How to find out if you have hemorrhoids? Is hemorrhoids without pain? Can hemorrhoids go on your own?

How to find out if you have hemorrhoids? Is hemorrhoids without pain? Can hemorrhoids go on your own?

From this article you will find out if you have hemorrhoids. We will also tell you whether it is possible to get rid of this pathology forever and whether hemorrhoids are without pain.

Hemorrhoids are a frequent disease from which people of different ages suffer. Moreover, this disease appears in both men and women. The first signs of hemorrhoids are itching, pain, bleeding and discomfort in the rectum during defecation. How to cure such a pathology and what? Is it possible to go to a bath or pool with hemorrhoids? Can this disease appear after childbirth or surgery? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article.

Inner and external hemorrhoids: how to find out if this pathology is?


Hemorrhoids causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. It hurts, it can bleed. How to find out this pathology?

External hemorrhoids are located outside, near the anus. Their color and structure are the same as that of the skin around. Easily inflamed, become denser, and very painful. Acute thrombosis or simple edema that appears against the background of prolonged sitting, walking, and physical activity may develop.

It is worth knowing: In no case should the external hemorrhoidal nodes need to be adjusted, they should be outside. If you try to get inside, you can seriously injure them, and then you can’t do without the help of a doctor.

Fibrous changes in external nodes may also occur, which will lead to objective indications of removing these nodes quickly.

Inner hemorrhoids or internal nodes are located inside the anal canal and they are covered with the mucous membrane of the rectum, have a crimson color, soft and elastic to the touch. The loss of internal nodes is an indication for surgical intervention.

Is hemorrhoids without pain, can the stomach with hemorrhoids hurt?


Hemorrhoids have several stages of development. If at the initial stage, hemorrhoids proceeds unnoticed, without pain, then in the next stages, pain appears.

  • The pain in the lower abdomen is the first symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  • Most often, people do not pay attention to these painful sensations, attributing their occurrence to another ailment.

Important: Be sure to visit the doctor at the first feeling of pain in the lower abdomen. This will find out whether you suffer from hemorrhoids or such a symptom is associated with another pathology.

According to statistics, people seek a doctor at more serious stages of hemorrhoids. But it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor, and when the first discomfort appears, you should immediately consult a specialist, which will avoid serious complications. It is also worth knowing the following:

  • Hemorrhoids are not always accompanied by pain.
  • The most important symptom is the release of blood from the anus, usually in a small amount, after defecation, and the pain is associated precisely with the appearance of cracks in the anal canal.
  • Most people with hemorrhoids may have painful sensations.
  • In this case, treatment begins with a complex of conservative measures, and with ineffectiveness - from surgical intervention.

People who do not experience pain with hemorrhoids can do with ordinary treatment in the form of the use of candles, traditional medicine. But most importantly, consult a doctor in time, who will prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Can hemorrhoids go on your own, is it possible to cure without surgery and how?


If nothing is done in terms of treatment, then hemorrhoids cannot go on its own. An increase in physical activity, the use of products, rich in fiber in the early stages, will help, and the ailment will retreat without consequences.

It is worth knowing: If the disease is launched, it is difficult to correct everything by changing the diet. When the blood vessels in the rectum are constantly crowded with blood, hemorrhoids are formed. In these nodes, the blood almost does not move and stagnates. The nodes are heavy and fall out of the rectum.

In such cases, doctors resort to surgery and perform their removal. Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids without surgery and how? This is possible in the first stages of pathology. Here are some tips:

Medication therapy Often helps to cope with the disease at the first stage.

  • Only a doctor should prescribe treatment.
  • Preparations that thin the blood and suppress the inflammatory process are necessarily used.

Eliminate provoking factors.

  • It is important to get rid of constipation, do not eat spicy and smoked dishes, eat and drink a lot of water right. Eat products rich in fiber, as well as raw vegetables and fruits.

Avoid stressful situations.

  • With stress, adrenaline is released in the blood.
  • It thickens blood, which leads to the formation of blood clots and hemorrhoids.

