Stone - mountain crystal: therapeutic and magical properties, photos. To whom is the stone of the mountain crystal, what signs of the zodiac do it help? How to determine rock crystal, how does a real stone differ from a fake, and from diamond? The best jewelry with rock crystal: photo

Stone - mountain crystal: therapeutic and magical properties, photos. To whom is the stone of the mountain crystal, what signs of the zodiac do it help? How to determine rock crystal, how does a real stone differ from a fake, and from diamond? The best jewelry with rock crystal: photo

Interesting information about mountain crystal.

In nature, there are a large number of semiprecious stones, but perhaps only mountain crystal is so very popular. From this pebble, very beautiful rings, earrings, pendants and beads are obtained, which women of different ages wear with great pleasure. Also, mountain crystal is widely used for scientific purposes.

Complex lenses are made from it, which are subsequently used for all sorts of studies. In addition, this inconspicuous crystal has quite strong magical properties that, when used correctly, can improve human life.

What is a rock of mountain crystal - how it looks and its varieties: photo

Mountain crystal - how it looks and its varieties

Rhinestone - This is a very solid transparent pebble that can consist of both one single crystal and a few fused friends. From afar, high -quality crystal can, in general, resemble ordinary glass, but if you try to break it, you will understand that it is quite hard. If we talk about transparency, then not all such crystals have a clean transparent structure.

Depending on the place of their formation, they can small intersperses or even large veins of other metals and minerals. But to great happiness, even the presence of impurities does not make mountain crystal worse. If you process it correctly, then even this small flaw turns into a highlight that makes this pebble even more beautiful and attractive.

Varieties of rock crystal:

Rauchtopaz. This type of crystal has a rather diverse color scheme. In nature, you can find both brown and rich brown stones. But, perhaps, the most important feature of Rauchtopaz is that when heated, it gradually begins to light up and becomes completely transparent.

Citrine. A rather rare crystal with a lemon yellow color and a transparent structure. If you look through it at the light source, you can see inside the interspersed of lithium salts, which give it this beautiful shade.

Amethyst. A semi-columnar transparent pebble, the color scheme of which ranges from juicy blue to saturated purple red. This stone, when direct sunlight hits it, can also light up and become transparent.

Morion. This type of crystal has either black or dark gray. He owes his color to the dark titanium. It is believed that this particular crystal has the most powerful healing and magical properties.

Quartz-volosatik. I received such a name for pebbles for the presence of veins in its structure, which somewhat resemble thin hairs. Some people call this type of rock crystal a moss.

Therapeutic properties of rock crystal

Therapeutic properties of rock crystal

I immediately want to say that official medicine is quite skeptical of information about the presence of therapeutic properties of rock crystal. But still, people who used it for healing claim that it was he who helped them solve health problems.

Of course, with its help you are unlikely to cure serious illnesses, but there are still pathologies with which he easily copes. For example, if you wear a horn bracelet on your hand, you will normalize the blood system, so that absolutely all internal organs will begin to work better.

Therapeutic properties of rock crystal:

  • Soothing
  • Regenerative
  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Painkillers
  • Strengthening

As for how to use this crystal for treatment, you can do this in two ways. If you have no extra time, then just put the pebble to the sore spot and keep it there for 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day.

If you have dermatological problems, you can do a light warming massage with it. If you need to fight internal pathologies, then you will have to use the second method. You will need to lower the crystal into the water, let the liquid brew, and then drink it during the day.

Magic properties of rock crystal

Magic properties of rock crystal

Since ancient times, mountain crystal was considered a very strong magic stone. Our ancestors believed that he was able to endow a person with clairvoyance and the gift of healing. For this reason, most people with strong energy tried to always have this crystal with them.

As a rule, if a person wanted to engage in white magic, then he always carried Rauchtopaz or Citrin with him. If a person was more interested in dark magic, he kept Morion with him. Such a choice of stones allowed people to understand a kind or evil person in advance in front of them and what problems can be addressed to him. But still, ordinary people had the opportunity to save themselves from problems with the help of rock crystal.

