Rocks of guinea pigs with photographs and names

Rocks of guinea pigs with photographs and names

Everyone dreams of a pet. If you do not want to start a large animal (dog or cat), get a guinea pig.

Fortunately, there are many breeds of guinea pigs, so you will definitely pick up yourself one that you have long dreamed of. From this article you will learn the features of all breeds of guinea pigs that will help in choosing a pet.

Rocks of guinea pigs with photographs and names

Abyssinian pig

  • Abyssinian pig is quite active and does not require special care. A distinctive feature of this breed of guinea pigs is that it has a brutal appetite. But, this is in the hands of the breeder, because with the help of food you can tame a pig. There are sockets on the animal’s wool - funnels formed as a result of uneven growth of hairs. On the body of a guinea pig of the Abyssinian breed can be up to 10 such outlets.
  • Breeders note that these guinea pigs are much more active, in comparison with other breeds. This is due to the fact that they are very curious, and are always trying to find out something new. It is not necessary to purchase a couple of pigs. This breed prefers the company of man. It is easy to train and train.
Eats very well
Eats very well

Aguti pigs

  • A distinctive feature of this breed in the unusual color of the wool. Each hair is characterized by an unusual color. Closer to the roots of hair, coloring is more natural. In the central part, it brightens, but the tip is painted in a darker shade.
  • The guinea pigs of this breed are characterized by dark eyes. The ears are quite large, hanging, and resemble the shape of the petal. The physique is large and strong. The legs are strong but short.
Great shade
Great shade

There are different colors of the aguti guinea pigs:

  • citric
  • silver
  • golden
  • chocolate
  • cream
  • cinnamon shade

The agility breed is quite curious, and prefers freedom. Therefore, in the summer, it is recommended to be released on the street so that it existed on a free graz. These guinea pigs have a well -developed sense of self -preservation. The animal never flirts, and does not allow danger. If the guinea pig is placed in an unfamiliar environment, it will show her shyness. The same character trait appears if an unfamiliar person approaches the animal.

If you decide to start a guinea pig of the Aguti breed, try to spend a lot of time with it for the first few months. This is necessary for the animal to attach to the owner. So it will be easier to succumb to training. It is not recommended to start one individual, because this breed prefers the company. It is better to buy a few same -sex individuals.

Pig American Cross

  • This rock of guinea pigs is characterized short wool. There is a small snow -white outlet on the pet’s forehead, which gives it unusual. The main shade of wool can be different, but it is always monophonic.
With a white socket
With a white socket
  • It is quite difficult to breed the guinea pigs of the American Cross. This is due to the fact that only 1 out of 50 newborn animals corresponds to all the characteristics of the breed. The nature of the animals is quite affectionate. They respond to affection and kindness that a person should show. This is the only way you can train pigs.
  • The breed "American Cross" has good immunity. Therefore, animals rarely get sick in comparison with other types of guinea pigs. If you follow all the rules for the content of the pets, then the animal will live for about 9 years.
  • The guinea pigs of this breed love to communicate with a person. Often they themselves climb into their hands to the owner in order to get the attention necessary for them. If you have just started to breed guinea pigs or want to please the child, the American cross will be the perfect option.

Pig American Teddy

  • The naval pig was the name in honor of the famous plush toy - a bear. This is due to the fact that the animal has a short and curly hair, which always stands on end.
  • Therefore, the guinea pigs of this breed look funny, and attract people's attention.

The main characteristics of the appearance of the American Teddy breed:

  • body of medium length;
  • developed shoulder joints;
  • beautiful neat nose;
  • small ears that are pubescent down.
  • On average, the weight of one individual reaches 1 kg. Despite this weight, the guinea pigs of this breed are quite active. They love freedom, so periodically they need to be released to run (on the street or in the room). Newborn animals have soft wool. The more curly it will be, the more beautiful the pig will be in adulthood.
  • When the animal is executed for 1 month, the process of replacing the wool occurs. That is, all the wool falls out, and in its place more durable hairs grow. In the process of molting, some breeders begin to regret the purchase, because the pet looks battered. But, if you are patient, you will see that in a few months the pig will become even more beautiful than before the start of molting.
  • Immunity of the American Teddy breed strongTherefore, animals rarely get sick. But, to maintain the immune system in order, try to follow all the rules for the care of the pet. The character of the animal is good -natured, calm and flexible. These guinea pigs are quickly tied to a person. It is very important to periodically pick them up and iron them.
  • This breed smart. If you try a little, you can accustom the animal to respond to his name, or perform elementary tasks. Pig care should be standard. Therefore, they are ideal as a gift to the child, or for those people who are just starting their acquaintance with guinea pigs.

