Skin hormonal patch - a new method of long -term contraception: action, use, advantages, side effects, price

Skin hormonal patch - a new method of long -term contraception: action, use, advantages, side effects, price

In the modern world, high -quality contraception is of great importance. This article will talk about hormonal plasters.

The modern sphere of medicine never stops, it develops rapidly, grows. A variety of new methods, approaches and techniques appear that allow you to solve this or that problem. New technologies have not passed the scope of contraception for women.

More recently, a new type of contraception appeared on the market - this hormonal contraceptives. They, like means in the form of tablets, have similar functions, can prevent an undesirable pregnancy. In addition, patcharies affect the hormonal background of the woman.

Hormonal patch: what is it?

As mentioned above, this type of contraception for women is considered a novelty from developments in this area. Hormonal patch It is a new approach.

  • This is a rectangular patch that has a smooth surface and thickness maximum 0.1 cm.
  • Dimensions hormonal patch They are approximately 4 cm per 5 cm, respectively. You can stick it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks, shoulder, lower back, as well as on the stomach.
  • You can use the patch as many as tablets, that is, for 21 days. But, if the product in the form of tablets is recommended to be taken daily, then the patch must be changed every week. When the term of use passes, it is necessary to take a break, which should be 7 days, no more. If you ignore this rule, the effectiveness of the drug will decrease.

If we take into account the reliability of the product, then manufacturers indicate almost 100%. This makes it possible to put a patch in a row with many barrier analogues, for example, with condoms.

Because hormonal patch It is considered a contraceptive drug, it can perform the main task - the tool excludes the chance to get pregnant. In addition, the hormonal method of affecting the female body makes it possible to use it as a drug.

That is why many doctors recommend that women use hormonal plasters in such situations:

  • If the hormonal balance is broken.
  • With pain during menstruation.
  • During an illness that is associated with the genitourinary system and so on.

Also, a patch is often used during hormone therapy, when a woman is removed by the uterus.


Do you want to start using this patch? Spend in advance with your gynecologist, since you may have certain contraindications for use. Only the doctor will be able to detect these contraindications.

How does a hormonal patch work?

The main purpose hormonal patch - Protect a woman from an unwanted pregnancy. Moreover, the reliability, effectiveness of the product is almost 100%. However, in order to get the perfect effect, you must correctly use the patch as indicated in the instructions, as the doctor advises.

There are 2 main substances in the hormonal drug:

  • Estrogen.
  • Gestagenic substance.

These active components provide the main contraceptive effect. The patch itself has the following important principles:

  • Thanks to the epidermal micropors, active substances are absorbed, which can suppress ovulation processes. Due to this process, the female cell does not come out, which means that fertilization does not occur.
  • The mucous secretions that are formed in the cervical canal acquire a viscous, thick consistency. Consequently, men do not go into the uterus.
  • Impression of implantation occurs. During this process, even after fertilization, the embryo does not attach to the wall of the uterus, because the endometrium does not perceive blastocytes.

During proper use hormonal patch You get reliable protection, and therefore you can’t get pregnant.

Hormonal patch: use

This contraceptive has a special instruction that you must comply with.

You need to use a hormonal patch, given the following recommendations:

  • Glue the patch as indicated in the instructions itself. Strictly observe each advice. For once, apply only one rectangle of the material. After use, take the next patch.
  • Do not forget to change hormonal patchWhen 7 days pass, then a week after menstruation. When it comes on 22 and 28, do not glue the patch. All because the menstrual cycle falls on this period of time.
  • At the 29th day, attach a new patch. And it does not matter whether you ended with menstruation or not.

Try to strictly observe this scheme. If you do not apply the remedy on time, on the first day of the beginning of the menstrual cycle, then use as a supplement by another contraceptive. Therefore, you will have to apply a new segment every 7 days. You can remove it at any time on 8 days, not earlier. Before sticking the patch, make sure that your skin is completely clean, dry, low -fat.


You can attach a hormonal patch in the following places:

  • In the lower abdomen.
  • On the top of the shoulder.
  • On the buttocks.
  • On the inside of the thigh.
  • On the forearm.
  • On the back or blade.

Next, try to adhere to the rules:

  • You must make sure that there are no wounds, damage, abrasions, and irritation on the skin. Otherwise, you may have an inflammatory process or dermatitis.
  • Do not glue 2 patch at the same time, they will not give you a better result. The same is not advised to do doctors.
  • While sticking the next hormonal patch Choose a different place on the body. So you will avoid the risk of irritation, allergies.
  • During the application of the patch, fix it tightly enough so that the rectangle does not peel off, does not cling to things, and does not go.
  • Sometimes women simply forget to remove the patch from the skin in time, especially if it is in the invisible area of \u200b\u200bthe body. In this case, you will have to remove it, stick a new one. During intimate contact, adjust yourself. Together with the patch, use some other type of contraception.
Important rules
Important rules

The instructions also indicate that the patch must be stored at a temperature of at least +15 ° C and a maximum of +30 ° C. If the temperature of the room in which the product will be stored will increase or fall, then the level of efficiency will significantly decrease in the patch, that is, the number of active substances will be minimal (critical). Therefore, do not store the contraceptive in the refrigerator, but you should not hold the patch in the places where children, pets can get.

