Which search engine is better, more popular - Yandex or Google: comparative characteristics, reviews

Which search engine is better, more popular - Yandex or Google: comparative characteristics, reviews

From this article you will learn what is better - Yandex or Google search engine.


In recent years, search sites have significantly facilitated the Internet post. After all, if 10-15 years ago, in order to find the necessary information on the World Wide Web, a person had to accumulate knowledge of special query languages. Now it is quite simple to enter the request, and the system itself will provide thousands of results on it - and, not only accurate, but also those in which even one thing coincides - the only word, or even a subject.

What is cooler - Yandex or Google? To understand this, it is important to know about similarities and differences. Read more in this article.

Search starting systems, pages Yandex.ru, www google.ru and Yandex.com. Google.com: What are the main differences, which search engine is more popular, better?

Search starting systems
Search starting systems

Some people use Yandex, others - GUGL. What are the advantages of a particular system, which is better? What are the main differences, which search engine is more popular, better - Yandex.ru, www google.ru and Yandex.com. Google.com? This is the difference between these search starting systems, search pages:

The difference in the interface is not so great and significant.

  • It's all about functionality.
  • Despite the fact that the monthly audience "Google" in Russia significantly exceeds the number of adherents "Yandex", the latter is better than “imprisoned” precisely for the needs of Russians.
  • Accordingly, the processing of local information in it is more detail.
  • Suppose there is even a schedule for disconnecting hot water. It is really very convenient.

It is impossible to call one of these search engines the best.

  • Plus "Yandex" You can call a more “meticulous” search for pages and information on the territory of Russia - therefore, for domestic users it is more useful.
  • However, it all depends on the purpose of use - after all, Russians can also look for foreign data and resources.
  • Therefore, for such users it is much more convenient "Google".

Personal preferences are important.

  • In some cases, the choice depends on personal tastes - the one who has used all his life "Yandex", is unlikely to switch to Google To please fashion, and vice versa.
  • By the way, social. Polls show that more mature Russians prefer "Yandex", and youth - "Google".
  • In addition, file indexation in "Yandex" much slower, and its additional components are not always needed.

That is why more users are preferred "Google" - It is more modern, more functional and simpler.

How to make Yandex GOOGLE ChROME Starting page: Instructions

Yandex Starting page
Yandex Starting page

Yandex adherents often need to make this starting page in Google Chrome. This fairly simple process consists of several stages - instructions:

  • In the browser menu, select item "Settings".
  • Then "Appearance" (The checkbox is placed opposite “Show the Main page button”).
  • After that, the address of the main page will appear, which must be changed (in this case, yandex.ru).
  • So that in the future the site opens in "Google Chrome" Immediately, you need to go to the section "Launch Chrome."
  • Select item "Proted pages"/"Add page".

Now indicate Yandex As a starting page. Now, when the browser is launched, it will open the first

"Ok (okay) Google", Yandex Translator: Comparison

Ok (okay) Google
Ok (okay) Google

Since the bulky paper dictionaries have gone into the past, a person’s life has become even easier. After all, an online translator is more functional. Plus, it is much faster to represent a ready -made result. However, there is a decent minus - this translation almost always has to be adjusted manually. Indeed, in most cases, it is more than ideal.

But what is better - “Ok (Okay) Google” or Yandex translator? It is worth checking it. Here is a comparison:

  • “Okay, Google, what is“ Orlan? ” Google, without hesitation, answers the "chankester". Doubtful translation.
  • Now Yandex. The latter says that Orlan is the See Eagle, that is, a sea eagle. 1: 0 in favor of "Yandex".

Now check it on the text. User - Google:

  • “At the Origins of Within Temptation Were Vocalist Sharon Den Adele and Guitarist and Singer Robert Westerholt. In 1996, The Musicians Came Together and Creed A Doom Metal Project Called the Portal. Soon, the duo expanded with the arrival of Robert’s former colleagues on The Circle, keyboardist Martain Westerholt, guitarist Mikhail Papenhove, bass player Jeroen van Ven and drummer Dennis Leflang. The Group Came Together Under the Name Within Temptation. "

Google - user:

  • “The origins of Within Temptation had: Sharon Den Adele vocalist and guitarist and singer Robert Westerholt. In 1996, the musicians gathered together and created the Doom Metal project called The Portal. Soon, the duet expanded with the advent of the former Robert’s colleagues on The Circle, Marten Westerhont keyboat, guitarist Mikhail Papenhov, bassist Jeroen Van Ven and Dennis Leflag drummer. The group united under the name "in temptation."

