How to force yourself to respect: 90 ways to gain respect to others

How to force yourself to respect: 90 ways to gain respect to others

Often you ask yourself the question: “Why don't they respect me, like the rest of my colleagues, friends or just acquaintances?” Then this article is for you.


Tips will help you better understand yourself from the inside, because the real reason for the relationship of others lurks precisely in the mind of a person. No one but you can give the desired respect.

How to force yourself to respect: 65 way to gain the respect of others

A very important factor is self -respect. No one will ever love and appreciate the one who does not properly respect his efforts, merits, successes. It is necessary to learn to respect yourself in order to get the respect of other people.

So, we present 90 ways how to force yourself to respect the husband, parents, colleagues and boss, to feel the importance of what you are doing for society. Some are suitable for you 100%, but some are not. There is no universal way to achieve respect, it lies in a continuous search and a desire to know himself better.

1. Do not be indifferent to other people's opinion

  • We are talking about ordinary culture of communication, which many forget about without even noticing it. Put yourself in the place of your interlocutor and imagine what a relationship you would like.
  • Of course, so that you are not interrupted during the performance and even ordinary friendly conversation, they listened attentively and reacted. This is exactly what you do, even if the conversation is not too interesting and pleasant, find a way to interrupt it in such a way as not to offend and not to angry the interlocutor.
  • Try to come up with an interesting topic and smoothly translate the conversation into an advantageous channel. This requires some effort and skills, so practice and everything will work out.

2. Let the interlocutor feel your positive intentions

  • This advice applies conversations with strangers For example, with future colleagues for work, neighbors in transport.
  • Do not start a conversation with complaints about life, stories about yourself. First, take care of the interlocutor, ask about his well -being, because you also like to feel your significance for others, right?

3. Set a goal only to tell the truth always

  • Even if you hide a small, at first glance, fact, though it will still open sooner or later. Minor lie It can apply the indelible spot of your reputation.
  • No one respects Lgunov and is unlikely to be a lie will help you learn to respect yourself. On the contrary, you will be tormented by doubts whether you have acted correctly. Moreover, if henceforth speak only the truth, it can be perceived by a lie, relying on the past.

4. Do not play the public

  • Surely you have seen and heard the speeches of insincere people more than once. Those who are trying to look better than actually.
  • It doesn’t matter what aspect of life this concerns, the so -called exaggeration for the better. Do you respect those who are not yourself, but play the role of an ideal family man, friend, employee.
  • Do not play a role, but apply all possible efforts to be the best for real.

5. Do not manipulate

  • Nobody likes it manipulations In relation to yourself, and this is natural. Any psychologist will say that achieving what is desired in this way is harmful both for self -esteem and self -esteem.
  • Look for ways to get the result by a polite request, give true arguments. Have patience and remain calm, sooner or later you will be able to convince the interlocutors if you pursue a noble goal.
Avoid manipulations
Avoid manipulations

6. Be diplomat in any verbal confrontation

  • Often we have to bring our point of view by facts and arguments, but they are not always convincing for the interlocutor.
  • Stell yourself and do not depart from the goal, do not give up your own words. In a calm tone, continue to bring arguments to leave the winner from any dispute.

7. Do not try to cause self -pity

  • No one loves forever aching, unsatisfied personalities. I do not want to deal with such people, and even more so, at first glance, they are not worthy of respect.
  • Strong people know how to turn their own shortcomings into dignity and not to hide in minor failures. Follow this advice and you to achieve success and rise in the eyes of others.

8. Keep contact

  • Do not be intrusive To strangers. But with those who are in your communication circle, do not lose contact. Support, when necessary, congratulations on the holidays, do not refuse to visit, do not spare money for a gift.
  • Be the most initiative, sincere and ready to help with the most initiative as possible.

9. Turn your own shortcomings into advantages

  • In the modern world, it is most appreciated individuality. It is for this line that people are respected, trusted by managerial positions. If you want to succeed, stop reproaching yourself once and for all.
  • At first you yourself must accept yourself real and then other people will not only love you, but will also begin to respect the courage and courage not to hide under the “mask”, but to be real.

