How and where to find out the number of the account of your wallet Yandex.Money?

How and where to find out the number of the account of your wallet Yandex.Money?

In this article you will find useful information on how to find out the number of Yandex wallet.

Payment for services, goods, mobile communications and much more can be made instantly using various payment systems. One of the most popular systems belongs "Yandex money".

On this platform, any person who opened an account can open a wallet and use it, performing various operations. But what can you find out if the Yandex wallet number is known or other data about the owner? Can I get additional information about it? Read more about this further.

How to find out the account number of your electronic Yandex wallet?

Electronic wallet Yandex Money
Electronic wallet Yandex Money

As mentioned above in this text, one of the most famous payment services in Russia is "Yandex money". Many people do not even understand how to find out the number of their account of the electronic Yandex-Koshelka. To know your Yandex number, you must be registered on this resource. You can do this using the simplest way:

  • On chap. The search engine page go to the tab "Registration" - in the upper right corner.
  • Enter the data following the hints.
  • You will be invited to create a new wallet.
  • Fill in the identification data, consent, putting a “checkmark” and click "Proceed".
  • Enter the phone number and secret password.

That's it, you opened a personal account. On the page of the payment system, click on "Balance". You will open information with the account number, tied cards and the type of wallet. Now go to the tab "Mail"then press on "Money" and "Account balance".

It is worth noting: Here you can open virtual Yandex map. It provides great opportunities. You can withdraw cash from it, pay for purchases, check the condition of the bank account.

Now let's look in stages how to find out your personal identifier, in other words, the number of your account on this site. To do this, you need to produce the following stages:

Click "Post"
  • Enter your Yandex account. Click under the search bar "More", and then "Mail».
  • Enter the password and letters of the login if you are registered. If not, then for starters you should register for "Yandex money". Registration is light and fast, so you will not lose much time. For this you will need no more 2-3 minutes. How to register, read above.
  • After authorization, click under the search bar for an active button "All". An additional menu will open.
Click "Money"
  • In addition to the tab, find "Money"Cross. If there is no such tab in the additional menu, then in the upper left corner there is the name of this payment system "Yandex money"Click on the word "Money".
  • After the transition, you find the required in the center of the screen - 14-digit number. If you have not updated the browser for a long time, then it may not display this number.
  • Click in your “Pearl” to a table with the amount that is between the signs “Replenishment" and "Removal".
  • A falling menu will appear in which you will find everything you need.
In the drop -down menu you will find the number of your electronic wallet
In the drop -down menu you will find the number of your electronic wallet

Now you know all the necessary data. After that, you will be able to give it to your counterparties so that they can transfer their finances to your account. The process is light and elementary. Even if you are a newcomer, and only created an account, you will simply understand how to use this payment site, since neither big quick wit nor special knowledge is required in this case.

How to find out the owner who belongs to, whose Yandex wallet by number?

Wallet Yandex.Money
Wallet Yandex.Money

In everyday life, situations arise when it is required to find out personal data about the owner of the account of the electronic wallet of the service for making payments of the system "Yandex money". It is worth noting right away that in the World Wide there are few options to find out information about the face that owns an electronic wallet. Here are the ways that will help you know something about the owner who belongs, whose Yandex Portmon by number:

On different sites on the World Wide Web.

  • With the introduction in the search line of the browser, the Portramone number, if there is information, there will be a list of sites.
  • On some forums, on social networks, specialized pages, you can find useful information. For example, stories, characteristics and reviews about the owner.
  • The same operation can be carried out with the email address, which is tied to the wallet and is in the public domain.
  • If the owner of the wallet distinguished himself with dishonest behavior, for example, he deceived someone, then this fact will become known, it will be discussed.
  • This is one of the easiest and simplest ways to check the reputation of the owner of the account "Yandex money".

The status of the electronic "Purse".

  • Attention should be paid to the fact that on the site "Yandex money" 3 status are provided - anonymous, registered, identified.
  • The type of your financial “safe” appears when data entering into the field for payment.
  • All this indicates the reliability of contact and allows you to find out at least some indirect information about the owner.
  • An anonymous electronic wallet is considered to be the most unreliable.

Information request for service support service.

  • In the event of unforeseen, negative situations, you can request information about the account owner of the site operator "Yandex money", having described in detail the situation.
  • It should be noted that the data can only be purchased with registered and identified cases, since even the site employees do not have information about the owner of an anonymous “purse”.