In principle, a good translation. Of course, you can adjust the designs so that they sound more beautiful. Suppose, “created a doom metal project”, refrain from the translation of personal names and names. But in general, Google coped with the task.

Now Yandex. User:

  • “At the Origins of Within Temptation Were Vocalist Sharon Den Adele and Guitarist and Singer Robert Westerholt. In 1996, The Musicians Came Together and Creed A Doom Metal Project Called the Portal. Soon, the duo expanded with the arrival of Robert’s former colleagues on The Circle, keyboardist Martain Westerholt, guitarist Mikhail Papenhove, bass player Jeroen van Ven and drummer Dennis Leflang. The Group Came Together Under the Name Within Temptation. "


  • “In the origin within the temptation, the skill of the vocalist Adele and the guitarist and singer Robert Westerholt were the lap. In 1996, the musicians came together and created a project of metal of fate called the portal. Soon, the duet expanded with the arrival of the former Robert’s colleagues in a circle, a musician playing on Martain Westerholt key instruments, guitarist Mikhail Papenhove, bass player Jeroen Ven Fungon and drummer Dennis Leflang. The group came together under the name within the limits of temptation. ”

How can you notice this translation more than funny. Perhaps the matter is in the text, but Google coped with the task better. Although, there is a logical reason for this. The trial text about the foreign musical group confirms the hypothesis expressed earlier - the Google search engine knows “foreign information” better, and Yandex is more focused on domestic data. Perhaps that is why the transfer of Google is more adequate.

Yandex Browser VS Google Chrome: Comparative characteristics

Yandex Browser VS Google Chrome
Yandex Browser VS Google Chrome

Now it is time to understand which observer of web pages is better? Naturally, the analysis will be carried out in categories such as: launch speed, requirements for system resources, functionality, platform expansion, level of security and data privacy, ecosystem and appearance. You will find a detailed comparative characteristic further in the text.

It is worth saying that browsers are appreciated without additions and tabs, on equal terms. Bottom line:

Launching the start page:

  • "Yandex browser Started after 1.84 sec, a Google Chrome for 1.65 sec.
  • Given that such a difference in speed is almost invisible to the human eye, they can be called identical.

Site opening speed:

  • YouTube launched in Yandex Browser for 3.66 sec, Google Chrome - for 3.44 sec.
  • Again, a slight difference, but “chrome” a little ahead.
  • The degree of processor load: in Chrome, it is much smaller. Accordingly, another point in his favor.

RAM costs:

  • The results of processing 10 “YouTube” tabs: “Yandex”- 297 MB, and "chrome" - 480 MB. Accordingly, to use Yandex “under load” is much more profitable.
  • An analysis of built -in functions shows that they are equal in both browsers - the difference is only in the interface.

Platform extensibility:

  • Google Chrome has its own add -ons and extensions store.
  • Therefore, it is more suitable for lovers of fast and effective Internet surfing, chats on various sites, etc.
  • Yandex has no such store. However, you can also put extensions on it: those that are used by the Opera browser are suitable.
  • Accordingly, the functionality is again a draw.
  • Although, of course, it is much easier to put “native” extensions on the browser.

Safety level:

  • “Yandex” is one step ahead - after all, he has such functions as: “Antoshok” against aggressive advertising, the “Protect” system.
  • This system also has protection against fraud and phishing, checking sites and compliance with personal data.

Interesting: Also, the plus of "Yandex" can be called a function "Turbo", "Smart line", the ability to translate words immediately after the allocation, beautiful screensavers. As for the "chromium" - it is simpler, but faster.

So often each user chooses a browser based on the goals of use and habits. However, the number of Google users has increased significantly for the reason that for residents of Ukraine to use “Russian” sites like “Yandex”, “Rambler”, “VK” became problematic. Of course, there is a VPN, but not everyone knows about it.

What is better than Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords?

Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords
Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords

Both of these advertising sites are equal. Accordingly, this question is “which is better Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords? ", Rather, a matter of the taste of everyone. Some argue that there is nothing more convenient for “Direct”, while others - that only Google is used by advertising. But the main disadvantage of advertising in the latter is constant updates. That is why the “direct” is easier and more convenient.

