Alkaline mineral water with gas and without gas: name, list. The use of alkaline mineral water for gout, pancreatitis, gastritis, for inhalation nebulizer: Recipes

Alkaline mineral water with gas and without gas: name, list. The use of alkaline mineral water for gout, pancreatitis, gastritis, for inhalation nebulizer: Recipes

From this article you will learn how to treat various diseases with alkaline mineral waters.

All mineral waters are divided:

  • Bicarbonate or alkaline Water, with a large amount of bicarbonates, has a taste of soda.
  • Chloride Water, chlorine predominates, shameful to taste.
  • Sulfide Water, sulfur prevails, taste with bitterness, with a characteristic smell of sulfur (rotten eggs).
  • Water, mixed type, its taste depends on the hosting elements.

Mineral water alkaline -This is bicarbonate water from springs beating from under the ground, with sodium, magnesium, and acidity above 7 pH. It helps to work better to the stomach and intestines, in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as magnesium sulfate, which is in water, helps the brain.

Alkaline mineral water with gas: name, list

Alkaline mineral water

Mineral water is best treated, and drink it at the sources, but not everyone can come to sources. For those people who want to be treated with such water at home, it is poured into bottles. And to make the water better, it is saturated with carbon dioxide.

Carbonated water retains all the beneficial properties, but it can not be drunk people with a stomach ulcer and gastritis (increased acidity), or you need to release gas bubbles from the water, and then drink it.

In nature there are mineral waters, carbon dioxide, which no need to gas. it the water of such resorts:

  • Polyana Kvasova, Shayan (Transcarpathia, Ukraine)
  • Borjomi (Georgia)
  • Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk (Stavropol Territory)
  • Kislovodsk
  • Shmakovka (near Vladivostok)
  • Shivada (near Chita)
  • Shivia (near Sretensk)
  • Arshan (in Buryatia)

Alkaline mineral water without gas: name, list

Alkaline mineral water

All alkaline mineralized waters are divided:

  • Dining rooms, salts capacity up to 3 g/l (you can drink everyone)
  • Therapeutic and derivatives -salts 3-10 g/l, you can drink for a short time
  • Therapeutic, salts 10-35 g/l, drink only if a doctor prescribes

Note. Alkaline mineralized water is sometimes called "live" water.

Alkaline mineralized water contains: bicarbonates, sodium and more.

Alkaline water useful at:

  • Gastritis and ulcer in the stomach
  • Pancreatitis
  • Diseases of the bile passages and liver
  • Mild diabetes
  • Gout
  • Colitis
  • Infectious diseases
  • Obesity

Alkaline water benefits:

  • Eliminates heartburn
  • Removes mucus from the digestive organs
  • Removes slag from the body
  • Destroys some small stones and drives sand from the gall and bladder

In the treatment of mineral water at the resort, doctors calculate the amount of water that should be drunk, and time, individually for each patient. On average medical water is drunk about 600 ml per day.

Alkaline mineral water for treatment can be drunk no more than 600 g

In the hospitals you need to adhere to others rules for the correct drinking of therapeutic water:

  • To prevent the disease - before meals in 0.5 hours
  • With an ulcer in the stomach - after eating
  • With gastritis (reduced acidity) - during eating
  • With gastritis (high acidity)-1-1.5 hours before meals
  • With anxiety in the stomach, it is supposed to drink water warm, with other diseases - room temperature
  • Proper drinking water - slowly, gradually sipping
  • With the ongoing exacerbations of the disease, the water must be stopped drinking, and obey the tips of the attending physician

Diseases in which you can’t drink alkaline water:

  • Kidneys and urinary tract stones
  • Severe diabetes
  • Children under 3 years old

Sensitive mineral waters: Names

Mineral water is slightly alkaline

Mineral waters are slightly alkaline - these are all canteens of alkaline waters (mineralism up to 3 g/l).

Bukovinskaya bicarbonate water (mineralizers. 1.1-1.2 g/l) contains a lot of iodine. Recommended by it treat people with the following diseases:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Gastritis (norms and high acidity)
  • Ulcer in the stomach
  • Pancreatitis
  • Colitis
  • Diabetes
  • Diseases of bile passages and liver

Water contraindicated those who are sick:

  • Heart defect
  • Migraine
  • Arthritis, gout

Is the alkaline mineral water "Lipetsk", "Borjomi", "Narzan"?

Lipetskaya slightly alkaline water chloride-sulfate with sodium.

Mineral waters near Lipetsk were opened at the end of the 19th century.