Using a hormonal patch instead of pills

  • After stopping the adoption of tablets, wait until the day when the first periods come.
  • If the menstrual cycle lingers for 6 days, then pass the pregnancy test.
  • If you glue the product for the first time after the onset of menstruation, then use another contraception.

Using a hormonal patch after the drug progestogen

You can use a patch at any time when you cancel the drug, the basis of which is progestogen. It is also advisable to additionally use another contraception for 7 days.

We replace other means
We replace other means

Using a hormonal patch if you have an abortion or there was a miscarriage

As a rule, ovulation occurs 3 weeks after such an event. Therefore, you can immediately use the patch without applying additional contraception. You can also wait for the next menstrual cycle to come, or use hormonal patch According to the usual scheme, which is described above.

Using a hormonal patch after childbirth

You can use the product only after 4 weeks, after the birth of a child, or wait until the first menstruation. It also applies to those women who do not breastfeeding the baby. But before that, consult a doctor.

Advantages of hormonal patch

An adhesive contraceptive drug is quite comfortable in operation. It has a huge number of important advantages. While using the patch does not need to be supplemented with other contraceptives in sexual intercourse. It is not necessary to prepare for sexual intercourse or avoid unexpected connections using suppositories or cream. In addition, during the proximity with a partner, unpleasant surprises will not arise, for example, a flying condom, a flowing candle from the vagina. To this, it should be added to the fact that you can add various sexual caresses while using hormonal patch.

You should not have some unusual skills in order to glue the drug on the skin, as it happens if you use various caps, rings, diaphragms and so on.

The risk is completely excluded:

  • The appearance of pregnancy with pathologies.
  • The development of various inflammations.
  • The appearance of erosion and other diseases.

Also, feelings and pleasure will not be dull, as during the use of a condom.

Many advantages
Many advantages

There are other positive aspects:

  • Change Hormonal patch It is necessary only once every 7 days. This approach practically eliminates the risk of forgetting to use the product. Since oral drugs, for example, must be used every day and preferably at the same time, the use of hormonal patch in this regard is simplified to a minimum.
  • Therefore, you will not forget to change the patch, but many women often forget to change COCs in time. But we know that if you miss the reception of only one tablet, the effectiveness of the course prescribed for a whole month decreases. As a result, other contraceptive drugs must be used.
  • The next important plus-it is not able to cause any negative consequences, for example, a hormonal failure. It is from such an ailment that side effects often occur.
  • With intolerance to the product, it can be pulled out at any time. But, if you use contraceptive injections, you will have to endure their “charms” for a long time until their validity is expired. Besides, hormonal patch It has a strong therapeutic effect.
Many advantages
Many advantages

Therefore, thanks to him you can:

  • To get rid of bleeding that can occur between menstruation during failures.
  • Make me a monthly painless.
  • Get rid of the PMS symptoms.
  • Use a patch against a rash that occurs before menstruation.

Side effects from hormonal patch

The emergence of negative reactions during use hormonal patch - a rare event. However, they can still be present.

These include:

  • Strong anxiety, depression, poor sleep, headaches.
  • The appearance of swelling, a strong heartbeat.
  • Depletion of the body or increased appetite, constipation, diarrhea, diarrhea.
  • Decrease in libido, lactation (even if a woman is not pregnant), an increase in breast size, impaired ovarian functionality.
  • The appearance of various types of allergies.
  • Sometimes, during the use of a patch, a woman may have blood clots. If she also leads a very active life, she has strong obesity, the woman smokes, then the risk of blood clots increases significantly.
Side side
Side side

If a patch does not suit you at all, you may encounter some adverse reactions. For example, you may be disturbed by the difficulty of breathing, chest pain, numbness of your arms or legs, and so on. When such symptoms appear, be sure to contact a doctor.

I did not change the hormonal patch in time: what to do?

What to do in such a situation? You will have to stick a new Hormonal patch And consider this day the first, and then start the countdown precisely from it. It is also necessary to add another contraception for 7 days.

We recommend that you do not forget about the following nuances:

  • You did not have time to change the patch, but only 2 days passed? Then glue the other. Attach subsequent applications, as indicated in the diagram. Additional contraception is not needed.
  • If you have not changed the patch for 3 days or more, glue the new one, start counting from the day of its gluing. You will also need additional barrier contraception for 7 days.
  • If you don't change hormonal patch 3 weeks later, then quickly remove it. The application scheme in this situation is standard. You do not need additional contraception.
It is necessary to change regularly
It is necessary to change regularly

If you decide to change the day of the change of the patch, then come as follows:

  • Remove the sticker on time.
  • Start the next cycle on any day of the break.

We do not recommend exceeding the length of the break more than 1 week.

How much does a hormonal patch cost?

Today, you can purchase such a tool in almost any pharmacy, it is available for implementation. However, the cost is not too affordable, which makes the tool not so in demand among consumers.

The average packaging price, which includes 3 hormonal patch, is approximately 15 dollars. At this point, the problem appears: to purchase a patch or it is better to refuse it.

What contraceptives to buy and use them, decide for yourself. During the choice of the product, initially study all the disadvantages and advantages of each in order to make the right choice. In addition, take into account all the features of your own body. This tool has already been acquired by many women. Decision is on you!

Video: Plaster - the best contraception

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