Coconut oil for food: where to buy natural coconut oil? Coconut oil recipes

Coconut oil for food: where to buy natural coconut oil? Coconut oil recipes

Want to cook on the most useful of vegetable fats? Check out recipes for dishes with coconut oil. They are simple, tasty and healthy.

Among all vegetable oils, coconut oil seems the most exotic. In Eastern Europe, it has been used to cook food not so long ago. And in vain! After all, this fat of plant origin has a lot of beneficial properties.

The composition of coconut oil

From ancient times, coconut oil is used in cooking in Asian countries such as the Philippines, Thailand and India. In the United States, they tried to cook with him in the middle of the twentieth century. But the Americans considered the product too fat and for a while betrayed it to oblivion. Today, coconut oil gains popularity around the world: thanks to a number of scientific research, it was possible to find out how useful it is.

In Asia, coconut oil has been cooked from time immemorial.
In Asia, coconut oil has been cooked from time immemorial.

Important: coconut oil is used not only in cooking, but also in the cosmetology industry. Famous manufacturers of cosmetics for the body, face and hair often introduce it into their products

The source of fat and healthy oil is mature coconuts. The method of hot pressing or cold spin from their hardened white and sweet pulp mines concentrated fat, as part of the product as much as 99%. Another 1 % composition - water.

Important: it is better to give preference to coconut oil obtained through cold pressing: during heat treatment during hot pressing, part of the useful components of the product is destroyed

Fatty acids in coconut oil are good for health
Fatty acids in coconut oil are good for health

The product is called "useful fat", as it contains:

  • caprioin, capricine, kapron, laurin, stearin, palmitic and other unsaturated fatty acids
  • nervous, oleic, palmitoleic and other mono -saturated fatty acids
  • omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids

The high percentage of fat content, however, does not make coconut oil much more high -calorie than other popular plant (olive and sunflower oil - 884 kcal per 100g).

Important: Energy value of coconut pulp - 900 kcal per 100 g

Coconut oil use in food

Nutritionists cite a number of arguments in favor of why coconut oil should be replaced by other plant and even animals:

  1. Although when heated, part of the product of the product is nevertheless lost, these losses are not as strong as that of olive and sunflower vegetable oils, and even more so butter and smalt
  2. During frying in coconut oil, carcinogens are not released
  3. In coconut oil, enveloping and antibacterial properties were found, thanks to which it becomes useful for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  4. The product improves the absorption of other food, including protein
  5. Fatty acids in the composition of coconut oil contribute to the processes of self -cleaning and regeneration in the liver
  6. As a result of consumption of coconut fat (of course, if it is not excessive), cholesterol is not formed, so it is recommended to eat those who have detected heart problems and blood vessels
  7. Against the background of the use of coke oil, the absorption of minerals, including calcium and magnesium, improves, therefore the product helps to strengthen bone tissue
  8. The product can be eaten diabetics
  9. Cases of coconut oil are extremely rare, and they, in fact, are the only contraindication to its use
Coconut oil can be replaced by any other vegetable, as well as butter and smell
Coconut oil can be replaced by any other vegetable, as well as butter and smell

At a temperature of up to 25 degrees, coconut oil has a solid consistency, and if it is a little heated, it begins to melt. This property explains the wide range of its application in cooking. Fat from the pulp of coconut can be eaten:

  • just smearing on a sandwich
  • having tucked them porridge with or without milk, puree from potatoes or vegetables, pasta from pasta
  • having tucked them fruit or vegetable salad
  • using butter or margarine for baking instead
  • adding to milk or hot chocolate

Important: it is very good to fry meat and other products in coconut oil

Where to buy food natural coconut oil?

