How to beautifully highlight cheekbones with makeup: step -by -step instructions, makeup drawings, photos

How to beautifully highlight cheekbones with makeup: step -by -step instructions, makeup drawings, photos

How often do we girls, making makeup, pay sufficient attention to the cheekbones? Since many believe that the girl’s high cheekbones is a sign of noble beauty, let's find out how to paint them correctly.

More often, the opposite occurs, girls apply too many bright blush and turn into clowns, which causes bewilderment. But several waves with a brush with blush or bronzer, applied in the right place, can create or destroy the entire image. Therefore, we read and retain the following tips so as not to fall into an unpleasant situation.

How to beautifully highlight cheekbones with makeup: recommendations of makeup artists

Get an additional dose of admiration using the tips below:

  1. Type of skin
  • We are all different, and each of us has its own special skin, which needs different approaches, and also has its own shade. And if you accurately determine your true tone, then the selection of the color of blush, or anything else, will never be difficult for you.
  • So, ideal blush for cheekbones, in your case there will be those that exactly correspond to the skin type of consistency and skin tone in shade. For example, for dry skin, makeup artists use creamy blush to highlight the cheekbones And add the effect of moisture, and for other types, on the contrary, crumbly textures.
  • For light skin cold shades of blush are more suitable In a pink-purple palette, a for warm shadesorange-brown tones.
  1. Contour/oval of faces
  • The oval of the face is determined by completely mathematical methods, and depends on a certain ratio of the width of the forehead to the width of the chin, as well as the ratio of the length and width of the face. It is considered to be ideal oval face whose width is ¾ face length. However, you can bring any shape of the face to the ideal with the help of a competent application of blush.
  • If the face is closer to round form, to highlight the cheekbones Apply blush from the center of the cheek shade to the temples, which will visually stretch the face.
  • If your outline is closer to square, then the selection of “apples” will suit you, which will help to soften a sharp chin and give your face a more elegant look.
  • If the face resembles in shape heart, then blush should be applied from cheeks to the ear. This technique helps to mitigate a sharp transition from a wide forehead to a narrow chin.
  • If a person is defined as rectangle, then you can balance it by the technique of applying blush with a straight line from cheeks to the ear, which will visually expand this part of the face and soften a clear contour.
  • If the face has oval form, then everything is simple - a light touch from the lower point of the cheekbones up to the temple, will give freshness and emphasize a beautiful oval.
On the oval
On the oval
  1. Natural blush
  • Every day you choose makeup depending on the image, on the mood or its absence, the degree of solemnity of the event. However, whatever you choose, there is something in common for all these cases- highlighting the cheekbones It should look natural so that it does not look like combat coloring.
  • If you want to achieve the effect of the skin radiant from the inside, you must use the blush of creamy texture, because powder, usually more matte. Apply cream blush Better with your fingers (do not forget to wash your hands well or disinfect with improvised means), starting from the middle of the cheeks and smoothly extinguishing up first, and then in the direction of the wings of the nose.
  • Fingering fingers will most effectively achieve natural makeup. However, do not forget important rule The distance from the nose to the start of the blush zone should be at least two fingers!
Naturalness is important
Naturalness is important
  1. Sculptural face
  • If you do not like the gym or exhausting training, but you want beautifully highlight cheekbones with makeup Already now, then it will help you sculpture with lighten techniques.

The rule is simple - all that needs to be highlighted or emphasized is to lighten, all that needs to be hidden is darkened.

  • It will be enough to use powder or blush several shades darker than the skin, and light flickering shades for accentuation.
  • Remember that your the main task is smooth shading, you will not be decorated with sharp clear lines on your face at all.

