishes sympathy:

  • light shaking or touching hair
    A woman does this instinctively when a man is not indifferent to her

  • touching yourself
    A woman can slightly stroke her neck, hand or hip

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  • wet lips, ajar mouth
    demonstration of sexual attractiveness, the natural manifestation of sympathy

  • brown legs
    In this pose, women's legs look especially attractive, which she is well aware of

  • a relaxed wrist
    At a subconscious level, a woman is willing to submit to

  • swaying or shifting thighs
    If a woman tries to arouse interest, when moving, she involuntarily sways her hips, while standing, tries to focus on the line of the waist and hips, moving her hips to the side


  • the proximity of the handbag
    The ladies' bag is a very personal item for a woman, her integral part, so if the woman moved her bag closer to the guy or asked him to give her handbag, she trusts the man and shows sympathy for him

  • the game with a shoe
    The girl is relaxed and she is comfortable with a man

  • stroking the glass
    or removing and dressing a ring on a finger, etc. It indicates that a woman is interested in close contact

Direct signs of female sympathy are more understandable and simple in recognition. A girl can bow her head on your shoulder, move closer to you, sincerely laugh at your jokes, etc.

Women's sympathy: pitfalls

We should not forget that women-creatures are insidious and well know how to use non-verbal signals to seduce men for some benefit.

Important: make sure that the signs of sympathy for you are sincere, and are not part of the female plan for seduction.

You can help you in this, at least, the woman’s eyes and her smile. A real smile is difficult to simulate:

  • she is symmetrical
  • reflected on the whole person
  • eyes glow
  • the corners of the eyes are frowning

The girl’s gaze can also give her intentions. A woman will not look at you for a long time if she likes you. Rather, it will be a subtle intersection of views.
It is also almost impossible to fake sincere embarrassment and redness of the cheeks.

How to deliberately cause a girl's sympathy?

To talk about the fact that there is a way to fall in love with absolutely any girl, it would mean to frankly lie. But to cause the sympathy of the girl you like is quite real.
A few tips:

  • Be confident in yourself, relaxed and convincing
  • Separate her views
  • Show respect for her opinion, but do not be afraid to express your
  • Know how to listen
  • Be careful, say compliments
  • Respect your parents
  • Be determined and firm in your decisions
  • Surprise her
  • Watch your appearance
  • Be near if she needs help
  • Learn to be an interesting interlocutor
  • Be persistent, but not annoying
  • Do not make excuses for trifles

What do you need to talk about with a girl to interest her?

Ammentorp Photography Secret Signs on the first date

Themes can be different, but the main thing:

  • The conversation should not look like an interrogation, i.e. No need to ask the girl too many questions, especially if they do not require a detailed answer
  • You need to understand the issue of discussion well, be able to fill in moments of silence
  • It is advisable to share a few interesting cases from life so that the dialogue is more emotional
  • On the first date, you should avoid discussing issues that you can have absolutely opposite views and cause an irreconcilable dispute (politics, religion, etc.)
  • You should not speak purely male topics (for example, about the last football match)

Examples of topics:

  • hobby
  • mutual friends
  • movie
  • travels
  • work/study

How not to lose the interest of a girl? What spoils the girl’s impression of a guy?

Antoniodiaz what to do after an unsuccessful date (1)

If the girl managed to make the first impression, it is important to consolidate the result and not lose her favor in the future. The attitude towards a man can be spoiled if:

  • he stopped watching himself
  • often complains about his problems
  • trying to control the girl excessively
  • began to pay less attention to her
  • speaks only about himself

Obviously, in order not to fade, the tone specified on the first date should continue. Small gifts, flowers, pleasant surprises, willingness to listen will help to keep the attention of women.

You can read more about this in the article 7 ways to make a woman nice. What will make any woman?

Manifestation of female sympathy: tips and reviews

Dmitry History:
“I liked the girl at work, talked all the time neutrally, all around the bits, flirting there all kinds, but there were no specifics. Everything was thinking how to rolled to her carefully, I did not want colleagues to know in case of refusal. As a result, it turned out that she really liked me all this time, and she also did not know how to tell me about it. Now for a year now, so guys, do not be afraid of your desires and act "

Olga's story:
“I met my future husband after I myself showed the initiative. He was all afraid to take the first step. And if I had stuck too? It seems to me that modern guys need to be bolder and not violate the rules to meet the first.

Not so often men look like a completely unfamiliar girl and start a conversation. Especially rarely get acquainted with very beautiful girls who are often alone. Take a closer look at the girl, pay attention to the signs of the sympathy that she demonstrates. The girl will certainly give out her attitude towards you and hint at the “green light”.

Video: Signs of female sympathy

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