  • Natural coconut oil is exclusively export, in Europe it is not produced
  • In East European countries, useful fat is sold, unfortunately, not in all stores. It can be found in an elite bachelor and some large supermarkets
  • The product is sold in briquettes, stored on shelves of freezers. Like the coconut pulp itself, the color of the oil can be different - from white to cream or slightly yellowish. But it should always be homogeneous
Unfortunately, in Eastern Europe, coconut oil is still considered exotic, you can buy it not everywhere
Unfortunately, in Eastern Europe, coconut oil is still considered exotic, you can buy it not everywhere

Important: natural and high -quality coconut oil even in frozen form exudes unobtrusive sweet smell

Coconut oil recipes for dishes

Coconut oil is characterized by a sweetish taste, so many mistakenly suggest that only desserts can be prepared with it. In fact, the sphere of its use in cooking is the same as that of more familiar creamy, plant or olive oils.
Recipe No. 1: Potato casserole

Potato casserole with coconut oil is very tasty
Potato casserole with coconut oil is very tasty

Ingredients: Potatoes - 1 kg, spices and seasonings - to taste, milk - 100 ml, coconut oil - 30 g. Options: mushrooms, chicken breast, bacon, cheese.
Cooking time: 1 hour.

  • Potatoes are washed, cleaned, cut with slices. 10 g of coconut oils are used to lubricate the baking dish. 30 g of coconut oil is melted and mixed with milk. Potato slides are laid out in the mold, poured with an oil-milk mixture, sprinkled with herbs and seasonings
  • If desired, you can lay out slides of mushrooms or bacon, chopped chicken breast chopped with cubes, sprinkle the casserole on top with grated cheese
  • In the oven preheated to 180 degrees, the casserole is kept for 45-60 minutes

Recipe No. 2: Mushroom pilaf with coconut oil

Mushroom pilaf can be prepared on fat from coconut pulp
Mushroom pilaf can be prepared on fat from coconut pulp

Ingredients: champignons-300 g, carrots-1 pc., Onion-1 pc., Garlic-3-4 cloves, seasoning for pilaf with turmeric, rice steamed-1 cup, coconut oil-50 g.
Cooking time: 40 minutes.

  • Coconut oil is laid out at the bottom of the thick -walled pan, melt it and let it boil. Finely chopped onions, finely chopped garlic, finely chopped or grated by a coarse grater, are laid out in boiling oil
  • Passed for 5 minutes, after which champignons chopped with slides and? seasonings. After 5 minutes, pour the washed and crossed rice on top. Add water and more seasonings
  • It is important to remember that during frying, champignons are secreted by water, its volume must be taken into account so that the rice does not turn into porridge. Stew the pilaf for 20-30 minutes until cooked, without mixing

Recipe number 3: Chicken steaks in coconut-naughty sauce

Chicken steaks will be even tastier if you pour them with sauce
Chicken steaks will be even tastier if you pour them with coconut-naughty sauce

Ingredients: chicken hips - 0.5 kg, coconut milk - 100 ml, coconut oil - 80 g, walnuts - 30 g, flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, onions - 1 pc, greens and seasonings to taste.
Cooking time: 1 hour.

  • The hips are washed, cleaned of the skin, pickled in seasonings. 20 g of coconut oil are melted in a pan, brown on it steaks for 2-3 minutes
  • Steaks are shifted into another stewing dish, pour water to half with water. Stuff for 40 minutes. At this time, the sauce is prepared: 20 g of coconut oil is used for frying finely chopped onions and nuts chopped into crumbs
  • After 5 minutes, flour is added to the onion and nuts, after another 2 minutes, a mixture of their milk and the remaining coconut oil are poured into the pan.
  • 5 minutes before the readiness of steaks, pouring sauce from

Coconut oil salads

Coconut oil can be used as a dressing for vegetable and fruit salads, salads of their seafood. The only nuance - such salads are better in the summer, when the air temperature is above 25 degrees, the oil does not harden.
Recipe No. 1: Brynza vegetables with coconut oil dressing

Dietary dish - light vegetable salad with coconut oil dressing
Dietary dish - light vegetable salad with coconut oil dressing

Ingredients: tomatoes - 300 g, cucumbers - 200 g, unsweetened apple or avocado - 1 pc., Juice 0.5 lemon, salad bow - 1 pc., Greens of parsley, dill, basil - to taste, Brynza cheese - 100 g, coconut oil - 20 g
Cooking time: 15 minutes.
Tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese and apples are cut into small cubes, onions - thin half rings. Greens are crushed. Twist the salad with lemon juice and coconut liquid oil, salt and glow to taste.