Now carry out a spill therapeutic-dining room water "Lipetsk" (mineralizers. 3.0-4.5 g/l) under the following names:

  • "Lipetsk Famer"
  • "Lipetsk"

As well as dining room water (mineralizers 0.4-1.0 g/l):

  • "Lipetsk classic"
  • "Lipetsk Famer 1"
Lipetsk slightly alkaline mineral water

Water from Lipetsk springs treat:

  • Gastritis
  • After surgery on an ulcer in the stomach
  • Inflammation of the bile paths and liver
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Diabetes
  • Cystitis, urethritis


  • Drinking for a long time
  • Temporarily do not drink in acute diseases

Mineral water "Borjomi" -one of the best alkaline waters (mineralizers. 5.5-7.5 g/l). In addition to bicarbonates (90%), water is rich:

  • Boron and fluorine
  • Magnesium and sodium
  • Aluminum and calcium
Alkaline mineral water "Borjomi"

"Borjomi" treated:

  • Gastritis and ulcers in the stomach and 12-type intestine
  • Colitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Disrupted metabolism
  • Colds
  • Salt deposition in joints

Contraindicated use with:

  • Pain in the heart
  • Gastritis (reduced acidity)
  • Stones in the bile ducts and liver

"Narzan" -Water sulfate-hydrocarbonate with sodium, calcium, treatment-dining room. Its mineralization is 2.0-3.5 g/l.

The alkaline mineralized water "Narzan" belongs to the Kislovodsk field.

Alkaline mineral water "Narzan"

"Narzan" such ailments are treated:

  • Gastritis (high and norms. Acidity)
  • Ulcer in the stomach
  • Inflammation of the liver with biliary tract
  • Pancreatitis
  • Rehabilitation period after surgery on the stomach ulcer
  • Diabetes
  • Cystitis, urethritis other diseases of the urinary tract
  • Small stones in the ureter
  • Helps fight obesity


  • Exacerbation of different diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Renewed insufficiency, heart
  • Gastritis (reduced acidity)

How to choose the best alkaline mineral water?

Alkaline mineral water

Mineral water cannot be thirsty, except that the slightly mineralized dining room does not hurt, and then if you drink it for a short time.

Mineral water is prescribed by a doctor according to the indications of existing diseases.

Note. If you have an exacerbation of the disease, you need to refrain from drinking therapeutic water for some time.

Mineral water "Luzhanskaya" (Transcarpathia), bicarbonates 96-100% (mineralizers. 3.6-4.3 g/l). In addition, they still enter:

  • Magnesium
  • Fluorine
  • Silicon
  • Potassium
  • Calcium

Water "Luzhanskaya" reduce high acidity in the stomachShe also relieves heaviness and bloating, helps to lose weight.


  • Gastritis (reduced acidity)
  • Hypothyroidism

Bedicarbonate water "Essentuki 4" (mineralizer. 7-10 g/l). Good helps the diseased stomach, kidneys, endocrine gland.

Contraindication It is reduced. Acidity in the stomach, frequent diarrhea, bleeding, some kidney diseases.

The use of alkaline mineral water for gout: recipes

Alkaline mineral water helps with gout

Gout is an arthritis that builds up the fingers and legs of the fingers and legs. People are sick along the hereditary line, as well as those whose diet is a lot of acid products that are converted in the body into dairy (urinary) acid settling in the joints of the limbs.

These are such products:

  • Meat and meat products
  • Canned food
  • Legumes
  • Mushrooms
  • Beer and sweet drinks
  • Black tea, coffee
  • Alcoholic drinks

Gout is treated with pills that relieve inflammation, diet, alkaline mineral water, which helps to restore alkaline balance in the body, and washed out lactic acid with slag from it.

To treat gout, in support of the assigned medicines, doctors advise the following type of alkaline waters Russia and neighboring abroad:

  • "Arms"
  • "True-Su"
  • "Svalyavskaya"
  • Luzhanskaya 3 and Luzhanskaya 4
  • "Dragovskaya"
  • "Polyana Kvasova"
  • "Slavic"
  • Essentuki 4 and Essentuki 17
  • "Cornezt"
  • "Borjomi"
  • "Sirabskaya"
  • "Smirnovskaya"

The use of alkaline mineral water for pancreatitis: recipes

Alkaline mineral water helps with inflamed pancreas

Pancreatitis treated with alkaline waters weakly and medium mineralized. They drink water without gas, a little heated to correspond to body temperature, since cold water can increase inflammation, and hot water provoke organ edema.

With exacerbations of the disease, starvation adhere to, you can drink only warm therapeutic water.

If the exacerbation has passed, you can start eating dietary dishes, and drink therapeutic water with warm, while eating.

With pancreatitis, it is necessary stick to next diets:

  • Dairy, fruit soups with cereals on vegetable broth
  • Boiled lean meat and low -fat fish
  • Lactic acid products and cottage cheese (low -fat)
  • Boiled vegetables
  • Ground porridge
  • Non -yielded wiped fruits
  • Yesterday's bread
  • A little vegetable oil

Alkaline water affects the inflamed pancreas as follows:

  • Relieves inflammation
  • Removes spasmodic states
  • It is weakly anesthetized

Long -term use of mineral water, as prescribed by a doctor, improves the passage of bile.

