Rhus compote: benefit and harm. Tasty rhubarb compote: recipe for children, in a slow cooker

Rhus compote: benefit and harm. Tasty rhubarb compote: recipe for children, in a slow cooker

Rhubarb is a unique product from which you can cook a very tasty and healthy compote. Recipes of delicious drinks and methods of preparing compote are listed in this article.

Rhus compote: benefit and harm

Not everyone knows such a plant product as revengeb. Those who grow it are actively a variety of compotes and jams boil from it. Moreover, this is a real treat with a huge margin of useful vitamins and trace elements!

Important: it is interesting that only the stem of the plant must be used for food. Rhubarb leaves are considered poisonous.

The compote welded from rhubarb can be safely called dietaryso the product itself is small -calorie and has a total of 100 grams 16 calories. If you count the calories of compote, then depending on the amount of sugar, it contains from 40 to 70 kcal per 100 ml.

The stem part of the plant intended for eating

Unique beneficial properties of rhubarb compote:

  • A rich vitamin reserve of rhubarb is capable of normalize the temperature Man, if it is increased.
  • Able to healed and fight even the strongest constipationimprove the intestine. The laxative effect of rhubarb is very soft, unable to bring discomfort.
  • In addition to normalizing a chair, the same the work of the stomach and the entire digestive system improves.
  • Another property of this compote - have an antimicrobial effect. Therefore, rhubarb is able to effectively fight seasonal colds and viruses.
  • Rhus compote is capable of normalize the work of many internal organs: liver, gall bladder. The compote has a soft choleretic effect.

Using often compote from rhubarb, a person can finish the fact that he will develop powerful immunity.

Plant stalks are great for the preparation of drinks

The harm of compote from rhubarb:

  • The harm that a person can bring to a rhubarb based on individual intolerance to the productas well as a possible allergic reaction.
  • Carefully use compote to women who are pregnant, as well as during feeding. You can drink compote, but in small portions and not often.
  • Carefully drinking compote from rhubarb should be and diabetics. It should be evaluated in advance its saturation with sugar, only then make a decision: to use or not.

Video: "Proper cultivation and use of rhubarb in cooking"

Is it possible to make rhubarb compote during breastfeeding?

The diet of a nursing mother is quite strict. On the one hand, she needs to drink a lot of liquids, and on the other hand, to avoid a huge number of products that can cause allergies.

Rhus compote can become find for a nursing mother, because he is capable not only quench thirst. Compote "gives" the female body huge stock of useful trace elementsnecessary for her and the child.

The only precaution - to study your susceptibility of rhubarb. Most often, it does not cause any negative reactions. Only in some cases there is an allergy.

You can cook compote during lactation from rhubarb, adding apples and dried fruits. Such a compote will become about taller soft laxativeWhat is very important after the birth of a child. In addition, it will increase the flow of milk, make it rich vitamins - this is very useful for the child.

Start your "acquaintance" with compote with small portions. If you do not find itching, spasms in the stomach, poor health, nausea - feel free to cook compote and use it during breastfeeding.

The compote is allowed for use during lactation

Compote from rhubarb by children, at what age?

Rhubarb is a plant component. That is why it follows gently. The best time for "acquaintance" with such compote at the stage ten months of age. At this time, the baby begins his the first feeding And the compote will not be able to cause him any negative reaction.

It is necessary to give compote from rhubarb small portions once a day And carefully monitor the well -being of the child. "First" compote should not be too concentrated, it is best to dilute it with clean water one to one. Such a drink will saturate the children's body with useful trace elements, establish digestion and improve a chair.

Children's compote made from rhubarb

How to cook delicious rhubarb compote for children, one -year -old child?

From a year -old age, a child can safely give such a drink. You can cook it with other fruits and dried fruits. So the taste will turn out to be more saturated, and the supply of vitamins richer.

