The content of the decorative home rat: care, bathing, feeding, recommendations, a list of the best shampoos and rats for rats

The content of the decorative home rat: care, bathing, feeding, recommendations, a list of the best shampoos and rats for rats

Instructions for maintaining, feeding and bathing a home decorative rat.

Most rats do not like to swim, and they are even afraid of water. Therefore, sometimes atoning an animal is a whole problem. In this article we will tell you how to accustom a rat to bathing, and how to feed it.  

How to teach a home decorative rat to water: Instructions

Bringing a home animal, it is worth hoping not only that the pet will delight you with a playful character, it is worth considering that he will have to take care of him. Moreover, this departure is significantly different from that which is required by kittens and puppies. The rat in nature, as well as the habitat, is significantly different from cats and dogs. It is worth noting that, unlike puppies, rats for the most part are negatively related to water and are afraid of it.


  • Bathing can turn into a real execution, a test for your pet. We recommend that you carry out bathing correctly and accustom a rat to water gradually. Starting from a small age, it is necessary to type a little water into the plastic pelvis.
  • To begin with, it is necessary that the water in the pelvis is only 1-2 cm. Its temperature should be approximately 30-35 degrees. To check the correct temperature, you can lower your elbow into it and control the heating. If you are not hot and comfortable, you can bathe a rat in such water.
  • Next, it is necessary to turn off the crane, in no case is it allowed that the water flows with a stream, noisy. This can additionally scare the rat. Next, take your animal, stroke it, calm and place it in a basin with water.
  • In no case do not let go of the animal, because it will strive to run away. Hold it in the water until he gets used to it.
Incorrect bathing of the rat
Incorrect bathing of the rat

How to bathe a home rat: Instructions

In no case should you immediately plunge into the water around the neck. Such a depth is critical for the pet, and causes hysteria, as well as experiences. Even a rather friendly animal can begin to scratch and bite, as well as to break out.


  • After your rat gets used to the water, you can apply a little shampoo in the palm of your hand, and rub in the direction of growth of wool. Please note that for swimming, in no case should you use shampoo for people. There are special care products on which a rodent is written, or a ferret.
  • Also, for bathing a home rat, shampoos for kittens are suitable. After you soap the animal, you must dial a little water into the bucket and water it with a thin stream. Please note that instead of a bucket, you can use another bath with a small amount of clean water. Dip it into it after you so soap it with shampoo.  
  • Prepare a clean towel or a long segment of the fabric in advance, wrap the animal after bathing into the fabric, and rub it thoroughly. Please note that it is necessary to clearly monitor the stream of water, prevent it from getting into the mouth, ears or nose of the animal.
  • Please note that there is mycoplasma inside the respiratory tract. This is conditionally pathogenic microorganism, which, under favorable conditions and a decrease in immunity, can cause inflammation of the lungs. Accordingly, in any case, after bathing, the animal should not be allowed. Immediately after washing, you can not let the rat into the cage, as well as allow the appearance of drafts.
  • Before planting the animal in your housing, it is necessary to dry it. Even a hair dryer is suitable for these purposes. Please note that you can not use very powerful industrial devices that blow too hot air. The optimum air temperature is 40 degrees. Therefore, put the hair dryer to the minimum power, and make the air slightly warm. The distance from the animal to the hair dryer should be at least 20 cm.
  • Try to use the old hairdryer that does not really buzz so as not to scare the rat. After the pet is dry, you can return it to the cage, having previously removed the garbage and changing the filler.
Bathing the rat
Bathing the rat

How often can you wash your home rat?

Features of rating rats:

  • The fact is that some domestic rats, especially males, in the spawn and back often have fat clots.
  • This is quite normal, indicates puberty. However, it is not necessarily every time after detecting such a lump to swim the animal. Normal wet children's napkins are perfectly coped with such pollution. Salpha diaper, or libero, will suit. They are saturated with a delicate composition, and will not dry the skin of the rat.  
  • Remember that bathing for a rat is not a very useful manipulation, because its incorrect implementation can cause a pet's disease. Often, after bathing the next day, you can find in your cage of a barely living pet. This indicates severe stress, as well as incorrectly performed manipulations. Therefore, in no case do not rush to pour a huge amount of water on your pet.
  • In order to avoid an unpleasant specific smell that appears on the beast wool, it is necessary to clean the cage about once a week. If there is a paper filler in it, then it must be changed every day.
  • Use a special granular filler for animals that absorbs the smell. Many experts believe that an unpleasant odor that appears on the surface of the coat of a home rat, in no case says that it needs to be bathed.
  • The reason for bathing can be pollution of animals with some kind of food, or a sweet, sticky liquid. Otherwise, even if an unpleasant odor is detected, it is best to use dry shampoos, which are created specifically for home rats. A small amount of shampoo, which is sold in the form of a powder, is poured onto the wool of the pet, rubbed against the growth of wool, then combed with a brush. Such manipulation will prevent water from entering the ears, as well as the animal's mouth.  
Decorative rat
Decorative rat

How to wash a home rat: a list of the best shampoos for rats

The rats themselves are quite clean, most of their time is spent on cleaning and licking themselves. Therefore, to conduct their bathing, washing, quite often there is no need. It is believed that the most common bathing option is the use of water once a month. Try to bathe a home rat only if it gets dirty in something.  