The following helps types of water:

  • "Borjomi"
  • "Narzan"
  • "Smirnovskaya"
  • "Bukovinskaya"
  • "Luzhanskaya"
  • "Azovskaya"
  • "Zheleznovodskaya"
  • "Mirgorodskaya"
  • "Silver spring"
  • "Minsk"
  • Essentuki 17 and Essentuki 20
  • "Bobruisk"
  • "Darasun"
  • "Arkhyz"
  • "Galitskaya"

The use of alkaline mineral water for gastritis: recipes

Alkaline mineral water for gastritis (increased acidity)

Some types of alkaline mineral waters help with gastritis (increased acidity)

With gastritis with increased secretion in the stomach, a lot of hydrochloric acid is released, and it often irritates the stomach. The task of alkaline water is to extinguish excess acid.

In this case, they drink water 1 hour before meals in a warm state. While food arrives in the stomach, therapeutic water will have time to extinguish excess acid.

The following are suitable types of alkaline waters:

  • "Borjomi"
  • "Martin"
  • "Avadhara"
  • "Makhachkala"
  • "Zheleznovodskaya"
  • "Matsesta"
  • "Arms"
  • "Tursh-Su"
  • "Essentuki 17"

Alkaline mineral water for gastritis (reduced acidity)

Other types of alkaline mineral waters help with gastritis (lower acidity)

With reduced acidity in the stomach of hydrochloric acid, little is produced. Alkaline water helps with acid to break down the foodit is appointed before eating, in 15-20 minutes, room temperature.

With reduced acidity, slightly alkaline and chloride-sodium water is suitable. it such names:

  • "Izhevskaya" and "Novoizhevskaya"
  • "Mirgorodskaya"
  • "Feodosia"
  • "Tyumen"
  • "Essentuki 4"
  • "Shambara 2"

The use of alkaline mineral water for inhalation Nebulizer: Recipes

Alkaline mineral water is used in non -boulaizer inhalations

Inhalations are very popular with colds, frequent bronchitis for children and adults to quickly get rid of cough and ailment.

Applying nebulizer - a device for spraying liquid, you can successfully do inhalations with alkaline mineral water, even a baby with herbal decoctions. Inhalation with alkaline water are especially effective for removing sputum.

In the early days of ailments, the doctor prescribes up to 7-8 inhalations per day. With an improvement in the condition of the patient, inhalation is reduced to 2-3. A few days of such inhalations - and the patient is cured.

To achieve the maximum effect of inhalation, after the procedure you need to wrap the sore throat, not eat and not talk at least 1 hour.

For inhalations, such types of alkaline waters:

  • "Borjomi"
  • "Narzan"
  • "Essentuki"

To do 1 inhalation is needed 2-5 ml of water.

At normal body temperature, inhalation can be prescribed every 2 hours. It is also necessary to consider that inhalations are not recommended to do immediately after eating, should pass at least an hour and a half.

Inhalation lasts:

  • Children 3 minutes
  • Adults 10 minutes

Contraindications To the use of inhalation:

  • Increased body temperature (more than 37 ° C)
  • Frequent nasal bleeding
  • Hypertension
  • Vascular and heart diseases

What manufacturer, and what mineral alkaline waters are in Belarus, Russia, Georgia, Ukraine?

Alkaline mineral waters in Russia

Mineral waters of Russia With a large intake of bicarbonates:

  • Less - chlorine and sodium "Essentuki 4" and "Essentuki 17"
  • Less - sulfates, sodium, calcium "Slavyanovskaya" (Stavropol Territory)
  • Less - sulfates, sodium, calcium with natural carbon dioxide "Smirnovskaya" (Stavropol Territory)
  • Slightly alkaline "swallow" (Primorsky Territory)
Alkaline mineral waters of Ukraine

Mineral waters of Ukraine With a large intake of bicarbonates:

  • Less - sodium "Luzhanskaya"
  • Less - sodium, boron, with the natural carbon dioxide "Polyana Kvasov"
  • Less - sodium, Bora "Svalyavskaya"
  • Less - chlorine, sodium "Dragovskaya"

Mineral waters of Georgia With a large intake of bicarbonates:

  • Less - sodium "Borjomi", "Sairma", "Rastee"

Mineral waters of Azerbaijan With a large intake of bicarbonates:

  • Less - sodium "Sirabskaya"
  • Less-chlorine, sodium "True-Su"

Mineral waters of Moldova With a large intake of bicarbonates:

  • Less - sodium (without gas) "Corneste"
Armenia slightly alkaline mineral waters

Armenia slightly alkaline mineral waters With the container of bicarbonates:

  • Less - sodium "diliges"
  • Less - chlorine, sodium "Arzni"
  • Less - sulfates, sodium, silicates "Jermuk"

Low -altitude mineral waters of Belarus With the container of bicarbonates:

  • Chloride with sodium "Minsk", medical-dining room

So, now we know that some diseases can be treated with mineral alkaline water, but you can drink every day, but not for long - with a preventive purpose.

Video: alkaline mineral waters with gout. Mineral water with gout. Remedy for gout

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