Rhuber compote recipe for children:

You will need:

  • Several stems of rhubarb - 3, 4 pieces (washed, with remote leaves)
  • Sugar -adjust to taste (someone loves sweet, someone is not)
  • Water - (clean, children's) one liter


  • Each stalk of rhubarb follows be sure to clean From the skin
  • The stems are cut on small pieces one or two centimeters
  • Chopped pieces follows to fill with waterand let them stand in the water for fifteen minutes
  • Boil a liter of water and dissolve the required amount of sugar in it
  • In boiling water, it is necessary to throw soaked roar
  • Cook The drink follows fifteen minutes over low heat
  • The compote needs to be cooled and then you can give the child
Preparation of a children's drink from rhubarb

Rhuba and apples compote: recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Several cherries (approximately 200 grams)
  • Apple - 2 pieces (sour or sweet and sour)
  • Sugar - to taste (from 50 grams to 100 grams)
  • Water - one litre
  • Cinnamon - A pinch of powder
  • Carnation - one or two sticks (spices)


  • The stalks of rhubarb should be washed, cleaned, removed
  • Rhubarb cut into cubes about two centimeters
  • The chopped rhubarb should be poured with a small amount of water and let it “stand up” for fifteen minutes
  • Water should be brought to a boil
  • The apple is washed out and cleaned of the seed box
  • The apple is cut into large pieces
  • Sugar and spices dissolve in boiling water
  • Throw an apple and soaked rhubarb into boiling water
  • Reduce fire and cook the compote for twenty minutes
  • After cooking, turn off the fire and let the drink brew
Tasty combination of ingredients for making a home drink

Rhuba and currant compote: recipe

Currants perfectly complement the rhubarb, making the taste of compote more saturated and “bright”. In such compote, as a rule, a lot of sugar is addedso that it is not overly sour.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - stems (approximately 300 g)
  • Currant - 250 g
  • Water - 2.5 or 3 liters (the less water, the more saturated the taste)
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Mint leaves


  • The stalks of rhubarb should be washed, cleaned, removed with rhubaries to cut into cubes about two centimeters.
  • The chopped rhubarb should be poured with a small amount of water and let it “stand” for fifteen minutes.
  • During the infusion of rhubarb, boil water
  • Sugar dissolves in water.
  • A glass of washed berries and soaked rhubarb is poured into boiling water.
  • You should cook the drink twenty -five minutes over moderate heat and only then cover with a lid for insisting. In order to diversify or improve the taste, you can add a couple of fresh mint leaves.
For cooking, you can use red or black currants

Rhuba and raspberry compote: recipe

Raspberry Makes a rhubarb compote more sweet and “bright” in taste. Such a compote will become a delicious drink with a huge margin of healthy trace elements, especially in winter.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - stems (approximately 300 grams)
  • Raspberry - 300 g (sweet, ripe)
  • Water - two or three liters (depending on the preferred saturation)
  • Sugar - 100 g (adjust yourself)


  • The stems of rhubarb should be washed, removed, cleaned.
  • Rhublines cut into cubes about two centimeters.
  • Chopped rhubarb should be poured with a small amount of water and give it “Stand” fifteen minutes.
  • During the infusion of rhubarb, boil water
  • Sugar dissolves in water.
  • A glass of washed raspberries and chopped soaked rhubarb is poured into boiling water.
  • Cook the compote for ten minutes on moderate heat. Raspberry quickly “lets the juice” and makes compote bright, rich and tasty.
Raspberry will be a great addition to a rhubarb drink

Rhus compote with orange: recipe

Orange compote with rhubarb It will become a delicious exotic drink at any time of the year. It can be drunk immediately, or can be preserved for the winter.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - The stems of the plant (half a kilo - 500 grams)
  • Orange - 1 piece (large sweet citrus)
  • Raisins-100-150 g (sweet, Kishmish)
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Water - no more than three liters


  • The stems of rhubarb should be washed, removed and peeled.
  • Rhublines cut into cubes about two centimeters.
  • The chopped rhubarb should be poured with a small amount of water and let it “stand” for fifteen minutes.
  • During the infusion of rhubarb, the water should be boiled.
  • Sugar dissolves in water.
  • The orange should be washed and cut into slices with the peel. The zest of orange will also give compote a pleasant rich taste.
  • It is necessary to add orange, soaked rhubarb and raisins to boiling water. Cook the compote for twenty minutes on a moderate heat under a closed lid.
  • After that, you should get an orange from the compote (so that the crust does not give a lot of bitterness), squeeze and leave the compote to insisting.
The taste of orange will decorate the compote from rhubarb

Rhubarb compote in multicooker: recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems ( 700 g)
  • Lemon - 1 piece (half the fetus)
  • Water - 3 liters
  • Sugar - A glass with a slide ( 250 g)


