How to satisfy thirst without water when there is no water, when you can not drink water, in the summer in the heat: tips

How to satisfy thirst without water when there is no water, when you can not drink water, in the summer in the heat: tips

Want to know how to quench thirst without water? This is simple, there are several ways.

Even the student knows that 80% of the human body, namely, of the water, in the human body. For good health, a person just needs to use liquid throughout the day. There are even the norms of water drunk. An adult needs to drink about two liters of water, but in hot weather conditions, this figure may be exceeded.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What is the value of the human body to ordinary water, and what kind of water is the most useful?". You will find out how much you need and how to drink water for health and weight loss, and what will happen in the body if you drink very much and very little water per day.

How does water affect the human body? And what to do if there is no source with clean drinking water at hand? How to quench thirst in this case? Read further.

Water for body benefits: Why is it important to drink water?

Water is useful for the body
Water is useful for the body

Water in the human body plays an important role. As soon as the body begins to experience the need for fluids, serious problems may arise that will lead to irreversible consequences. Water is needed for the benefits of the body. Why is it important to drink water?

  • The liquid plays an important role for digestion. It helps food is better absorbed and promotes quick digestion.
  • Interesting, but it is water that helps a person not to freeze in the cold and not receive a thermal blow to the sultry heat. Water helps thermoregulation of the body, maintaining its temperature.
  • Without enough fluid, the human brain could not work in full force.
  • Water is an indispensable assistant in the excretion of excess salts and toxins from the body.
  • For people who want to reduce body weight, water is an integral part of diets.
  • The liquid helps the skin remain healthy and has an anti -aging effect.

But what if you want to drink, but there are no bottles of water at hand? How to quench your thirst? Read further.

Video: 6 wrong ways to drink water

How to quench thirst, if there is little water: tips

It so happens that in sultry weather, a person is with a small amount of water. And there is no opportunity to buy or gain water at all. Then it must be spent as economically as possible. How to quench thirst if there is little water? There are some tips on how to help yourself in this situation:

  • Most often, thirst causes irritation of the oral mucosa.

In hot weather, this is dusty, eaten spicy or too salty food, dry mouth, etc. In this case, a great option would be to rinse your mouth. Before taking a sip of water, it should be detained in the mouth for a few seconds. After the thirst can be defeated, you should immediately look for a source of water and stock up on liquid.

  • In such areas of the body as the face, armpits, elbow bends and wrists are receptors that are more susceptible to moisture.

Having moistened these areas of the skin, the receptors will give a signal to the brain, that the liquid is enough and an attack of thirst for a while releases. Also, sweating will decrease and the body will cease to lose moisture.

  • The brain can be deceived.

It is enough just add a couple of drops of vinegar and lemon juice to a glass of water. Such a drink contains many acids that block receptors and suppress thirst. A sip of such a drink will replace a whole glass of pure water.

These tips will help a person not to experience an exhausting sense of thirst. You should not abuse such methods, but in an emergency, these methods will help not suffer from the desire to drink water for some time.

How to quench thirst without water, if it is not at all: tips

So that I do not want to drink in the heat, the clothes should be made of natural fabrics
So that I do not want to drink in the heat, the clothes should be made of natural fabrics

The situation is aggravated if there is no water left in the reserve. The complete absence of fluid is dangerous for humans. Dehydration can lead to a malfunction of the body. How to quench thirst without water, if it is not at all? There are several ways to preserve fluid in the body. Here are the tips:

  • Clothing from natural fabrics will help preserve the fluid in the body much longer than the usual. For example, a cotton or flax shirt will reduce sweat evaporation, which means that it will help preserve the liquid.
  • If there is no way to drink a glass of water, you should breathe exclusively with your nose. Breathing with an mouth the mucous membrane will dry out much faster. Preserving humidity in the mouth, the feeling of thirst will not come so quickly.
  • An ordinary coin will help from thirst. Such coins as 1, 2 and 5- rubles contain copper. This metal in the mouth will help increase salivation and the brain will perceive such an effect as thirsty. It should be noted that the coin in the mouth is not a very safe method if you look at it from the sanitary side. But this is better than suffering from thirst.

But what if you can’t drink water? How to quench your thirst? Read further.

How to satisfy thirst without water at night when you can not drink water?

If you are not only possible to drink water during the day, but it is also necessary, then the use of water in the evening and at night does not quite favorably affect the body. Eating fluid at night contributes to edema. Having drunk all a glass of water before bedtime, you can wake up with swelling legs, fingers and face. Also, large consumption of water at night gives a large load on the kidneys. Well, frequent urge to the toilet due to a large amount of liquid at night, they can break the dream and a person risks waking up already tired.

How to satisfy thirst without water at night when you can not drink water? Here are the tips:

  • Before going to bed, do not eat salty, spicy foods, it will surely provoke a feeling of thirst. In addition, such food will give a large load on the stomach before bedtime.
  • Before going to bed, it is best to replace ordinary food with fruits and vegetables that contain a large amount of liquids, such as strawberries, cucumber, celery, spinach, tomatoes. These products contain from 90% of water in its composition.

The best way to get rid of a sense of thirst in the evening is to use enough fluids during the day. It is important to saturate the body with water throughout the day, then the thirst will not take on the night at night.

How to quench thirst in the summer in the heat without water?

In summer, the body requires water more than ever. The sweating in the heat is more intense, so the body loses fluid several times more intensively. But what if the weather is sultry, but there is no possibility of drinking water? How to quench thirst in the summer in the heat without water? Tips:

  • If there is such an opportunity, then you should plunge into a cool reservoir. When immersed in water, body temperature will decrease, the skin will be saturated with moisture and a feeling of thirst will retreat.
  • It is also necessary not to neglect the headdress. Overheating of the head, there will be a desire to drink liquids. Also, a walk without a headdress can threaten a heat blow.
  • To dull thirst, you can use products with content vitamin S. Berries such as currants will help get rid of thirst for a long time.
  • Moderately consume sweet foods. In the summer, all paviliones are full of sweets and other treats. It would seem that ice cream will help cool the body, but this is a delusion. After ice cream, or rather sugar contained in it, there will be a strong feeling of thirst.

Following all these tips, you can get rid of a sense of thirst for a while and do without water. Alternating these methods, you can improve your well -being, if there is no way to drink a glass of water right now, when you really want to.

Video: 5 facts about thirst

Video: How to correctly quench thirst. Live healthy!

Video: How to understand that your body does not have enough water?

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