10. Love for oneself is the key to success

  • Without love for yourself, it is impossible to achieve the love of friends or colleagues. Many are difficult to fulfill this item, but it is incredibly important.
  • Love for yourself lies in praise for every, even the smallest victory. Do not reproach yourself for failures, because one person cannot be to blame for everything. Most likely, others, as well as adverse circumstances are to blame.
  • No need to look in the mirror and admit love for yourself, show this love by acts, confidence in your own rightness.
Love yourself
Love yourself

11. Stay in harmony with yourself

  • Do not turn into a dependent partner, subordinate, etc. In each area of \u200b\u200blife, look for the opportunity to remain a self -sufficient person.
  • Sometimes, this is not easy, but by effort over yourself, you can become the one to whom everyone is striving to turn for advice, and not vice versa.

12. Keep natural in behavior

  • Perhaps you do not even notice how sometimes you build yourself a more important person you are. To be ashamed of your profession, your family, financial situation - the destiny of the weak. This path does not lead to success and recognition.
  • If you really want to achieve heights and earn respect, first recognize all your shortcomings, weaknesses and gradually learn to turn them into dignity.
  • Small growth, a squeaky voice, a long nose can both add complexes and feel special, worthy of more than ordinary people. It all depends on internal perception.

13. Remove internal power

  • To feel respect, it is not enough to be strong, you also need to be able to show and use this power. Do not walk with a high nose, but on the contrary - take care of others. Make them feel your willingness to help, help out, just share a piece of their own confidence.
  • People always reach for strong people, and society extols them much more often than the weak. Any obstacle will not be terrible when there is a feeling of power within itself.

14. Do not retreat from your words

  • Be consistent and have the courage to be responsible for the words that they said even in a fit of anger. This is the quality of strong people. No businessman would have built his own business if he had not been serious in his statements.
  • Thus, it turns out that words are already part of the act, a lot depends on them. Use the acquaintance with the whole rule: "Think first, then say."

15. attract people with your individuality

  • Charismatic people with bright character traits always attract masses to themselves.
  • If it seems to you that you are a gray mouse, “rummage” well in your own “I”.
  • Surely there there is something that will allow you to feel like an extraordinary person, capable of high achievements.

16. Treat people as you want to treat you

  • Do not forget about the boomerang rule. All messages return after some time back to us. If you were not respectful, not respectful, insulted, offended, humiliated someone, you can forget about respect for yourself.
  • Such actions indicate a disrespectful attitude towards yourself in the first place, and then to those whom you could offend. Love loved ones and this love will return to a hundred times.
Give the relationship you want to get
Give the relationship you want to get

17. Be careful

  • No matter how trite it sounds, it is necessary to monitor the appearance. Everyone knows that they are met by clothing. Often it is the first impression that can change a lot.
  • Hairstyle, clothing, makeup everything needs to be kept in the same style. Do not forget about the compliance of the appearance of the case. It will be strange to see a girl in an evening dress in an office and in leggings and a T -shirt on a corporate party.

18. Pay attention to self -development

  • Firstly, this will help to better understand yourself, and secondly, it causes respect.
  • Not everyone will find the strength to work hard on what is impossible to see.
  • Your subconscious mind, although it is impossible to see it, but it directs it, affects well -being, sets the tone for the mood.

19. Do not be nervous for no reason

  • Everyone at work has an employee or an employee who, under the slightest stress, begin to sprinkle their dissatisfaction, fall into panic, etc. Do you like this?
  • To remain restrained and calm, relax more, do your favorite thing, this will help to be distracted, relax. A carefree will attract others to you.

20. Go to the comfort of those who are nearby

  • Yes, you need to think not only about your own condition, but also the feelings of others when they are nearby. This is important from several reasons.
  • Firstly, people are always pleased to be in a society where you can feel comfort and be yourself. Secondly, in response you will be thanked the same.
  • It is not difficult to approach, talk, offer a cup of coffee or just hug the one who needs it.

21. Do not condemn

  • Although it sounds, like a commandment from the Bible, it has the most direct relation to respect.
  • The less you discuss others, the more authoritative you will become in the team.

