Contraceptives for women. What can be female contraceptives? The most reliable contraceptive means for women

Contraceptives for women. What can be female contraceptives? The most reliable contraceptive means for women

The methods of contraception for women are considered. The names of the most common contraceptives that are sold in a pharmacy are presented.

Contraceptives - means that protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy. A lot of myths around hormonal tablets. Many believe that their reception is accompanied by a set of body weight and the inability to get pregnant in the country. We will try to dispel or confirm dubious information regarding female contraceptives.

Why do women use contraceptives?

If you ask, about the most popular contraceptive, the majority will answer that these are condoms. But this method is uncomfortable and quite expensive if you have a constant sexual partner you trust.

Accordingly, contraceptives are used by women to protect from pregnancy and to obtain brighter sensations during sex. Oral contraceptives are used for therapeutic purposes and allow you to get rid of skin problems and female ailments.

What are the types of contraceptives for women?

Types of female contraceptives:

  • Spermicides - ointments or gels containing substances that slow down the movement of sperm. These drugs condensate cervical mucus and prevent male cells from getting inside the uterus
  • Spiral - A small plastic or metal product. Put by the doctor inside the uterus
  • Oral contraceptives - tablets based on female hormones. They can block ovulation or condensate cervical mucus
  • Patch - Hormonal contraceptive. Hormones penetrate the body through the skin
  • Vaginal ring - silicone or plastic ring, which contains a small dose of hormones. Installed on 21 days. This can be done independently without the help of a doctor
  • Natural way - Calendar method. Used based on calculating the periods of unconsciousness and fertility
  • Interruption of sexual intercourse - Before ejaculation, the partner removes the penis from the vagina

Barrier contraceptives for women. Pros and cons

Barrier contraception is a method of protection from pregnancy by using mechanical barriers that prevent the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. Barrier contraception includes local chemicals that inhibit sperm activity. Barrier contraceptives include: sponge, diaphragm, cap, female condom, candles, ointments, gels.


  • Can be used immediately before sexual intercourse
  • Protect from most sexually transmitted diseases (spermicides)
  • High reliability
  • You can use giving birth and unborn women
  • Low price
  • Rapid restoration of reproductive function


  • A lower degree of reliability in comparison with hormonal contraceptives
  • Often cause allergies and itching
  • Reduce sensitivity

Chemical contraceptives for women

This is barrier contraception, based on a decrease in sperm activity using chemicals. Often cause allergies and burning. High degree of protection and low price. Below is a list of popular spermicides.

Non -hormonal contraceptives for women, list

These substances are funds of barrier contraception. Their effectiveness is due to a decrease in sperm activity. Some of the funds generally kill sperm.

List of chemical non -hormonal contraceptives:

  • Pharmaclex - a drug produced in the form of candles, sponge, cream and gel. This is a regular spermicide that contains benzalco chloride - an antiseptic. Accordingly, the drug can be used when having sex with random partners. The validity period is 3 hours after introduction to the vagina
  • Benatex - is produced in the form of vaginal tablets and gel. The composition of the spermicide and antiseptic. There are no hormones in the drug, so the substance does not affect the menstrual cycle
  • Pantex Oval - nonoxinol -based spermicide. It has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Entered into the vagina 15 minutes before intercourse
  • Conceptrol - produced in the form of candles and contains nonoxinol
  • Gynecotex - spermicide based on benzalcony chloride. This is a combined substance that kills viruses and bacteria, and also reduces the motor activity of spermatozoa

Local contraceptives for women

These are chemical and mechanical agents that either reduce sperm mobility, or simply prevent their penetration into the uterus.

Mechanical local contraceptives:

  • Women's condom - The analogue of the male, is introduced into the vagina. One edge is fixed on the cervix, and the second will remain outside. Accordingly, it protects not only from pregnancy, but also infection with ailments transmitted during sex
  • Diaphragm - This is a dome -shaped cap made of latex or rubber. It is put on the cervix and simply prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Can be used several times. The doctor selects this means of contraception, since the dimensions of the diaphragm are different. After childbirth or due to weight gain, it is necessary to purchase a larger diaphragm
  • Cervical cap - A product made of soft rubber. It is put on the cervix on the principle of suction. Negative pressure is created due to compression of the cap, and it is securely fixed. A low degree of protection due to the possibility of skewing a cap during intercourse.