However, the new Adwords office underwent changes, became much more convenient and very easy to configure it “for itself”. Nevertheless, in “Direct, it is also very easy to switch between phrases, campaigns and groups. And, which is very pleasing, there are recommendations.

As for the selection of keys (which is very important for advertising), it is in both versions. Accordingly, a draw. But relative to the cost, Google costs a little cheaper (it means the price per click). Of course, what to use is a personal choice

What is better Yandex.Money or Google Pay?

Yandex.Money or Google Pay
Yandex.Money or Google Pay

In order to understand what is better - Yandex, money or Google Pay, it is important to compare all the pros and cons of data data data. AT article on our website on this link, you can learn a lot of useful information about how and where to find out the number of your Y. Koschel.

"Yandex money":

  • Only for citizens of the Russian Federation (there is a process of identifying “strangers”, but not everyone understands this and not everyone decides to follow the indicated order of actions) is a minus.
  • You can disable "obsessive" alerts - plus.
  • There is no link to housing and communal services tariffs - minus.
  • Free wallet maintenance up to 2 years old - plus
  • Fast registration, simple interface is plus.
  • Translations into several clicks are also "+".
  • Patronage codes - "+".
  • There is no lending system - minus.
  • A high commission for conclusion (higher than that of competitors) is a minus.
  • The lack of anonymity is a minus.

"Google Pay":

  • Safety and data protection.
  • The ability to use several cards.
  • It works on any gadget.
  • Fast operations.
  • The possibility of use not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in other countries.
  • The commission for the withdrawal is much lower.

Of course, it cannot be said that “Google Pay” has only pluses, and Yandex Money is just disadvantages. Often, the choice is made based on the personal necessity, convenience and other factors.

Yandex Metric and Google Analytics: Comparison

Yandex Metric and Google Analytics
Yandex Metric and Google Analytics

Yandex Metric Allows you to qualitatively analyze the sites attended. The service is absolutely free. It can be called a visitor to visits. It allows you to collect information about visitors, manage advertising and carry out data grouping. An unconditional plus of this service is the ability to monitor advertising goals and clearly see what part of the users have performed this or that action. Main advantages:

  • High efficiency
  • High -quality filtering function

Google Analytics - not only tracks the number of visits, but also shows the actions of users, the time of their stay, etc. Can form reports for 50 various resources. Conditionally free. It has several segmentation modes.

What is better - conclusion: We can say with confidence that these services are equivalent. There are no obvious shortcomings of one in comparison with the other.

Google, Yandex Taxi: Comparison

Taxi services are used by many people - it is convenient, fast. Below you will find a comparison of the two most popular services in this area.

Design Yandex Taxi Obviously disappointed:

  • UI resembles the fruit of the one who first created the iOS application.
  • However, the search is quite simple, the cartographic service is beyond praise, there is a predictive input, there are complete addresses.
  • Plus the low cost of the trip.

"Google taxi" - A newer service:

  • Naturally, “debugging” and potential so far leave much to be desired.
  • Accordingly, in this case, it is better to choose Yandex.
  • Nevertheless, there are advantages, among which: the possibility of a profitable trip, the function of registering both drivers and users.

Now you know all the advantages and disadvantages, but what to use - choose personally to you, based on personal preferences.

Is it possible to earn in Yandex.Taxi?


It is quite possible to earn money in this service. However, if a person knows the city perfectly and has a rather long driving experience. Otherwise, there is a huge risk not only to lose customers forever, but also to lower your rating.

If the driver’s violations, the service can even block it. Therefore, there are two unspoken rules for Yandex.Taxi:

  1. "It is better for beginners not to try"
  2. "Not sure - do not take the order"

Of course, the amounts of earnings depend on both the city and on the skill of the driver. Basic conditions: driving experience of at least three years, age from 23 years, navigator or knowledge of the city, smartphone and four-door cars.

Google, Yandex Music: Comparison

What is better - Google or Yandex Music? Here is a comparison:

  • “Google music” gives each new user a 4-month trial and the number of tracks and albums there is much larger than in Yandex.
  • On "Ya. The search engine ”always has to wait for the next release, but on Google albums appear almost immediately on the day of release. Already two unconditional pluses.
  • Google has quite interesting collections. But "I. Music ”gives recommendations.
  • Minus "Yandex.Musics" is that you can not use the application abroad.