It was believed that if you carry citrins with you, then it will help to choose the right direction in life and will contribute to so that there are no obstacles on the way of a person. If it was necessary to cure a man from drunkenness, then he had to wear an amulet with an amethyst all the time. But if someone had to defend himself from evil spirits, then he had to wear a dark Morion in his pocket.

Magic properties of rock crystal:

  • Can help get rid of nightmares
  • Able to give strength in stressful situations
  • Enhances the concentration of attention at the subconscious level
  • Cleanses the aura and protects it from damage
  • Prevents damage and the evil eye to have a negative effect on a person

Amulets and talismans from rock crystal: photo

Mountain Crystal
Rock crystal crosses

Modern astrologers and white magicians claim that mountain crystal feels very well the energy of the universe and is able to attract positive energy to a person. In view of this, if you want everything to be fine in your life, then just buy any decoration with this pebble and wear it as often as possible. Even this will be enough for your life to become much better.

If you have problems with the opposite sex, then you need to have an amulet from the hairy. According to knowledgeable people, it is this kind of rock crystal that is a strong love amulet. True, you must remember that in order for such a protective talisman to have the right effect, it must be constantly hidden from prying eyes. The less negativity he feels on himself, the faster it will attract your soul mate to you.

For this reason, it will be better if you wear this pebble on a long chain, or just in a protective bag in your pocket. Also know that crystals are considered as strong as possible, the form of which people did not work. Therefore, if you want your house to have the most powerful amulet in your house, then try to find and buy mountain crystal in its original form. If you put such a pebble at the head of your bed, then you can soon forget about all the problems.

To whom is mountain crystal suitable?

Men, women, and children can wear mountain crystal

Despite all its beneficial properties, mountain crystal can be quite dangerous. So, for example, he will never help a person who will create evil for his own enrichment. In this case, the crystal will do everything so that its owner receives a well -deserved punishment.

It is also worth considering that everyone, without exception, is suitable for pebbles of green and pinkish shade, and the rest must be strictly selected according to the zodiac sign. As for the pebbles of black and dark gray, only an energetically strong person can wear them. If a person chooses him with a spirit, then he will simply suppress him, thereby not allowing to move in the right direction.

Simple tips:

  • Women It is best to wear rock crystal at chest level. In this case, he will clean the aura as well as possible from negativity and direct the thoughts of the fair sex in the right direction.
  • Men It is best to wear bracelets, and preferably on the right hand. Crystal, located in this place, will block negative energy both inside a person and outside. Also, such a decoration on the arm will make a person more balanced, purposeful and self -confident.
  • Children It is best to wear discreet pendants hidden from human eyes. This will contribute to the positive energy of rock crystal to work exclusively for the owner of the jewelry.

What signs of the zodiac helps mountain crystal?

Signs of the zodiac, which is suitable for mountain crystal

As already mentioned a little higher, some crystals of rock crystal must be selected strictly according to the zodiac sign. True, in this case, there are exceptions to the rules. This stone is perfect for one zodiac signs, the other is slightly smaller, and it is undesirable to wear it in third.

The latest category includes Sagittarius and Capricorn. Since these signs are very impulsive, quick -tempered and prone to fantasies, the energy of this pebble most often makes talkers and lines that themselves do not notice their flaws.

Signs of the zodiac, which is suitable for mountain crystal:

  • Aries. The crystal seems to transform the representatives of this sign. He turns their excessive fun and obsession into openness and friendliness, and transforms such a character trait as curiosity into curiosity. In addition, crystal makes them as tactful and balanced as possible, so they cease to fall into unpleasant situations.
  • Twins. In this case, the pebble helps to fight with the dual nature of people born under this constellation. They cease to doubt their further steps and begin to walk in life as confidently as possible. This helps them settle down, and they begin to look more soberly at all their actions.
  • Lions. Representatives of this sign consider themselves better than the rest, which leads to the fact that they offend their loved ones. Mount crystal helps lions curb their temper, and they begin to appreciate those who are near them.
  • Aquarius. To people born under this constellation, mountain crystal helps to cope with self -doubt and overcome everyone likes to like. This adjustment of energy helps Aquarius achieve new heights and make faithful friends.

