Natural methods of contraception are effective? How to use a calendar method for contraception?

Natural methods of contraception are effective? How to use a calendar method for contraception?

In this article, we will discuss what natural contraception methods are, and we will also learn about other, no less effective methods.

Many women know that it is possible to use condoms, tablets and other methods for contraception, but quite natural. But they also require a competent approach. The effectiveness of the methods is also different and they are not suitable for everyone. Let's talk in more detail about each of them and list other methods that are not natural.

Natural methods of contraception: methods, application

The main contingent at the reception of a gynecologist, as a rule, are girls from 20 to 35 years old. This is an age when a reproductive function works best. The frequent problem of many of them is infertility and violation of the cycle. Literally 20 years ago, the girls were worried that they would accidentally get pregnant, but today the situation is different and another question sounds - can they become pregnant at all? Infertility is indisputable today more and more often. So natural protection methods today are one of the methods to determine whether it may become pregnant or not.

Calendar method

Calendar method of contraception
Calendar method of contraception

This is the most popular way of all. It is also called a “Vatican roulette” because this is the only way that the Catholic Church allowed. Its meaning is to calculate “dangerous” days based on the length of the cycle.

It is important to note that this method is not fast, because for it it is necessary to conduct a special calendar for eight months, and even better up to a year. Today it has become more complicated, because there are extremely a lot of information around and it is easy to forget about it. Often, even hormonal contraceptives of the girl forget to drink.

When your calendar is ready, the first day of ovulation must be calculated from the shortest cycle, and the last one from the longest. While you have this period, the probability of getting pregnant is very high. Accordingly, these days it is necessary to either exclude sexual contacts or use condoms.

As a rule, the cycle of menstruation lasts within a month, and pregnancy occurs within two days. The average fertilization period is 32 hours. If you add here for several days, while spermatozoa can maintain activity, and this is about 5 days, it will turn out about 6-7 days favorable for conception.

Billings method

Billings method
Billings method

Ovulation is a rather complicated process and it can be determined without ultrasound, but this will be an approximate period. But it is almost impossible to get the exact date of its beginning. However, if you rely on your menstrual cycle and use the formulas, you can calculate the approximate beginning and end of ovulation. You can also look at how cervical mucus behaves. This method was the first to offer Billings from Australia.

This method is to monitor the state of its cervical mucus. Immediately after menstruation, begin to track the consistency of the mucus and write the results in the sign. You will need to make several designations:

  • Dry. These days the entrance to the vagina is always dry to the touch
  • Fertile. Can be manifested by different types of mucus
  • Dangerous. During this period, the mucus is the most thick and viscous

The last day is the best for conception.

When time is not the best for conception, the mucus will be thick and even lumpy. It forms a small cork that does not allow the discharge. That is why the vagina will be dry.

When the days of ovulation are approaching, the discharge acquires viscosity and viscosity. If you do not want to get pregnant, it is better to abandon intimacy or use condoms. By the way, this method has good effectiveness, which has already been proven by many women.

In a favorable period for conception, the mucus will be very viscous. It easily stretches between the fingers. You probably saw protein. Here is the same.

What does the mucus look like?
What does the mucus look like?

When ovulation ends, the discharge thickens again and gradually disappear completely. Thus, since the discharge changes before and after ovulation, then the approximate period of ovulation can be calculated.

Basal temperature

Of course, natural contraception is not the best way to protect, especially if you have malfunctions in the cycle. The most reliable method of all is the measurement of basal temperature. For greater reliability, you can measure it in the morning and evening. The bottom line is to determine the differences. Before the start of ovulation, the temperature drops slightly, and then increases sharply. Usually it does not exceed 37 degrees.

To date, there are even special thermometers that allow you to determine the temperature with high accuracy. The basal is the temperature that is observed in a calm state, after sleep. It can be measured in different ways, but the best of all is rectal.

Other effective methods of contraception: Review

In addition to the natural ways of protecting from unwanted pregnancy, there are many others. Each of them is convenient in its own way, so you can choose the right one and use it.

Barrier methods


Such contraception involves the use of condoms. At the same time, there are not only male, but also female. In the latter case, special devices are used that do not allow sperm to penetrate the uterus and therefore it will not be able to fertilize the egg.

  • Condoms

Everyone knows how to use male condoms, but female are not so widely known. This is a special small bag inserted into the vagina and is attached into it with the help of an elastic ring. Both methods of contraception allow not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to protect against various diseases.

Contrives protect in 98% of cases and prevent pregnancy. However, this applies only to men's products. Female helps out in 90% of cases.

  • Caps

The fallopian caps and vaginal diaphragm are made of latex. They are placed on the cervix. They cannot provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases, but the pregnancy will definitely prevent pregnancy. The disadvantage of this method is its inconvenience. Moreover, some women complain of allergies from prolonged contact of latex and skin.

Hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives are very different and their very different action. But, they can conditionally be divided into two types - with estrogen and without it.

