What should be the conditions for life on other planets? Is there life on other planets of our solar system and beyond: research, opinions of scientists

What should be the conditions for life on other planets? Is there life on other planets of our solar system and beyond: research, opinions of scientists

In this article, we will consider if life on other planets of our solar system and beyond, as well as learn about the necessary requirements for the existence of living organisms.

Today we have only one stable planet that is suitable for life - our planet Earth. Yes, there are various problems that push in search of a new home. But rather, this is more the result of our curiosity. After all, the cosmos was still interested in ancient settlements, and only sharpness was added by huge drawings. Therefore, we propose to make out such an exciting topic as life on other planets in order to find at least a certain part of answers to many questions.

What should be natural conditions for life on other planets?

On our planet, all components of the climate, mineral reserves and other natural conditions created such a picture that it is ideal for the normal existence of living organisms. But here are studies of space, planets and other space bodies gave the idea that there are some similar objects. Let's take a look at the necessary conditions.

One of their first and most important conditions of human existence remains gravity

  • And in order for gravity on another planet to be as similar as possible to the gravity of the Earth, it needs the same radius and mass.
    • There is even a contender, for example, Venus. The planet has almost the same size, so the gravity did not go far.
    • More precisely, it is only less than 0.93 m/s². But the temperature on the "earthly twin" (yes, it is sometimes called) over 400 ° C. Therefore, we would just burn there.
    • There is another planet that it has not left our gravity so much - this is Neptune. They differ only by 1.28 m/ s². But the most powerful hurricanes that do not subside at all, simply would not allow us to survive. And their strength is more than 2000 m/s.
  • Therefore, a similar celestial body should have the same composition of trace elements as our planet. In addition, the conditions on this planet are also extremely important so that the human body can do not function normally, but generally survive.
  • Thanks to a number of modern studies, scientists argue that today there is no planet that has been 90% similar to Earth. Do not forget that the gravity range should hold the atmosphere and at the same time not destroy all living organisms with pressure.
    • For example, on Saturn, gravity also ran away nearby, but for its large size it is too little. Therefore, all objects would be heavy. Of course, on Jupiter we would just sink to the nucleus.
  • The bone skeleton and muscle fibers in humans will develop on the power of attraction power. It is enough to recall one of the few examples from the animal world.
    • The blue whale, which is considered the largest mammal, getting on land, immediately dies. This does not happen due to the fact that whales, having appeared on the surface of the earth, suffocate, but because gravity does not allow them to expand.
  • Based on this, we can conclude that a person, having entered the zone of increased gravity, would have strong bones and more developed muscles. However, he would need significantly less growth in order to lower his own body weight.
Very important for life gravity
Very important for life gravity

The second important condition for a person’s life on another planet is the atmosphere

  • The atmosphere exists only on a few planets, because this factor significantly narrows the choice of the planet for the normal life of a person. The atmosphere has the presence of living beings on a heavenly body.
  • Its atmosphere only saturates our lungs with oxygen, but also protects against harmful radioactive radiation. But not a single planet from the entire solar system has so much oxygen.
    • For example, there is too much carbon dioxide on the same Venus. And at such a high temperature, the living organism would immediately begin to decompose.
    • But on Mars the atmosphere is too weak and discharged. Yes, and do not forget that it has one of the smaller gravity forces, so he is simply not able to hold a stronger atmosphere. Therefore, we would be long and thin.
  • Gas giants, like Jupiter and Saturn, have a good atmosphere. At least, its closest state to earthly indicators, but they do not have a solid surface. And the calculated gravity on the surface of the clouds simply would not allow us to move.
But no less important and atmosphere to breathe
But no less important and atmosphere to breathe

Additional criteria for life on planets:

  • only 3 planets from the entire solar system have such a necessary ozone ball. And then, it does not reach the desired indicators. But there is a certain percentage of ozone on the dangerous and burning Venus that could protect us. Also, Mars with his atmosphere and an ozone ball came close to the ground;
  • the temperature should be within reasonable limits -from -50 ° C to the same values \u200b\u200bonly with a plus indicator. Unfortunately, on the first two bodies you can burn, and then - just freeze;
  • water or at least ice is the first signal of a possible life. But more on that later;
  • well, and heavy elements on the planet for normal existence and movement are also needed. On Jupiter and Saturn, we have already seen that the movement, and therefore life, is impossible on them.
Water and proper solar heat are additional conditions for normal life
Water and proper solar heat are additional conditions for normal life

Is there life on other planets: the study of giant planets, moon and Mars

From the list of all the necessary criteria, one can come to the conclusion that no cosmic body is suitable for the existence of life. But you can also find at least a suitable body for building a space base. Let's smoke a little deeper in this direction.

