Books for girls of teenagers. List of books for teenagers of girls about love, self -development, acceptance of themselves

Books for girls of teenagers. List of books for teenagers of girls about love, self -development, acceptance of themselves

List of the best books for the development of adolescents.

Modern youth does not like to read. She spends most of her free time in Tik-Tok, social networks, recording funny videos or watching them. In order for the child to develop speech, and in order to introduce the right concepts, to teach to sympathize and develop empathy, it is necessary that the teenager read the correct literature. It is very difficult to figure out which publications will be interesting for children of different ages. 

How to choose a book for a teenager?

There are several criteria that should be taken into account when choosing literature for adolescents. Do not focus on your own taste, because times are changing, and computer technologies, modern gadgets dictate their conditions. The likelihood that your child will be interested in all the books that you liked is small. 

How to choose a book for a teenager:

  • To choose an interesting book, you need to find out which genre is a fan of. If he has preferences, his beloved author, it is worth acquiring a book of this particular writer. Teenagers want to seem smarter, rather mature. Therefore, they often use business literature intended for narrow specialists to read.
  • In addition, psychological literature is popular to understand the emotions of other people, to predict their desires. To choose the right book correctly, it is necessary that it corresponds to the age of the child. The age range that meets the concept of a teenager is quite large, so the difference between children 12 and 17 years is significant. A book that a twelve -year -old child liked is not suitable for a teenager, who is 16 or 17 years old. 
  • Literature has a positive and negative effect on the psyche, forming the character of the child. Therefore, the main task is to choose the right publications. The main requirement is that teenage literature is a source of knowledge, to educate good taste, aesthetics. After reading the book, the child thinks, reason, and also understand what the author wanted to convey. This will help to grow up faster, decide in life.
  • In adolescence, children are maximalists and idealists. They believe in love, and therefore there should not be vulgarity in books. It is best to choose publications that tell about fidelity, nobility, and other bright feelings. It is necessary that the heroes of books raise the moral values \u200b\u200bof the teenager, say what is good and bad. To choose a book, there is no need to completely read it, it is enough to study the annotation. You can read the preface in which the author describes what the publication represents the most important theses. 
Interesting books
Interesting books

What to read to the girl to a teenager from the classics?

For the past few years, the publication has been very popular, on the basis of which films have been shot. These are the most popular “hunger games”, “saboteurs” and “good to be quiet”. These are interesting, action -packed thrillers, which are drawn from the first lines of reading. But if not for Hollywood films, it is unlikely that anyone would have paid attention to these books. In addition, it is advisable to chat with teachers and librarians who are understood in the literature of adolescents. They can advise that the child will like. The main task is that the book is instructive, or vice versa, reassure, relax the child. This is important if almost all day from morning to evening the teenager is busy with study, training, or as some courses. 

What to read to the girl to a teenager from the classics:

  • "Children of Captain Grant", Jules Verne. This is a well -known novel, which was published in 1867. It consists of 3 parts. The novel is based on a journey around the Earth in South America. This book was interesting to children 50 years ago, but now many children of adolescence, at 12-13 years old, are happy to read the publication. 
  • "Timur and his team", Arkady Gaidar. This work is intended for children 10-11 years old. The work appeared in 1940, was translated into 75 languages \u200b\u200band became known around the world. At the heart of the plot of the adventure of the daughters of the Soviet Colonel Alexandrov. Girls 13 and 18 years old. One of the girls finds in the attic of the old barn of the mysterious organization, the main task of which is to help older people. The novel of the fight, exciting emotions, as well as the clash of hooligans. The book will interest children of secondary school age. 
  • Jane Air, Charlotte Bronte. The English novel intended for adolescents. The book tells about the life and suffering of a girl who lost her parents. The book has a twisted plot. This is an emotional story about love, hatred and meanness. 
Instructive publications
Instructive publications

List of interesting books for adolescents girls

These are all world bestsellers written 10-100 years ago. It is they who are considered the basis that brings up adolescence children, instilling in them kindness, a sense of justice and determination. This does not mean that in modern literature there is nothing interesting for a teenager. Among modern publications are a decent number of instructive literature, but this is not only encyclopedias and scientific publishers. A lot of art novels, written in an interesting, modern language for adolescents, who spend most of the time in Tik-Tok. 

List of interesting books for teenage girls:

  • Pollyanna, Elinor Porter. This is a famous bestseller, which appeared in 1913. Based on this novel, several interesting adaptations have been shot. The book is based on a story how to learn how to rejoice. The book is instructive even for adults. It is written in a very simple and affordable language, so reading the publication is very easy. The book is based on the life of an unfortunate orphan, although in fact a book about a joyful girl who does not be upset, even when it is punished. A good story about a dreamy girl who cries, rejoices, and also helps everyone who got into trouble. Her life is based on a search for reasons for joy. 
  • "5 weeks in a balloon", Jules Verne. This is the first adventure novel written by Jules Verne. The plot is based on a doctor who is a member of the geographical society. He travels around Africa. The book has a lot of adventures, interesting events, as well as the names of foreign rivers, lakes, mountain ranges. Accordingly, the book will be useful for children who want to understand geography. The book brings up fearlessness, resourcefulness and love of living beings. This is exactly what is the main character of the novel - Dr. Ferguson. 
  • “The stars are to blame,” John Green. The story is based on two teenagers who are in love with each other. However, oncological ailments are the main obstacle to their feelings. Despite the fact that the heroes are 16 and 17 years old, the book will be interesting to children of younger age. 
Popular and modern books
Popular and modern books

Modern and interesting books for adolescents girls

Class heterogeneity, as well as features and differences in the nature of children, make adolescents go into groups. This is necessary to find friends in interests. However, bowling is often flourished among adolescents, some of the children remain overboard, become outcasts. No one communicates with them. To better cope with problems, solve conflicts, you can use modern books about communication, the skills of finding a common language with peers. 

