What gender is it better to take a decorative rat to the apartment: the pros and cons of decorative rats of boys and girls, recommendations for choice

What gender is it better to take a decorative rat to the apartment: the pros and cons of decorative rats of boys and girls, recommendations for choice

Half of the rat - which is better? If you do not know and doubt the choice, then read the article.

Home rat - A nice and smart animal that will easily become a friend for life. The rats are unpretentious, sociable, easily tied to the owner, amenable to education.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The content of the decorative home rat". You will learn about care, bathing, feeding, and you will also find recommendations, a list of the best shampoos and rat feeds.

When choosing a pet, the question is inevitable, which gender to choose. Although rats, like people, have individual characteristics, there are general distinctive features that should be taken into account. Read more in the article below.

What are home rodents: a list of species, how many live at home?

Home rodents
Home rodents

Pets - rodents, are well -deserved popular. Small fluffy animals are funny, cute and relatively unpretentious - it is easier and more economical to keep them than a cat or dog. There are several types of rodents suitable for life at home. Here's a list:

  • Hams are ordinary
  • Hamsters of jungarics
  • Guinea pigs
  • Decorative rabbits
  • Chinchillas
  • Randy women
  • Rats and others.

It is precisely decorative rats that are not the last place among pitmans' rodents. They are distinguished by the mind, attachment and learning, as well as more cleanliness than it is customary to think.

Difficulties in the content of rodents can occur due to their need to sharpen teeth. Rodents - they are rodents: they like to try everything on the tooth, up to wires. The disadvantages include the low life expectancy of animals at home. If guinea pigs can live 6-8 years, Then rabbits and chinchillas - up to 15 years. The life of the remaining small rodents is about 3 years. This also applies to decorative rats. When choosing a pet (especially for a child), it is necessary to keep this in mind in order to avoid stress in the future.

Home decorative rats: gender differences in appearance

Males and females of home decorative rats are equally cute and fluffy, but differ a little in appearance. The main indicators are the size, shape of the body and properties of wool. Below is gender differences in appearance.

For rat Malchikov characteristic:

  • Larger size and weight
  • Pretty hard, dense wool
  • Grushevic structure of the body

Features rats-girls These are:

  • Smaller, compared to males, body size
  • Elongated torso
  • Silky, smooth and shiny fur

In addition to appearance, the smell is an important criterion for the owners. Males smell stronger-mainly because of the habit of marking the territory. However, with good care, you can minimize it.

The behavior of decorative rats: What is the difference in boys and girls?

Decorative rats
Decorative rats

Kids of decorative rats almost do not show gender differences in behavior. They appear when the animal grows up. What is the difference in boys and girls?

The greatest inconvenience can be caused teenage males (6-8 months):

  • Due to age -related changes, they become aggressive, and not only in relation to relatives, but also to a person. Although this is a transient state, it should not be forgotten, especially if there are children at home.
  • Adult rats-boys are usually calm, phlegmatic and affectionate.
  • They like to sit on their master, they like it when they are scratched.
  • A spacious cage is desirable for their maintenance, in which there will be a place for houses and hammocks, as these animals like to swing.

Rats are social animals, so they are recommended to keep them with same -sex pairs. However, a couple of males may flare up the struggle for leadership. To avoid the rivalry of animals, it is necessary to take rats of the same age and litter. However, the rafts-rags easily tolerate loneliness if the owner pays enough attention to them.

Important: Due to the calm and low mobility of the Rat, the boys are prone to obesity, so try not to overfeed the animal.


  • Active, mobile and curious.
  • They do not have a hierarchy, and girlfriends form a non-conflict pair.
  • They love to play with each other and with various objects.
  • In their cage you can put toys, supply minks and tunnels.
  • Females are also more clean and neat, and with proper content practically does not smell.
  • The activity of rat-girls requires more attention to them-curious animals try everything on a tooth, and they can run away with a walk.

Important: Rats-shocks are prone to mammary glands. This problem can be solved in advance by sterilizing the animal. If you hold the roof for breeding, follow its health and consult a veterinarian in a timely manner.

How to determine the floor of the rat?

We determine the floor of the rat
We determine the floor of the rat

Males from female homemade rats are distinguished, like all animals, by sexual characteristics. How to determine the floor of the rat?

  • To do this, you need to take the roof on the palm of your tail, carefully holding your head. You can carefully turn the animal on your back.
  • Signs male are eggs under the tail, the absence of nipples and significant ( near 6 mm) the distance from the anus to the urethra.
  • At the female, respectively, there is the double row of mammary glands on the stomach, there are no testicles, and the distance from the urethra to the anus is less - about 3 mm.

Important: In no case do not hold the rat by the tail - this is a great stress for the animal. Inspection carefully and carefully.

What gender is it better to get a rat, take it to the apartment: recommendations for the choice of rats, the pros and cons of boys and girls, who is better?

Decorative rats - boy and girl
Decorative rats - boy and girl

There is no unequivocal answer to the question, the male or female of the decorative rat, keep at home or take into the apartment, does not exist. The recommendations for the choice of rats are:

  • The choice depends not only on the characteristics of the behavior of the animal, but also on the personal preferences of the owner.
  • A Rat-boy is more suitable for a person who is inclined to sit on the TV with a pet on his knees.
  • A pair of rat-girls-those who like to play with animals and watch them.

In general, the pluses of the content boys-rat-mother, such:

  • They are calm and self -sufficient
  • They love affection
  • Their health is not as vulnerable as the females

The disadvantages of rat-boots include their habit of leaving odorous marks, so they will require more careful care. The possible aggressiveness of young males should not be excluded.

Advantages of content girls-rat-someshk:

  • The cleanliness of the animals
  • Funny behavior, playfulness
  • They are easy to educate

The disadvantages of a female are, first of all, more fragile health, as well as a tendency to gnaw and make stocks.

Who is better? Advice:

  • Both females and males are advisable to keep in one -sex pairs, unless you intend to breed them.
  • It is best to purchase a couple of animals from one breeder or settled together small rats - it is easier for the cubs to make friends than adult animals.
  • In terms of costs, the content of a pair of rats is almost no different from the content of one animal.

Communication with home rats brings joy regardless of the floor of the pet. For some, the floor of the animal may be secondary at all. In this case, the choice of a male or female depends on your preferences. In general, do not bother - whom to take, if you do not know. Come to the breeder and select the animal that will like it, and it doesn’t matter if it will be a girl or a boy.

Naturally, if you want to breed rats, then take a couple. Good luck!

Video: How to choose a decorative rat?

Video: What is the owner of rats?

Video: Should I start a decorative rat?

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