Decorative rabbits: care and maintenance at home. How many decorative rabbits live, how to feed, what diseases, vaccinations?

Decorative rabbits: care and maintenance at home. How many decorative rabbits live, how to feed, what diseases, vaccinations?

Cute, smart, kind, playful decorative rabbits are beautiful pets. The article will tell about everything that you need to know for the successful content of these rodents.

Decorative rabbits are descendants of wild, brought to Europe from Asia, and already in the 19th century, by breeding, turned into manual pets.

Over time, various decorative breeds began to be withdrawn first in England, then in Holland and Germany.

Wild rabbit - sprinkler of decorative rabbits
Wild rabbit - ancestor of decorative rabbits

Now decorative rabbits as pets live in many families, and since they are mostly calm and affectionate, children get a lot of pleasure from playing with them.

Breeds of decorative rabbits with photographs and names

Specialists tirelessly work on a variety of decorative breeds of rabbits. What do we have today?

Firstly, The breeds of rabbits, depending on their weight, are small, medium, large.

Small decorative rabbits
Small decorative rabbits

Secondly, In "fluffiness" - long -haired, short -haired and with the wool of normal (medium) long.

Long -haired decorative rabbit
Long -haired decorative rabbit

In general, there are more than two hundred breeds, but we dwell on the most common of them.

Color short -haired dwarf rabbits - very similar in order to their distant ancestors, only weight is much smaller (up to one and a half kilograms). The color scheme of this breed is striking in its variety - about sixty options for colors. It is interesting that initially colored dwarfs were light gray, then black, and only then all the others appeared.

Important: this breed is a find, if there are small children in the house, since these rabbits are very playful and inquisitive, but not aggressive.

Color short -haired dwarf rabbit
Color short -haired dwarf rabbit

Vyslowry rams Distinguished by hanging short ears and muzzle, similar to a ram in miniature. The weight of such an animal reaches three kilograms, wool of medium length of various colors and shades. Surprisingly, these rabbits are very brave, quickly get used to people, are very active, but without unnecessary bustle.

Vysloux ram
Vysloux ram

Angora dwarf rabbits - lumps of wool jumping across the floor, since neither the eye nor the nose in this fluffy is practically visible. The wool of these pets is very soft and pleasant to the touch.

Angora rabbit
Angora rabbit

Important: the main thing in caring for wool is to comb it regularly, and if the fallen lumps appear, then immediately remove them with scissors.

Life leads calm, do not like unnecessary, unjustified movements.

Angora dwarf rabbit
Angora dwarf rabbit

Hermeline or, as they are often called, polish rabbits Very popular in England, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. In weight can reach one and a half kilograms. A distinctive feature is their hair of snow -white color, a 2 mm long, and the muzzle resembles the Persian cats loved by many. The ears are small and thin.

Important: the nature of the hermelins is very eager and unpredictable, although these animals are very unpretentious in care and nutrition.


Names for rabbits of girls and boys

The nickname of the pet should be short and sonorous, then it will quickly learn it.

Important: At first, as soon as the rabbit began to respond to the call, you need to encourage it with a delicacy.

Many owners select the nickname based on the obvious distinctive features of the rabbit: color, habits, character traits:

  • Albinosa Petetz, if he is a boy, you can call White, Snowball, White, if a girl - Blonde, Snowball, Anji, Belyana
  • For gray rabbits Names are suitable Gray, smoke, Brass - for boys, Mini, haze - For girls
  • A restless baby can be called Shustrik, dashingif a boy, if a girl - Shalunya, rustle, Shusha

Some rabbit owners call their pets in honor of their favorite characters from artistic and animated films:

  • Elsa, Feona, Jasmine, Gloria, Bella, Hera For a female
  • Nemo, Marty, Funtik, KuzyaSIM card for males.

There are owners who humanize their fluffy and call boys male names - Vanka, Max, Zhorik, and the girls are feminine - Lana, Nora, Shura.

Decorative rabbit
Decorative rabbit will quickly get used to his name and learn to resort to the first call

Important: After the pet began to respond to his name, he should never be changed.

How many decorative rabbits live?

Life expectancy depends on the breed, health, care and nutrition. But there is a very specific statistics: large rabbits live 4-5 years, dwarfs live up to 8 years, Vysloux live longer than pets with straight ears. The second half also extends the rabbit age.

Vyslowed decorative rabbits live longer than straight
Vyslowed decorative rabbits live longer than straight

Maintenance and care of a decorative rabbit at home

The place should not be under direct sunlight or in a draft. The most acceptable temperature is 18-20 ° C.

Important: during the heat you need to cool the rabbit ears, then it will feel better. You can’t grab the rabbit by the skin and ears - this can even lead to the death of the pet.