You can use minimally invasive treatment methods:

  • Sclerotherapy - A special substance is introduced into the problem area, and the node begins to decrease.
  • Infrared coagulation - The effects of rays helps the death of damaged tissues.
  • Laging latex - Installing a latex ring at the base of the node, helps to block blood and nutrition to it. This leads to the death of the node and the appearance of new, healthy tissues.
  • Cryotherapy - Exposure on the focus of pathology with liquid nitrogen. Helps to get rid of both internal and external nodes.

All these manipulations are almost painless and effective. They help in the treatment of hemorrhoids in the initial stages. The nodes disappear, passing and replenishment passes and hemorrhoids no longer bothers. If such manipulations do not help, then surgery is prescribed.

Remember: It is useless to treat hemorrhoids if its defiant factor is not removed.

Which doctor will help get rid of the problem of hemorrhoids?


If a person suspects hemorrhoids, first of all he must go to proctologist. This specialist is engaged in diseases of the rectum. What other doctor will help get rid of the problem of hemorrhoids?

  • You can contact a narrower specialist in the diseases of the colon - coloproctologist.
  • In men, hemorrhoids are often accompanied by inflammatory prostate processes, so they should turn to urologist.
  • Hemorrhoids in women can occur during pregnancy. So that he does not affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth, you need to consult about this with your gynecologist.
  • With hemorrhoids, blood vessels are affected and hemorrhoidal nodes are protruded, so you should consult in phlebologist.

A dietitologist It will help tips on the diet. Proper nutrition will prevent the appearance of new cracks, as you will get rid of constipation or diarrhea. With diarrhea, inflammation of the rectum also occurs, and cracks and nodes may appear.

How and how to cure hemorrhoids: surgery, ointment, sea buckthorn oil helps, is it possible to smear with green, iodine, Vishnevsky ointment?

Sea buckthorn oil from hemorrhoids
Sea buckthorn oil from hemorrhoids

Treatment of any disease should begin as early as possible. This will overcome the ailment with the least negative consequences for the body. Hemorrhoids in the initial stage are easily given local therapy. In advanced cases, a more serious approach is required - the operation. How and what to cure hemorrhoids?

Depending on the type and stage of the development of hemorrhoids, doctors prescribe the following therapeutic measures:

  • Diet and proper dietfacilitating defecation.
  • Cold lotions from anti -inflammatory solutions or ordinary cool water.
  • Special healing creams, local ointments for external hemorrhoids - proctosan, levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment, heparin ointment.
  • Phlebotonizing drugs To improve blood circulation - Venarus.
  • Rectal candles For internal hemorrhoids-etomzilat, relifa, hepatrombin-g, sea buckthorn candles with sea buckthorn oil in the composition.

All these drugs are aimed at facilitating blood circulation, acceleration of healing of the damaged mucosa, relief of inflammation, eliminating pain and itching.

  • Iodine and green They are not the best options for therapy, as they have an aggressive effect on injured skin and can only aggravate the situation.
  • It is also possible to occur with a burn with improper use.
  • Such drugs can be used in the absence of other treatments, but only according to the doctor’s testimony and very carefully.

Natural components are also able to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. The most popular of them are:

  • Compresses From grated raw potatoes.
  • Washing After defecation with cold water.
  • The use of sea buckthorn oil, it is necessary to lubricate the anus.
  • Drinking decoctions From rosehips, nettles, yarrow.
  • Chamomile infusionsfor personal hygiene in the form of washing the anus. Chamomile soothes and relieves inflammation.
  • Independently cooked ointments Based on Vaseline and honey, with the addition of calendula, aloe.

As you can see, hemorrhoids treating hemorrhoids without surgery are a lot. But only a doctor should also appoint them. After all, each method of treatment can have contraindications for a particular patient.

Is it possible to have vaginal, anal sex with hemorrhoids?

Ital sex with hemorrhoids is prohibited
Ital sex with hemorrhoids is prohibited

With hemorrhoids, there are some restrictions related to intimacy. Is it possible to have vaginal or anal sex with hemorrhoids? You should know that vaginal sex Not contraindicated, unlike anal.

