How delicious to fry the shrimp in a pan to beer, for salad, with garlic, lemon, soybean, creamy sauce, bat, frozen, boiled, cleaned and in the shell: the best recipes. Calorie content of fried shrimp per 100 grams

How delicious to fry the shrimp in a pan to beer, for salad, with garlic, lemon, soybean, creamy sauce, bat, frozen, boiled, cleaned and in the shell: the best recipes. Calorie content of fried shrimp per 100 grams

Preparation of shrimp.

Fried shrimp belong to a piquant and unusual food. They can decorate and diversify any table: everyday, festive, table with snacks ... This product has perfect useful qualities, plus it contains a lot of useful substances. That is why shrimp must be consumed at least once a week. Let's learn how to cook them correctly.

How to delightly fry the shrimp in a pan with garlic and lemon: recipe

Many people sometimes have no idea how to cook shrimp so that they turn out to be tasty. But do not be discouraged. The shrimp is prepared very easily. The most important thing is to choose the right shrimp, and then prepare them.

Which shrimp is better to take for frying?

  • Look at the appearance of the selected shrimp. Their color should be the same. In addition, the shell of good shrimp is always shiny, and the tail should resemble a hook.
  • If you have chosen shrimp in which the heads are dark, you know, this product is not spoiled. If the head is green, then it ate plankton, if brown, it means that this is a female that was supposed to throw caviar.
  • Look at the shelf life of shrimp. Never take overdue goods, even frozen.

Shrimp are considered a favorite dish of many people. This appetizer has broken records in popularity, as they try to order shrimp in almost every restaurant, cafe, and beer bar. But you should not go to a restaurant to enjoy the taste of shrimp. Prepare them yourself, and for cooking, take:

  • Shrimp - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 5 teeth
  • Lemonchik - 2 pcs
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - at their discretion
Shrimp with a lemon
Shrimp with a lemon


  • Put frozen shrimp in a stewpan. Fry until the moment when the liquid is evaporated
  • Pour in the oil, pour salt. Fry, constantly stirring, 2 minutes
  • Squeeze the juice from lemons, pour the shrimp juice. Fry again
  • When the liquid is reduced, remove the dish from the stove
  • Serve shrimp with a gravy

How to delightly fry frozen tiger shrimp in a pan to beer?

Shrimp is an ideal beer snack. It’s a pity, but not all people know which one to choose. You can surprise your guests with shrimp - a piquant and very tasty snack.

On sale you can find various shrimp, but in this recipe you will need frozen tiger grams 500. In addition, you will have to take so many ingredients:

  • Cherry tomatoes - 100 g
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Olive oil
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Chile pepper
Shrimp for beer
Shrimp for beer


  • Defrost the shrimp
  • Prepare the marinade: chop the garlic, cut the tomatoes into small slices, chop the greens also
  • Mix these ingredients, season, pour a little olive oil
  • Fry shrimp in a pan for 5 minutes

How to delightly fry peeled fragments for salad?

Many believe that unpeeled shrimp is more tasty. But, unfortunately, they are not suitable for preparing other dishes, since it is inconvenient to use unpeeled shrimp.

But you do not need to be afraid that after cleansing your favorite seafood will lose their own juiciness. If you fry them correctly, then their taste will turn out even better.

To prepare a small portion of salad, you will need to take:

  • Large shrimp - 250 g
  • Soy sauce - at its discretion
  • Lemonchik - a little
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Ground pepper - a pinch
  • Greens - a little


  • Clean the shrimp
  • Peel the garlic, cut it finely, combine with shrimp
  • Add the rest of the ingredients
  • Shrimp should lie down a little in the marinade. Then fry them on both sides

How to delight the shrimp in soy sauce?

This recipe is considered the simplest. In order to prepare a snack, you will have to take 3 main components, namely:

  • Large shrimp - 12 pcs
  • Soy sauce - 150 ml
  • Oil
Shrimp in soy sauce
Shrimp in soy sauce


  • Rinse the shrimp, cut each head, as you do not need it
  • Make incisions on the abdomen, but not very deep. Thanks to them, the sauce is so faster to soak shrimp
  • Fold the shrimp with a separate bowl
  • Add the sauce. Mix and leave for 15 minutes
  • Heat the pan well
  • Remove shrimp, shake the sauce. Put in a pan
  • Fry seafood for about 10 minutes
  • Put the shrimp on the dish. Serve like a snack or an addition to the side dish

How to delightly fry the shrimp in the creamy sauce: with garlic in butter?

You can cook these shrimp in 10 minutes. But only if the mollusks are cleaned in advance. Otherwise, you will have to spend extra time on purification. So, prepare so much ingredients:

  • Shrimp - 500 g
  • Garlic - 4 teeth
  • Basilica - a couple of twigs
  • Butter - 20 g
  • Cream - 120 ml
  • Pepper and salt
Creamy shrimp
Creamy shrimp


  • Melt the oil
  • Peel the garlic. Put 1 tooth in oil and fry, 1 chop
  • Remove the garlic, pour the cream right there, bring to a boil
  • Put the shrimp, sprinkle with garlic. Line 2 minutes
  • Chop the greens. Add salt and basil to shrimp. Turn another 2 minutes
  • Take the pan from the stove so that they do not become gesture
  • Put the shrimp on the dish. Serve with paste or rice

How to delight boiled shrimp in batter deliciously?