  • Scientists asked for many years the question: where is the planet that could become a kind of storage for information. The answer surprised everyone - Moon. The closest celestial body, which is located at the distance of three space hours.
    • There is no atmosphere on the moon, which can significantly limit the capabilities and familiar human life. But on the Earth’s satellite it is possible and really equipped with a base that would retain all the knowledge that was produced and preserved by humanity in order to convey this to descendants in the future.
    • As for the direct resettlement of people, things are quite difficult. Based on scientific research, you can live only under the surface of the moon, which is quite expensive and problematic.
  • For life, Mars and satellites of the giant planets are more suitable. Scientists have long been considering these celestial bodies as an alternative to Earth. To date, the most investigated is Mars.
    • The last ten years on the surface of this planet on an ongoing basis have been landing stations and rovers for the best study of the surface of the planet.
    • Unlike the moon, Mars has its own atmosphere, which, thanks to the latest technologies, can be improved and made suitable for humanity.
    • The main advantage of Mars over the moon is the presence of water - the most important resource that is necessary for life. True, the minus temperature turned it into the ice, but this is at least the slightest glimpse of hope.
    • More recently, scientists discovered Martian caves, which are ideal in their functions for existence. However, they have not yet found the entrance to them, but this is fixable. Researchers do not lose hope of launching special robots into the Martian caves in order to properly study everything. This plan has been a priority for the next ten years.
Moon and Mars have the most favorable conditions waiting for life
Moon and Mars have the most favorable conditions waiting for life
  • In addition, astrologers consider the satellite Europe,what rotates around Jupiter, and Enshade, which is part of Saturn's satellites, carefully studying their surface and physical characteristics. On the surface of these celestial bodies, giant oceans, under the ice crust of which there is ordinary salted water.
    • It is believed that the ocean is a place where life once originated. Scientists believe that in the future a person could easily adapt to life in the ocean or on its surface.
    • Space devices often fly past these satellites, but not one risks landing on their surface. Researchers argue that in the coming years the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn will be studied.
    • Finding life under the blocks of ice is a very important task for modern biology. Based on the results of the study of satellites, it will become clear whether they are suitable for human life and whether it is worth considering them in the future as a platform for the resettlement of volunteers.
    • There is also a theory due to which scientists consider satellites attractive to life. The bottom line is that the power of the sun radiation increases every year. And after millennia, the surface of the earth will dry and cease to be favorable for the life of the human race. While the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter due to the force of radiation of the sun, on the contrary, will become warmer than these days.
    • Recall that in Europe the temperature sometimes reaches the mark -220 ° C, but does not rise above -150 ° C. But Enzeland has more loyal, but unstable indicators -from -45 ° C to +90 ° C.
The satellites of Jupiter and Saturn also admired scientists
The satellites of Jupiter and Saturn also admired scientists

Is there life on other planets outside the solar system?

There are tens of thousands of planets, which in their functional abilities are extremely similar to the ground. Unfortunately, until the moment when scientists invent a way to travel between the stars, it is not possible to properly study the surfaces of exoplanets.

  • Today, such planets can be found only with the help of modern telescopes. Explanets that are similar to the ground are a small amount, but so far we cannot definitely be sure that life exists there.
  • Such planets can be colonized for the development of our civilization. It remains only to come up with a way to get to them. The distance between them is huge and our missile systems never overcome it.
  • Such a study can take a hundred years. In any case, once scientists will find a way to move between the stars. And then astronauts will be able to find hundreds of thousands of exoplanets on which life will be possible.
Scientists believe to find life outside the solar system
Scientists believe to find life outside the solar system

Gliz 581G has the most favorable living conditions

  • More recently, by scientists, a unique planet Gliz 581 was found outside the solar system, which, like ours, has a period of rotation around a red dwarf in 37 days.
  • Researchers argue that the planet has its own atmosphere, which is more than acceptable for human life and its normal functioning. After all, the temperature on this body is just included in the desired range -from -30 ° C to +70 ° C.
  • Nowadays, this exoplanet is in the first place in the list of potentially populated planets. Although the temperature indicators are slightly complex and unstable, because the minus happens at night, and during the day there is a jump in the positive side. But these are still permissible meanings, if we take in comparison the planet of our solar system.
  • By the way, for astronomers, the concept of “potentially populated planet” is a heavenly body on which a person can carry out his life and function normally. This does not mean that only people will live on it. But an important factor in survival on any heavenly body and for any living organisms is the presence of water resources and atmosphere. And this is on Gliz 581.
The scientists theoretically suggest that Gliza 581 is very close to the conditions with the ground
The scientists theoretically suggest that Gliza 581 is very close to the conditions with the ground
  • Scientists argue that more than 10% of red dwarf stars have planets that, in their characteristics, are as similar as possible to the ground. The closest exoplanet from the Earth, which is suitable for life, is located in thirteen light years from us.
  • Red dwarfs live much longer than stars like the sun. Therefore, there is an opinion that the red dwarfs are much older and more developed by land. To study these planets, powerful, modern telescopes will be required, thanks to which it will be possible to understand whether these planets have an atmosphere and how warm they are.

As you can see, it is difficult to find a planet stable for human life, which will be as similar as possible to the Earth. Scientists believe that a person will be able to dwell on Mars or Moon exclusively in closed colonies. Based on this, exoplanets remain the only option and hope for the study of which will take ten years. And all the well -known data about them are only theoretical assumptions that they do not give any guarantees.

Video: Is there life on other planets?

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  1. i liked the article

  2. I don't know how on other planets, but on our planet Earth without children's car not enough.

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