How to determine rock crystal, how does a real stone differ from a fake?

Unprocessed mountain crystal

Unfortunately, now even in expensive jewelry stores you can find a high -quality craft of rock crystal. It is beautifully processed, framed with gold or silver and sold as an expensive natural crystal.

Yes, at first you will not understand that you bought a craft, but after some time the pebble will begin to clutch and covered with small scratches. If you do not want to pay a lot of money for a fake crystal, then use our tips.


  • Take the pebble in your hands and hold it a little, completely covering it with your palms. If after 1-2 minutes it becomes warm to the touch, then you have a fake in your hands. Real mountain crystal performs heat very poorly, which means he heats up for a long time.
  • Look through the crystal at the light. In high -quality rock crystal, you will surely see small droplets of air, interspersed of minerals or veins of metals. The fake will be perfectly transparent.
  • Going to the store for buying, take a small piece of glass with you. By choosing the product, spend them on glass. If it leaves the scratch, you came across a real mountain crystal. The complete absence of a trace will indicate that you are holding a fake in your hands.

Diamond and mountain crystal: how to distinguish?

Differences between diamond and rock crystal

Properly processed rock crystal may outwardly no different from the diamond. That is why unscrupulous sellers of jewelry very often sell crystal to people under the guise of diamonds. And if you take into account that the latter are much more expensive, then you can understand how people are upset by noticing the deception.

In fact, you can distinguish these two pebbles very easily. If you do not know, diamonds, unlike crystal, reflect the light very well. Therefore, if you substitute them under the ray of the sun or simply under artificial lighting, you will see how the pebble will begin to shimmer with various colors.

Moreover, the game of color will occur even if the room will enter the room exclusively daylight. If you do, the same with rock crystal, you will see that he simply passes the light through himself, without changing his color scheme.

Mountain Crystal care at home: Tips

Home Crystal care at home

The rock crystal, just like any other semiprecious stone, must be properly taken care of. If you do not carefully treat him and periodically clean it, then he will lose his beautiful shine and become muddy and unattractive. So that this does not happen to adhere to the next tips.


  • In no case do not wash it with very hot water. Despite all its firmness, this crystal is afraid of sudden temperature changes. In view of this, if you lower it into boiling water, then he can crack.
  • Also remember that crystal products cannot be cleaned with salt, soda and sand. If you rub the surface of the pebble with them, then microscopic scratches will appear on it and this irrevocably ruins crystal.
  • If you need to wash the crystal product, then use an ordinary soap solution for this. Also, a detergent for dishes is perfect for these purposes.
  • It is best to wipe such products with a soft flannel fabric, and do it as carefully as possible.
  • Honight, blue or alcohol solution will help return the shine to your pebble. If you lower it into one of these solutions, and then dry it and polish a flannel cloth, then the crystal will shine again like a new one.

The best jewelry with rock crystal in silver and gold - rings, earrings, beads, pendants, brooches: photo

Rock beads
Rock kit
Rock ring

And finally, we want to present to your attention several photos depicting jewelry from crystal. As you can see, all the products presented can be a great addition to both calm everyday bows and elegant evening outfits.

The most pleasant thing is that such jewelry will be an ideal choice for any outfit, most importantly, do not forget that such jewelry should be dressed in moderation. Do not wear everything at once. Believe me, even one pendant or a massive mountain crystal bracelet can become a highlight of your outfit.

Video: Mountain Crystal and Morion - Svetlana Gural Interview

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  1. Thanks a lot! Very informative and is not repeated from the site to the site.

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