Breed Argent

  • Inexperienced breeders can confuse the Argent breed with Aguti. After all, both species are characterized by an unusual color of the wool - tiking. But, if Aguti is characterized by tricolor hairs, then the Argent breed wool is two -color. The unusual color of the hairs is represented throughout the body of the animal. An exception is only a plain color of the tummy.
  • The eyes of the Argent's guinea pigs are reddish pink. They go well with the unusual color of the wool, which only attracts the attention of breeders to this species of animals. Newborn guinea pigs are born with light wool. It can be beige or lilac.
With red eyes
With red eyes

Guinea pig

  • The guinea pigs of the Baldwin breed are hairless animals. An interesting fact is that newborn pigs are born with wool. But, after she begins to fall out. This breed was recently bred. But, already managed to become popular. The immune system of animals is developed, so they are resistant to most common diseases.
  • Guinea pigs "Baldwin" activeand are sociable. They need attention and affection from man. Try to take them in your arms more often to position them.
  • Care for guinea pigs of the Baldwin breed needs more careful care. If the street holds a temperature up to +26 ° C, hold the animals in a closed room. It is also impossible to allow direct sunlight to get on the skin of the pet. Do not allow the temperature in the room to be higher than +30 ° C, because this will cause a thermal blow.
  • The cell must be covered abundantly, because scratches may appear on the skin of the guinea pigs of this breed. To prevent the appearance of wounds, regularly cut the claws to animals.
Without hairs
Without hairs

Himalayan pig

  • The peculiarity of the Himalayan guinea pigs is that they are considered albinos. On wool in the face of the muzzle and legs, you can notice pigmentation. In these areas of the skin, spots of a black or brown shade appear.
  • The animal body contains melaninwho explains the presence of pigment. The eyes of the animals are red, because there is no pigment in them. Instead, a person sees only vessels. There is a pear -shaped mask located in the central part on the animal's muzzle.
  • Wool at sea pigs bright. The brighter the whiteness, the more expensive the individual costs. But, the shade of wool also depends on the age and floor of the guinea pig.
  • Newborn animals are born white. Pigmented areas appear only with age.

California breed

  • California guinea pig was bred relatively recently. At the moment, she has not yet gained such popularity as other breeds. The color of the animals is monophonic, but, with small dark spots in the nose, ears and eyes.
  • There are individuals of white, cream, golden or red shades. California guinea pigs have dark eyes.

Kerley breed

  • Just a few years ago, a breed of Kerley's guinea pigs was displayed. Unfortunately, she has not yet gained popularity.
  • Animals have short and curly haireven in the abdomen. It grows randomly, which gives the animal funny. On the muzzle you can notice small backed. There are small outlets in the sacrum. But, they do not appear in all individuals. The average weight of an adult guinea pig is 1 kg. The length of the body can reach 25 cm.
  • The character of animals is friendly. They are easy to train. Pigs love the attention of a person, so they can demand him in their squeaky voice. Try to take the animal more often and play with it. In care, this breed is not whimsical.

The pig of the crows

  • Guinea pigs of this breed are characterized long and smooth hair. On the head of the animals, you can notice the crests of different shades. Wool can be painted in different colors. In nature, there are sea pigs “Corones”, both monophonic and with a combination of several shades.
  • Often you can find guinea pigs with satin wool. It is brilliant, and resembles the Atlas. On average, individuals of this breed live 7 years.
  • This type of guinea pigs needs careful care. First of all, special attention should be paid to the wool. It should be combed every day so that the stiffs do not form. You also need to regularly bathe animals so that the wool does not lose shine and smoothness. It is for this reason that experienced breeders should start this breed.
With long wool
With long wool

Kui pig

This breed belongs to giant varieties. Adults can reach a weight of 4 kg. The length of the animal is about 50 cm.

Distinctive features of the Kui thyroid guns:

  • heavy skeleton;
  • wide head;
  • fast weight gain;
  • the presence of extra fingers on the paws. But, they do not interfere with the full life of the animal.
  • The character of the animal is quite cowardly. They rarely “talk” with a person, because they are afraid. If you hear sounds from the cage, then guinea pigs talk to each other.
  • Females are quite aggressive. But, they show this character trait only in relation to the rival. The breed "kui" is not resistant to heart disease.
  • The disadvantage of this species is that they live little. The animal rarely reaches the age of 4 years.