5. Freshness

  • Only a fresh face will look organic with a blush. And if the freshness is not about you at the moment, then to achieve this effect, two rules must be observed:
  • Firstly, correct base for makeup It will help to hide traces of fatigue and lack of sleep, levens the tone of the skin.
  • Secondly, use cream blush to highlight the "apples" cheeks, and apply a little highlighter (relatively new cosmetic product that reflects light, adding the effect of luminous from the inside of the skin) to the forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin to highlight the skin, make it radiant.
  1. Relevance
  • You can experiment with makeup during your life, but observe an important rule - makeup should be appropriate. This means that in the afternoon, at work or at study, blush may well be present, but they should be light shade and have a light texture, do not contain shine.
  • Dense saturated makeup In daylight, it looks unnatural, and makes his face look like a mask.
  • But in the evening, in twilight lighting, it is quite possible to use deep shades, To create attractive images with flaming cheeks. You can experiment with shimmers and highlighters, highlighting the cheekbones and emphasizing the sculpture of facial features.
Separate daytime and evening makeup
Separate daytime and evening makeup
  1. Avoid unevenness
  • Using blush or bronzing powder Without the use of the base, be prepared for the fact that any blush rolls after time, forming lumps or color spots. Therefore, for a beautiful effect, you will need tonal base or light explosionthat will allow your blush to remain even, and cheeks - look attractive during the day or night.

Important rules of high -quality shading:

  • To use powdery textures, you will need a good correct brush for shading. It is important that the brush is of medium size, not large and not small, made of natural pile and very fluffy.
  • First, dip only the tip of the hand in the product slightly. Attach the brush strictly at right angles and make a couple of circular movements at the top of the cheekbone (closer to the ear).
  • The next step is a little more means and confident movements towards the lips. Avoid strong pressure on the brush, so a spot may form, not lending to shading.
  • All movements Must be light, flying, without pressure.
  1. Do not overdo it!
  • When a person is well prepared, proceeding to apply blush, you should start using a very small amount of agent. Get the color only slightly, tinting the skin a little by light touches of the brush or fingers.
  • If necessary, it is better to walk in the same areas again, adding the color in the tone. So you can achieve the most natural shade and you will not overload the image with excessive makeup, you can control the density of blush and the application of the application.
  1. Enjoy the way longer!

Having spent some time creating an image, of course I want to enjoy the result longer. And several tricks will help you with this:

  • Invest in high -quality cosmetics, so you will be sure that blush will not let you down at the time of application and during the day, as well as that their composition will not harm your skin and health.
  • Use the powder for creamy textures, or apply accent powder textures on the foundation, this will help extend their socks. If you use creamy textures both in the base and in blush, then you will need a spray to consolidate makeup. It will not allow cosmetic means to lose its original appearance and reliably consolidate makeup.

If you decide to make bright makeup on occasion, then the specified advice of experts will be useful to you.

How to beautifully highlight cheekbones with makeup: step -by -step instructions

We offer to use the step-clock step by step about the face contouring beautifully highlight the cheekbones with makeup.

We begin, as mentioned above, with the definition of the initial conditions, and we act according to the scheme:

We need to bring the face of any shape closer to the ideal oval, this is the main secret of contouring. So, looking in the mirror, mentally outline the oval on the face and darken the areas around. Schematically, it looks like in the figure below.

