How to indicate the genus number of adjective: rules, examples

How to indicate the genus number of adjective: rules, examples

How to indicate the genus, number, case of adjective, what endings? Read more in the article.

To study adjectives in the Russian language, a lot of time is allocated in almost every class. Pupils should remember many rules. But it does not always work out. Therefore, you have to work on your own and do additional homework. We will help you.

Read in another article on our website About spelling not with adjectives. You can learn the rules and understand the material by examples.

From this article you will learn how to find out the genus, number and case of the adjective. Thanks to the information published here, you can learn the rules and consider them with understandable examples. Read further.

Morphological features of the adjective: Briefly

Morphological signs of the adjective
Morphological signs of the adjective

The morphological features of the adjective mean a number of specific categories (signs) inherently attached. As part of speech. They not only determine the features of their interaction with them. creatures. And pronouns, but also indicate the features of the meaning of a particular word.

  Forms are attached. In phrases:

Textbook which? new
Aroma which? alluring
Movie which? breathtaking
Guy what? Bold
Series which? Interesting
Music which? Soul

The adjective is known for constancy and its absence. It is very simple to distinguish them. If the signs do not change, then they are classified as constant. If the context and interaction with other parts of speech affects them, then they are called unstable.

Morphological signs of the adjective
Morphological signs of the adjective

The constant signs are attached. The discharge is characteristic (high -quality, relative, attractive), and unstable - completeness, brevity, comparative degree, case, genus and number.

The initial form of adjectives: case, number, genus, examples

The initial form of adjectives
The initial form of adjectives

The initial form of the name of the adjective - This is the form of units. Number of masculine family. case. In this form is attached. answers the question: "" WHICH?".

  • What - white, which - catchy, etc.

To determine the beginning. The form of the adjective, you need to attach a question by the way: which?For example:

  • Green grass, in the beginning. form - green.
  • White dress, beginning. The form of this name is attached. - white.

The unstable signs of the adjective from the point of view of Russian grammar include the genus, number and case. Rod is male, female or medium.


Male family Feminine Neuter gender
Gallant Useful Removen
Young Nutrum Heavenly
Antique Steel Lastochkino
Die-hard combat Children's
Military Youth Negative
Musical Merry Decisive
Bright Bold Romantic
Talented School nasty

Adjectives have units. or pl. number:

  • The only thing - Stylish, modern, military, pioneer, youthful.
  • Multiple - human, worldly, girlish, student, European.

The case is called gradation, which determines the interaction attached. with creatures. or pronouns. If the adjective is short, it will not be affected by cases:

  • Nominative - brave girl, morning dew
  • Genitive - bold girl, morning dew
  • Dunatic - a bold girl, morning dew
  • Accusative - brave girl, morning dew
  • Coming - a bold girl, morning dew
  • Prepositional - about a bold girl, about morning dew

Below are even more rules and examples. Read further.

The adjectives change by gender, numbers and cases: how to indicate, determine, grammatical categories, examples

The adjectives change by childbirth, numbers and cases
The adjectives change by childbirth, numbers and cases

The number of the adjective is quite easy to determine. As a rule, the question is asked: "How many?". It is applicable to the noun. Below are grammatical categories. If the answer is one, then the number is the only thing:

  • Careless student, dark angel

If the answer is several (2 or more), then the number is multiple:

  • Experienced doctors, imperial minions, monastery workers

If you need to determine the adjective, again, you need to ask a test question for a noun.

  • If the feminine noun - girl, then the adjective - female - beautiful.
  • If the male noun - commander, then the adjective will be male - severe.
  • The same with an average genus - woe - noun, what? - ecumenical.

Regarding the cases, to indicate, you should ask in relation to the adjective leading questions. Examples:

  • Nominative - who? What? (North wind)
  • Genitive - whom? What? (north wind)
  • Dumic - to whom? What? (north wind)
  • Accusative - whom? What? (North wind)
  • Coming - by whom? How? (north wind)
  • Write - about whom? about what? (about north wind)

Examples of a combination in the sentences of the case, kind and numbers:

  1. “Having returned to his unprofitable workshop, he thought for a very long time about the little girl who opened his eyes.” Unbeliable workshop - genitive case, the only number, female clan, about a little girl - prepositional case, the only number, female clan.
  2. "Ivan did not want to show himself the weakest student, but it was him who called him to answer the board." The weakest - The only number, male family.
  3. "School friends persuaded Katya not to contact this guy, but she still got into him like a fool." School friends - Female clan, plural, nominative case.
  4. "Varino sweet cherry jam Kuzma really liked it." Sweet jam, cherry jam - Nominative case, the only number, the average kind.
  5. "Vasya tried to install the game, forgetting about his weak computer." Weak computer - prepositional case, the only number, male family.