Pig Loncaria

  • A variety of guinea pigs "Loncaria" is characterized long and hard wool. It is rather curly, and does not straighten in the process of combing. Thanks to this feature, animal care is simple.
  • Although this breed is considered long -haired, it is not often necessary to care for individuals. It is enough to periodically bathe a guinea pig, and comb the wool 2 times a week. The shape of the hair is such that garbage does not cling to it. If the newborn pigs of the Loncaria breeds are born with a small wool, then with age it becomes more rigid and curly.
  • If you correctly engage in breeding, then offspring will have better wool, in comparison with parents. At the same time, with proper breeding, children often even surpass their parents in quality and have a rough and hard fur coat, as required by standards.
  • Monthly, the wool grows into 2 cm. From a half -year -old age, a person must decide, grow the wool of the pet, or periodically trim it. If you decide to grow hairs, you must understand that you need to rush for animals more carefullyso as not to form stiffons.
  • The skin of the guinea pigs of this breed is quite dense. The color of the wool can be different. In the spring, animal process begins in the process of molting. During this period, the animal can lose its beauty, but only for a while. After all, hairs grow at lightning speed.
It is necessary that there are no stiffs
It is necessary that there are no stiffs

Pig Merino

  • This breed of guinea pigs is characterized by beautiful curly hair. On your head you can notice a small outlet that looks like a crown.
  • The wool is pleasant to the touch. The head of the animal is wide and short. The nose is small.

The main characteristics of the Merino breed:

  • The color is diverse.
  • Weight - about 1 kg.
  • Life expectancy is up to 6 years.

If you are just starting your acquaintance with guinea pigs, then this breed will not work. She needs careful care.

Guinea pig mini-yak

Description of the “mini-yak” breed:

  • Long and hard wool that needs care.
  • The presence of sockets throughout the body.
  • There are bacenbards on the muzzle.
  • There is a bang that falls on the eye.
  • The color is any. A combination of several shades is possible.
Long wool
Long wool

This breed is rarely found in Eastern Europe. If you manage to find such a guinea pig, then you will be a real lucky one.

Pandy pig

  • This breed is more common in Asia. In Europe and America, it is rare. Therefore, experienced breeders who want to acquire these animals order him from abroad.
  • Outwardly, guinea pigs resemble a real panda. The main difference is the small body size.
Like panda
Like panda

The main characteristics of the breed:

  • the skin is black
  • wool is white
  • eyes are black
  • paws and ears are dark

The breed needs minimal care. It is enough to monitor the cleanliness of the cell, control the nutrition and periodically bathe the animal.

Peruvian pig

  • The wool of the Peruvian guinea pigs is straight and smooth. If you touch it, then tactilely it will remind natural silk. It is so long that it resembles a mantle.
  • Therefore, the breed is attributed to aristocratic varieties. There is a long bang on the head, which gives the animal mystery.
  • The Peruvian breed of guinea pigs set a record for the length of the wool. It compiled - 51 cm.
Long wool
Long wool

Distinctive features of the breed:

  • long wool forms a parting along the spine;
  • the presence of pronounced backs;
  • the presence of sockets in the sacrum;
  • wool grows strictly forward.

The animals of the Peruvian breed are quite massive. Often their weight reaches 3 kg. The physique is developed, strong. Despite this, the head of the guinea pigs is quite small.

The breed "Rex"

These guinea pigs belong to species with short wool. Its length does not exceed 4 cm.

All guinea pigs have different types of hair:

  • Ostva. It is characterized by a large length, stiffness, brilliance and strength.
  • Substance. The hair is softer and short.
  • PURA. The hairs are thick but thin.
  • The difference between the Rex breed and others is that these animals do not have outflowing hairs. Therefore, their wool is more dense, curly. She always stands vertically. If you want to comb your pet and lay the hairs, then this will not work. After all, his wool is naughty.
  • Experienced breeders who contain the Rex breed note that there is constantly a desire to iron a guinea pig, because it has delicate and smooth hair. This is due to the fact that animals have a recessive gene. If you cross the Rex and the American Cross, then newborn animals will have soft wool.
  • Newborn guinea pigs are born with smooth hair. But, already at three months of age, it begins to grow actively and becomes curly. The animal is completely formed by six months old. There are no outlets on the body of the Rex. In nature, there are rexes with different colors of wool. It all depends on which individuals were crossed.
  • The Rex breed is quite large. The body length of the animal can reach 45 cm. Life expectancy is about 6 years, subject to proper content.