Modern and interesting books for teenagers of girls:

  • "The house in which ...", Mariam Petrosyan. This is a rather difficult publication, which tells about life in a boarding school of Russian teenagers. They have everything in the same way as standard children in a full family who study in high school. The publication tells about bullying, conflicts, as well as ways to resolve them. Such a book will be interesting to children from 12 years old. With the help of this book, it will be possible to establish relations with classmates, make more friends. 
  • "Miracle", George Palasio. The book will be interesting to children from 14 years old. The main character of the book is the fifth grader of Augustus who loves computer games, as well as stellar wars. He has one more feature, because of which he suffered a large number of plastic surgery on his face. The book tells about real friendship, ways to accept yourself, as well as the features of life with a difficult ailment. It is this book that will allow adolescents from complexes that often arise out of the blue. 
  • "Yanka", Tamara Mikheeva. The novel is based on the heroine whose parents do not live together. Due to the divorce, the main character, together with her mother, moves to the resort city. Now the girl, who is 15 years old, needs to find new friends, come to terms with the betrayal of her father, and also understand herself. The novel is based on the psychological experiences of a girl who are not alien to all adolescents. With the help of a novel, you can learn to establish relationships with people, find a common language with them. 
  • "Frame", Victoria Lederman. The novel is based on the love story of the heroine Sasha. This is a great example of a modern publication for adolescents. The book is based on the girl’s attempt to earn the recognition of a loved one. With the help of the book, you can get valuable tips on how to get out of conflict situations. 
For teenagers
For teenagers

The best books for adolescent girls who will teach to love school

The main problem of adolescents is currently in the absence of a desire to learn. After all, many of them want to become bloggers, makeup artists, media personalities. However, only a small number of adolescents succeed. The glory that covers bloggers knocks them out of the rut. Accordingly, closer to 20 years, such people have no idea what they will do next. That is why it is necessary to instill in adolescents a love of study. 

The best books for adolescents who will teach to love school:

  • “I want to at school”, Evgenia Pasternak and Andrey Zhevalevsky. The story is based on a fictional story about an alternative school. This is a kind of surreal work where children do not study, but carry out projects with friends. The book will be interesting to children from 12 years old. 
  • "Multi -colored snow", Natalia Volkova. This is an interesting cognitive story about history. It is best perceived by adolescents from 14 years old.The novel is based on children from the literary circle, which perform interesting tasks. In order to fulfill the conditions of the game, it is necessary to carry out a complex investigation that will help restore justice. In the course of training, the heroes of the book will have to understand themselves. 
  • "School in Karmarten." This is a story about an unusual educational institution, one of the towns, which is inhabited by magical characters. At the same time, there is no need to own magical techniques, it is enough to enter school, and magic will be taught there. The novel is based on stories about positive students who are happy to study all the subtleties of magic, and also try to infect the desire to learn readers. 
Popular publications
Popular publications

TOP books for teenagers of girls about self -development

As indicated above, adolescents often suffer from a significant number of complexes, and also have no idea how to realize themselves in life. It is for such adolescents that self -development books have been created. 

Top books for teenagers of girls about self -development:

  • "How to put things in order - at school and not only."  This book is written in an adult language. The description is based on a technique that is adapted to adolescents. This technique will improve your own time management, increase efficiency, given the school age. The main difficulty is that the current teenagers are a generation that has grown under the Internet, constant communication. It is very convenient for them to cope with information flow and routine cases. But stress haunts young people, which leads to an increase in cases of teenage depression. That is why the specialist David Allen was modernized by the GTD technique, which helps to solve all the problems of the teenager. This is a kind of step -by -step instruction on how to quickly carry out a school assignment, prepare for exams, manage to attend sports sections, as well as make plans for the weekend, not refuse to communicate with friends. 
  • “Your first million. How to earn it and not lose. ” The book tells about the basics of financial literacy, it will teach adolescents to save money, not spend it on trifles. This allows you to educate wise people who can live in means. The publication develops a financially independent child who can make decisions, guided not by heroic principles, but taking into account the future. This is a plan that can affect life, significantly improving it. 
  • "You mean!" A very important edition for girls who feel changes in their body, and notice attention from the opposite sex. The book is allowed to make independent decisions, and will also teach to say no. The book is based on the principles of respect, and the ways of constructing internal boundaries. After reading the book, you can understand how to love your body, regardless of the shortcomings, to understand the intricacies of taking care of it. The book will teach how not to exalt the image of an ideal woman, and whether it is worth complies with some criteria that promote media, YouTube, Instagram. The publication describes ideal relations with a loved one, as well as the subtleties of readiness for sexual relations. Ways to protect against toxic relationships with relatives, friends are described. 
  • “Secret power. The formula for the success of a teenager introvert. " The publication is based on adolescents-introverts, as well as their parents, teachers. The story is about a heroine who is a very shy girl, but thanks to efforts it becomes an energetic speaker. The book tells how to overcome internal doubts, how to turn your lack into dignity. 
Teenage books
Teenage books

Useful psychological topics:

Before reading the book, it is necessary to look through it, dwell on short excerpts to determine whether the child will be interesting to the child. The fact is that adolescents are not as adults perceive information. That is why it is necessary that the book be written in an understandable language, without complicated participles. It is proved that it is more difficult for children to perceive complex sentences with a large number of punctuation marks. However, this does not mean that the child needs to acquire primitive publications. Artistic comparisons, epithets help diversify the child’s speech, expanding the vocabulary. 

Video: Best Books for Teenagers

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