What edible mushrooms grow in the fall at the beginning and end of September, October, November: photo, list, name. What late edible mushrooms can be found in the fall in November: photo, list, name

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall at the beginning and end of September, October, November: photo, list, name. What late edible mushrooms can be found in the fall in November: photo, list, name

The list and review of mushrooms that grow in September, October and November.

Mushrooms are a healthy product containing a huge amount of protein. They are suitable for cooking pies, as part of the first and second dishes. In addition, excellent blanks are made from mushrooms for the winter in the form of caviar, paste or salts. Of course, you can purchase mushrooms in the market, but forest varieties are considered the most delicious and nutritious.

How quickly edible mushrooms grow after rain in the fall?

Mushrooms are the fruits of the growth of mycelium and mycelium. In general, a mycelium grows underground a few meters, like a web. From time to time, it gives fruits. These are the mushrooms that we collect. The largest mushroom harvest is observed in the fall after the rain.

Mushroom growth time is 2 weeks. But most often you can see the mushroom already on the 5th day. At this time, a leg appears, which connects the mycelium and the hat. Initially, a small hat, but after 2-3 days its size increases rapidly. That is, after the rain, you can go pick mushrooms after 1-2 weeks.

How quickly edible mushrooms grow after rain in the fall?
How quickly edible mushrooms grow after rain in the fall?

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of September: photo, list, name

September - a month rich in mushrooms. This time is considered to be a peak. The most interesting thing is, it is at this time that the mushrooms are harvested. In the forest, you can meet summer mushrooms, which before that were perfectly fruitful in July and August.

September mushroom list:

  • Honey mushrooms
  • False Fox
  • Mokrukh
  • Redcles
  • White mushrooms
  • Raws
  • Chanterelles
  • Zelenushki
Honey mushrooms
Honey mushrooms
False Fox
false Fox
False Mokrukh
False Mokrukh

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of October: photo, list, name

At this time, the number of mushrooms is reduced. The fact is that the nights become relatively cold. But at this temperature, the mushrooms are preserved longer until the period of their maturity. There are not so many summer mushrooms at this time. The time of varieties that love moderate temperatures begins. The most interesting thing is that at this time it is best to harvest mushrooms. They are stored for a very long time.

List of October mushrooms:

  • Winter honey mushrooms
  • Masters
  • Kozlyaki
  • Raws

Occasionally, you can meet boobs and boletus. They grow infrequently, their time ends.

Winter honey mushrooms
Winter honey mushrooms

What edible mushrooms grow in the fall, at the beginning and end of November: photo, list, name

In November, it is already cold enough and quite a few mushrooms are found from the entire summer abundance. These are mainly persistent varieties that germinate on the trunks of trees or stumps. Since frosts are observed on the surface of the soil. Usually, along with the first snow, the mushroom season ends. Occasionally on the trunks you can see oyster mushrooms.

List of November mushrooms:

  • Zelenushki
  • Honey mushrooms
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Gray row
Honey mushrooms
Honey mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms

What edible mushrooms are the latest in November: photo, list, names

Basically, in late autumn, there are not many mushrooms in the forest, not only edible, but also poisonous. The mycelium gradually ceases to be given fruits, since the temperature is quite low. In November, few collect mushrooms, since this is the time of rain and the first frosts. At this time, the forest is very dirty. Few people will like to walk in the mud and poke around in wet leaves, looking for mushrooms. At this time, very few mushrooms remain that can be eaten. They have a significant feature - a tough hat. Therefore, among the mushroom pickers there are few those who love such mushrooms.

The latest mushrooms:

  • Hygroforof
  • Glass is gray
  • Pink varnish
  • Winter tape

All these mushrooms are characterized by a dense texture and a fibrous hat.

Glass is gray
glass is gray
Pink varnish
Pink varnish

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in the fall?

Very hot weather is not for mushrooms. In general, mushrooms love humidity and moderate temperature. The temperature of +10 +20 ° C can be considered ideal. If summer or autumn is very dry, then do not count on a good harvest of mushrooms. But if in the fall, strong rains, then the mycelium will “get wet”. In this weather, too, there is no good crop.

September can be considered ideal, at this time there are a lot of summer mushrooms and lovers of coolness appear. At this time, you can see oils, princes and white mushrooms. They can be found even during frosts. It is believed that a temperature of +5 +10 ° C is required for the development of the mushroom fetus. This is a minimum temperature.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in the fall?
At what temperature do mushrooms grow in the fall?

Despite the decrease in the average daily temperature, a large number of mushrooms can be collected in autumn. They are not inferior in their taste in their taste.

Video: edible mushrooms in the fall

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