22. Start changes from yourself

  • Many grumble, complain of power, parents or children, work, etc.
  • To change life for the better, you need to change yourself, and only then expect changes outside yourself.

23. Feel happiness in the little things

  • There are always many other people next to a happy person.
  • Give a feeling of happiness to everyone you love. This will force even barely familiar neighbors to respect you, seeing a joyful family.
  • The main thing is that it is really your merit.

24. Develop a sense of humor

  • The ability to successfully joke will help to leave any awkward situation the winner.
  • Although many say that a sense of humor is either or not, it will still help you better understand when it is better to joke and in which manner.

25. Do not be indifferent

  • All people are different. Someone has resistance to stress, another-enough little things for tears.
  • In any case, do not leave even an unfamiliar person in tears alone.
  • Be sure to ask if you can help with anything.

26. Do not fit

  • If a person makes it possible to clearly understand that your society is unpleasant for him, do not get hung up and do not humiliate him to achieve recognition.
  • The respect of one person can save you the respect of the whole society.

27. Do not raise your voice in disputes

  • Even if the interlocutor does not understand something elementary, in your opinion, this is not a reason for humiliation and resentment.
  • Be always patient and it will definitely return to you.

28. Appreciate yourself, but do not overestimate

  • It is about you to realize that you are not a "navel of the earth."
  • There are other, no less erudite and wise people.
  • Keep dignity, but do not go beyond.

29. Remember the rule of the boomerang

  • Made and what has always returns.
  • Remember this and it doesn’t matter if you are facing a boss or a simple cleaning lady.

30. Stay sincere always

  • This will help to establish relations with any person from the first day of dating.

31. Do not be hot -tempered

  • On the contrary, try to extinguish conflicts that do not even concern you.

32. pay due attention to the internal "I"

  • This will always help to be in harmony with the world, with other people.
  • A person who preserves common sense in any situation already deserves respect.

33. Do not humiliate yourself

  • Often friendly people become such a “vest”, which you can cry at any time.
  • But on good days, it is easy for people to forget who helped them out in trouble.
  • Do not let yourself use in this way.

34. Respect your personal space

  • Some people just need loneliness.
  • If you cannot classify yourself to such people, just try to understand them and not interfere.
  • If you were made to understand that now the conversation is inappropriate, just retire.

35. Do not try to please everyone

  • Being in a large team or living in a high -rise building, you probably know that there are people who are always unhappy with life. They will not be grateful that they would not do for them.
  • Do not pay attention and do not let yourself be upset due to such "copies."

36. Do not whine!

  • No one loves, and even more so, does not respect forever dissatisfied, complaining people.
  • Try to keep emotions with you and get frustrated less because of nonsense.

37. attract appearance

  • This advice concerns not only the opposite sex, but also employees, partners, future employers.

38. Smile and speak clearly

  • Simply, but at the same time it is quite difficult to fulfill. Everyone at least once in his life forgot the text at the performance, the voice often changes during excitement, and smiling at all is scary when you do not know what to expect from the audience.
  • Fight with complexes and fears, study oratory. A clear, clear, loud speech always attracts attention.

39. Look into the eyes of a conversation alone

  • When a noisy company gathered, you can easily hide your eyes and no one will even notice it.
  • But with a dialogue of two people, especially few familiar, it is incredibly important to maintain eye contact.
  • If a person sees that you are hiding your eyes, he can suspect shyness or even fear of him. This will definitely not play you.

40. Contact by name

  • It is so important for each of us so that our name is remembered the first time.
  • This is quite difficult if you have to get acquainted with the mass of new people, but it is still possible if you apply at least a little effort.

41. Easy to pour into the new company

  • If they are not invited, unobtrusively initiate a conversation and share experience, knowledge, and skills.
Pour into the team
Pour into the team

42. Get rid of fading

  • This is not only ugly, but also repulsive on everyone around him.

43. Do not show timidity

  • What a shy person you would not be, do not show this with strangers.
  • So you deceive their perception a little at the first impression and help yourself to behave openly.

44. Do not stoop

  • It is especially important to remember this if you hold a leadership position.

45. Always stay sincere

  • Sometimes I really want to embellish your past, but fight with the desire to do it.

