The most unlucky female names: rating

The most unlucky female names: rating

In this article, we will consider female names that have a relatively difficult fate and least of all female happiness.

It is worth mentioning right away that names that themselves would carry misfortunes to their owners do not exist. But any name affects the character of a person, character leads his actions, and actions ultimately determine his fate. So it turns out a vicious circle from which statistics that fix the most unlucky female names are consisting. But it is only worth considering this list of names and pay attention to their inherent character traits that can become a trigger for generating an unfortunate fate in order to understand how this can be avoided.

The most unlucky female names: rating

Of course, it is impossible to cross out some name from everyday life only by assumption that it carries a difficult fate. Do not forget that in order to choose the name of your daughter, you need to take into account not only your preferences, but also a possible date of birth, a horoscope and, of course, the first associations with the baby. After all, the most unhappy female names arise precisely from the possible non -income between their energy and energy stream of the carrier.

Rating of unhappy female names:

  • Larisa

Larisa's name is translated as "gull".And its active, sometimes even unbalanced beginning is to match this image. Her unstable balance and emotionality does not have a clear direction and often behind them is dissatisfied with life and aggression to the whole world around them. All this noticeably complicates Larisa's life. But often she herself understands this. And even trying to fight this, finding a way out in creativity and work. And only a truly strong nature will not allow you to take over the emotions over the mind and destroy your own fate.

  • Alla

Several versions of this name come down to the fact that this is a special nature. “Goddess”, “different”, “other”, “scarlet” - So this name sounds in different translations. Alla initially contrasts herself to the whole world, which leads to numerous conflicts in her life and creates an arrogant image. She is always proud, assertive, dare in actions and knows how to stand up for herself. This allows her to achieve success in life, but does not contribute to good relationships with business partners and loved ones. It is difficult for her to curb her arrogance, because of which personal life often does not develop. In addition, excessive ambitiousness and instability, as well as selfishness, interfere with her family happiness.

She's not used to getting to know
She's not used to getting to know
  • Galina

The meaning of the name Galina - “Quiet”, “modest”, “serene”. But in fact, this is not a dignity, but a consequence of its psychological depression, which is why its character is full of contradictions. From childhood, she tries to prove to herself and everyone around her significance, tries to develop the willpower, the firmness of the word, which often leads to nervous breakdowns. Galina is distinguished by the categorical of judgments and stubbornly goes along the chosen path, even if it begins to understand with time that this is not her path. Because of this, many troubles happen in her life and her fate is not easy, but she, as a rule, is not able to change it.

  • Faith

The meaning of this name is laid down in its sound. Faith in something better and future Most often it becomes an obstacle to building real life. Moreover, this name has no other forms, except for diminutive, which creates an even greater relationship with difficult character traits. Faith is a bold, courageous, to fanaticism, a purposeful nature, from childhood, affecting the will of will and perseverance in achieving the goal. But at the same time, it is mercantile in a relationship, prone to risk, adventures, and in some cases even to pressure and terror of a partner. It is this that most often causes her spontaneous acts and the catalyst for her unhappy fate. Although Vera itself is unlikely to once agree with this.

Dissatisfaction often develops into eternal search for the best
Dissatisfaction often develops into eternal search for the best
  • Inna

This name is translated from Latin as "Storm", And Inna herself, as a rule, is a woman with a stormy, absurd and complex character. She is emotional and eager, capable of “exploding” from the slightest spark, does not know how to give in and compromises. In addition, she is very jealous and family life often turns into a drama with suspicions, surveillance and unreasonable scandals, which leads to a break in relations. At the same time, Inna does not conclude and with a new acquaintance or re -marriage, everything is repeated first.

  • Dina

The meaning of this name is “True”, “fair”. Although these qualities, even if they are present in Dina, rarely bring her good luck. Fidelity is used as a pressure mechanism for a partner, justice grows into an obsessive idea. In the life of Dina, most often has a quick -tempered and unbalanced character, which over the years changes only to the worse - it becomes more and more “prickly”, touchy, and sometimes vengeful. In relations with friends, he is cunning and prudent, he tries to adapt to the family, but she does not succeed in her due to uncontrolled temper. Often arising conflicts often destroy her personal life, although she does not consider herself to be guilty of this.

Justice and unshakability in a mixture with an explosive character
  • Alexandra

Most female names, which are derived from male, endow women with a solid and difficult male character. For the name of Alexander, this is especially true. The meaning of this name is well known - Defender. The harsh masculine principle forms a conflict, not prone to compromises. But at the same time, Alexander tries to be feminine and mysterious. It is always difficult for her to get along with people who are energetically stronger than her.

But those who are weaker, she will not endure nearby. Alexandra is smart and practical, but her actions are often rash and spontaneous, and life is full of serious contradictions. She rarely fights her shortcomings, considering her strong character to advantage. Yes, this actual strong name and the same persistent carrier, but it is this core that becomes a common cause of female sadness and loneliness.

  • Irina

Despite the fact that the meaning of this name is "Mir" and "peace", Irina is a completely troubled nature. It is independent, strong, relaxed, male energy prevails in it. She always knows exactly what she wants from this life and strives to achieve her goals by any means. Irina does not tolerate compromises and hardly finds a common language with the same strong personalities, trying to suppress them and adjust them “for herself”, which inevitably becomes the cause of conflicts and leads to gaps. It is difficult for her to find friends and partners in life, so her fate is often unsuccessful. She does not draw conclusions and repeats the same mistakes over and over again.