Read further.

Video: How to determine the case of an adjective?

Rod, number, case of the name of the adjective depends on what: what part of speech?

Genus, number, case of the name of the adjective depends on the noun
Genus, number, case of the name of the adjective depends on the noun

The genus, the number and case of the name of the adjective directly depend on the name of the noun. With which it is used. If this part of speech has a husband. clan and units. The number (warrior), then the adjective will have them (brave). If wives. clan and many. (Witches), such grammatical characteristics will possess and attach. (mountain).

  • I don't have a leather jacket ( what jackets? - Leather) – wives. clan, unit. Number, accusative case.
  • I have been looking for such a faithful friend for a long time ( what girlfriend? - True) – wives. clan, unit. Number, accusative case.
  • In the sky, they only say that about green hills and about the grace of human ( which hills? - Green) – mn. Number, husband. genus, prepositional case, (what kind of grace? - human) – wives. clan, unit. The number, prepositional case.
  • You have never been my friend - units. Number, husband. Rod, Case.
  • I hate foreign music, I like domestic performers ( foreign music)accusable case, units. number, wives. genus, domestic performerssets. Number, nominative case, husband. genus.

Below are even more rules and examples for adjectives. Read further.

Video: How to determine the genus of the adjective?

Genus, number, case of short adjectives: how are they changing, what question is answered, what end, examples

Genus, number, case of short adjectives
Genus, number, case of short adjectives

Smaching adjectives are predicative forms that change only by childbirth and numbers, but not by cases. The value in this case is somewhat high, book. As a rule, such adjectives act as a name predicate. These are words, for example: far, young, meek, white etc.

  • Brief adjectives answer questions: “What?”, “What?”, “What are you?” etc.


  1. She was young and fresh.
  2. In the field of grass, especially high.
  3. The morals of this country are very dicky: For infidelity, a woman is simply chopped off.
  4. My uncle was so highthat he could climb the mezzanine and find a thing there without the help of a stepladder.
  5. Victor understood that he was too weakTo fight with three, but there were no alternatives.

A feature of brief is attached. It is that they are consistent with noun. Only in the kind and number: the guy is strong, the mountains are cool, the stream is fast, the student is diligent etc.

The brief form is also attached. It is able to point out a sign of an object in relation to any other factor. For example:

  • Tanya is ready for the control.
  • Shoes baby to brother.

Brief adjectives are formed using the basis of full shape. She discarded her ending:

  • Fast - fast, strong - strong, wide - wide, beautiful - beautiful, expensive - dear, etc.

As for the feminine, he always ends on "a":

  • Food is harmful, the girl is beautiful, the berry is fresh.

In the case of an average genus, the ending is the end "about":

  • Useful - useful, nutritious - nutritious.

Well, the plural can be determined at the end "Y":

  • Young - young, talented - talented, strong - strong.

More examples:

  1. Fast a stream, but nobody.
  2. If the warrior is strong, the homeland must protect.
  3. The herbs are green, stored girlish dreams.
  4. The berry is fresh, but the road.
  5. They are strong in spirit, they will achieve everything.

 You need to remember another important rule about adjectives. Read further.

Change of possessive adjectives by gender, numbers and cases: rule, examples

Changing possessive adjectives by gender, numbers and cases
Changing possessive adjectives by gender, numbers and cases

Attachments are adjectives that belong to some specific person. It can be either a person and an animal. As a rule, they answer the question: "Whose?", "Whose":

  1. The hunters saw a fluffy squirrel tail (whose tail? - squirrel).
  2. Maternity voice for children is always sweet and sweet (whose voice? - Mother's voice).
  3. Fraternal support for me was just relevant (my brother’s support).
  4. The sister of the blouse was a little narrow, but Katya still put her on a date.

