What is the most terrible betrayal: arguments for essay, examples from literature for the exam

What is the most terrible betrayal: arguments for essay, examples from literature for the exam

The theme of betrayal in life is its own reasoning and examples from literature.

Unfortunately, every person in his life is faced with betrayal. They can betray a friend or beloved, homeland or their own moral principles.

What is the most difficult betrayal?

Sometimes the realization that you were betrayed is worse than death - because in fact this is spiritual death, when trust and proximity between people dies. Only close people can betray - we do not trust outside our thoughts and do not expect support from them. But those who are nearby and know about our hopes, experiences, fears can be crossed out in one instant in a moment with one wrong word or act.

In my opinion, the worst betrayal is the meanness of a loved one who completely trusted you. It doesn’t matter if a friend or loved one betrayed - betrayal is terrible because people rethink their relationship and often understand that for a long time they were deceived, the words were insincere, and promises were empty. This brings a truly severe pain-when everything that you believed in is collapsed, support and moral basis are lost.

Sometimes it is very difficult to recover from such a blow. Even with time, when resentment and disappointment subside, not just trust someone again. The fear of another deception subconsciously fetters the aspirations of the soul, makes a person more careful and cold in communication.

  • The deception can be different - sometimes we do not tell the truth to loved ones, afraid to offend them. But if someone deliberately used a person’s trust for his own purposes, did not come to the rescue or hid his true motives and actions for a long time-this is called a betrayal.
  • Relations between people change over time - interests cease to be common, feelings fade away, new goals and desires appear. It is important to be frank with a loved one, and not wait for a profitable moment. The fraud will open anyway, but the pain from the belated truth will be much sharper.

The traitor is by nature a weak and cowardly person who is not able to openly express his feelings, move greed, fear or desire to rise, but does not know how to achieve goals in a worthy way.

The worst thing is to survive the pain of betrayal
The worst thing is to survive the pain of betrayal

The theme of betrayal in literary works

The problem of betrayal is always present in people's lives and is reflected in many literary works.

  • In the play of A. Ostrovsky, “Thunderstorm” reveals the tragedy of Katerinawhich was twice devoted to close. The first betrayal is from her husband, who, knowing in what distress she is located, leaves her. The second is from Boris, with whom Katerina hoped to find love and support. Because of his cowardice and fear, to take responsibility for the life of a woman, Boris does not condemn Katerina to death. The author shows the true power of love and devotion. These feelings can exalt someone, and in someone they discover the weakness and lowlands of nature.
  • The betrayal in friendship is affected in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin." Friendship, connecting the work completely opposite in the nature of the heroes, Onegin and Lensky, is represented as the opposition of life values. One is a saturated and disappointed cynic, the other is a touching and ardent romantic. Friendly relations could complement the aspirations and views of the heroes, but instead turned into a tragedy. Onegin, deciding to teach his friend, shows attention to Olga, in whom Lensky is in love. Having regarded such an act such as betrayal, Lensky calls Onegin on a duel and dies. Eugene, being older and more experienced, might have prevented such a development of events, but, fearing the accusations of cowardice, betrays friendship.
  • An example of the first life experience, testing of feelings and the formation of character is the situation described in the novel by V. Zhelynikov “The Scarecrower". Lena is a kind and devoted person who believes in sincerity and honesty, faces the first betrayal in life. Dima, whose guilt the girl took on, turned out to be a cowardly and cowardly man. It allows classmates to mock Lena out of fear of condemnation and loss of authority. The heroine of the story passes through humiliation and moral destruction, but still does not betray her friend, who was unable to evaluate true human qualities.
The betrayal of love or friendship is the murder of the soul
The betrayal of love or friendship is the murder of the soul

It is believed that a person who betrayed a loved one also betrays himself - his principles, moral foundations. Well, if a person is still able to realize his act. One subsequently seeks to make amends, to get forgiveness, the other remains alone with his conscience. If the traitor does not experience any regrets, then nothing will help him in this life.

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