Free potatoes: the best recipes for cooking in a pan, oven, slow cooker, microwave? How to cut and how much to fry fresh and frozen french fries?

Free potatoes: the best recipes for cooking in a pan, oven, slow cooker, microwave? How to cut and how much to fry fresh and frozen french fries?

Free potatoes are a universal side dish for meat, fish and a full -fledged independent dish. You can enjoy delicious potatoes in a pleasant home environment, if you cook it yourself. This will be discussed in our article.

Both adults and children adore free potatoes - crispy outside, soft inside and incredibly fragrant. Many say that free potatoes are very harmful, since when preparing it you need to use a lot of sunflower oil, in which, with prolonged frying, may occur carcinogenic substances. And the process of frying, again, is not the most useful.

However, taste qualitiesWith which this dish is famous will be left as side of only especially persistent people. All the nuances preparations of potatoes of fries Consider in this article.

How to cut potatoes of free?

We all have seen repeatedly the finished potato of free And they enjoyed this simple and tasty dish. Few people try to cook it at home, but this is easier. First you should clean the tubers and cut them with slices. Potatoes should be chosen large and mature.

Tasty fries can be prepared at home
Fri can be cooked at home - this is much easier than you think!

Do not buy for cooking free new potatoes - The density and taste of the finished product will be very different from your expectations.

It is important to choose the right one the thickness of the slicesso that the potatoes are well fried, but at the same time was not unnecessarily dried and burnt. The optimal size for slices will be 1x1 cm. It is best not to cut too long stripes so that the potatoes do not break when frying and turning over.

After you cut all the planned tubers, good rinse them and dry them With the help of a paper towel - so all the extra starch will leave the product. After that, you can start frying delicious potatoes.

How to cook frozen fries?

There are supermarkets on sale free frozen potatoes. The use of such a semi -finished product has a number of advantages:

  • Lack of waste - You do not need to clean and cut the tubers before cooking, they are already prepared directly for roasting
  • The speed of cooking - It should also be from the above. You will only need to buy frozen fruit potatoes and throw it into a frying pan, deep -fryer or oven
  • Time saving - You do not need to wash the tubers before cleaning, and after cutting, all the products have already undergone thorough processing
Free frozen potatoes
In stores you can purchase frozen fry potatoes

As already mentioned, Free potatoes can be prepared in the oven, in a frying pan or in a deep fryer. We will talk in detail about each of these methods for a frozen semi -finished product:

  1. Preparation in the oven - With this method of preparation, there is a significant advantage - you do not need to use oil. The resulting dish will be crispy and less harmful. Heat the oven up to 200 s And put frozen potatoes on a baking sheet. Do not lubricate the baking sheet. During preparation, it is necessary to mix slices several times so that they are equally fried. Through 35 minutes Free potatoes are ready, serve with sauce or salad
  2. Preparation of frozen potatoes in deep fryer- To do this, you need a lot of sunflower oil so that all the potatoes are covered with it. Put the temperature on the device 200 p And lower the slices into the hot oil. During 15 minutes The dish will be ready
  3. Cooking in a pan -the method is not complicated, but at the same time it is always desirable for you in the kitchen to systematically mix slices - in hot oil they are very quickly fried. It is necessary to pour in the pan approximately 100 g Oils (based on 2 potatoes) and heat. After that, pour potatoes into a well -heated pan. It is advisable not to put a lot of potatoes in one container: it is optimal to lay slices in one row so that they are evenly fried. Through 30 minutes Potatoes can be served to the table.

In such simple ways you can cook delicious fri potatoes from a frozen semi -finished product. The taste of the product will differ slightly from a dish of fresh potatoes, but if you are in a hurry or do not want to spend time again - free frozen potatoes to help.

Video: How do frozen fruit potatoes do?

How much to fry the frosty potatoes fresh and frozen?

Cannot be called exact time, necessary for making delicious french fries. Only in deep -fryer cooking time does not exceed 15 minutes. Both in the oven and in a pan, it is advisable for you to periodically control the condition of the slices - whether they are suffered enough and elastic. For this through every 3-5 minutes Turn the potatoes in a pan or in the oven.

It is also important to consider the condition of potatoes - this frozen slices Or only chopped potatoes. For a frozen semi -finished product will take a little more time for defrosting. Make sure that you don't get into the pan frozen water from a semi -finished product, Otherwise, when in contact with hot oil, severe hiss and spray will be.