Be sure to clean the tray every day.

Decorative rabbit at home
Decorative rabbit at home

Decorative dwarf rabbits and makeup: Features of the content

The cell for such rabbits should be about 0.5 m of x0.7 m, if possible with the house (for the confidence of the pet in its safety), bowls for food and drink should be fixed.

The content of the flowering decorative rabbit in the cage
The content of the flowering decorative rabbit in the cage

Important: it is necessary to release the rabbit to run, timely cut off the claws.

How to choose a cage, a house, toys to a decorative rabbit?

The cell should not be very large: for small and medium breeds - up to 1m2, for large - up to 140 cm2. There must be a toilet, bowls, feeders in the cage.

Equipped cage for a decorative rabbit
Equipped cage for a decorative rabbit

For dwarf rabbits and pregnant rabbits, a house should be installed in a cage. The cage should stand in a calm bright place.

A rabbit can be purchased in a pet store or built an animal house on your own.

A rabbit can be purchased in a pet store
A rabbit can be purchased in a pet store

So that the rabbit does not spoil anything, he needs to buy toys and play with it. A ball with a rattle, a linen rag, a box with moves - an ideal option for entertaining a pet.

Decorative rabbits love to play
Decorative rabbits love to play

How to feed a decorative rabbit: food?

Since the food of these rodents is digested quickly, they should eat all day.

The menu should have hard compound feeds, vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, tree branches (for grinding teeth), hay, vitamins, supplements of mineral and animal origin.

The menu of a decorative rabbit should be varied
The menu of a decorative rabbit should be varied

Do decorative rabbits bathe?

You can bathe rabbits in case of emergency. This must be done very carefully so that the water does not fall on the head and in the ears. Use only special washing products or baby soap.

Decorative rabbits are bathed if necessary
Decorative rabbits are bathed if necessary

How to cut the claws of a decorative rabbit?

The procedure should be carried out once every three weeks, the main thing is to keep the rabbit. Wrap the pet with a towel, put on the back, remove your head under the elbow. Holding the body, free one paw and cut the nail, making a horizontal slice for 3 mm.

Important: if the capillary is damaged and blood has gone, you need to immediately disinfect hydrogen peroxide.

How to accustom decorative rabbits to the toilet?

The principle is the same as with cats and small dogs. It is necessary to purchase a tray, pour sawdust there and as soon as a puddle appeared on the floor, scold the baby and take it to the tray, without ceasing to blame him. Then moisten the sawdust in urine so that it will hear the smell.

Important: rabbits are smart enough to quickly figure out everything and learn to go to the toilet in one place.

It will be possible to accustom a decorative rabbit to the toilet quite quickly
It will be possible to accustom a decorative rabbit to the toilet quite quickly

Do decorative reddrives have?

Rabbits in this regard are no exception and dangerous that they are transmitted to other animals and humans.

Important: you can quickly get rid of fleas by treating the rabbit with special antiparasite drugs that are sold in pet stores.

But it is better not to bring to this, but to use a collar or preventive drops 2-3 times a year.

Fleas from decorative rabbits can be transmitted to other animals
Fleas from decorative rabbits can be transmitted to other animals

The decorative rabbit has red urine

The owners should not panic, since the color scheme of the urine of the rabbit is very diverse: from light yellow to brown.

This phenomenon is explained by the presence of plant pigments in the urine and the health of the pet does not harm.

The decorative rabbit may have red urine
The decorative rabbit may have red urine

Diseases of decorative rabbits

It makes no sense to describe all diseases, since there are a lot of them, so we will characterize the main ones:

  • viral hemorrhagic disease (VGZ)It is impossible to cure rabbits from two months to six years. In the animal, the temperature rises, lips turn blue, breathing slows down, blood flows from the mouth and nose, diarrhea begins. There is no chance to save the rabbit, since the disease is practically not studied, and there is no treatment today. Prevention is important - vaccination
  • gastrointestinal stasis It can destroy the pet, as the pathology in the work of the intestine occurs. The reason may be the absence of hay in the diet or coincided with coat of coat. The rabbit becomes sluggish, knocks his teeth, does not eat, does not emptie. With such vivid symptoms, you need to immediately contact the veterinarian who will prescribe an enema, massage, corresponding drugs. If this does not help, you can operate the pet, but it will be difficult to restore and usually the animal dies
  • urine dermatitis It is characterized by the loss of wool in the inguinal region and on the hind legs, the skin is inflamed and reddened. Steroid drugs are prescribed for treatment
  • coccidiosis - infection with parasites transmitted through feces. This disease is characterized by weakness, bloating, rejection of food. You need to treat immediately so that there is no infection of other organs
  • myxomatosisTransferred through the fleas and lice, like HBGs is fatal and is not subject to treatment. The animal stops eating, the eyelids swell, very painful blisters appear, and after a week death occurs
When there are signs of the disease, a decorative rabbit should be shown to the veterinarian
When there are signs of the disease, a decorative rabbit should be shown to the veterinarian

How to determine the floor of a decorative rabbit?