What to use if you need a more diverse phonotext, cool collections? If Android is an appendix, then Google. And if a convenient application and recommendations, but fewer tracks are a Russian search engine.

Yandex Alice or Google Assistant: Which is better?

Yandex Alice or Google assistant
Yandex Alice or Google assistant

Currently, a fairly large number of Internet users does not represent their life without electronic assistants. Without a doubt, Yandex Alice and Google Assistant are the most popular. But which one is better?

Google ABOVE:

  • React to the voice
  • Reminds of the events of the calendar
  • Talks about the weather
  • Pays the route
  • Offers interest information
  • Notifies the parcels
  • Calls and writes to the right people
  • Recognizes performers and musical compositions

Alicealso knows how to do much from the list:

  • She carries out a quick search
  • Clarifies the number and day
  • He controls the computer
  • Focus on routes
  • Can play with the user
  • Communicate (even on philosophical topics)
  • Plans expenses
  • Allows you to dress in the weather
  • Recognizes music and much more

Accordingly, despite the fact that the functions of assistants are similar, Alice is more functional.

Which is better and more popular - Yandex or Google Mail: Comparison

Yandex Post or Google Post
Yandex Post or Google Post

It may seem to many people that both services - Yandex and Google PostAbsolutely identical. In fact, this is far from the case - because they have quite a lot of differences and similarities. So, one hundred better and more popular? Here is a comparison:

  • The main advantage of "Google Post" The fact that it can be synchronized with the YouTube account and has a “own” cloud on 15 GB. (in the "Ya. 10 GB). You can also use it from any device.
  • There is no search in Yandex Post. But the competitor does not have the opportunity to postpone contacts. The advantage of “Ya. Counts” is the opportunity to view documents. You need to download the file from competing system, and only after that you can read it.

Therefore, there is no unambiguous winner. Nonetheless, Google Mail A little more popular.

Is it possible to transfer Google to Yandex: how to make Google in Yandex?

In order to transfer Google settings to Yandex, you need to do the following:

  • Export them in the form HTML file
  • Run the browser chrome
  • Then you should choose the icon "Settings" and "Google Chrome Management".
  • After that, select "Bookmarks" — "Import bookmarks and settings".

In the open menu, it is selected HTML file.

Yandex Search at Google Chrome: How to Set?

One of the options for adding Yandex Search in Google Chromeserves as "embedding" a special button with a search. But do not be scared-this is the usual expansion for the “chromium-browser”. After installation in the right edge, the icon "Ya. search ". That's it, we set the Yandex search in chrome and now you can use (of course, if the country of residence is not Ukraine).

Google, Yandex Cloud disk: Comparison

The main difference (it is also a plus of Google disk) is volume. After all, the starting free "Google" package - 15 GB, but the Yandex Cloud disk has a total 10 GB. Of course, you can pay for an increase, but free 5 GB There are no superfluous.

The I. Everse disk has a plus - this is the maximum file size ( 10 GB), and the "Google" has all 5 GB. Accordingly, if you need to place more information in general - the last one is better, and the Yandex disk is suitable for bulky files.

Rating, site positions in Yandex and Google Service: How to check?

Rating, site positions in Yandex and Google Service
Rating, site positions in Yandex and Google Service

Checking the positions and rating of the site is one of the important elements of the SEO promotion. That is why it is important that monitoring is detailed. What gives Yandex Service - how to check?

  • You can monitor the positions of keywords on only one search engine, and no more.
  • In addition, it is impossible to add new positions - this is a significant minus.
  • However, there is good data details and the ability to collect analysis for different periods.

As for the inspector from Google, it has a simple interface, a flexible tariff system and a larger number of functions relative to keywords. Therefore, it is much better.

How to restore Yandex visual bookmarks in Google Chrome: Instructions

Visual bookmarks are very convenient for use. But it often happens that they disappear in Yandex. How to restore them in Google Chrome? Here's the instruction:

  • First you need to make the starting page of Yandex homemade. If this is already done, skip a step.
  • Now the spy module is turned off.
  • Next, start the installation program. She will reconfigure a browser.
  • The bookmark menu should appear.
  • If you bring the cursor to the rectangle, the plus sign will appear.
  • Now it remains to enter the address and fill out the relevant fields.