Be vigilant before listing your finances to the account of a stranger. This will protect you from unnecessary problems, troubles, anxieties and Fin. Losses.

How to find out the number of Yandex wallet on the phone, in the application?

Yandex.Money wallet through the application
Yandex.Money wallet through the application

It is worth noting that the Yandex-money program is not very popular. It is easier for many users to make cash transfers and other operations precisely on the portal in webversion. But, if you still want to see the data through the application, then here is the instruction that will help to find out the number Yandex wallet on the phone:

  • You should already have a program. If you just now decide to use this service on the phone, then download the program through Play market or Apple Store.

I forgot Yandex wallet: how and where to find out?

Wallet Yandex.Money
Wallet Yandex.Money

Resource "Yandex money" Simple for use and developers are interested in people to use it fully and store money in this system. Everything is simple and understandable here and even a beginner will be able to quickly figure out everything.

But it happens that I forgot the number "Yandex.Koshelka". How and where to find it out? There are several simple ways:

  • Go to your personal. Kab. With the help of authorization. At the top there will be a table, click on the balance numbers. A drop -down menu will appear, it indicates the number. Barcode or number of 14 digits, this is the license plate of Yandex Portmon. It is important not to confuse it with a license plate of the card, which is located on its front side.
  • You can send a symbolic amount of money To his friend on another Yandex was a wallet, and he will see from what account was the receipt. These numbers are the number of your electronic wallet.
  • You also have the opportunity to make other payments, for example, transfer funds to the bank. card. In the recipient’s Internet banking, an electronic case will be visible.
  • If your electronic wallet is tied to other services, for example, to Aliexpress, then when paying for purchases and zero balance "Pearl", you will see a message from this trading platform that you have an electronic wallet. In this message you will be shown its number.

These simple methods will help to quickly solve the problem.

How to find out the number of the Yandex wallet card?

Virtual map Yandex.Money
Virtual map Yandex.Money

You can find out the Yandex Portmon number using the current account and the tab "Settings". To reconnect the Yandex-money account number, do the following:

  • Go to your account on the site the number will be indicated in the upper part of your PC-monitor.
  • It was described above that this face value is written in the drop -down menu, which is located on top, on the right, in the table with the sum.

If for some reason you do not remember the data from your Yandex card, but there is a need to use its number, cvc code or validity period, you can perform several other simple actions:

  • In the wallet settings there is a graph with user cards. Find the tab in it "Find out these cards". Click on it.
  • Yandex service to check security, will ask you to enter a one -time password that will come on SMS.
  • After you enter it, a message with all the data will be sent to the number of the smartphone that is tied to the wallet.

As you can see, everything is simple. Sometimes it happens that the service sends only the code and validity period for security purposes, and the number will be shown in the tab with the card data.

How to find out a login by a wallet by a wallet, Yandex mail?

Wallet Yandex.Money
Wallet Yandex.Money

Usually users usually know Yandex’s electronic wallet number, but they cannot remember the login or mail. Here are a few ways how to find out the login by the number of the wallet, Yandex mail:

  • If during the creation of the account, you correctly prescribed your last name and name in the graphs of the form, and also tied the phone number, then Yandex.passport will help to determine all the logins that are tied with this information. To do this, go to this page And follow all the described steps.
  • If you went into your account a couple of days ago from this PC or Browser, then in the form you will see a hint with your data and login.
  • If from this address You wrote letters to your friends, and they have preserved this “correspondence”, they will help you recall the login. Contact them, for example, through social networks. They can recall the necessary information or find it in their mail-fuckers.
  • Write to the support service. But in order for experts to help you remember the login, you need to know the number of your Yandex wallet.

Choose any of these methods and use to restore your data.

What can you find out by the Yandex wallet number: what is the data?

Wallet Yandex.Money
Wallet Yandex.Money

To pay for services and other needs, most often there is only the Yandex Portmon number of the recipient. To avoid fraud, it is necessary to own complete information about who is transferred to the money. What can you find out by the Yandex wallet about the recipient, what data can this payment resource be presented?

Yandex resource provides indirect data on the status of the owner of the Purse:

  • Anonymous purse.
  • The purse is identified and the owner has nothing to hide.
  • The owner of the wallet is personified.

There is no way to find out other data about the owner of the account. It is closed according to the law on personal data. For more complete information, you can ask a question about email. Mail personally to the owner Yandex Portmon.

Video: How to find out the number of Yandex-Koshelka in the new interface?

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