Hormonal contraceptives for women

  • Drugs containing hormones estrogen and progestin. They change the composition and viscosity of cervical mucus, which makes the penetration of sperm into the vagina impossible. Some combined contraceptives inhibit ovulation. Accordingly, the egg does not ripen, so pregnancy is impossible
  • Mechanical products with a slight content of progestins: patch, injections and subcutaneous implants. The patch can be considered the most convenient - this is a relatively new contraceptive. It contains ethinyl estradiol and Norelgestmine - synthetic analogues of female hormones. Hormones penetrate the blood through the skin. A small amount of hormones is released every day. The action of the patch is based on a decrease in the thickness of the uterine mucosa, to which the embryo cannot attach. In addition, the patch inhibits the ovarian work and does not allow the dominant follicle containing the egg

Contraception injections for women. Pros and cons

In our country, this method of contraception is unpopular. This is due to the high price of the drug and the distrust of women. The injection is done once every 3 months intramuscularly. The injection is needed on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle.

The essence of the use of the drug lies in the fact that it contains progesterone, which thickens the mucous membrane of the uterus and runs cervical mucus.

In addition, ovulation is suppressed. Injections can be used by giving birth and unborn women. In the world, not a single case of infertility is registered after the cancellation of the drug. Although the reproductive function is restored for 6-12 months.


  • The effectiveness is 99%
  • There is no need to constantly calculate the days of the menstrual cycle
  • Suitable for smoking women
  • Has the healing properties and contributes to the disappearance of endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia

Oral contraceptives for women, video

Oral contraceptives are well -known contraceptives with a combined hormonal composition. In the video you can watch the speech of a gynecologist regarding the Cocks.

Video: Oral contraceptives

Contraceptive means for women after childbirth

Please note that combined contraceptives cannot be taken during breastfeeding. They affect the amount of breast milk.

The following methods of contraception can be considered ideal:

  • Mini-saw
  • Hormonal injections
  • Intrauterine device
  • Remember, after childbirth, you can not have sex for a month, respectively, after the cessation of the discharge, you can resume sexual life
  • If you have a permanent sexual partner, then it makes sense to put a spiral or take hormonal contraceptives based on gestagenes. These are synthetic hormones similar in effect to progesterone. It does not suppress lactation, does not harm the baby’s health, since a very insignificant amount of the drug penetrates milk into milk
  • It was previously believed that it is possible to protect yourself after the birth of a child with a natural method. That is, due to the development of the lactational amenorrhea, when there is no menstruation, it is safe to have sex. But now many doctors note the inefficiency of the method. Some women have spontaneous ovulation, which will lead to an unplanned pregnancy

Contraceptive means for unborn women

Many young girls are cautiously related to taking hormonal oral contraceptives. They believe that they will get better and become unattractive. This is not true, since most women do not increase body weight at all or a slight weight gain by 2-3 kg is observed.

There are rumors about numerous cases of infertility after the cancellation of the COS. This is also a myth, since the reproductive function is restored after 3-8 months. None girls managed to conceive a child in the first month after the cancellation of contraceptives.

But if you still decide to take coca, then seek help from a doctor, he will prescribe a drug with minimal doses of progestins and estrogens. Most often, young girls are prescribed Novinette, Jazz, Yarina.

They improve the condition of the skin, make meal less painful. Coks are not used for cystic changes in the ovaries and with endometriosis.

Ideal for unborn women who have a permanent sexual partner are the following methods:

  • Barrier contraceptives
  • Condoms

An intrauterine spiral is not installed by unborn girls due to the possibility of developing pain and uterine bleeding after removing the spiral.

Emergency means of contraception are used in such cases:

  • Rape
  • Passing the intake of coca
  • Damage to the condom
  • Sexual contact without protection

These are preparations that cause detachment of the endometrium from the uterus. Thus, menstruation begins and sperm is simply carried away from the uterus with blood. It is recommended to take no later than 24-72 hours after sexual intercourse. Here are the names of some emergency contraceptives: postinor, escapel, myfugin, peacekeeper.