Male character often blocks their femininity
Male character often blocks their femininity
  • Kira

Translated from the Greek name Kira means "Mistress", What is the carrier of this name and tries to appear all his life, showing his superiority over friends, colleagues and loved ones. Although Kira is a contradictory nature, and depending on the mood, it can be kind and angry, reasonable and eager, balanced and unrestrained, and often touchy and even vengeful. It is straightforward and vanity, arrogant and ambitious, knows well about the shortcomings of her character, but rarely tries to fight this, considering them a dignity. Because of which he significantly complicates his life and attracts misfortunes.

  • Lyudmila

This name is translated as "Dear people." Although in real life this does not always correspond to the image. Lyudmila is a purposeful, strong and fundamental nature, which makes high demands not only to others, but also to itself. For her, her career is always in the first place and for her sake she will sacrifice the relationship and well -being of the family. But well aware of this, she will not even attempt to change something. Its active life position, emotional character and unwillingness to compromise often cause conflicts and complex fate.

Mercy often remains only in the decoding of the name
Mercy often remains only in the decoding of the name
  • Hope

The meaning of this name in its sound - “Waiting”, “aspiration”, “hope”. But the energy of this name adds impulsivity, impatience, stubbornness, high self -esteem, readiness for risk and desire to achieve everything at once. Hope will not wait for fate to give her good luck - she will try to take her herself, to tear her at the cost of incredible efforts. Despite the apparent lightness, generosity, generosity and attempts to convince others that everything is wonderful in her life, a woman with this name is often prone to hidden aggression and adventures. And this is the reason for her rash and spontaneous acts, not in the most favorable way affecting her fate. And even realizing this, hope will not fight his shortcomings and try to change his fate.

  • Tamara

Name with a strange meaning - "date palm" Often women with an imperious and strong character. They are confident in themselves, striving to always control everyone. They rely only on themselves in everything, have their own, unshakable opinion on everything and are not capable of any compromises in relationships. In addition, they are very jealous and suspicious, not every spouse or business partner will be able to withstand hard pressure and control on their part. A complex character that Tamara is usually not able to change, she determines her unhappy fate.

  • Elvira

Different versions of the origin of this name do not give an unambiguous answer to the question of what it means. One version: "The one that protects." But others and others definitely does not concern. Elvira is a very strong, strong -willed, but at the same time imperious and inanimate nature, capable of provoking the conflict “out of the blue”. She was used to getting everything from life, and when some obstacles arise, she goes ahead, without stopping at anything. Because of this, it is difficult for her in life, in the family, in building a career, in relations with friends. She is always and everywhere haunted, which she herself provokes. But an attempt to hint at her, leads only to insolence and anger on her part.

Video: Unlucky female names with a difficult fate

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  1. Since childhood, I have been friends with Elvira, she is such a calm and sweet girl. Now the wife is already. As a sheep can be silent. The voice will never increase, even when you enter into conflict and dispute with it. She is an accountant, very restrained, but plus her husband is a tyrant, so jealous. I definitely did not observe the authority in it. All nonsense is all.) The name is not important. And that Larisa Guzeeva is not happy, or Alla Pugacheva. Or character traits are the founding of happiness itself, well, no ... Men, husbands make us happy. They would understand it better))

  2. It's true

  3. Who wrote this nonsense?
    On the basis of what studies is the rating compiled?
    I know many girls and women with the above, by the way beautiful names, quite successful and wonderful.

  4. It is not true. I know a very happy Tamara, Vera (generally the happiest woman, I would only dream) quite successful Larisa. I don’t remember others.

  5. They forgot about my name

  6. There is no such thing as an unlucky name. There are a lot of things and events, which as a result is a vector of the movement of life. The choice, family values, education, experience, abilities, they are different in nature, how to adapt, develop. Happiness is a set of events that make a person harmonious with comfortable conditions for life and development. Nastya, Anna, Veronica ... There is a million women whose career has developed very well, many have achieved undoubtedly cool peaks. There is a million women with the same name ’as under the influence of an unsuccessful marriage, illness, they were simply broken. I am to the fact that the factors are the basis of our movement, well, our choice. After all, there are no ugly, unhappy, there are simply people who themselves decide what their lives will be. This is both Nastya and Lena .. there is just a person. There is no golden name that will solve the problem, make a person rich .. no. There is Nina Drinking, the mother is terrible, but there is an interesting, cool beauty .. which is all g. All names are beautiful, interesting., And happy, but how only life will show further!

  7. Larisa is an Arab name, means "keeping the commandments of the prophet" !!!!!! The words of the stall and the casket came from the Arabic word to store - Lar. There is nothing to do with the Seagull or Goros, like the Arabs, the Greeks adopted this name, or maybe the Arabs conquered their lands, left the city of Larissa, and the Greeks did not change them. Now the Arabs do not use this name, because Mullah believe that a woman does not have the right to be the guardian of the commandments of the prophet. And your PR inventions about the unfortunate names have no reason.

  8. Larisa is an Arab name, means "keeping the commandments of the prophet" !!!!!! The words in the Russian stall and casket came from the Arabic word to store - Lar. A seagull or in Greek Horos has nothing to do with it; Since being the neighbors of the Arabs, the Greeks adopted this name, or maybe the Arabs conquering their lands, left the city of Larissa, and the Greeks did not change the name. Now the Arabs do not use this name, because Mullah believe that a woman does not have the right to be the guardian of the commandments of the prophet. And your PR fiction about unfortunate names have no reason.

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