  • Rhubarb is cleaned from the skin and poured with water for soaking for half an hour.
  • Soaked rhubarb is poured with water in a slow cooker
  • Half of the lemon is squeezed out, if desired, you can add zest (it is not worth holding it for a long time so that the compote does not grieve).
  • The ingredients are filled with sugar and poured with water
  • In the slow cooker, you should enable the mode “Cooking,“ Soup ”or“ Baking ”for forty minutes.
  • After that, switch to the “extinguishing” or “heating” mode by one hour (it all depends on the power of the multicooker).
Cooking in a slow cooker

Rhubarb's rhubarb compote: recipe

Mint will “give” the compote from rhubarb freshness and complement its taste.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems, 400 grams
  • Mint - 50 grams fresh leaves
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Lemon juice - One or two spoons
  • Water - Three liters


  • The stems of rhubarb should be washed, removed, cleaned.
  • Rhublines cut into cubes about two centimeters.
  • The chopped rhubarb should be poured with water and let it “stand up” during insisting should boil water, dissolve sugar in it and pour lemon juice.
  • Add all the ingredients to the water.
  • The drink should cook for about ten minutes
  • After that, add fresh mint leaves and cook for another five minutes.
  • The drink should infuse for another ten minutes under the lid.
Mint "refresh" compote

Lemon rhubarb compote: recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems, 500 g
  • Lemon - 1 piece (small)
  • Sugar - cup ( 200 g)
  • Water - Three liters, no more


  • The stems of rhubarb should be washed, removed, cleaned.
  • Rhublines cut into cubes about two centimeters.
  • The chopped rhubarb should be poured with a small amount of water and let it “stand” for fifteen minutes.
  • During the infusion of rhubarb, boil water, dissolve sugar in it.
  • The lemon should be cut into slices.
  • In boiling water, throw soaked rhubarb, slices of lemon.
  • Cook the compote on moderate heat for fifteen minutes, to let it brew for another fifteen minutes before use. After insisting, remove the lemon.
Lemon is one of the best additions to a rhubarb drink

Rhuba and cherry compote: recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - stems (approximately 400 g)
  • Cherry - 300 g
  • Water - 3 liters (purified)
  • Sugar - 150 g (adjust yourself)


  • The stems of rhubarb should be washed, removed, cleaned.
  • Rhublines cut into cubes about two centimeters.
  • The chopped rhubarb should be poured with a small amount of water and let it “stand” for fifteen minutes.
  • During the infusion of rhubarb, boil water and dissolve sugar.
  • Washed berries and rhubarb are poured into boiling water.
  • Cook the compote for half an hour on moderate heat, cool the compote and let it brew for another twenty minutes.
The drink can be cooked from both fresh and frozen cherries

Rhubarb compote with ginger: Recipe

Rhuba and ginger compote - Real vitamin agent. It is able to saturate the body with the necessary trace elements, normalize the digestive process, reduce appetite and fight overeating.

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - Stems 500 grams
  • Ginger - Root 50 grams
  • Lemon - 1 piece (small)
  • Sugar - 200 grams (adjust the number to taste)
  • Water - Three liters


  • Rhubarb is cleaned, chopped and insisted in water.
  • The root of ginger is cleaned of the skin, cut into pieces.
  • Water boils, sugar dissolves in it.
  • The ingredients are sent to boiling water: rhubarb, ginger, sliced \u200b\u200blemon.
  • Cook the compote for half an hour over low heat.
  • After cooking, the compote should be strain or remove the ingredients from it so that they do not give bitterness.
Ginger will give sharpness and freshness to the drink

Strawberry and rhubarb compote: recipe

You will need:

  • Rhubarb - stems (approximately 500 grams)
  • Strawberries - 300 grams
  • Water - 3 liters (purified)
  • Sugar - 100 grams (adjust to taste)


  • The stems of rhubarb should be washed, removed and peeled.
  • Rhublines cut into cubes about two centimeters.
  • The chopped rhubarb should be poured with a small amount of water and let it “stand” for fifteen minutes.
  • Boil water, dissolve sugar in it.
  • Wash strawberries, send in boiling water with rhubarb.
  • Cook the compote for twenty minutes on a moderate heat.
  • After that, turn off the fire and cover with a lid for insisting for half an hour. Before use from compote, the ingredients should be obtained.
Strawberries will improve taste and give a beautiful bright compote color

Video: "How to cook compote from rhubarb?"

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  1. Do not be lazy, prepare,-this recipe is worth it. I recommend

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