How to look beautiful during pregnancy? Is it possible to cut and dye your hair, use cosmetics? Skin care from stretch marks and face

How to look beautiful during pregnancy? Is it possible to cut and dye your hair, use cosmetics? Skin care from stretch marks and face

In this article you will learn which procedures are safe to do during pregnancy, whether you can visit your cosmetologist and beauty salons.

A pregnant woman cannot be not attractive! And explains this increase in the production of hormones such as progesterone and endorphins that soothe the psyche of a woman and provide a good mood.

But many pregnant women are very worried about their appearance, so we will give some tips that will help you look even better!

How to become more beautiful during pregnancy?

And the answer to this question is very simple! Continue to take care of yourself, as before, just consider several nuances:

  • if you dyed your hair, think about replacing paints with natural, based on henna or basma, or without ammonia paint
  • perhaps, under the influence of hormones, your skin type will temporarily change, select new cosmetics that will correspond to it
  • rashes may appear on the skin, purchase cosmetics that will help them cope with them
  • add cream and oils from stretch marks to your arsenal to prevent the appearance of the latter
  • hair and nails may become brittle, this happens due to a lack of vitamins that you now need in a double volume, so review your diet or drink vitamins for pregnant women
  • follow the condition of the teeth, the lack of vitamins may affect them
  • try to choose natural cosmetics, they do not contain hazardous substances and certainly only benefit

What procedures should be done with a cosmetologist during pregnancy?

Love to visit a cosmetologist, but afraid to harm? Why refuse yourself something?! Let's find out what procedures you can do.

  • Facial massage. With this procedure, lymphatic drainage improves, edema decreases, fluid is excreted from the body, which is very necessary during pregnancy
  • Foot massage. Definitely shown! It will help relieve stress and just a very pleasant procedure. The only thing, with varicose veins, it is so contraindicated
  • Facial masks. Let your cosmetologist pick up a natural mask, with a pleasant smell to avoid the undesirable consequences of toxicosis
  • Pilling for the face. It is better to choose phytopyls or surface-median, because They are made on the basis of herbs
  • Body peeling. Can only be done with salt
  • Manicure and pedicure. The only thing is that you can’t build up your nails, everything else is possible and even necessary for a good mood
  • Equulation and depilation. Here it is better to dwell on a razor or electric power, you can also use the cream for depilation
  • Hair dyeing. We have already mentioned this, you only need to change the paint for natural and dye your hair for health
  • Mesotherapy. Provided, if plant extracts, vitamins and hyaluronic acid are used - they will not damage

Important: when visiting a cosmetologist, be sure to tell him about your delicate position!

How to protect the skin from age spots during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, this problem concerns many women during pregnancy. And you need to approach its solution carefully, because During pregnancy, not all means are good.

Let's see what they appear from. There are several reasons for this:

  • in the body, the level of hormones increases, because of this, a lot of melanin in the skin cells is released and if it is assembled in one place, spots appear
  • perhaps you took some hormonal drugs before pregnancy or drugs for epilepsy
  • the body does not reach vitamins, especially folic acid
  • the influence of ultraviolet rays
  • use of low -quality cosmetics
  • possible disorders in the ovarian, pituitary, liver
  • if your mother or grandmother had this, it is likely that this is a genetic predisposition

Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done with the first and last points, but you can compete with the rest.

  • Consult your doctor and drink vitamins
  • Try to avoid direct sunlight, especially in the warm season
  • Undergo an examination before planning a baby and heal if you need it

If the pigment spots still appeared, there are several methods of combating them. Perhaps they will not leave at all, but will become much less noticeable.

  • Natural tonics. Shortly before bedtime, apply one of these juices to the face: lemon, acidic cabbage of the cucumber, onions, sweet pepper, parsley, cranberries, red currants, raspberries
  • Compresses. Put the gauze for 15 minutes on your face, before that, moistening it in one of these solutions: mix 2.L. milk and the same amount of sour cream; 1st.L. lemon juice and twice as much honey; yogurt
  • Ice cubes. Juices of natural products can be frozen in the form for ice and wipe the skin in the morning
  • Masks. Masks from natural products are applied for 15 minutes and then washed off with slightly warm water. To do this, mix 2 ts. Cottage cheese and kefir or 2st.L. grated cucumber with 1 tbsp. chopped parsley

These natural products are good in that they do not contain chemical components that can harm the baby, so if you do not have allergies to these ingredients, use them for health.

Is it possible to clean the face during pregnancy?

Of course, this cosmetic procedure can be done, namely, such types of it:

  • mechanical
  • hardware (ultrasonic)
  • laser
  • vacuum

All these methods are safe, and the first two are most popular.

