Corset for the back - what is it, how to use: instruction. How much to wear a corset for the back?

Corset for the back - what is it, how to use: instruction. How much to wear a corset for the back?

In this article, we will talk, which is a corset for straightening the back, what features it has and how to use it correctly.

A sick spine is a frequent problem of modern people, especially those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, not quite, but the main part of the time - works, drives behind the wheel, sits at a computer, a TV and so on. Usually problems are manifested imperceptibly and gradually. When a person understands that he has them, it usually already takes a lot of time. Sooner or later, everyone is thinking about being healthy and helping their back. This can be done in different ways and one of them is the use of special corsets. Let's analyze in detail what they are how to wear and choose them correctly.

Corset for the back with curvature of the spine - why is it needed?

Straighten the back
Straighten the back

Today, many people suffer from spinal diseases. This usually leads to improper posture, overweight or hypodynamia. If the case is easy, then a corset for straightening the back or, as it is called, a reclining, may well cope with it. It avoids prolonged drug therapy, as well as physiotherapy.

In general, it is generally accepted that corsets are intended for women and cover the upper body and stomach. They fit tightly to the body and the figure becomes more harmonious and even. But today, corset products are actively used in medicine, and they are created for any gender and age. These products are also called bandages. They are used for medicinal purposes.

Perform bandages such functions as:

  • Fix the back after injuries so that it is in the correct position
  • Allow the spine to return to the correct position
  • Improve posture as a whole and restore it
  • Reduce the load on the muscles

Orthopedic corsets made of different material are made. It can be dense textiles, leather or polymers. Often they have an adjustment by v V Velbs or belts that adjust the product according to the figure.

Can a corset straighten your back?

The corset for straightening the back has a design that affects the muscles and spine. It allows you to normalize their work. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is impossible to cope with the problem, because only a specialist can evaluate how strong the patient is stooped. He himself will not be able to conduct such an assessment. At the same time, if a large hump has already formed behind, then nothing will help to correct the situation.

The recluralator also cannot be used as the only means for straightening the back. In this case, special gymnastics must be present. It can be calmly performed at home. By the way, an excellent solution would be the alternation of the bandage and swimming.

What are the corsets for the back - views: what does the corset look like

What are the corsets for the back?
What are the corsets for the back?

As a rule, bandages are allowed to wear everyone. They are contraindicated only if there are serious internal problems. Then sick organs cannot be subjected to pressure. For example, if there are some heart disease, then the corset is strictly prohibited. Moreover, the skin in places of exposure to the corset should be healthy.

The products themselves are divided into several types:

  • Soft. They are made of dense material. They simply support the spine. As a rule, they are worn for prevention to prevent the possible curvature of the spine
  • Semi -rigid. They are used most often. They perfectly support the spine and do not constrain during movement
  • Tough. They are prescribed for severe diseases of the spine, as well as after injuries and operations. They can be worn only a few hours and exclusively as prescribed by a doctor

In addition, there is another division:

  • For fixation. This product holds motionless that place that was damaged. So, you can fix the affected area and reduce the load on it. Such products have quite hard inserts. Usually they are prescribed after injuries, when a vertebral hernia occurs or after operations. So, thanks to the product, the vertebrae are fixed and this does not allow them to shift. It is necessary to wear a bandage in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. If the fixation is too hard, then this can lead to weakening and muscle atrophy. Basically, such corsets not only close damaged places, but adjacent zones. For example, if there is a neck injury, then the corset additionally holds the head.
Back corset
Back corset
  • Rachiocampsis. This type of bandage allows you to support the spine in the correct position. It allows you to eliminate existing curvatures. Such products are worn for all kinds of diseases. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of this method. Of course, bandages hold their backs, but at the same time you must understand that with too long wearing, the muscles relax. So always maintain physical activity. To completely eliminate scoliosis, it is important to constantly do gymnastics and keep posture yourself, even if you are without a corset.
Corset with curvature of the spine
Corset with curvature of the spine
  • For the lower back and sacrum. Such products need to be worn with heavy physical exertion. These products are suitable for those who need to reduce the load on the back and spine. Usually such products are made of semi -rigid material. In addition, they help well when pathologies of the lumbar region occur. Thus, the load is reduced to the affected area. By the way, with diseases of the kidneys you can not wear bandages.
Corset for fixing the sacrum
Corset for fixing the sacrum
  • For pregnant. During gestation on the woman’s spine, a high load is a high. This often leads to back pain. In order not to be discomfort, doctors advise wearing special corsets to reduce tension in the muscles. Often used a corset-bandage for the lower back, because it is in this part that the highest loads.
Bandage for pregnant women
Bandage for pregnant women
  • Children's. The children's corset should support the spine and muscles, and also allows maintaining the correct posture. At the same time, it is better not to choose too hard products, because the child has not yet formed. The bandage is required simply for training muscle memory, so that later the child himself holds his back.
Children's corset
Children's corset

Supporting corset for the back for constant socks - how to use?

Before starting to wear a corset to straighten the back, it is important to make sure that it is suitable in size. As a rule, each product is marked. Mostly corsets are put on by the patient on his own. This is not very difficult to do, the main thing is to observe the sequence of actions:

  • First, the corset with a hard surface is applied to the back and then it is fixed on the chest with Velcro
  • Then two straps are pounced on the shoulders and start back crosswise
  • After that, they are fixed with a fixing mechanism in front

In this way, hard bandages are put on. Sometimes even the help of loved ones is required. If the product is soft, then everything is much easier with it. It is enough just to put your hands into it and put on like a T -shirt. Well, in front, the corset is very well fixed. Doctors advise putting on corsets for the lumbosacral department for those who do hard work and spend a lot of time driving.