  • COKI
Oral contraceptives
Oral contraceptives

This is the most popular way to protect. If you use it competently, then it is better not to find a way. There are two types of hormones - estrogens and progestins in tablets. They allow you to suppress ovulation and pregnancy will not occur.

It may seem strange, but these funds are doubtful. Women are scared that all sorts of side effects will appear, for example, blood will thicken. Estrogen can become a provocateur of blood clots, which makes the risk of thrombosis above. Indeed, this danger is even higher than with smoking or pregnancy.

But you should not be afraid. If a woman does not have thrombosis and her family members, as well as high blood pressure, then taking such drugs will be considered safe.

However, women are afraid to gain excess weight much stronger than thrombosis. In fact, this is not true, because today's oral contraceptives contain a minimum of hormones, which only slightly enhance hunger, and not always. But the tablets themselves do not provoke a quick weight gain.

  • Vaginal ring

This method also belongs to hormonal, because estrogen is used here. They do not differ in composition and action from the coca, but the method of using another. A special ring is placed in the vagina and there are already hormones that prevent ovulation in the right amount.

This method is better in that it does not act so much on the liver, but using the ring is not very convenient, because it can fall out and interfere.

  • Hormonal patch
Hormonal patch
Hormonal patch

There is also a hormone in such a patch. It needs to be glued to the skin and through it everything you need is absorbed into the body.


Such a group of contraceptives is not part of estrogen. They have exclusively progestogen. That is why they do not have side effects and are considered the safest. Moreover, their effectiveness is slightly lower. This group includes special tablets with the minimum hormone content.

They have a slightly different principle of action. They do not stop ovulation, but thicken cervical mucus. Therefore, sperm do not reach the uterus. Moreover, progestogen does not allow the uterine shell or endometrium, which usually happens in the second part of the cycle. Thus, even if fertilization happened, the embryo does not attach to the wall of the uterus.

Subcutaneous implants

The most desperate women sew a special implant under their skin. It also does not have estrogen. It is placed for several years and progestogen is released from it in small doses. At the same time, ovulation remains, but cervical mucus thickens.

Hormonal intrauterine spiral

It has a mixed principle of action. It does not allow sperm to move and mechanically interferes with the attachment of the embryo. It is attached just like a simple spiral. It is also important that it also contains progestogen, which does not allow endometrial to grow.

Chemical contraceptives

Chemical contraceptives
Chemical contraceptives

Creams, sponges, foam, as well as tablets with spermicidal effect can be added to this group. As a rule, the use of these funds is carried out immediately before sexual intercourse. Among their advantages, it also stands out that they help to protect themselves from diseases. That's just not from everyone and not fully. It is only important to understand that the effectiveness of these tools is much lower. So it is better to use them in conjunction with other methods.

Emergency contraception

If it turned out that you were not protected in any way, and sexual intercourse has occurred, then you should not worry. If you do not plan a pregnancy, then you still have time to prevent it. There are very different methods, both hormonal and folk.

  • Folk methods

Folk medicine is not useless in matters of emergency contraception. For her, you need to use lemon slide, aspirin, laundry soap or a solution of potassium permanganate. The fact is that they make an acidic environment, and this kills spermatozoa.

However, doctors still do not advise using them. First of all, because they are ineffective. A few seconds after the man completed sexual intercourse, spermatozoa can penetrate the uterus. Agree, you can’t put a lemon in the vagina during this time. And in general this is strange, agree.

The second point is side effects. If it is incorrectly made a solution of manganese, then you can break the vaginal flora and burn the mucous membrane.

  • Hormonal tablets
Emergency contraception
Emergency contraception

After unprotected intercourse, tablets are an effective way. They allow you to prevent a possible pregnancy. They can contain different substances in the composition, but act the same way - ovulation is instantly suppressed, and if fertilization nevertheless happens, then the embryo will not be fixed on the uterus.

Reception of tablets is allowed in the first few days after an unprotected act. But every day the effectiveness will be lower. Therefore, it is better to take them as fashionable faster.

By the way, it is believed that using such funds is very harmful, but WHO has repeatedly talked about their safety. Yes, this is so, but provided that you will not use them regularly.

  • Installation of a spiral

Long -term protection against pregnancy can provide a spiral. Due to many fears and delusions, some are afraid to put it, but we assure you that you should not do this. The spiral is installed for many years, and its design does not allow the embryo to attach to the uterus, and also kills spermatozoa and egg. It can be installed in an emergency, within a few days, and it will provide protection for a long time.

Video: Webinar "Contraception" 30. 06. 2018 Natural methods of contraception

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Comments K. article

  1. And now I am picking up a contraceptive.

  2. Lyudmila, are you doing it yourself? It's just that the doctor selected such a remedy for me. And now I am taking Dordia's tablets. You know, and I do not gain excess weight, and the protection is not bad from unwanted pregnancies)

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