  • With vaginal sex, pressure on the peritoneum should not be created.
  • No need to make excessive efforts and create a quick pace.
  • Poses must be selected as comfortable and comfortable as possible.
  • The frequency and intensity of sex should be minimal.
  • It is also necessary to know that an orgasm is necessary, since with it there is a surge of blood to the pelvic organs and blood circulation normalizes.

Concerning anal sex With hemorrhoids, it can contribute to the exacerbation of the disease.

  • With anal sex, damage to the vessels and the rectum mucosa occurs, because of this, pathology can give complications.

Advice: Regarding sex with hemorrhoids, consult a doctor. After all, only a specialist will be able to determine and suggest the measure of the permitted and protect from unpleasant consequences.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse, pool with hemorrhoids, ride a bicycle, take a hot bath, play sports, make an enema?

The pool with hemorrhoids
The pool with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the veins of the sphincter of the anal hole. Pathology is manifested by inflammation and formation of nodes. At the same time, the veins expand and become winding, forming nodules around the output of the rectum. A person’s life with such a pathology has some restrictions. Read more below.

Can I go to the bathhouse with hemorrhoids?

  • The medical community opposes a visit to the bathhouse, who is diagnosed with hemorrhoids.
  • The specificity of the disease is associated with the varicose vessel expansion.
  • Under the influence of high temperatures, the walls of the veins are even more expanding and stretching.
  • The load on the vessels of the significant increases, which can lead to the progression of the disease and the occurrence of complications.

The consequences of bath procedures can be:

  • Blood rupture and bleeding.
  • The formation of a blood clot. With thermal heating of the body in the bath, fluid from the surface of the skin and in the vessels is subject to evaporation. Moisture is evaporated, and a clot of blood turns into a blood clot. A blood clot can come off with a blood flow along the vascular riveting to get into the vital organs. Overlap of blood flow is a dangerous pathology for human health and life.

Going to the pool.

  • With hemorrhoids, a visit to the pool is encouraged, except in cases of the acute phase of the disease and in the postoperative period.
  • Swimming is a great way to strengthen the muscles, tissues and vessels of the pelvis, as well as prevent exacerbation of the disease.


  • During hemorrhoids, proctologists do not recommend using a bicycle.
  • The weight of the body weight and saddle of the bicycle to the hemorrhoid node can provoke its gap and bleeding.
  • In addition, the patient will feel discomfort, and even pain.

Accepting a hot bath.

  • Hot bath, like a bathhouse, is categorically contraindicated to patients suffering from hemorrhoids.
  • It is allowed to receive the bathroom, with a temperature of water only 1-2 degrees higher than body temperature.
  • A slightly warm bathroom procedure helps relieve itching and burning in a painful area. Due to the optimum water temperature, blood circulation and regeneration of sick tissues will improve.

Proceeding sports.

Sports is allowed with a reservation. Patients are strongly recommended to abandon intense, heavy sports:

  • Weightlifting
  • Body-building
  • Boxing, fighting, martial arts
  • Horseback Riding
  • Bicycle sport.

Exercises for the abdominal press, increased legs load will negatively affect health.

Is it possible to make an enema with hemorrhoids? Yes, with hemorrhoids, you can make a regular and therapeutic enema. Proctologists are prohibited from putting enemas only in the acute stage of the disease.

The reasons:

  • Strong inflammation in the tissues.
  • Tissue sensitivity and exposure to damage.
  • Pain.

As a method of treating hemorrhoids, a specialist can prescribe microclysters. Typically, it includes a solution of medicinal herbs and medications.

Is it possible to drink with hemorrhoids alcohol, coffee?

Coffee with hemorrhoids
Coffee with hemorrhoids

The aggravation of hemorrhoids begins at the most unexpected moment. The reasons can be very different: constipation, stress, injury, and so on. With hemorrhoids, the intestinal walls are weakened, and the venous vessels are constantly expanded. In this regard, the main council of doctors is to refuse products that increase blood flow. But is it possible to drink alcohol and coffee with hemorrhoids?