Important: if the oil from the coconut has not melted, you can put it in a bowl and put it in a pan with warm water

Recipe No. 2: Seafood salad under coconut oil

Salad with seafood and coconut oil - a healthy dish worthy of the festive table.
Salad with seafood and coconut oil - a healthy dish worthy of the festive table.

Ingredients: seafood (mussels, shrimp, squid rings) - 300 g, cherry tomatoes - 8 pcs., Avocado - 1 pc., Olives - 0.5 tin can, onion, honey - 1 teaspoon, juice 0.5 lemon, coconut oil - 20 g.
Cooking time: 25 minutes.

  • Cherry tomatoes are divided into 6 lobes, the avocados are cut into cubes, the onions are chopped, olives are cut in half, connected all this with prepared seafood
  • They make a dressing of honey, lemon juice and coconut oil. Twist a salad. Salt and pepper are added based on personal preferences

Recipe number 3: Fruit salad with honey and coconut oil

Coconut oil can be seasoned and fruits
Coconut oil can be seasoned and fruits

Ingredients: apples - 2 pcs., Kiwi - 2 pcs., Banana - 1 pc., Orange - 1 pc., Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, coconut oil - 15 g, any nuts optional.
Cooking time: 15 minutes.

  • All fruits are cut into cubes. Connect honey and melted coconut fat for refueling. Twisted fruit salad is sprinkled with nuts

VIDEO: How to make healthy sweets - healthy diet?

Coconut oil cookies and baking

The butter or margarine used for baking in significant quantities harm the figure and health. Coconut oil - no.

Recipe No. 1: Cupcakes are simple

Simple and tasty cupcakes with coconut oil are prepared in haste.
Simple and tasty cupcakes with coconut oil are prepared in haste.

Ingredients: chicken eggs -3 pcs., Kefir -1 cup, sugar -1 cup, flour -3 cups, coconut oil -200 g, gashnean soda -1 teaspoon (can be replaced with baking powder), nuts, raisins, centers, chocolate drops taste.
Cooking time: 50 minutes.

  • From the eggs and sugar with a mixer they get foam. Add kefir, coconut liquid oil alternately to it
  • The flour is connected to a baking powder or soda, inserted into a liquid mass, mixed to a thick mass without lumps. Add raisins, centers, drops
  • Pour into a silicone form or disposable paper molds. Bake 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees

Recipe No. 2: Oatmeal cookies with chocolate and coconut oil

Oatmeal chocolate-coconut cookies are very fond of children
Oatmeal chocolate and coconut cookies are very fond of children.

Ingredients: eggs - 3 pcs., Flour - 2.5 cups, oat flakes - 2 cups, sugar - 1 cup, confectionery chocolate - 100 g, bashnaya soda - 1 teaspoon (or baking powder), coconut oil - 100 g.
Cooking time: 25 minutes.

  • The softened coconut oil is beaten with sugar and eggs, add flour, oatmeal and soda
  • Chocolate rubbing and introduced into the dough last. Put the cookies on a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake for about 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees

Recipe number 3: Fluffy pancakes

For breakfast or tea, you can eat pancakes with coconut oil.
For breakfast or tea, you can eat pancakes with coconut oil.

Ingredients: milk - 2 cups, sugar - 3 tbsp. tablespoons, flour, coconut oil - 15 g, yeast, salt.
Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

  • From warm milk, sugar, salt, yeast and 3 tbsp. flour spoons make dough. Add melted coconut oil and flour to it
  • They take so much flour so that it turns out the cream -shaped dough. It is suitable for an hour. The pancakes are also fried in coconut oil
  • Dishes prepared with coconut oil are not only tasty and healthy, but also dietary. For those who want to lose weight, there is a special diet on coconut fat

VIDEO: Coconut oil: use, losing weight, acceleration of metabolism, benefits, harm of coconut oil

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