46. \u200b\u200bAlways keep promises

  • On a “hot” head you can promise such that then it becomes scary.
  • But do not retreat. Having fulfilled a difficult promise once, henceforth you will think carefully before rubbing your tongue.

47. Correctly say "No!"

  • You also need to be able to refuse.
  • If you can’t fulfill the request, just politely tell me about it.

48. Perform your duties in good faith

  • If you have just started to do something yourself or with a friend, do not start “philosophy” from the first day.
  • Show everything you are capable of. You can relax later.

49. It is never too late to study

  • Only respect is deserved by people who, without coercion, continue to improve in adulthood.
  • If you want to have only the best work and family-constantly study, go through online courses and webinars.

50. Ignore gossip

  • Even if you had to listen to news about someone from friends, just try to forget and in no case transfer them further.
Enjoy life, not listen to gossip
Enjoy life, not listen to gossip

51. Do not strive to be a favorite of the whole public

  • Everyone cannot love and respect you.
  • Just humble yourself that all people are different and be yourself.

52. Friends are known in trouble

  • We all know this axiom since childhood. In the work team, this principle also works.
  • Do not stay away if someone has trouble.

53. Do not be offended by criticism

  • Perceive the statements in your direction adequately.
  • Perhaps from the side it is more visible what shortcomings should really be eliminated.

54. Do not impose your point of view

  • Even if you have more experience and knowledge, you should not forcibly force others to work according to your scheme.
  • Perhaps a person wants to come to solving the problem himself and his own way.
  • Help only when you are personally asked about it.

55. Set yourself to ease

  • How much the heart would not beat on a first date or on a responsible trip, do not show internal excitement.
  • Use breathing practices to calm the excitement.

56. simplicity - your trump card

  • From the first days of communication with new people, do not be boring, do not boast of achievements, even if they are well -deserved.
Be simple
Be simple

57. Respect others to achieve respect in response

  • Yes, this is what is the way to real recognition. How can you respect a person who discusses, humiliates others? This is too low for you.
  • Be a real intellectual in any situation, this is important.

58. Do not be idle talk

  • Think what you say, because you must always answer for words.
  • You will be perceived as an unreliable person and is unlikely to ask for help in the future.

59. Respect critical comments

  • This is quite difficult and unpleasant at first, but if you take into account criticism, you can become better, smarter and achieve more.
  • Criticism is not always something negative. Perhaps a person sincerely wants to help you change for the better.

60. Do not scold yourself by trifles

  • No one will love the one who does not love himself. Banal, but very true truth.
  • Praise yourself even for small victories and try to exhaust less criticism.

61. Study the rules of etiquette

  • Even in the modern world, there is a place for a culture of behavior during working hours, at a party, an informal meeting.
  • Greet, eat and drink at the table you need to be able to culturally. This is a sign of a well -educated and respected person.

62. Do not use abusive words

  • The business speech of a smart person should not be diluted with street obscenities.
  • What respect can we talk about if you swear, like an ill -mannered teenager?

63. Defend your point of view

  • Do not give up if your theories have lied to doubts. Bring true arguments.
  • This is the only way to convince anyone. There is no place for empty words in the discussion of really smart people.

64. Find yourself

  • Meditating, read, attend lectures to know yourself.
  • If you yourself understand the inner "I", others will see him.
  • Dear people are personalities who are not like others.
Understand your personality
Understand your personality

65. Be example

  • Live and act in such a way that they want to inherit you.
  • They will talk about you with respect and recognition, tell friends and as a result you will become a good example for others.

How to force yourself to respect at work: 25 ways to gain the respect of colleagues and leadership

How to force yourself to respect in a team? It happens not easy, we will consider the main nuances that will help you force yourself to respect at work.

1. Share professional secrets

  • They will immediately begin to respect you if they notice that you do not regret to share experience.
  • Not everyone can do it. Be above envy.

2. support colleagues even if the problem does not concern work

  • Want to become your own in the new team as soon as possible?
  • Do not stand aside if someone needs psychological or material support.