Free potatoes, not made from a semi -finished product, is much tastier than a frozen product
Free potatoes, not made from a semi -finished product, is much tastier than a frozen product

When defrosting potatoes use warm water - Put in it a bag of frozen potatoes and wait 5-7 minutes. After that, get wet with potatoes and start cooking.

A delicious dish will be obtained from fresh potato tubers and a frozen product. Consider the fact that for storing a semi -finished product usually certain preservatives are used. Because of this, it is not advisable to give such a product to children, and adults-it is better to spend more time, but use a dish from high-quality natural products.

Free potato recipe in a pan

Prepare free potatoes at home It will not be difficult. The easiest way is the preparation of the dish in a pan. Perhaps this method is not as simple as in fruit, but not every mistress has such a technique in the kitchen, and the pan is a pan - this ordinary utensils of the hostess.

Free potatoes in a pan
Free potatoes in a pan are radically different from fried potatoes

For the preparation of potatoes in a frying pan, you will need:

  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Sunflower oil 250 g
  • A pinch of salt

Pour sunflower oil into the pan layer of 2-3 mm. While the oil heats up, cut the peeled potatoes. To do this, you can use the shift. But then the slices will turn out not characteristic of potatoes of a form of form. If you wish the traditional free potatoes, you will have to work with your hands and knife. Cut slices approximately 1x1 cmRinse in water and put on a towel.

In the pan, you can also prepare fries potatoes, the main condition is a sufficient amount of oil
In the pan, you can also prepare fries potatoes, the main condition is a sufficient amount of oil

After the excess fluid from the potatoes has gone, we lay out slices in the pan. On each side, fry potatoes 3-5 minutes. In general, frying in a pan will not take you anymore 25 minutes. After 15 minutes of frying, you can more often mix slices, since the oil has already been heated enough and the potatoes can be fried faster.

On a plate spread the napkin And lay out the finished dish so that the glass is excess sunflower oil from potatoes. Free potatoes can be supplemented with sauces, various salads or meat products.

The recipe for making crispy potatoes in the oven at home

In order to prepare a delicious side dish in the oven You do not need sunflower oil. Some housewives worry that the potatoes will stick to a baking sheet, and a little lubricate the sheet. But if you do not, potatoes do not care it will turn out very tasty And fried.

You will need to make potatoes in the oven:

  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Sunflower oil (optional) - 20 g
  • Paprika - 15 g
  • Seasoning or salt
Free potatoes in the oven
Free potatoes in the oven are baked without oil

After you have prepared all the ingredients, turn on the oven and heat it up to 200 S. At this time, sprinkle with paprika of slices of chopped potatoes and roll them well in the seasoning.

You need to prepare potatoes in the oven no more than 35 minutes. During cooking, periodically turn the slices so that they are uniformly fried or include in the oven roasting from all sides. So you will reduce cooking time and get a delicious crisp potato with an appetizing crust.

Free potatoes will be a dietary dish if you cook it in the oven
Free potatoes will be a dietary dish if you cook it in the oven

Free from the oven Less high -calorie Due to the lack of oil. The taste of such a dish is very tasty, the slices are crispy and fried. If you have not yet prepared a free potato according to our recipe, you should do it right now.

How to cook fries in a slow cooker?

Delicious Free potatoes can be tried not only in McDonald's, but also to cook yourself. If you have such a miracle of exposure in your kitchen as multicar, then the process of preparing this dish is greatly simplified.

Free potatoes in a slow cooker
Free potatoes in a slow cooker

To prepare a free cooker, you need:

  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Sunflower oil - 1 liter
  • Seasoning or salt (to taste)

The process of creating a delicious dish consists of such stages:

  • It is necessary to wash, clean and cut potatoes with slices
  • In a slow cooker, select mode "Bakery products", exhibit time 60 minutes
  • Pour butter and warm it in a mulite -welding 2-3 minutes
  • Lower potatoes into the bowl and cook no more 10 minutes

It is best to fry potatoes in a slow cooker twice - first 10 minutes, then pull out, get wet and put in a multicooker bowl again for 3-5 minutes.

After that, delicious potatoes are ready. In a slow cooker, you can also cook delicious meat that will be perfectly combined with potatoes.