But they are not advised to do the electric shock (dezicrustation), because The consequences for a pregnant woman can be unpredictable.

Is it possible to do facing faces during pregnancy?

Face peels are different:

  • at home
  • chemical
  • mechanical
  • enzyme

During pregnancy, you can do peeling at home, but it is desirable to use natural products or cosmetics containing natural components. In addition to home procedures, you can do peeling in the cabin. The most gentle are enzyme, we can also weak chemical.

There is also an ultrasonic peeling, but it is better to refrain from it.

Peels containing retinol or trichlororoic acid are definitely contraindicated.

Important: in pregnant women, the skin is more sensitive, so an allergic reaction can occur even to the most harmless cosmetics.

Can you use cosmetics during pregnancy?

The answer is unequivocal - yes! How can a woman live without cosmetics as much as 9 months?! No! Therefore, of course, you can use, but carefully, because Increased sensitivity can cause irritation to the usual care products. We repeat again - you need to choose cosmetics with the content of natural components, with a pleasant smell, but better without it at all.

What is the cosmetics for pregnant women?

From decorative cosmetics, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic, and carefully check the terms for its fitness.

Look at the composition - it should not contain retinol, bergamot extracts and soils.

If your previous care funds are now not suitable, try children's cosmetics or a special line “for mothers and children”, it passes strict control and should not cause any negative reactions.

Means for stretch marks on the stomach, chest, hips during pregnancy

The pregnant woman gains weight and with the growth of the abdomen, stretch marks often appear in such “problematic” zones as breasts, stomach and hips. This is due to skin tension, it does not withstand and bursts-strips appear.

There are several more reasons for the occurrence of stretch marks:

  • hormonal changes lead to an increase in skin sensitivity
  • elastan and collagen that contribute to skin elasticity, in pregnant women are produced in smaller quantities
  • with sharp changes, the skin cannot respond correctly, and this leads to stretching
  • the elasticity of the skin is not limitless, so a gap in the place of serious tension may occur
  • genetic predisposition

How to smear the skin so that there are no stretch marks?

Adhere to the following tips:

  1. Take care of proper nutrition to avoid too large and a sharp weight gain
  2. Eat more protein - it is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its renewal.
  3. Rest more - full sleep provides the body with reserves of useful substances, which, among other things, prevent the development of stretch marks
  4. So that stretch marks do not appear on the chest, we advise you to wear a bra, well supporting breasts
  5. Bandage for pregnant women will also help your skin from sharp sprains
  6. Use special oils and creams from stretch marks that are suitable for pregnant women. They moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity, help in collagen production. Essential oils of lemon, mint, pink wood and grape seed oils, walnuts, wheat germ, almondly cope with this.
  7. Regular massage. 10-15 minutes a day, make up with your hands or a special mittens in circular motions of the place where stretch marks may occur
  8. Take a contrast shower, it improves skin elasticity

As you can see, there are a lot of means of combating this problem and you need to find your own method, which will definitely help you, especially if you not only believe in it, but also act!

Is it possible to make manicure and pedicure during pregnancy?

Of course, you can do these procedures for pregnant women, but there are several recommendations:

  • with a wiped manicure, there is a danger of infection with viral or infectious diseases, therefore, a hardware manicure should be preferred
  • the varnish remedy and the varnish itself can contain dangerous components such as formaldehyde or acetone, so it is better to use the varnishes of expensive well -known companies during pregnancy that do not contain them
  • consider the moment that varnishes have strong smell, which can provoke an unwanted reaction with toxicosis, so make a manicure in a well -ventilated room or on the balcony
  • do not build up nails during pregnancy, because harmful materials are used
  • with pedicure, you can not make hot baths, firstly, they can provoke a miscarriage for a small date, and secondly, at a later date, they can aggravate varicose veins.

Is it possible to cut and dye your hair during pregnancy?

There is superstition that you can’t cut pregnant women. It took from ancient times when people believed that their life force was enclosed in their hair and cutting them, they shorten their lives. Believe it or not is you to decide.

From the point of view of medicine, you can cut your hair to pregnant women. A well -groomed look greatly raises the mood and gives self -confidence. In addition, cut hair grows better and faster, becomes stronger. Experts believe that if during pregnancy a woman regularly refreshed a haircut, then after childbirth they will not fall so much, because There was not such a strong load on the bulbs.

Is it possible to dye hair during pregnancy?

Doctors advise the first three months to completely abandon hair dyeing, because this is the most crucial period in the formation of organs in the fetus. And at this time, women are usually tormented by toxicosis, and paints have a rather pungent odor.

What hair dye to choose during pregnancy?

