To whom the eyebrow transplant is shown and contraindicated: reasons. How eyebrow transplantation is carried out: procedure. Where are the eyebrows transplant in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities? Brack hair transplant, eyebrow transplantation: photo before and after, reviews

To whom the eyebrow transplant is shown and contraindicated: reasons. How eyebrow transplantation is carried out: procedure. Where are the eyebrows transplant in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities? Brack hair transplant, eyebrow transplantation: photo before and after, reviews

From this article you will find out what is a procedure for transplanting eyebrows, as well as how it is carried out.

Today, eyebrow transplantation is quite common. This technology has been developing for a long time and today has been successfully applied. At first, when the procedure only appeared, the hairs on the eyebrows were transplanted only when their own were lost or damaged, but today it is available to everyone just at will. For example, you want to get a different form, position, and so on. This is precisely the procedure for transplanting eyebrows that will help everyone.

How to change eyebrows not only with transplanting eyebrows: methods

Beautiful eyebrows
Beautiful eyebrows

Cosmetologists today, not only the eyebrow transplant is proposed, but also other correction methods that allow you to make this part of the face more attractive. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Daily makeup or painting in the cabin. This is the most popular way to care for eyebrows. To set uniforms, excess hairs are pulled out. Well, to set the color, they are painted or tinted with a pencil. This is the fastest method, but it is enough for a short while. We have to repeat the procedures regularly. If you pinch the hairs for a long time, then there is a chance that the eyebrows will not remain at all. The easiest way is daily tinting. Then you at least not lose anything.
  • Tattoo. This is also one of the ways of tinting when, using a thin needle, the pigment is entered under the skin. At the same time, you can experiment with flowers and shape. You can make a tattoo.
  • Microblading. In this case, the pigment is brought with the help of a blade. With such intervention, the eyebrows heal for a long time and there is a chance that microcosm will remain, but it does not look quite aesthetically pleasing. The effect persists up to two years.

Another way we will talk about further is the eyebrow transplant. This is the best method of all, because the eyebrows look natural. This method after the healing of the eyebrows allows them to return the natural appearance to them.

To whom the eyebrow transplant shows: reasons

For various reasons, both men and women may need eyebrow transplantation. According to statistics, women are 5 times more likely to resort to this procedure.

Among the main reasons, they stand out:

  • A woman does not arrange a shape or eyebrow by nature rare and thin
  • Various scars after accidents or injuries that spoil the appearance
  • Partial or complete burning after burns
  • The eyebrows are asymmetrically, and none of the ways helps rectify the situation
  • The occurrence of alopecia after a course of chemotherapy
  • Damage to the hair follicles due to tattooing

Before cosmetologists conducts the procedure, blood tests are given and the patient consults several specialists. The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of diabetes, poor blood tests, allergies to anesthesia or drugs, and irritation.

How eyebrow transplantation is carried out: procedure

The most difficult stage of all is the search for a specialist who will be transplanted of eyebrows. It should have a sense of taste, otherwise after the transplant will you have to constantly adjust the form. Your eyebrows as a result of the procedure should get the perfect look.

Brovy transplant
Brovy transplant

When a specialist is found, you can start the first stage - consultations. The specialist must decide with you where the hair will come from for transplanting, how many hairs will be in each graph. If you choose the cheapest and fastest ways, then the result of good should not be expected.

In the first consultation, the specialist will draw eyebrow lines that will arrange you. Just discussing wishes will not be enough. The doctor must clearly imagine what he will do.

By the way, the eyebrows will look best if you take hair from the neck or behind the ears.

When all the details with a cosmetologist are resolved, the creation of grafts begins. As a rule, there are enough 350 grafts with one hair in each. If you just need adjustment, then 100-150 grafts are enough.

After the preparation of the main material, the specialist begins to transplant. He puts anesthesia to the patient and begins manipulations. First, he makes small notches or punctures and places columns in them. The notches are needed to correctly give the growth line. In general, the procedure takes about 3 hours.

As a rule, after the completion of the procedure, the place of work may turn red or edema form. This is normal and passes within a week.

Within a month, transplanted hair takes root, and hair growth is restored after that another month. Keep in mind that during rehabilitation you should avoid any influences, because edema can intensify.

When hair growth is restored, at first they will have to be directed independently by comb or gel.

Where are the eyebrows transplant in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities?

As a rule, eyebrow transplantation in Moscow, St. Petersburg is carried out in cosmetology centers. It is very important that the fate is not worth it to contact dubious firms. This procedure is carried out in sterile conditions and using some tools. So the clinic should be chosen carefully.

Brovy transplant - who made from celebrities: photo

Such a procedure as eyebrow transplant is still gaining popularity. However, some celebrities have already used her and were completely satisfied. Among them, the following are distinguished:

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez
Gwen Stefani
Gwen Stefani
Lauren Conrad
Lauren Conrad
Sienna Miller
Sienna Miller

How much is eyebrow transplantation: price in Moscow, St. Petersburg

Today, the eyebrow transplant is offered with a large number of clinics, but the price tags differ so much that even the eyes run up. In general, it is not recommended to choose the first salon that came across, where the price of services is more or less low. Usually the effect after such transfers either does not exist, or it is bad. When customers turn into unreliable salons, then they often complain that half of the hair falls out, there is no effect or other problems arise.

As a rule, the cost of the procedure in Moscow and St. Petersburg ranges from 1 euro per graft. But just keep in mind that the eyebrows must be adjusted periodically so that they serve for a long time. Usually after a few years the hairs fall out and it turns out the same as it was before the procedure.

If you count to rubles, then usually the cost of the procedure ranges from 40-60 thousand rubles.

Eyebrow transplant: photo before and after

Of course, everyone is interested in what effect can be obtained as a result of the procedure. So, eyebrow transplants are as follows:

Photo before and after 1
Photo before and after 1
Photo before and after 2
Photo before and after 2
Photo before and after 3
Photo before and after 3
Photo before and after 4
Photo before and after 4

As a rule, when the procedure is carried out by a competent specialist, then no problems after it arise.

Brovy transplant: reviews

Often, the eyebrow transplant raises many questions and one of them - what do others say about this? Opinions are actually significantly vary. Someone believes that the procedure gives a normal effect, and some claim that this is a waste of money. In any case, if you want to make an eyebrow transplant that you have too rare, then it makes sense to try.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4

Video: eyebrow transplantation. Own thick eyebrows forever. Before and after

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