Video: Free potatoes without a deep -fruit

How to cook fries in the microwave?

For the preparation of potatoes in the microwave is good Frozen semi -finished product. For this you will need:

  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Sunflower oil (optional) - 40 g
  • Seasoning or salt
Free potatoes in the microwave is very easy to cook
Free potatoes in the microwave is very easy to cook

It would be nice to have a frequency in the microwave special shape. She looks like a sieve, only the holes are larger - approximately 1x1 cm. In this case, slices need to be inserted directly into these holes.

If you do not have such a device, then you can use ordinary plate. It is necessary to lay out slices of potatoes in one row on a plate. It is better not to pile up a few rows of potatoes, so it not fried.

After you cut the potatoes into slices and laid them in shape or on a plate, set the maximum power on your microwave and bake freris approximately 7 minutes. For preparation in the microwave, you can also use slices of fresh potatoes using the same recommendations.

Using a relief cut, you can prepare a real masterpiece from potatoes
Using a relief cut, you can prepare a real masterpiece from potatoes

The preparation of free potatoes in the microwave can be a simple, but not entirely useful thing. Since the microwave itself is harmful, not worth to abuse such cooking, especially if you are preparing a treat for children.

How to cook free potatoes in an air group?

Aerogril - This is a device that allows you to cook food using a stream of hot air. In such an electrical appliance, you can also prepare fries potatoes. Naturally, this is Not the only cooking optionso do not run to the store for Aerogril if you want to make free friles.

The advantage of this method is that in this way the potatoes are obtained dietary and less harmful. And all due to the fact that slices are prepared on a special grill, with which unnecessary sunflower oil flows. Thus, the finished product not overtaken by excess fat, which will certainly affect its taste.

Airgril will make not only tasty fries, but also useful
Airgril will make not only tasty fries, but also useful

To prepare potatoes of fries on an air group you need:

  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Sunflower oil (optional) - 60 g
  • Seasoning or salt

We will consider step by step cooking process:

  • Wash the potato tubers, clean and cut into slices
  • Mix with salt and sunflower oil
  • Install the temperature on the device 250s
  • Put the slices on the Aerogril lattice
  • Cook potatoes 10 minutes On one side and 15 minutes another

After that, free potatoes can be laid out from the bowl on a plate and served with a salad or fish.

Free potatoes can be served with meat, fish or salad
Free potatoes can be served with meat, fish or salad

Free potato recipe in deep fryer

If you bought a newfangled fritical, but the taste of potatoes still leaves much to be desired, use certain cooking rules:

  • Be sure to rinse the chopped potatoes well to reduce the content starch in him. Otherwise, the french fries will be boiled and it will turn out soft, not crispy
  • Wash the washed potatoes well with a towel. Excessive moisture negatively affects the taste of free
  • The oil should only be vegetable and refined
  • Putting slices should only be well Heated oil
  • Do not salt potatoes Before or during frying. If you fry salted potatoes, a crust does not form on it
Free potatoes in Fritical
Free potatoes in Fritten - the classic method of cooking

After all these rules are fulfilled, proceed to cook:

  • Clean the potatoes, cut and wash
  • Dry the slices well
  • Pour into deep fryer oil at the rate of 100 g of oil per 500 g of potatoes
  • Heat the oil and put the slices there
  • Cook potatoes 7-10 minutes

Potatoes are ready. Gently lay out slices on a napkin, To the glass excess oil. After that, divide into portions, salt, decorate with beautifully chopped vegetables and serve to the table. Enjoy your meal!

How many calories are there in FRI potatoes?

Many believe that the potatoes are enough Calory vegetable And they try to exclude it from the diet during the diet. But in fact, the calorie content of potatoes is determined way of preparing it.

Free potatoes -calorie treat
Free potatoes -calorie treat

If 100 g of raw vegetable contains 75 kcal, then in the potato of free already 316 kcal. In the calorie competition, Frei receives a victory among all potato dishes.

If, despite these numbers, you still decide to pamper yourself with a delicious side dish, try to cook free in the oven or on the air group. With this method of frying, the least sunflower oil is used, which in turn will slightly reduce the calorie content of the product.

Do not limit yourself to delicious food. Do not overeat This kind of goodies, but sometimes you can give slack and pamper yourself with such a delicious dish as Free potatoes.

Video: Free potatoes. Cooking secrets




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