3. Transfer your "light" to everyone

  • Alive all your colleagues with your energy. Help them feel the pleasure of the work process.
  • Bring coffee or delicious to brighten up a gray day.

4. Do not envy

  • It’s normal if a colleague is praised and you are not.
  • Perhaps you really tried or worked less.

5. Do not argue because of the little things

  • No one loves unnecessary chatter.
  • Do not be offended by trifles and do not unfold long discussions, distracting the rest from the performance of your duties.

6. Do not lose control of the situation

  • In the case of a puncture, for example, if you forgot to do something, do not fall into hysteria.
  • Keep dignity. Excess excitement will only give out your inner weakness.

7. Avoid distributing tips not regarding working points

  • Even if we are talking about very open people who are not shy to discuss their own personal life.
  • While you are considered a beginner, it will not be incorrect to give advice to few familiar people.
No advice
No advice

8. Leave a place for a riddle

  • From the first day at a new job, do not open all the cards.
  • Be closed by the book and page after page reveal the details of your own life.

9. If you need to speak out, meet your friends more often

  • The workplace is not the best place for empty chatter.
  • Especially in the first months, when everyone is looking closely, they evaluate a beginner.

10. Do not respond to gossip

  • They talk about you in an unpleasant manner? Never mind.
  • This means that you are interesting to others, but do not get to their level.
  • Keep worthy behavior to be respected.

11. Be attentive to trifles

  • Be it a change in the hairstyle or birth of a child.
  • Be sure to congratulate the employee, express your opinion about changing the style.
  • Everyone likes attentive interlocutors. This is the way to find new friends.

12. Do not be late

  • Self -organization has not hindered anyone yet.

13. Do not take other people's things without millet

  • It doesn’t matter, this is a simple pencil or piece of paper.
  • A workplace is a personal space, do not invade without permission.

14. Share a positive

  • Try to go to work in a good mood, for this you can try yoga in the morning, drink a cup of coffee, listen to classical music.
  • Let the positive be transmitted to everyone around.
Bring positive to colleagues
Bring positive to colleagues

15. Do not mix work with personal problems

  • Often there is simply no strength to not break, if something does not go well at home.
  • Find the strength and patience to remain calm.

16. Only a strong personality can recognize errors

  • It is common to be mistaken at all.
  • But only a very strong and confident person can recognize his wrongness. Be them!

17. Treat with understanding of personal problems

  • Sometimes a person cannot come in time or go to work on a weekend for a very good reason.
  • Never refuse or condemn without asking first about what happened.

18. Do not make comments with outsiders

  • Even if you hold a leading position, call your subordinate to your office and discuss all inconsistencies alone.

19. Respect the elders

  • We always teach children respect for the elders, but do we remember this ourselves?
  • Do not score to contact the "you", such a trifle will raise your authority in the team.

20. Be attentive to the new team

  • Got a job?
  • Try to join the team so that no one can even suspect that you are here recently.

21. Do not miss corporate parties

  • It is at such events that it is easiest to join the team, make friends and even get an increase in salaries or an increase in a career ladder.
Do not miss work events
Do not miss work events

22. Do not give in to the pressure of colleagues equal in rank

  • It is only necessary to obey the chef, not colleagues. Do not give in to the influence of lovers to disdain. Explain correctly that you obey only the direct boss.
  • Even if someone has been working in the office for 10 years, and you are 2 days, this is not a reason to command a newcomer.


  • All colleagues should not know about your home problems.
  • Over time, you will have friends at work with whom you can discuss any problem.
  • But while you do not know who is who, do not rub the tongue of superfluous about your personal life.

24. Responsibly approach the tasks

  • Instead of working, many just talk at the workplace.
  • Do not pay attention and work for conscience.
  • This is the only way to achieve recognition, respect and career growth.

25. Be professional

  • Even if the work is new for you, try to study all the nuances as quickly as possible to be an expert in your field of activity.
  • This will not happen in one day, but over time, all efforts will be rewarded with respect.

Our tips will not be able to change your life, but along with the efforts you will force yourself to respect. This is not one day, but sooner or later you will feel a respectful attitude towards yourself if you carefully read and work out each item.

Good to know:

Video: Rules after which you will respect you

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