What should be the water temperature for the first bathing of a newborn child and subsequent bathing? What air temperature should be in the bathroom when bathing a newborn and in a children's room after bathing a child?

What should be the water temperature for the first bathing of a newborn child and subsequent bathing? What air temperature should be in the bathroom when bathing a newborn and in a children's room after bathing a child?

From this article you will find out in which water it is best to bathe a newborn child.

Bathing for a small child is not only hygiene, it is: joy, physical activity, albeit small, communication with mom, well, hardening. And in order to achieve all this, you need to choose a water that the baby would like. What water is acceptable for bathing the baby?

What should be the water temperature for the first bathing of a newborn child?

The first bathing of the newborn
The first bathing of the newborn

In the newborn baby, the skin is excessively delicate, and heat production is not yet at the proper level, and the child quickly heats up or freezes, but still cannot say this.

If you take too hot water for bathing (more than 37ᵒc), the child can overheat it, and also hot water is a load on the heart, pores on the skin are also expanding, and they can get into the infection.

In the cool, for bathing a child, water (less than 34ᵒc), he will freeze, and will not receive pleasure. In addition, you can catch a child with a bladder, and then he will cry when urinating.

It is advisable to spend the first bathing of a small child in water 37ᵒc, a newborn to her is used to it, because in the stomach of his mother, the amniotic fluid in which he developed had the same temperature. In addition, they write a child from the maternity hospital with a still not completely healing wound on the navel, and at this temperature of the water, the umbilical cord will heal faster.

The first 2 weeks of the baby will have to be bathed in over-watering water, again because of the wound of the umbilical cord. A pre-dissolved potassium permanganate potassium can be poured into the water in the form of a weak solution, or decoctions of herbs (a series with chamomile or separately). You can use children's soap or shampoo, but infrequently, 1-2 times in a week, and every day you need to wash the baby only with water.

The first bathing lasts 2-5 minutes.

What should be the water temperature for the subsequent bathing of a newborn child?

Subsequent bathing of the newborn
Subsequent bathing of the newborn

If for the first time we bathed a baby in 37ᵒc water, and he liked it, then for subsequent bathing you need to take water a little colder, but not lower than 34ᵒc so that the small does not freeze.

Note. It is important to choose such a water for a small one so that he likes it, since each baby has different, some are closer to 37ᵒc, for others - 34ᵒc.

How to understand that for your baby the water is cold?

  • The kid is compressed in the bath
  • The skin around the nose and lips turned blue
  • The baby trembles and cries

How to understand that your baby is hot in water:

  • The baby's body blushed
  • The child does not move, sluggish and cries

Note. Our ancestors did not use thermometers, since ordinary peasants simply did not have them, but the water for bathing children was measured no worse than we - with our own elbow, on it the skin is very sensitive and delicate. We lower the elbow into the water, and if it is not hot, then you can bathe a baby in it.

What is the optimum water temperature for bathing a newborn baby?

Bathing a newborn
Bathing a newborn

The most acceptable water for bathing a baby with a temperature of 34-37ᵒc. Adults who are accustomed to hotter water will seem cool.

How to prepare a bath for a little man?

  • In a large bath for adults, a newborn cannot be bathed, it needs to purchase a small bath.
  • My bath with a sponge with soap or soda, scalded with boiling water.
  • First, pour cold water, 2/3 of the part from the full bathtub, until the wound on the navel completely healed, take boiled water.
  • We measure the water thermometer in the plastic case, it swims, and can be in the water all the time.
  • We add a little hot water until the thermometer is 36-37ᵒc.
  • Mix the water.
  • We take a bare child like this: your left hand under the head, the right - under the ass.
  • Smoothly lower the baby's legs into the water, with your left hand we support the head and shoulders above the water.
  • With a free right hand, gentle movements, my baby head, neck, pens, legs and chest, especially wash the folds (in the groin, under the armpits).
  • Previously, before swimming, in a crib or on the couch, we spread a soft towel.
  • We take the baby out of the water on a towel, wrap it.
  • After a few minutes, dress the baby into clothes or a veil, do not forget about the head - put on the cap.

Important. Completely lower the child into the bath, to move away from it, it is categorically impossible, it can choke with water.

What air temperature should be in the bathroom when bathing a newborn

Bathing a newborn at a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius
Bathing a newborn at a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius

In the room where the baby bathes, we close the windows so that there are no drafts. It is also advisable to close the door too. The air temperature is supported by at least 27ᵒc.

We bathe the baby 1 hour before feeding or 1 hour after feeding.

What air temperature should be in the children's room after bathing a child?

After bathing, the child sleeps at a temperature of 22-24 degrees Celsius
After bathing, the child sleeps at a temperature of 22-24 degrees Celsius

After bathing, the child is usually put to sleep. Air temperature in the room is 22-24ᵒc, without drafts. If you want to ventilate the room, this must be done without a child when you and your child are walking.

Water temperature for bathing a newborn child: Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky about the bathing of the baby
Dr. Komarovsky about the bathing of the baby

According to Dr. Komarovsky, you can bathe the baby in water 26-37ᵒc. In what water, warm or cool, to swim your child, you do not decide, but you need to observe the sensations and reaction of the small in the water.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the cooler the water, the more useful. Positive qualities of a cool water bath:

  • In such a bath, the baby will not relax
  • Muscle tone will increase, and blood flow will increase
  • The heart works more actively
  • The resistance of a small organism to infections increases
  • The child is active and moves

Dr. Komarovsky considers the optimal water temperature for bathing a small child, 33-34ᵒc. But over time, the water must be taken colder, and the duration of the bathing can be increased to 40 minutes.

So, now we know what water you need to bathe a child.

Video: how to bathe a newborn child correctly. Ritula bathes. Sweet Mama

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  1. I first became a mother)))
    Therefore, all the tips on the bathing of the newborn were given to me in the hospital. Bat out only with boiled water, and the temperature of the water is 37 degrees ... So far, the umbilical wound will not heal ... and immediately advised the creams and oils .... In the first month, I used Camille Blue cream for sensitive skin. Great in composition, Israeli.
    And so after bathing, I just grease the whole body with oil with oil and order. The very process of rubbing oil Masha really likes, lies bastard

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