  • This is almost impossible to do up to two months, and there is no need if the rabbit is acquired from experienced rabbits
  • If there are no sufficient guarantees of the gender of the fluffy rodent, it is better to check it yourself. To do this, the animal needs to give a reclining position, grabbing the withers with your right hand and putting it on the tail
  • With your left hand, stretch the skin in the genital area and thickens with the thumb and index finger along the genitals. If everything is done correctly, the primary sexual characteristics will be evident
It is very difficult to determine the floor of a rabbit who has not reached two months
It is very difficult to determine the floor of a decorative rabbit of a decorative rabbit

How to determine the age of a decorative rabbit?

If for some reason the age of the acquired pet is not known, then by certain signs it can be approximately determined:

  • ribs the pet until six months is quite soft
  • yellow with stains teethLosing whiteness from the year -old age of the rabbit, they talk about the venerable age of the animal
  • long bending nails are also a sign of aging
  • swollen sagging eyelids also do not detract from the age of the rabbit
You can determine the age of the decorative rabbit by its teeth
You can determine the age of the decorative rabbit by its teeth

Vaccinations with decorative rabbits what and when to do

Vaccination is an important point in caring for rabbits, even if he does not go outside.

Important: two vaccinations are mandatory: from mixatosis and from viral hemorrhagic disease.

If you plan to export the pet abroad, then you need to do the vaccine from rabiesAlthough they do not get sick with rabbits.

The first time the rabbit is vaccinated when it takes a month and a half, but the weight should be at least half a kilogram, otherwise it cannot be vaccinated.

Vaccination of a decorative rabbit
Vaccination of a decorative rabbit

In most cases, a comprehensive vaccination is made from two diseases at once. If there is no one, then first you need to get used to mixomatosis, and after a week and a half - from hemarrogyer disease.

The next planned vaccination should be in three months, and then every six months.

Complex vaccine for decorative rabbits
Complex vaccine for decorative rabbits

Important: we must not forget that before vaccination you must definitely "drive worms."

What can be a decorative rabbit and what is impossible?

Each owner of the rabbit should clearly understand that malnutrition can destroy the pet.

The main food of a decorative rabbit is hay. And you can diversify the diet as follows:

  • sometimes pamper with special grain mixtures, nuts, germinated with grains
  • offer twigs of cherries, apple trees, birch
  • pieces of fruits and vegetables
  • you can give a mineral stone
  • it is useful to delight the rabbit with dessert from dandelion leaves
Decorative rabbits can be offered fresh fruits and vegetables
Decorative rabbits can be offered fresh fruits and vegetables

It is strictly prohibited:

  • flour pastries and any sweets
  • overseas fruits and vegetables
  • any spoiled food
  • grass and branches collected at the edge of the road

Why do decorative rabbits bite?

There are times when cute fluffy turns into a ferocious predator and is desperately trying to bite off the hand that feeds it. What is the reason?

  1. Arrived puberty. The problem is solved simply: to acquire a second rabbit or hold on a steady until hormonal aggression passes
  2. Small Personal space of the pet, which he is forced to protect from everyone, and the best way to protect, as we know, is an attack. Can help, if possible, buying a new cell
  3. Vision problems The pet, who confuses the leg or hand of the owner with something dangerous for him. In such a situation, you need to gain patience and show more affection, not to make sudden movements when contacting the rabbit
  4. Just i don't like that smellwhich comes from the owner. You need to try not to use perfumes in the process of communicating with a pet
  5. The rabbit was taken from another family, where with him they turned badly. It is important to be patient and, together with the fluff, overcome distrust

Decorative rabbit bites during feeding


    Decorative rabbit bites during feeding

Decorative rabbits: reviews

Olga: They gave me a decorative rabbit, but a few days later he began to bite a lot. Why he behaved like that I did not understand, so I had to get rid of him.

Tatiana: I really want to have decorative rabbits, but I'm afraid of their specific smell. I think about the acquisition of a dwarf breed. I think the smell from a small animal will not be so strong.

Basil: We bought a decorative breeze rabbit as a gift to my daughter 2 years ago. Our Tishka during this time became a full -fledged member of the family and a universal favorite. I can say with confidence that a decorative rabbit is an ideal pet.

Video: Content of rabbits. Decorative rabbit.

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