  1. Apply basic moisture and tint The skin is your favorite foundation-cream, mousse, explosive cream. A qualitative basis is the foundation of the further image.
  2. Next, the areas should be lightened under the eyes, a pair of tones lighter than your skin color. We also do not forget about the techniques of color correction, and if there are dark circles, we mask with a yellowish and pinkish shades.
  3. Brows. They should pay maximum attention to them, as they emphasize any image, especially if it is a minimalistic makeup close to the natural. Makeup artists prefer to use a beveled brush and eyebrow shadows. However, some dexterity is needed here, and it is better for beginners to use eyebrow mascara or pencil equipment to start.
  4. We approach, in fact, contouring. And at this stage it is necessary to highlight the zones on the forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, above the upper lip and under the lower lip. Highlighter is ideal for this purpose. But, be careful if your skin is close to oily or oily, an excess of reflective can emphasize oily sheen. Therefore, always use it in moderation.
  5. Choose highlighter A few tones are lighter than the natural color of the skin, even better for one tone. If it is not in the pencil format, but cream, then it is better to apply it with a flat brush, and for shading, use a special two -level brush, the so -called “kind of kind”.
  6. Small life hack - To highlight the eyebrows even more, you can apply the highlighter above and under the eyebrow. And if you need a radiant look, then apply it in the corners of the eyes.
  7. We go to the second stage - darkening. There is one detail that it would be good for every beginner - professionals use the means with cream and powdery textures of the same tone for contouring, applying them in turn, so achieve a dramatic effect and dense color. But, for daily makeup, it is better to use cream - they are slightly absorbed during the day and give a more natural look, but they are more complicated/more complicated.
  8. Their powdered brothers - contour blush, bronzers are shaded easier and are more easily adjusted, but they are a little denser. Do not forget to apply a little powder for them, so they are better out. A very important stage of the cheekbone is a place on the face, which needs to pay the main attention.
  9. To determine the correct line for applying a dark tone, Pull the cheeks slightly and apply a dark tone in the resulting fossa, where the cavity on the cheek ends, and the darkening line should be finished there. After that, we proceed to the shading.
  10. The final stage - placement of accents. It is optional, but to create a more spectacular image, you can add a little shimmer or highlighter to especially beautiful areas. It can be a forehead, nose or apples of cheeks.
  11. Pass the bronzer along the hair growth line and along the lower line of the chin to smooth out the border of makeup. Bredwell the product on the border of the chin with a brush, making movements from the bottom up, and not vice versa. It will also be useful to walk slightly along the neck to avoid a sharp transition of color.
For the perfect make -up
For the perfect make -up

And voila! Get ready to get compliments!

But, if you are preparing for an evening exit or photo shoot, you can use one of the innovative techniques for creating an ideal face.

  • To posing before bright flashes of cameras, the technique is sometimes used strogingsometimes called the equipment technique contouring. The purpose of this technique is not in contrasting the construction of facial features, but in the illumination of natural features. Very often shining, slightly wet skin is associated with health and sexuality. However, far from all girls, nature endowed with even skin without flaws.
  • Therefore, the owners of imperfect skin have to apply a dense layer of the base - remedies that matting skin and mask various problems, and then, with the help of several wet strokes, highlight the advantages. Usually, in such cases, a highlighter or a light bronzer is applied to the hollow on the upper lip, cheekbones under the eyes, over the eyebrows, the back of the nose. But you need to be very neat so that the highlighted areas do not look disproportionately large, since this move visually increases the details.

How to beautifully highlight cheekbones with makeup: photo

And here are examples on real girls, How to beautifully highlight cheekbones with makeup:

One of the varieties of Stricing is the technique chroming - A way to highlight the face, as in the previous method, however, using transparent mother -of -pearls (lipsticks, powder).

  • Another interesting move is the use of technology bayking (baking). It is used by girls to mask obvious problems on the face - small wrinkles, blue circles under the eyes and bags and others.
  • First of all, a liquid tonal base is applied, then a dense cream concealer is used on especially unsightly areas, and followed by a dense layer of crumbly powder, to align the general tone, which is applied with slightly tactile movements.
  • Such multilayer makeup Not suitable for daily use, but in some cases can save the situation.
Multi -layered
Multi -layered
  • Recently, color contouring, or clown-concuoring. Circus slang plaque is due to the fact that for this type of contouring, colored concealers and correctors are used, which are applied with a dense layer and shaken well.
  • Using optical color effects, you can align any face flaws and get the perfect tone. So, we mask the dark circles under the eyes and blue with peach or reddish shades, the sluggish and overdred, slightly yellowish skin around the lips is adjusted with lavender, and remove any unwanted redness with greenish tints.

Video: correct highlighting cheekbones

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