How to look, clean and restore after deleting the story story in Yandex in the phone, tablet, computer and laptop: Instructions. How to delete recently closed tabs in Yandex.mozer along one page and the entire history of requests completely?

How to look, clean and restore after deleting the story story in Yandex in the phone, tablet, computer and laptop: Instructions. How to delete recently closed tabs in Yandex.mozer along one page and the entire history of requests completely?

How to clear the story in Yandex on a computer, laptop, phone, tablet.

From the article you will learn how to carry out a complete or partial cleaning of data on your Internet travels, about the sites visited and entered search queries in the browser.

Where to find the history of views in Yandex for today?

  • The recruiting report on the network is conducted and stored in the history of visits. Since a browser or search engine is used as an instrument for introducing a search query, if necessary, you can easily resume the sequence of transitions from one page to another over the past day or even over the past 6 months and open any article for which its heading was introduced in Yandex.
  • This function facilitates the process of searching for the necessary information. But it may be necessary to hide the list of all pages that opened in recently and erase traces of traveling over the network from the memory of the device. At such moments, the issue of clearing history in Yandex becomes relevant for you.
  • To see the list of past requests and the history of views on the Internet, it is worthwhile to figure out what section the history of search queries is preserved.
  • Not only in the browser, but also in the search engine, information about your life on the network is accumulated. For this, a set of tools called "my finds" is provided.
  • Having found out where the “My Finding” tab is located, you can easily control the history of your visits and, if you wish, cleanse the list of your travels in this search engine. Here you can also change the settings: by removing or putting only a few checkmarks in the journal of views and visits to information about the viewed pages will not be displayed.
Where is the "My finds" tab
  • But there are pitfalls. If you suddenly lose the page you need, requested in the Yandex search engine, or it will disappear from bookmarks, then it will take more time to restore it.

How not to get confused in the history of visits to the Yandex search engine?

  • From the main page through the search engine we make a transition to the “Settings” section of interest to us.
  • We look at the right at the top of the “gear” icon. He appears after pressing him with a mouse in an dropping menu. In order not to confuse with a different badge, look at the picture from below.
    We need to open the section "Other settings". It is located below in the list.
Gear icon
Gear icon
  • We will open a page with two important points related to the history of visits: “Search settings” and “my finds”.
  • We click on the “Search settings” tab and the same section will open before us from which you can introduce changes with permission or prohibition to maintain the history of the pages visited.
How to go to the "Settings" section
  • On this page, select and put a checkmark next to the section, which prohibits or allows the use of the history of requests. Such information is used to form search results. These are the very tips of the search engine that open in the drop -down menu when introducing repeated queries.
  • Management history is possible through a button that allows you to turn on and off this function. The recorded requests are in the “My finds” tab.
  • At its opening, the information that was previously found and is lost becomes available for viewing or recovery. This is the secret of the powerful Yandex search tool.
  • The management of the statistics of the event log is carried out using a special switch. He is on the left of the top. One click with the mouse and recording visits to the Internet pages turns on and off.
  • On the left on the page is the story of search queries. If necessary, it can be opened. Here you can find the pictures viewed recently, go to the product page found earlier in the Yandex Market store. Information can be saved or downloaded if necessary.
  • We are looking for a temporary line on top on the page. It will help us easily go through all the requests and find the desired article or page in the history of visits to Yandex, which is needed to delete or save.
Transition for tabs "History"
  • When introducing a large number of requests and calls, the required information can be found in the tab located directly under the temporary line. This tab keeps records of the search results.
    You can clear the history in Yandex completely, or partially, deleting only a separate request that the user entered into the search engine.
  • We are looking for a cross opposite the request and click on it. This is how not only specific requests are removed from the search history, but also all the views viewed to which the transition was carried out during the search for an answer.
  • After watching several pages of Yandex Market magazine, the user can choose some of the goods he looked through and remove them from the history of visits. By clicking on the "Store Visits History" button, you completely delete the requests.
  • Statistics The history of your requests is not always conducted. Users authorized in the system will be able to restore it, when you lose any information, opening the section “My finds”. If you have not passed the authorization procedure (opening the pages, you do not see your login-nickname in the upper right corner), in the search history you will not be able to find your requests and visits, so you will not have to delete anything.
  • On a computer of a non -authorized user, Yandex internal statistics will also be conducted. However, only the IP address of the computer will be involved. Cookies of the browser through which the search was also preserved are also preserved. These files can also be cleaned. However, cleaning history is impossible. It is necessary to clean the browser Kesh, or its history. However, such an option to a simple user is not available.

So that the IP search engine does not record information about your visits to the pages on the Internet, you can take the following:

  • install anonymizers (chameleon, spools)
  • install the browser Thor (when using it, there are no traces of search queries on the network)

If it is important for you that all the requests that were introduced into the Yandex search engine, and not selective visits, disappear, then click on the “My finds” tab. Next, click the "Settings" button. It is located on the right.