  • Ethanol, which is part of alcohol, helps to expand the vessels, which are already stretched and inflamed. As a result - cracks and blood from the anus.
  • Coffee In case of disease, you should also be consumed with caution. Excessive coffee consumption can turn into an increase in blood pressure, which will lead to the tone of blood vessels and the emergence of new inflammations and cracks. Therefore, it should be consumed in small quantities, otherwise bleeding cannot be avoided.

Even if the patient does not have an exacerbation of hemorrhoids during the period of drinking alcohol or coffee, this does not mean that exacerbation will not occur later. It is better to refrain from taking these drinks and give preference to still water and non -acidic juices.

After the hemorrhoid operation, is it possible to drink laxative?

Laxative with hemorrhoids
Laxative with hemorrhoids

After any operation, there is a problem of intestinal release, which can bother the patient up to six months. Is it possible to drink a laxative after surgery to remove hemorrhoids?

  • Such drugs act for a short time and often cause addiction.
  • If you stop using laxatives, you will suffer from constipation, and this is unacceptable.
  • Therefore, laxatives can only be resorted to when very strong constipation occurs.

Important: Follow such a diet in which the feces will be soft and will not injure the wound, creating new cracks.

In the postoperative period, it is worth giving preference to porridge, boiled chicken and a couple of vegetables. It is better to bake fruits in the oven or boil and consume in the form of compotes. In raw form, you can eat only 1 fruit of kiwi. This fruit perfectly normalizes the chair and relieves constipation.

Also adhere to such tips:

  • Drink 2 liters of water per day.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil on an empty stomach - Once a day, in the morning.
  • Exclude fried and hard food, legumes.
  • Use natural yogurt without sugar in the evening, and in the morning oatmeal with fruits.

A very good natural laxative is prunes and natural plum juice. You can also use 1 teaspoon of beet juice per day. This will save from constipation, but such treatment should last no more than two weeks.

With hemorrhoids, is it possible to do colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy with hemorrhoids
Colonoscopy with hemorrhoids
Colonoscopy is the examination method that allows you to see the state of the rectum.
It reveals even the smallest microcracks and helps the doctor put not only an accurate diagnosis, but also to do some therapeutic procedures. With hemorrhoids, is it possible to do colonoscopy?
This study is prescribed for hemorrhoids. It helps to evaluate the general condition of hemorrhoidal nodes, the intensity of bleeding, the cross -country cross -country passage and the presence of other diseases. Despite the fact that colonoscopy is the most informative and simple study, you need to prepare for it in a day:
  • Food should be exclusively liquid. It is forbidden to use fruits, juices, soda.
  • For cleansing the intestines, laxatives should be used. With strong constipation, you will have to make an enema.

In order to avoid injury, during the study, the air is pre -pumped in the gut so that the body straightens it. This helps to conduct a study correctly and get as much information as possible about the state of the pathological process.

Does hemorrhoids affect pregnancy, conception of a child in women, potency in men?

Potency in men with hemorrhoids
Potency in men with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the rectum in which internal veins and the formation of thrombosis are expanding. The influence of this pathology on the health of men and women has long been studied. Read more below.

Does hemorrhoids affect pregnancy?

  • During pregnancy, a woman often encounters the problem of bowel movements, feces harden, which interferes with their output.
  • In the presence of pregnant hemorrhoids, swelling of the anus occurs, due to additional pressure on hemorrhoidal nodes, which leads to anal bleeding.
  • The danger of the development of fetal anemia and its intrauterine infection, through the umbilical cord, increases.

Does hemorrhoids affect the conception of a child in women?

  • With a prolonged course of the disease, as well as in the chronic stage, a weight loss is noted, which has a negative effect on ovulation in the female body, which complicates conception in women.

Does hemorrhoids influence potency in men?

  • Hemorrhoids have an indirect effect on potency in men.
  • In the stage of exacerbation, constant pains appear, and blood discharge from the anal canal.
  • The desire to have sex disappears, since during intercourse the tension on the inguinal and perineal muscles increases.
  • A decrease in potency leads to a deterioration in sperm quality, which reduces the possibility of conception in men.