As in the situation with the bandage for the thoracic region, the corset should be worn only at a time when a load is on the spine. At the same time, you can’t wear it too long too. At this time, drugs for restoration of the spine are also necessarily taken and physiotherapy physical education is made.

Why does the back hurt when wearing a corset?

When a person wears a corset for straightening the back, then he has painful sensations after. As a rule, muscles hurt, as well as the back itself. This is due to the fact that the spine is used to being in a curved state. Now, he is "standing" straight. Hence the pain in the muscles, because they are not familiar with such a position. At the same time, if pain occurs directly when wearing, then it is better to relieve the corset and consult a doctor. Perhaps you have some problems that do not allow you to wear the product.

Corset for the back - how long can you wear?

How to wear a corset for the back?
How to wear a corset for the back?

As we have already said, a corset for straightening the back cannot be carried constantly. For example, if it is purchased to correct children's scoliosis, then for starters it will be enough to wear the product for an hour. And then it will be possible to increase to several.

If the curvature is at an early stage, then the emphasis should not be placed not on the corset itself, but more on prevention, for example, massage or swimming. And in the most difficult cases, the product can be worn 16-24 hours a day. In this case, it can be left even for sleep.

In a situation where it is possible to correct the position of the spine, adjustment of the product itself is required. This is necessarily done under the supervision of a doctor. In general, the corset is considered an individual method of treatment and therefore it is not worth using it without any indications. It is important to understand that when wearing, the tendons and muscles of the back become weaker, and this can cause the deformation of other departments of the musculoskeletal system.

How to choose the right corset for the back?

If you decide to choose a corset to straighten your back, then be sure to adhere to several rules that will allow you to choose the most suitable product:

  • First of all, consult an orthopedic. It will allow you to choose a product that will correspond to your diagnosis, and also tell you how the products are selected correctly
  • For prevention, it is better to use reclining, and treatment is impossible without a di -reforious lock or thoracic bandage
  • If a person’s spine is badly damaged or it undergoes rehabilitation after surgery, then it is better to choose products with stiffeners
  • So that the corset holds well on the back, straps for the shoulders are added. This will allow him to hold well
  • Selection of quality fabric. The main component should be cotton. Elastic components are added to it so that the product stretches well. When using it, there should be no allergy and the skin should breathe
  • Before you go to the store, measure the parameters of the body. This is required to select the size of the corset. It should be suitable. Too small will crush, and big - hang out

Which corset for the back is better to buy?

When you choose a corset to restore your back, it is better to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the structure. There are many different products, but the best of them are the following:


FOSTA back corset
FOSTA back corset

The products of this manufacturer are designed to restore the muscle frame and after injury. They allow you to get rid of pain in the sacral and clarity region. Climbs are made of hypoallergenic material.

The corset maintains the back very well in the correct position. He has 6 stiffeners to fix the back in a different position. Its base is mesh, and the plates are reinforced. Moreover, the product has additional straps that can be used if necessary.

Power Magnetic

Power Magnetic

This product is a magnetic corrective device. It can align the posture, even if it is too curved. Thanks to elastic materials, the back is held in the correct position. At the same time, durable belts do not allow the spinal column to bend.

Special magnets stimulate blood flow in the muscles and create a magnetic field, and it can also be used even with stronger scoliosis.



Orlett is a special orthopedic product that has stiffness ribs and unstable straps. At the same time, they adjust well to the shape of the body, and therefore it is very convenient with them. The presence of straps with fasteners allows you to perform a reversal. This product is designed specifically to eliminate the curvature of the spine. It prevents the development of diseases and normalizes muscle tone.



This product allows you to adjust degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lower back. The design is of two types - with a width of 35 and 42 centimeters. The first products have four stiffeners and good width. In the second case, the corset has an additional ribbons-workers that adjust the products in the figure.

It is important to understand that the correct choice of the product is a guarantee of a healthy and beautiful back. In addition, one must not forget about additional measures for straightening the back. If you regularly do exercises to strengthen muscles, then very quickly you will get a good result.

Can I sleep in a corset for the back?

Many are interested in the question, is it allowed to sleep in a corset to restore the back? In fact, you should not do this. First of all, in a dream, the back should rest, and in such a product it certainly will not be able to relax. Moreover, do not forget that too long sock causes muscle relaxation. This is definitely not very good, because then the situation will become much worse.

Corset for straightening the back: photo before and after

So, when people use a corset to straighten their backs, they have good results and the back becomes straight. But those who have not yet begun to use the product would definitely like to know if there is really an effect from it. The effect of the corset is as follows:

Straighten the back with a corset
Straighten the back with a corset

As we see, when the girl did not wear a corset, her spine was very curved. However, treatment with this product helped to correct the situation.

Does the corset straighten your back: reviews

Often about how the corset acts and acts at all for straightening the back, people tell on the Internet. Each of them has its own opinion on the use of these products. We suggest you familiarize yourself with several reviews:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: How to choose the right posture of posture, reclining?

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