How to find out hidden friends: VK 220

How to find out hidden friends: VK 220

If you want to see the hidden friends of one of the VK users, use the 220VK service. How it works, read in this article.

Everyone knows that on the page of any VK user you can see all his friends. Also, there has long been a function in this social network - several friends can be hidden.

  • In this case, other users who will go to your page will not see that these people are in your friends.
  • But it is always interesting whether a friend hid one of the users and who is on this list?
  • How to do this, read below.

How to find out hidden friends: VK 220

VKontakte many different privacy functions. You can also become invisible, but at the same time be online and listen to music or perform other actions. For your friends and users, you will be offline. How to do this, read in the article on this link.

How to hide a friend of VK?

Stages, how to hide the friends of VK
Stages, how to hide the friends of VK

It’s easy to hide the friends of VK. You can do this in the settings of your profile:

  • Go to your page.
  • Click "My settings".
  • Open the tab "Privacy".
  • Select item "Who can be seen in the list of my friends". Click on the right to an active link and the system will transfer you to the panel with the editor.
Panel with an editor to hide the friends of VK
Panel with an editor to hide the friends of VK
  • The window opens. On the left is a list of all your friends and friends. On the right is a list of users that you have already hidden from prying eyes.
  • In the line on top, dial the name of a friend and click "Save changes".
  • Repeat all these actions with other friends who need to be hidden.
  • Now, when viewing a list of friends, these people on this list will not have on your page.

VK 220 - View hidden friends

Service 220VK Now very popular. It is used by VK users to see hidden friends. Let's figure out how this site works. In order to use it, do the following:

220VK service
220VK service
  • Go to the resource at this link.
  • On the main page of the site, the form immediately opens. It needs to be introduced in it iD userIn which you want to see hidden friends.
  • Insert the identifier into the desired line and click "Scan".
  • After a few seconds, a page will open on which hidden user friends will be visible, if any.
This page shows the hidden friends of the user
This page shows the hidden friends of the user

Service 220VK It works flawlessly. You can use it and establish surveillance of the right friend of VK. The service will do everything quickly and impeccably. Good luck!

Video: a real spy of VKontakte! Works!

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