How to register and fill out the delivery address to Aliexpress in Kazakhstan - Instructions: Which address to indicate in what language, how to make the first order?

How to register and fill out the delivery address to Aliexpress in Kazakhstan - Instructions: Which address to indicate in what language, how to make the first order?

In this article you will find instructions for registering and entering the address for Aliexpress In Kazakhstan.

Aliexpress - This is a trading platform that works around the world.

  • Countries and regions that are located next to the border of China can boast of the fact that parcels from Aliexpress They come to them a few days faster than in remote areas.
  • Quickly receive parcels with Aliexpress and residents of Kazakhstan.
  • But many potential buyers of this country do not dare to make an order in the stores of this trading platform, because they do not know how to register on the site correctly and fill out the delivery address. Let's talk about this in this article.

Registration for AliExpress in Kazakhstan: Instruction

If you live not in Kazakhstan, but in Russia, and accidentally came here, then you can read another article on our website on registration for residents of the Russian Federation. It describes in detail the process of creating an account and tells how to make the first order to Russians.

So, here is the registration instruction for residents of Kazakhstan:

  • Go to the site Aliexpress  by this link and click on the inscription "Registration" In the right upper part of the screen.
Click "Registration"

The form for registration will open. Fill in all the columns: enter the email address of your mailbox, surname, name, create a password, repeat it and click "Create".

Enter the data and click
Enter the data and click "Create"

Important: Do not forget to enter the code consisting of letters as in the picture above. If you do not enter this code, registration will be impossible.

Then the letter will come to the email address with the link by which you need to cross. When you go through it, the registration process will be considered completed.

How to fill out the delivery address on AliExpress in Kazakhstan, which address to indicate, in which language: Instructions

When the registration is completed, correctly fill out the table with information for delivery. This will be needed so that your ordered goods reach you without problems. In addition, if you save the form with the address, then with each order then, you do not have to enter the address again. You will only need to press the button and select the right address if you save them several.

So, here's the instruction on how to fill out the delivery address for Kazakhstan on Aliexpress:

Go to the site resource, to the account and go along the selected path from the drop -down menu on the top right "My Aliexpress". The page with addresses will open. You will be empty. Click on "Adding a new address".

Add a new address
Add a new address

The next step will appear. The name of all lines is already in Russian. You only need to translate your data on the Translit website - online translator. The address is filled in Latin letters.  Enter the data in the upper column and click on "Translate".

Translit online translator
Translit online translator

Now enter the result of transliteration into the corresponding columns of the address form. Choose the country from the drop -down menu. Enter the remaining data after the transfer to the translite.

Remember: Recently, indexes have changed in Kazakhstan. Now the index in this country indicates not only the city, but also the house. Therefore, it is important to correctly indicate this information.

If you specify the index incorrect, then the package will come to the district department of the Kazposha. It will take some time until the parcel is sorted and sent to the addressee. If you want to get a product with Aliexpress Faster, then find out in advance your correct index and only then fit it into the form.

When all the data is entered, click "Save". Let's figure it out step by step how to enter the address (translate all the data into a translite-translator):

  1. Write the name and surname.
  2. The country is selected from the drop -down menu.
  3. Then write the number of the house, apartments and the name of the street.
  4. This line is filled if your house has a block number.
  5. The edge or area is selected from the drop -down menu.
  6. City.
  7. Postal code (remember that it should be new and correct).
  8. Mobile phone.
  9. "Save".
Enter the address and click
Enter the address and click "Save"

Here is a sample filling of the delivery table for Aliexpress For residents of Kazakhstan.

Sample filling delivery address in Kazakhstan on Aliexpress
Sample filling delivery address in Kazakhstan on Aliexpress

How to make the first order for Aliexpress, AliExpress in Kazakhstan?

It is worth noting that you can fill out the address directly when ordering the goods on Aliexpress. This is convenient if you order a thing for the first time and did not have time to fill out the table with the address before that. Here are the stages, how to make the first order and how to fill out the address when buying different things:

  • Choose the product. Set all the parameters, select color, size and so on. Click "Buy".
Click "Buy"
  • On the next page you need to check the correctness of the entered parameters and click on "Add a new address".
Add a new address
Add a new address
  • The form will open to save the address. It needs to be filled out as shown above.
  • When click "Save", website Aliexpress He will throw you back to the design page.
  • Click on "Make and pay".
  • If the site sends you to the page of your orders, then on it you will see your unformed order.
  • Click "Pay now". A form with a choice of payment method will appear.
Select a Payment Method
Select a Payment Method
  • On the next tab, enter these cards. How to do it correctly and how to pay a purchase with a card read this article.

After the payment is made, you will see the inscription "Payment passed". Now you can return to AliexpressTo check the status of the order. Opposite your ordered goods will be written "Payment is checked".

The payment is checked
The payment is checked

When the site administration Aliexpress He will check whether the money has been received in the account, the goods will be sent to your specified address. You can expect the arrival of a parcel at the Kazda, and then get it and enjoy the purchase. Good luck!

Video: How to order on Aliexpress in Kazakhstan?

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