Shrimp are considered the most delicious of seafood. They are usually boiled. But there are a lot of recipes for frying shrimp in batter. We will share the simplest, for which you need to take any shrimp in size. Prepare so much ingredients:

  • Large -sized shrimp - 400 grams
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc
  • Salt is a pinch
  • Soda is a little
  • Water - 50 ml
Shrimps in batter
Shrimps in batter


  • Defrost the shrimp. Clean
  • Prepare the batter: mix the egg and flour. Season with salt, pepper, add soda
  • Stir the batter. Add a little water
  • Dip shrimp in batter and immediately fry
  • Put fried seafood on a paper towel so that it can absorb the remnants of fat

How to tasty to fry the shrimp in the shell?

The frying of shrimp in the shell is a simple, special recipe. It does not require much experience in cooking, but needs such ingredients:

  • Tiger shrimp - 250 g
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Garlic - 2 tooth
  • Lemonchik - 1 \\ 4
  • Spices
Fried shrimp in the shell
Fried shrimp in the shell


  • Prepare a mayonnaise sauce, chopped garlic, lemon juice
  • Put the shrimp in the pan. Fry 2 min
  • Pour seafood with sauce. Mix
  • Fry for 10 minutes to thicken the sauce. Serve with greens and lemon

How to fry it deliciously large, royal shrimp?

This recipe will need the following ingredients:

  • Shrimp - 250 g
  • Chicken broth - 1 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 1 tsp
  • Seasonings
Fry royal shrimp
Fry royal shrimp


  • Defrost the royal shrimp. Dry them, fry in a pan
  • Salt, pin, add chicken broth
  • Fry 10 minutes
  • Put shrimp on a plate, pour sauce

How to delight Argentine shrimp?

For fried Argentine shrimp, you will have to cook a special sauce. The seafood itself is prepared by the traditional method. For sauce, stock up on the following products:

  • Garlic - 2 tooth
  • Soy sauce - 1/2 st.
  • Fresh ginger
  • Oil olives - 3 tbsp.
Preparation of shrimp
Preparation of shrimp


  • Put ginger, chopped garlic, butter, sauce in a separate dish. Mix
  • Do not boil or cook the sauce
  • Macute fried shrimp into the resulting consistency

Frying shrimp with honey: recipe

The pulp of shrimp is quite soft. Therefore, if you overfeed them, their meat will be tough and tasteless. Try to act quickly, adhere to our recipe for which you will have to stock up:

  • Shrimp - 400 g
  • Soy sauce - 80 ml
  • Honey - 2 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 2 tbsp
  • Ginger - 2 tbsp.
  • Greenery
Honey shrimp
Honey shrimp


  • Prepare all the ingredients. Grind garlic with ginger
  • Add honey, sauce to garlic and ginger. Pour the components to shrimp
  • Put the components in the package. Close it for 15 minutes
  • Pour 1 \\ 2 of the resulting honey sauce into the pan. Boil
  • Add seafood to the sauce. Fry until the sauce thickens
  • Put the finished shrimp on the plate, sprinkle with herbs, pour the sauce

Frying shrimps with pineapple: recipe

Of the number of components we have proposed, you will get 6 servings. You can serve shrimp with rice or as a snack for guilt. The right amount of ingredients is this:

  • Shrimp - 300 g
  • Canned pineapple - 300 g
  • Bacon - 6 slices
  • Barbecue sauce - 200 ml


  • Fry the bacon to make a crispy crust on it
  • Put the shrimp with pineapples to bacon. Fry up until the shrimps acquire a pinkish color
  • Pour a sauce into a pan. Stew for about a couple of minutes

Shrimp fried in Tajeto: recipe

To do this recipe, take raw seafood. Fry them no more than 5 minutes, otherwise they will become rubber. For cooking, stock up:

  • Shrimp - 400 gr
  • Onions - 75 gr
  • Garlic - 2 tooth
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp
  • Chile with pepper - 1/2 tsp
  • Paprika - a little
  • Cloves - a little
  • Cardamon - a little
  • Oil
  • Ginger - 1/2 tsp
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc
  • Cream - 130 ml
  • Fresh cilantro - 1 tbsp
Shrimp are in a new one
Shrimp are in a new one


  • Prepare the shrimp. Cover with turmeric
  • Grind spices. Fry them with butter in a pan
  • Add shrimp with tomatoes to spices
  • Pour into the cream shrimp. Fry about 5 minutes
  • Serve with rice sprinkled with greens

Shrimp fried in Armane in Catalon: Recipe

The dish will no doubt surprise you and your guests. Moreover, shrimp are perfect combined with wine. Serve it to the festive table or for the called dinner. There is one insignificant minus - prepared shrimp with this method is eaten literally instantly. You will have to stock up:

  • Large shrimp - 15 pcs
  • Small tomatoes - 12 pcs
  • Red onion - 2 pcs
  • Lemonchik - 1 \\ 2


  • Fry the shrimp with the usual method. You can boil them for 2 minutes. Look at your discretion
  • Put the shrimp in a small dish, sprinkle them with lemon juice
  • Cut the tomatoes. Put in a separate bowl
  • Grind the onion in half rings. Add to tomatoes. Mix
  • Transfer tomatoes with onions to shrimp. Salt. Add a little olive oil
  • Put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Calorie content of fried shrimp per 100 grams

Shrimp, of course, are of different sizes. They are incredible popular throughout the planet. The shrimps account for about 30% of the seafood that people consume. Therefore, they are on a leading position, while even squid and crab are ahead.

For those who try to adhere to a diet, the problem is to find the desired recipe. Very often they limit their own diet, and do it in vain. It doesn’t matter which product, the main thing is that it is correctly prepared.

If you decide to sit on a diet, be sure to include fried shrimps in the menu. Moreover, the calorie content of this product after frying is approximately 120 kk per 100 g.

Video: 3 recipes of fried shrimp in garlic sauce

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