You can restore bookmarks only if they are partially removed. If completely, then alas - you will have to do everything again.

Advertising in Yandex and Google: Where is less, which is better?

Advertising in Yandex and Google
Advertising in Yandex and Google

A large number of users agree that in "Yandex" There are more advertisements. In addition, it is more intrusive, sometimes it is very annoying. Of course, in both browsers you can put a lock.

But still there is a persistent opinion that "Google" Not so persistent, and it contains less advertising and less tires consumers. Accordingly, in this context it is much better.

The use of Yandex and Google search engine filters: Comparison

Almost all users use the search filters. Let's compare the facts in terms of using search engines filters Yandex and Google:

  • The first is more aimed at suppressing manipulation attempts caused by behavioral factors.
  • Yandex also fights with aggressive advertising and makes sure that text information is reliable and high -quality.

Google sees only problems in the fact that reference ranking factors are manipulated by optimizers.

Simple Yandex-navigator or Google: select the best application, comparison

Yandex-navigator or Google
Yandex-navigator or Google

Simple Yandex-navigator capable of a lot. Suppose he shows the cameras hidden on the roads, has voice acting with various voices in large quantities, understandable map, quick shutdown and the function of offline cards. With it you can build a route even without the Internet. But for traveling abroad it is better for "Google".

When comparing, choosing the best application will not work, since popularity depends on user preferences. If you need to go abroad, then select Google. For trips around Russia, a navigator from Yandex is suitable.

Yandex, Rambler, Google Russia: Which is better?

Three search engines are modern corporations and the best systems. Which is better - Yandex, Rambler or Google Russia? Here is a comparison:


  • You can not use special digits when entering.
  • Pros - speed, accuracy of information.
  • The search engine also takes into account the number of pages, has many functions.
  • As for the shortcomings, these are: links to old resources that no one needs data on for a long time.
  • “Extra” results reduce work productivity.


  • “Killing” a huge amount of advertising.
  • Its plus is the lower data processing costs, the operational support service is enough, as well as the Yandex service. Money".


  • Finds information even on "blurry" requests, convenient email.
  • But many users do not like the search system itself.
  • However, this is not a minus, but personal preferences.

What is better? Internet users give Guglu first place, Yandex is the second, and only the third to Rambler. Quite fair gradation.

Why does Yandex not open the pages, but the Internet works, can this be in Google?

Reasons why Yandex It does not open pages, but the Internet works, there may be problems:

  • With the site
  • Antivirus
  • Turning off
  • Yandex itself-browser itself

You can try to clean the cookies. Access can also block programs that fight advertising, for example, "Adguard". As for "Google", this can also be, but less often. AT Chrome These are often problems with DNS.

Yandex, you're a honey, but Google is better for the Internet: user reviews - where is it better to look for a request, Yandex or Google?

Yandex, you're a honey, but Google is better for the Internet
Yandex, you're a honey, but Google is better for the Internet

If you still do not understand where it is better to look for a request - on Yandex or Google, then read the reviews of other users below.

Sergey, 25 years old

I use the Internet not only for work, but also for entertainment-films, music, online games. Many praise Yandex, but when you need to quickly find the necessary information, I always use Google. It seems to me that this is faster and more convenient. Yes, it is believed that Yandex is more focused on Russia. But my negative memories are connected with him: once I downloaded the program, and instead of it the “Yandex” browser with all components swayed. So the computer shut up for himself that then an hour removed everything from the "Program and Components". Of course, this is not a reason not to use the search if it is convenient. But I tried a couple of times - not mine. And the results are not the ones that are needed, and the interface is not the same. My choice is definitely, Google.

Katya, 19 years old

I am a student, so I use the search quite often. Often you need to download the abstract (sorry, make), supplement knowledge in disciplines (the material at lectures is sometimes very compressed). When working, I used to sit with a bunch of open tabs. Yandex, you're a honey, but Google is better for the Internet. Despite the fact that many say that the performance of the “I. Posisk” is above, Google never failed me. And the necessary right away, and quickly.

Anton, 65 years old

I am a "advanced" grandfather. In our time, it is impossible otherwise, but I do not experiment. The grandson taught to use the "Google". I do not change the browser, and, therefore, the search. Perhaps there is something better, but everything suits me. Quick and simple.

Video: Google or Yandex? Comparison

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