Most colors are quite harmful to the body, because contain chemical components. However, there are without ammonia paints, they are more gentle, but still not 100% safe, so here the choice is yours.

There are also natural colors based on henna and basma, they are perhaps the best option. But are you ready for such experiments? After all, you need to re -select the color, and their choice is very limited in such colors, and the result may not be the one that was expected.

If you still decide to dye your hair, it is better to do it in a well -ventilated room. Before that, be sure to test the paint for allergenicity, because Even the paint you familiar with the child can cause allergies.

Is it possible to laminate hair during pregnancy?

Can! For this procedure, products that contain extracts of herbs and proteins that feed the hair are used. They are completely harmless, they do not include chemicals, they do not cause allergies. After lamination, hair becomes obedient and shiny, easily combed and do not split.

Is it possible to curl hair during pregnancy?

Many women regularly make a chemical curling. But is it harmful during pregnancy?

As well as hair coloring, you can do a curl, but you need to carefully approach the selection of funds so that they are as safe as possible, and do this procedure as little as possible.

Remember: hair during pregnancy has a different structure, due to the effect of hormones, and the result of a chemical curling can be unpredictable.

Is it possible to drink vitamins for hair and nails during pregnancy?

  • It's no secret that during the expectation of the baby, a woman needs a double norm of vitamins and useful trace elements
  • The disadvantage of these substances affects the appearance of the future mother: the hair becomes lifeless, split, the nails break, the skin becomes dry and rashes appear, apathy and bad mood appear
  • Therefore, a woman needs to drink vitamins additionally. For pregnant women there are special vitamins and their choice is quite large.
  • Among other things, they contain all the necessary usefulness for your hair, namely vitamins A, C, B and E, as well as magnesium, iodine and calcium. Before you start drinking vitamins for pregnant women, be sure to consult your gynecologist

Masks from dryness and hair loss during pregnancy

Often, the condition of the hair during pregnancy improves, but it can also happen and vice versa - the hair will become dry, lifeless and begin to fall out. How to deal with this?

Here are a few recipes for your hair masks that will help keep beauty during pregnancy:

  • Masks made of rye bread are very effective. Soak the bread in warm water and apply the resulting gruel to the roots of the hair. You can strain it and rub only the liquid so that it is more convenient to wash off such a mask
  • Colorless henna is also good for strengthening hair. It can be used in its pure form, or added to various masks. For example, mix 50g of henna with kefir to make the consistency of sour cream, heat it in a water bath for about 15 minutes and mix with two vitamin B6 ampoules. Rub the resulting mask into the hair roots. Wrap your head with a towel and hold 30min, rinse
  • Chicken yolk -based masks. It can be separately applied to the roots for some time before washing the head, or can be used in masks. For example, this: 1 egg, 1 t.L. castor oil, 2st.L. Cognac or vodka. Apply the mask to the roots, hold for 2 hours, wash off
  • The procedure for rinsing hair with decoctions of such herbs: oak bark, feathers, chamomile, cones of hops, St. John's wort, mint, nettles, nettles is also very useful.
  • Masks with mustard, lemon juice, pepper tincture, honey, beer yeast. They activate the growth of hair and new bulbs

Important: be sure to conduct an allergenic test! Any products can cause an unwanted reaction during pregnancy, even if you used them earlier and everything was fine.

A few tips, how else can you help your hair:

  • use a hairdryer and iron as less often as possible
  • wash your head with cleaned water, you can install a filter on the water supply
  • choose organic and natural shampoos
  • make home masks
  • the comb should be made of natural materials
  • massage the head more often

Can pregnant women do depilation?

During pregnancy, you can use:

  • The safest way to remove hair is a razor. But this method is not suitable for everyone and like it, because the procedure needs to be done constantly, which leads to irritations
  • The creams-deputy creams are another method allowed by the pregnant woman. But the cream must be chosen carefully reading the composition and checked for allergenicity before use
  • You can use the electricPisher if you used this method before pregnancy, and do not experience severe pain.
  • Wax hair removal, as well as electro -power, do if you transfer normally

You can’t do it:

  • salon electric power engine
  • laser hair removal
  • photoepilation

The body of a pregnant woman can react unpredictably to these types of hair removal, up to miscarriage, so they are categorically contraindicated. In addition, after such procedures, severe irritations and age spots on a sensitive skin of a pregnant woman may occur.

And a few more tips for expectant mothers:

  • consider the moment that your skin has become more sensitive and irritation is possible
  • painful procedures must be postponed during pregnancy
  • if there are any skin diseases, you should not do hair removal
  • if you have extra hair during pregnancy, tolerate, after childbirth it will pass

Video: Is it possible to do hair removal during pregnancy?



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