The best contraception means for women after 30 years. Video

  • Usually, by the age of 30, a woman already has a child and a permanent sexual partner. In this case, an intrauterine spiral is considered an ideal option
  • A spiral with a progesterone content is often prescribed. Such contraception means are shown to women with endometriosis and other estrogen -dependent diseases. The most popular hormonal spiral is Mirren. Its cost is high, but its validity is 3-5 years
  • In giving birth to women, after 30, mediumized combined oral contraceptives are used. In them, the content of hormones is greater, this is due to the physiological characteristics of the body at this age. Among such drugs Diana, Chloe, Dimulen

Video: Charpet for women

Contraceptives for women after 45 years. Which one to choose?

  • At this age, many women have chronic ailments and excess weight. That is why classic coks do not prescribe
  • For such women, three -phase drugs have been developed, with a minimum androgenic effect. Often, mini-pilles are prescribed before menopause-progestin contraceptives. Since many giving birth have hyperplasia of endometrium and endometriosis
  • After 45 years, it is best to put the hormonal spiral of Mirena. It will help not only not to get pregnant, but also to restore the uterine mucosa. Such a spiral reduces the risk of uterine cancer at times
  • After the birth of a second or third child, a woman can do sterilization. This is an operation to bandage the fallopian tubes. Now such an operation is carried out without the use of scalpels, by laparoscopy

Contraceptives for nursing women. Features of choosing contraceptives for women on breastfeeding

  • The ideal option is mini-pilles or injections of a depot prover (progestins). They do not affect lactation, do not affect the health of the baby. But in most cases, women do not want to take any medicines during lactation, so they use barrier methods of contraception
  • The absence of menstruation during lactation is not worth using for contraception. This method works only if you have never missed feeding, that is, the break between applied was no more than 3 hours

Women's contraceptives. Which one to choose?

  • Low dosed drugs. They are prescribed for unborn girls, they contain a minimum of hormones (jazz, Novinet)
  • Medium dosed drugs appoint women over 30 years old (Diana)
  • Progestin drugs It is worth taking in the presence of endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia (Norkolut, mini-pili)

Do not purchase contraceptives on your own on the recommendation of a girlfriend or pharmacist.

The doctor must evaluate your health status and only after that prescribe a specific drug. What is suitable for your girlfriend may not be suitable for you. With hyperplasia, endometrium and adenomyosis cannot be taken with a high content of estrogen. The mucous membrane thickens and the problem is aggravated.

Folk funds of contraception. Recipes

The following methods can be considered the most effective:

  • Douching with slightly acidic solution. Typically, a tablespoon of acetic acid or lemon juice is added to a glass of water
  • Calendar method. The periods of ugly before and after menstruation are calculated. Safe are considered 5 days before menstruation and after it
  • A remedy for mountain ash. To prepare a substance, pour a tablespoon of flowers 200 ml of boiling water. Insist an hour and strain. Take 100 ml before each meal.
  • Interrupted sexual method
  • Douching with a weak solution of potassium permanganate

Traditional medicine offers many methods of emergency contraception, which cause rejection of the fetal egg during pregnancy. After using each of these funds, the woman is taken by ambulance from uterine bleeding. The hospital is cleaned. There are known cases of death due to blood poisoning due to decay of the fetus inside the uterus.

We strongly do not recommend using such methods for termination of pregnancy.

The value of contraceptives in maintaining the reproductive health of a woman

Combined oral contraceptives with the proper use and prescription of the doctor extend the youth of the woman. Oddly enough, after the abolition of drugs, even women aged 45-55 years can become pregnant. This is due to the fact that at birth, every girl in the ovaries contains the rudiments of future dominant follicles.

When taking the cooks, there is no ovulation, which means that this potential dominant follicle remains until the next time. In medicine, this phenomenon is called antimuller hormone. With a high content of it, a woman can become pregnant. With a very low concentration of this hormone, a woman will not be able to get pregnant even with the use of IVF, since the supply of eggs has exhausted.