Pig Ridzhbek

  • A distinctive feature of this breed in stock the crestwhich is located along the entire spine. He is quite short, straight. Not all newborn guinea pigs are born with a crest.
With a scallop
With a scallop
  • In some individuals, it is formed at the age of 2-3 weeks. An interesting fact is that the comb is more developed and expressed in males. Therefore, it will not be difficult to distinguish it from the female.
  • Animals of this breed look funny. On the hind legs wool grows vertically. The life span of pets of the Ridzhbek breed is about 7 years.
  • The nature of these guinea pigs is good -natured. They are very obedient. If from a small age to educate them, then you can accustom pets to respond to the name and perform elementary tasks.
  • Guinea pigs of the Ridzhbek breeds devoted. They need love and affection by the owner. The more often you pick them up and play, the faster you arrange an animal. This breed can be bought for a gift to young children. Guinea pigs will be happy to play with the child.

Skinny's pig

  • A distinctive feature of the guinea pigs of the Skinny breed is that they have there is no wool. More precisely, it is not completely completely. A small amount of hair is found on the legs and muzzle. Newborn guinea pigs do not have wool. The hairs in the paws and muzzles appear with age. Often you can see a thin and rare wool on the back.
  • The skin of the guinea pigs "skinny" soft, pleasant. It somehow resembles the skin of the baby. On average, the body temperature reaches +38 ° C. Folders are formed in the neck and legs. The length of a full -willed rounded body is about 30 cm.
  • Skinny guinea pigs are ideal for those people who suffer from allergies to wool. Animals are enough inquisitive, friendly and affectionate. They get along well with children. If you decide to start such a pet, try to pay attention to him more often. The life expectancy of the breed is 6 years.
Without wool
Without wool

Teddy's pig

  • This rock of guinea pigs is characterized short wool. They have an unusual hair structure. The animal fur is dense and fluffy. Breeders note that I want to constantly iron a guinea pig. Some say that during stroking the animal, obsessive thoughts disappear, and the mood is left.
  • The nose of the guinea pigs of the Teddy breed - roman. If you look at him intently, then you can notice the Life Duration of life inverted to one way - about 6 years.
  • The nature of the animals playful. They often try to infiltrate some kind of adventure. Guinea pigs love to play and communicate with a person. They love when the owner takes them in his arms, and plays with them. They prefer freedom. Therefore, you need to periodically let them out of the cage so that they can run in open space. If the weather does not allow the animal to let out the street, then let it run around the house.

Pig Texel

  • This breed is different long and curly hair. Her growth is directed from the head towards the sacrum. Some individuals form a parting along the back. The "Texel" breed is slightly reminiscent of a variety of "shelti". Inexperienced breeders often confuse them. But, the difference between them lies in the fact that “Texel” has wool with small curls.
  • The body is muscular, not long. The head has a round wide shape. It is quite difficult to take care of the “Texel” breed, so only experienced breeders buy them. In an ordinary pet store you are unlikely to find this breed. To purchase a guinea pig, you need to go to the nursery.
With curls
With curls

Pig Shelty

Description of the guinea pigs of the shelti breed:

  1. Wool is long, straight and smooth.
  2. Newborn guinea pigs are characterized by a short fur coat. Wool begins to grow at 3 weeks. Moreover, the growth of hairs does not stop throughout the life of the animal.
  3. Lack of parting on the back.
  4. The hairs grow in one direction.
  5. There is a small mane on the muzzle that falls on the shoulders and back.
With a direct wool
With a direct wool

The nature of the breed friendly. They quickly find a common language with the owner. If you are at home, try to pick up the animal more often. It should feel affection. If the pet understands that you are good to him, he will be more supple in education and training.

So, now you know what kind of gunsial pigs are. This will allow you to decide on the choice of which pet to buy home. Most breeds are friendly, and are easy to train. If you care for the animal correctly, and provide him with all signs of attention, it will thank you with good behavior and long years of life.

We will also talk about such breeds:

Video: Types and breeds of guinea pigs

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