Often in attractive attached. There is a suffix "-Sko". It is formed from the one-rooted creatures. In case of changes by cases and numbers, it is added "B". Examples:

  • Father → Fathers (Sky) Jacket
  • Grandfather → Grandfather (Sky)
  • Hare ear
  • Dog's fur

The possessive adjectives tend to change by childbirth and numbers:

  • Swan fluff, swan song, deer horns, deer team, cat house, koshkina claws.

Suffixes such as: -ov-/-Ev. This applies primarily to own names:

  • Egorova song, Yankino childhood, Petrova funeral, Serezhin player

As for phraseological revolutions, such as:

  • pirrova victory, Sisyphus labor, Gordians Knot - they are written with a lowercase letter.

Changing the case of the only and multiple kind - table:

Nominative daddy Mom
Genitive Daddy Mom
Dative dad Momin
Accusative papin IP + RP
Instrumental papin Mom
Prepositional dad Mom


  • I thought about my mother’s friends for a long time. Their words spoken at dinner affected me quite strongly.
  • Daddy's sneakers were already 5 years old, but they still looked like new.
  • Yankina sister looked excited. Therefore, I immediately, without abysses, asked her what happened.
  • Vitya preferred a more modern, youth jacket to his father's coat. “Finally, I got hold of money,” I thought. Indeed, it is worthless to the young man to wear one outerwear with a father for two.
  • I never disdained my mother’s tips.

More rules, read on.

Adjectives without a genus, numbers, cases - these are: explanation, examples

The genus cannot be determined in some adjectives of the plural, a clarifying question in the case of which the question serves (which?), As well as which have a comparative degree formed with the help of flexia: happier, more successful, darker. They also have no number and case: the hall has become much lighter, if the world becomes kinder, then a lot of things will change.Another explanation with examples:

  • The adjectives without a number also include those that speak of qualities: three -tier, four -digit, previous, next, decimal, etc.
  • Also in the Russian language there are non-reduced adjectives that can indicate the colors or styles and brands of something: haki, Bezh, Marengo, etc.

Now more about the genus, number and cases of specific adjectives. Read further.

Genus, number, case of adjective: examples, table

Genus, number, case of adjective
Genus, number, case of adjective

To remember all the rules, teachers on houses are set to determine the genus, number, case of one or another adjective. We will analyze the most popular d/s:

  • The firsthusband. clan, unit. The number is the first, the first, the first - unit, the first - plural, nominative case.
  • Brightmale. clan, unit. The number (bright, bright, bright - units, bright - plot) - a nominative case.
  • Gray shadowssets. Number, them. case, wives. Rod, nominative case.
  • Springhusband. Rod, unity. Number, dative case.
  • Greenhusband. genus, sets. Number, nominative case.
  • Newwives. Rod, unity. Number, genitive case.
  • Small nestmiddle clan, nominative case, units. number.
  • Earlythe middle gender, unity. Number, nominative case.
  • Fabulouswives. Rod, unity. The number, prepositional case.
  • Wild ancestorsmuch. Number, husband. Rod, genitive case.
  • Beautifulmuch. Number, husband. Rod, nominative case.
  • Unusual monumentshusband. genus, sets. Number, genitive case.
  • Strong windhusband. Rod, unity. Number, genitive case.

Even more examples in the table:

Case Unit. Unit. Unit.
AND. Wild ancestors Strong wind Unusual monuments Small nest Gray shadows green
R. Wild ancestors Strong wind Unusual monuments Small nest Gray shadows green
D. Wild ancestors Strong wind Unusual monuments Small nest Gray shadows green
AT. Wild ancestors Strong wind Unusual monuments Small nest Gray shadows



T. Wild ancestors Strong wind Unusual monuments A small nest Gray shadows green
P. Wild ancestors Strong wind Unusual monuments Small nest Gray shadows green
  • Brief form of the adjective - examples:
Wild ancestors The ancestors were wild
Green Green (Bor was green)
Strong wind The wind was so strong that the crowns of the trees were bent
Small nest The nest was not enough
Unusual monuments The monuments were unusual
Gray shadows The color of the shadows was incredibly serge
New This approach was not new for me

Now you know all the rules on changing the names of adjectives in childbirth, numbers and cases. Try to make more examples yourself to fix the learned material. Good luck!

Video: genus, number and case of adjective. Communication with the noun

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