Thus, hemorrhoids are a serious danger to a pregnant woman and indirectly affects the possibility of conception in women and potency in men.

Can it be used for hemorrhoids glycerin candles, use methyluracyl?

Glycerin candles with hemorrhoids
Glycerin candles with hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, patients experience difficulties with bowel movements. Since this leads to constipation, the formation of cracks and the loss of hemorrhoids, many patients begin to look for ways to solve such a problem.

  • Candles with glycerin are a reliable and proven tool. After all, with their help, feces soften, which contributes to their easy excretion.
  • The drug is methyluracyl It has an anti -inflammatory property and helps to quickly heal cracks. Along with this, itching and burning passes. Therefore, many doctors recommend it for use.

Glycerin suppositories and methyluracyl help equally well with hemorrhoids. But one drug only helps to get rid of constipation, the second has a wider spectrum of action - heals wounds and cracks, and helps absorb hemorrhoids. Therefore, the choice of the drug is made based on the symptoms and stage of the disease. If you just need to get rid of constipation, then glycerin candles are suitable. If you need to relieve inflammation, then it is worth using candles with methyluracyl.

Is it dangerous, is hemorrhoids forever, can I go to cancer?

The main danger of hemorrhoids is that if it is not treated, then the disease will only aggravate. Is it dangerous, is hemorrhoids forever, can I go to cancer?

  • Over time, complications appear, such that there will be a high probability of surgical intervention. If you begin treatment immediately as soon as the disease begins to manifest itself, then getting rid of it is much easier.
  • It is almost impossible to cure hemorrhoids forever and completely to forget about it. Treatment should be timely and not independent. Be sure to contact a specialist with this problem.
  • As for the fear of many patients about the fact that hemorrhoids can go to cancer, this is a delusion. Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the vessels in the rectum, cancer is the degeneration of the cells of the mucous layer. These are various diseases, but their symptoms have a small similarity.

In any case, when the symptoms of burning in the anus, discomfort or bleeding appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis.

Do they take the army with hemorrhoids?

Army and hemorrhoids
Army and hemorrhoids

The question of the suitability of the military service of the conscripts suffering from hemorrhoids is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.07.2013 N 565 (as amended on 16.03.2019) “On approval of the Regulation on military medical examination”. Do they take the army with hemorrhoids?

  • According to this resolution, hemorrhoids belongs to the group of diseases of the circulatory system and may be the basis for obtaining categories B. (limitedly suitable for military service) and prevent military service.

However, the process of exemption from military service on this basis can be difficult, since it requires compliance with a number of conditions prescribed in the resolution.

  • According to the law, the conscript is exempt from service only in cases where the disease proceeds with frequent complications (bleeding, thrombosis) and secondary anemia, or if hemorrhoids are accompanied by the loss of nodes II - III degree.
  • Moreover, a prerequisite is to find a conscript on treatment 3 or more times Over the past year, which must be recorded in stationary conditions.

It's important to know: Absence 3 extracts From the hospital with information about the medical history, the absence of signs of exacerbation and complaints, rare cases of complications during successful treatment, are not grounds for the release of a conscript from military service.

In this case, the assignment of the suitability category for military service passes individually and may include or category b (suitable for military service with minor restrictions), or category a (suitable for military service).

Can hemorrhoids again appear after surgery, can hemorrhoids appear, get out after childbirth?

Pregnancy and hemorrhoids
Pregnancy and hemorrhoids

No method of treating hemorrhoids gives a life guarantee that the disease will not return again. This is determined by the nature of the disease of the rectum.
Can hemorrhoids appear again after surgery?

  • The operational methods of getting rid of hemorrhoids are the most effective.
  • The changed vessels are removed, thrombosis is prevented. Unlike surgery, surface therapy eliminates only symptoms, relieves inflammation and is able to cause prolonged remission, but not a complete cure.
  • If you conduct an incorrect lifestyle, not to fight constipation, there will be stretching and injury of the rectum, and hemorrhoids may return again.