How to disable the show of frequently visited pages
How to disable the show of frequently visited pages
  • We are looking for the “Stop the Record” button and click on it. If you need to remove all the requests from the story completely, then look for the "clear history" button. After you click on it, the statistics of your activity on the network will not open.
  • How to remove recently closed tabs in Yandex Browser along one page on a computer and laptop: Instructions

To remove the early pages from the history of the browser, it is necessary to perform several actions:

  • Press the buttons alternately: a square with several lines inside, then - the "History" button, and again the "History" button
  • We are looking for the site name we need or an article that was opened on this computer, click on the “Delete selected elements” button. The desired button is located above the list of pages
How to view the whole history of visits
How to view the whole history of visits

The reset of the entire history of visits to Internet pages is carried out in this way:

  • repeat the same sequence of clicks on the buttons:
    Square with partitions inside, "History", "History"
  • click the "Clean History" button
  • we indicate in the “Cleaning History” window the period of time when the search was carried out and the pages were opened
  • pre -turn off all options and click on the "View History" button "
    Click the "Clean History" button
How to clear the story of the specified period
How to clear the story of the specified period

How to delete the entire search history in Yandex completely?

The search engine retains in memory all the requests taken in the Yandex search line. Over time, the search line will display them when hovering it with the mouse. In just a few clicks, this function can be made inactive.

We remove the story of the search in Yandex in several stages:

  • We pass the authorization in the system (if this moment was missed early): we open the home page of Yandex and look for the “enter mail” tab. We log in. In the absence of email, click the “Box” button and follow the further instructions for filling out the form. We successfully created the mailbox. Open mail.
  • We go to the section "Personal settings". Further - to the section "Other settings". A full list of settings will open before us. We find the “Search Hipples” tab. Click. After that, we can go to the page "My requests in search hints."
Search settings and search tips
Search settings and search tips
  • Here is the desired button that will help us destroy all requests. Click the "Clean Request History" button.
  • We leave everything as it is, and new requests entered into the search engine will be displayed again. When this function is turned off, the system will cease to keep records of the pages visited. To do this, remove the checkmark opposite the section "My requests in search hints." Remove the checkmark and next to the section "Favorite sites in hints"

Video: how to delete history in Yandex Browser

How to clear the story in Yandex on the phone and a tablet Android?

  • Removing requests that are displayed in history in the Yandex system on the phone and tablet is carried out in the same way as on the computer.
  • Before deleting requests in history, you need to include mobile.
  • Then we go to Yandex Browser.
  • We go to the Settings tab. We are looking for an icon. Click on it.
  • The list of all the settings will unfold before us. We are looking for the “Privacy” section and click on this button.
How to clear the story in Yandex on the phone and a tablet Android?
How to clear the story in Yandex on the phone and a tablet Android?
  • We move on to the "Clear data" section.
  • Put the checkmarks next to the data that we need to remove. Click the "Clean data" button. We confirm or reject our decision regarding data purification in the window that opens. Now the history of visits is cleaned.

So that in the future it was not necessary to do so many operations, in the same section (“confidentiality”) we remove the checkmarks opposite the “Save passwords and history in the browser”. Now the querial accounting is stopped and you will no longer need a cleaning of the story.

Video: How to clear the search history in the Internet browser on the Android phone?

Video: History on the tablet

How to clear the story in Yandex on an iPhone and iPad?

If you divide your iPhone or iPad with another user, then one day you may be interested in the issue of clearing history in Yandex.

How to clean
How to clear the story in Yandex on an iPhone and iPad?
  • We open the main page of the browser, closing other pages
  • the list of visits and requests will be displayed when you press the history button (at the bottom of the page)
How to delete history in Yandex on android
  • Select the settings menu (resembles a gear) and move on to the data purification section.
  • In the window that appears, we confirm our action.
  • On the iPad, all actions are similar, only here we need a badge not in the form of a gear, but in the form of an hour.

How to restore a remote story in Yandex on a computer and laptop?

  • There are situations when you really need to find a link to an important site, and all attempts to find it on the Internet are unsuccessful. And before that you already managed to clear the history of Yandex. How to restore lost information?
  • Finding deleted files will be very difficult to find yourself. You can use the program downloaded from the Internet to restore information remote from the computer.
  • Such programs are not able to restore the history of the browser, but with their help you can revive some files.
  • Sometimes even a specialist will not be able to restore the history of the browser, therefore, before cleaning it, think about whether you will destroy important information.

Video: How to restore the remote story of a browser?

How to restore a remote story in Yandex on the phone and tablet Android?

About how to restore a remote story in Yandex on the phone, watch the video.

Video: How to restore deleted data on android?

How to clear the story in the Safari on the Mac?

  • Find the "Settings" tab on the home page of your device
    In the list of settings that opened, select "Safari".
  • We will open the notification “Clean history”. Click on him.
    Inactive button "Cleaning the History" suggests that this section is empty.
  • Now you need to click on one more button "Clean Cooks and Information."
  • In the future, if you do not want someone to look at your visits to Internet pages, just go into private mode. By clicking on the "+" button, we go to a new tab. At the bottom of the tab, select the Privatny.

Video: How to clean cookies in a fraud on a poppy?

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