The effect of contraceptives on the woman's body

If you take the drugs correctly and as prescribed by a doctor, then the effect of drugs will be positive. Many of the COKs are created to treat ailments of the reproductive function of women. Try to change the contraceptive once a year, since often the body gets used to it and a spontaneous pregnancy may occur.

How to protect yourself without pills and spirals?

Despite their inefficiency, the following methods are still popular:

  • Calendar
  • Interrupted sexual method
  • Douching with potassium permanganate or vinegar after sex
  • For confidence, use barrier methods of contraception
  • The easiest way is to use a condom
  • With a permanent sexual partner, you can use spermicidal gels and candles

Application of female contraceptives: tips and reviews

You can find a lot of positive and negative reviews about hormonal contraceptives. In most cases, negative experience is associated with the use of a drug that the doctor did not prescribe, but recommended by a friend or pharmacist.

  • Often, after miscarriages for the restoration of the menstrual cycle, low -dose COCs are prescribed. After their cancellation, many women managed to get pregnant
  • In young girls who did not give birth, the skin condition improves, acne disappears, and menstruation becomes less painful
  • In general, taking hormonal contraceptives positively affects the health of a woman. This is much safer than recovering after abortion or miscarriage

The final decision on the use of contraceptives is made by a woman. Remember, no partner persuasion and pleasure from sexual intercourse without a condom and contraceptives are not worth your health. Therefore, always protect yourself and consult with good gynecologists. Health to you.

Video: consequences of hormonal therapy

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Comments K. article

  1. The doctor offered me to be taken by Delicia's pills, from her words it is not a bad novelty. And the pills were perfect for me. My skin even cleared on my face, pimples do not appear. But the main thing, of course, is that OK-one of the most reliable ways from unwanted pregnancy.

  2. In general, I want, of course, that it would not be harmful and comfortable. I don’t like condoms at all, I think about pills.

  3. From the inexpensive -it is better to come up Delicia, they already wrote about her above. A good and high -quality contraceptive, an analogue of the eminent and expensive Yarina. No PMS, gluttony and other things ... passed after the opened breakthrough bleeding after another remedy. Already the fourth packaging is drunk - everything is fine, the transition was easy, and my health is excellent. especially with regard to emotions)))

  4. Oka is a lack of acne, a good mood is the whole cycle and a good one more good. Therefore, I have been accepting them for 4 years, I advise you to read about it here here\u003d80336

  5. But I still can't choose contraceptives for myself (

  6. Marina, maybe you should see a doctor? For example, it was my gynecologist who advised me to take Dordia's tablets. Quite calmly to endure the reception of this tool. There are no pregnancies that were not included in my plans.

  7. As it is most convenient for me, this is OK - I put a remark on the phone, you accept every day and you don’t know the grief. I accept the work itself - I am satisfied, there are no side effects, as well as not desirable pregnancy.

  8. I have a gynecologist on vacation, and I'm afraid to buy such funds.

  9. Lyudmila, and to another if you go to a specialist? For example, I, too, not my doctor prescribed Dordia's tablets, but I accept them and I can’t get enough. Both the price and protection of these pills are quite happy with me.

  10. I can not choose contraceptives alas (

  11. And I, like the girls above, who wrote from such means, prefer to take Dordia's tablets. There are no side effects when taking them, I am satisfied.

  12. I burst out from COC in all directions.

  13. Galina, so they are not selected for you correctly. For example, the doctor Dordia's pills picked me up, and no problems arise, as with protection, as well as overweight, I do not gain it.

  14. I, too, for protection, I do not want unwanted pregnancies.

  15. Marina, so now it’s also a time that at least one, two children should be lifted as expected. After all, I also defend myself by contraceptives, and to be more precise, I accept Dordia's tablets. Everything suits me.

  16. Good contraception is very important, and this is not even discussed.

  17. Galina, of course is not discussed. So, for example, I take Dordia's tablets. And I can say that this tool perfectly protects me of an unwanted pregnancy, and the contraceptive is selected correctly, because it was the gynecologist who selected it to me.

  18. And the contraception does not help me, she has done not the first abortion (

  19. Arina, what kind of contraception is this? For example, I take Dordia's tablets, and there are no problems with unnecessary abortions, because the protection is good.

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