List of home rat shampoos:

  • Petslab - dry shampoo for dogs, cats and rodents
  • Pride shampoo - restoring for rodents
  • Shustrik Shampoo - for rodents with sensitive skin
  • Shampoo with pergers and silk proteins for dark -haired ferrets of dark colors
  • Cleaning Lotion for animals without washing Cliffi
  • Api-san Royal Growom shampoo power and shine for ferrets and rodents
  • BIOOGANCE shampoo for the ferrets "My ferret"
A pretty rat
A pretty rat

How and how to feed a home decorative rat: diet, recommendations

In addition to bathing with responsibility, it is necessary to treat the rating of the rat. Many of us think that these animals need to be fed only by vegetables, some kind of grains. However, in fact, these are incorrect statements. The food of rats should be balanced.

Sample diet of home rats:

  • Moreover, the diet is significantly different from human or even cat. It is completely wrong to feed rats exclusively with grain products, because their diet should also include animal ingredients, such as meat and fats.
  • Therefore, we recommend that the rats give fruits, vegetables, as well as meat products. However, in no case should they be fed sausage, smoked meats and fried cutlets. It is allowed to give chicken or pork meat, and it should be low -fat and boiled.
  • That is, no other heat treatment, except for cooking, should not be. Sour -milk products affect the health status of home rats. For this, fat -free milk, low -fat cheeses, cottage cheese, also homemade yogurt without additives are suitable.
  • Please note that rats need to give dairy products with a reduced amount of fat. You can not give roots legumes, as well as Brussels and white cabbage. They can adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is very useful to give rats to rats or peanuts. In no case should you give almonds and nuts to cashews. If you do not have time to prepare full -fledged dinners and dinners for your animal, you can purchase specialized and ready -made feeds.  
Cute rats
Cute rats

How to choose food for a decorative home rat: tips

The pet stores have a huge amount of feed for home rats, but not all of them with one hundred percent probability fill the deficiency of trace elements and minerals in the body of the rodent.

Varieties of feed for home rats:

  • What is now sold on shelves of large hypermarkets and pet stores is food economy class. Basically in the composition are cereal. That is, when creating food, animal fats, as well as dairy products, are not used. This affects the life of the rat and the duration of her life. Such feeds are suitable as quick food or temporary feeding, but in no case should they be given on an ongoing basis.
  • The next category is the food premium class. They may include some animal ingredients, but they contain a very small amount.
  • The most optimal option is food super-premium class, However, it is not easy to find it on sale. Most often, such food is sold via the Internet, it is even ordered on foreign sites. The composition of such feeds really includes animal ingredients, in particular meat, soybeans, as well as dairy products. Naturally, mainly the composition of such a food contains cereals, as well as cereals.  
Feed for rats
Feed for rats

The price of premium-class food is quite high, so not every layman can afford such a treat for a rodent. However, if you don’t have time at all, you leave early, returning home late, then the finished food is an ideal option. Please note that home rats should never be overfeed. The size of the portion should be strict, and make 70-80%of the pet.

That is, the weight of one portion of food, which is given in the morning or evening, should be 70% of the total mass of the rat. It is also worth paying attention to the state of the rat and its floor. Healthy sexually mature males are given a portion, which is 100% of the body weight of the rat. Pregnant females also need 100% feeding. They must be fed not twice a day, but 4-5. The fact is that such animals need increased nutrition, with an increased carbohydrate content.

Feed for rats
Feed for rats

Best food for rat: List

List of affordable rat feeds:

  • Versele-laga crispy muesli Hamster Grain mixture feed for hamsters, rats, mice, gerbils
  • Lolo Pets decorative rats
  • Lolo Pets rat food for rats
  • Vitakraft Emotion Beauty Selection All Ages rat food
  • Vitakraft Emotion Beauty rat food

The best feed for rats with animal ingredients:

  • Care+ Rat Food
  • Rat & Mouse Pro
  • Supreme Science Selective Rat
  • Jr Farm Ratten-Schmaus Light
  • Jr Farm Wellness-Food

If you could not purchase the feed of the super-premium class, you should not be upset. Very often, 20% of cat food is introduced into the food of the economy class. The fact is that foods for cats contain a high content of protein and animal ingredients. It is she who is introduced into the cheapest food for rats. Below are several most popular feed options for rating rats.

Please note that along with the purchase of a rat you need to buy ordinary home scales on which you will control the size of the portion. In no case animals should be overfeed, because this promises the appearance of obesity and many diseases.

The rat should completely eat the entire portion at a time. If a small amount of food remains after the meal, try to give food a little less next time. In no case do not feed the rat with raw potatoes. Indeed, these tubers are quite useful for the health of the rodent, but exclusively in boiled form.  

Dear rodent
Dear rodent

Indeed, it is much easier to care for the rat than a cat or a dog. It does not need to be walked, comb out. Despite this, the rodent also needs painstaking care and proper feeding.  

Video: How to feed rats?

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