Can hemorrhoids appear, get out after childbirth? In women, a hemorrhoid node often appears after childbirth. This is due to such factors:

  • The pressure during pregnancy of the fetus to the intestines leading to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.
  • Intensive attempts during childbirth.
  • Difficulties with defecation.
  • Testing injuries.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.

It is worth knowing: All this can not only entail the formation of hemorrhoids, even if there was never before pregnancy and childbirth, but also provoke the appearance of the disease if a woman has already treated such a pathology.

In case of provoking factors, the problem may return in both cases: after childbirth and after surgery. Only prevention and timely diagnosis and treatment will help to avoid relapse. Precautions and all the doctor's recommendations should be constantly observed.

Do hemorrhoids are removed during inflammation, during menstruation, in pregnant women?


Many men and women suffer from diseases of the rectum. The appearance of hemorrhoids can be triggered by mechanical damage, intestinal disorders, malnutrition and other factors. When the disease progresses and causes severe discomfort, the question arises of the surgical method of treatment.

Do you remove hemorrhoids in pregnant women?

  • During pregnancy, the load on the entire female body increases.
  • The fetus presses on the internal organs, prevents a full -fledged blood circulation. The intestinal activity is reduced due to changes in the hormonal background.
  • This is the cause of the loss of hemorrhoids.
  • However, the operation of pregnant women is contraindicated. Anesthesia and drugs can have a negative effect on the development of the child.
  • In addition, the problem after childbirth may disappear without such radical measures.

Removal of hemorrhoids during menstruation - Is it possible to perform an operation?

  • During menstruation, experts do not recommend removing hemorrhoids due to changes in blood properties.
  • It becomes more liquid, coagulation decreases, which can lead to large blood loss.
  • Immunity and well -being are instability during menstruation. It is better to transfer the operation to other days of the cycle.

Is an operation performed with inflammation?

  • With exacerbation of hemorrhoids, operational actions are not carried out.
  • First, local therapy is prescribed with candles and ointments, inflammation is removed. And only after achieving the effect, the doctor can allow removal of the nodes.

In any case, the operation is carried out only according to the doctor’s testimony. If you are set by the date of surgical intervention, and you realized that you are pregnant, or this date falls on the days of menstruation, it is better to inform the doctor about it.

Is it possible to stop hemorrhoids bleeding at home and how?

Ice helps from hemorrhoids
Ice helps from hemorrhoids

Various plexuses in the rectum are an anatomical norm, but hemorrhoids, it is already a pathology that needs to be treated, and the faster the better. External hemorrhoids are almost always manifested only by pain, and the internal one is most often not only with pain, but also with bleeding. Is it possible to stop hemorrhoids bleeding at home and how?

This can be done with the help of such means:

  • Lotions of ice water or icewrapped in a clean rag napkin. But such a procedure is carried out if there are no inflammatory processes.
  • You can take baths Or make compresses with herbal infusion of strawberries.
  • Marking tampon compressimpregnated with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Candles of 20 grams of propolis and 80 grams of petroleum jelly. Add to these ingredients a teaspoon of cocoa and lanolin oil. Melt all the components in the water pair and mix. Make paper molds, pour the mixture and put in the refrigerator. Remove the paper and use one candle at night.

Now you know how to treat hemorrhoids and how to stop bleeding. Follow the doctor’s recommendations, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and do not drink alcohol and coffee. This will help to avoid exacerbation of the disease and get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Good luck!

Video: “Sedentary” disease. Haemorrhoids

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Comments K. article

  1. I doubt that without obvious symptoms it is possible to detect hemorrhoids. At an early stage, he does not interfere and is not felt, but then you don’t know where to get away from pain and problems with trips to the toilet. In the treatment, I took a fibrallax, gently lazy+reduces the symptoms), put anal candles and made compresses. Somehow I got rid of the problem.

  2. I am very afraid of the operation, besides, she does not give guarantees that after time hemorrhoids will not come out again. So I am saved by the doctor prescribed. By the way, among other things, I was assigned to use a proctolif’s napkins instead of (or it is possible together) toilet paper. Napkins, not only do they cleanse everything well, but also soothe the skin, help relieve itching and other unpleasant sensations.

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