How to find out the dollar for today, tomorrow in the mobile application Aliexpress, to the Russian, Belarusian ruble, hryvnia, tenge?

How to find out the dollar for today, tomorrow in the mobile application Aliexpress, to the Russian, Belarusian ruble, hryvnia, tenge?

If you need to find out the dollar on Aliexpress Today or tomorrow, read the article. It has an instruction that will help to do it quickly and simply.

On the largest trading platform Aliexpress Trade in 19 currencies of different countries is conducted. After all, people from all over the world buy goods for Aliexpress. In addition, there is a binding of each national currency to the dollar. This is convenient, but often buyers do not know what dollar exchange rate is on the trading platform today. Find out this information is simple, read the article below.

How to find out the dollar for today, tomorrow in the mobile application Aliexpress, to the Russian, Belarusian ruble, hryvnia, tenge?

Currency on Aliexpress
Currency on Aliexpress

If you are not registered for Aliexpress And you do not have a mobile application from the developers of this trading platform, then you first need to download the application. Read article on this link on our websiteSo that you can do everything right. Also will help you in registration on Ali this is this article or video instructions on this link.

So, when the application is installed, and the account is created, you can choose the product and study the exchange rate for today or tomorrow. To do this, follow the following:

  • Open the application and log in to Aliexpress Under your username and password.
  • Then go to the menu, which is displayed as “three strips”.
  • A list of active tabs will open. Click on the “currency converter”.
  • After that, you will see a currency course: Flags on the right, and the numbers on the left. To find out the exchange rate of the right country, click on the arrow near the flag and choose the country.
Current currencies for Aliexpress for today
Current currencies for Aliexpress for today

After simple manipulations, the desired exchange rate in relation to the dollar will appear.

Remember: On Aliexpress The internal course of currencies operates. Therefore, it may differ slightly from the course of the Central Bank of a particular country.

Course on Aliexpress It can change within a day. This must be remembered if you are going to make large purchases. Successful shopping!

Video: How to find out the course on Aliexpress?

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