How to distinguish the sacrament from adjective and verbal adjectives: explanation, examples

How to distinguish the sacrament from adjective and verbal adjectives: explanation, examples

In the Russian language, there are a lot of rules and each word is a certain part of speech. In this article, you will learn how to distinguish the sacrament and adjective.

Parts of speech in the Russian language can be similar and different signs indicate this. Often difficulties appear with the definition of communion and adjective, because they can all answer the question “which?”. In order to more accurately express your thoughts, we must learn to distinguish them. Let's learn about their features and figure out how they can be distinguished.

What is adjective and communion in Russian?

Adjective and communion
Adjective and communion

Adjective It is a part of speech indicating the properties and signs of a noun. It itself cannot indicate the action itself. The adjective is considered dependent, and therefore it cannot be replaced by others and an additional word is inserted between the phrase. Adjectives are inclined by childbirth, numbers, and they also change depending on the case.

Participle It arises from the verb and they indicate directly actions, but it acts as a sign. Communion received some features from verbs and adjectives. In addition to the usual question, the communion can answer “what is the doing?”, “What did you do?”.

Communion and adjective - what are similar: similarity

To learn about the differences between parts of speech, you can consider two words as an example - beautiful and decorating. First you need to identify special signs of both words:

  • Removal by childbirtha beautiful window, a beautiful car decorating an object decorating a vase
  • Declension by numbersbeautiful windows decorating vases
  • Depending on the case of the end of both parts of speech, they change: beautiful window (genitive) decorating with water (creative)
  • Both parts of speech have a brief formcreated, created (participle), white, white (adjective)

Adjective and communion - how different: differences

Differences in the participle and adjective
Differences in the participle and adjective

As you understand, since the part of speech is still different, then they should differ in something. It is important to say that in the Russian language there are adjectives formed from participles. They are called verbal.

The verbal form is formed when:

  • The subject receives the main meaning
  • The subject represents the driving force
  • Communion is used in portable power (brilliant future)
  • The communion first describes the action, but then it becomes constant (condensed milk)
  • Part of the speech indicates the possibility of confirmation of influences (an unbearable word)

How to determine the participle and adjective: methods

Signs of adjectives
Signs of adjectives

To determine which part of the speech is used quite simply. Choose a word with a similar meaning.

- He saw a walking train/He saw a train walking on rails

The word "going" in this case will be the form of the sacrament.

- He went into the house with a quick step

But in this sentence it is impossible to put anything, because the word “fast” is an adjective, depending on the “step”.

The second way is more complicated. It is based on knowledge about how both parts of speech are formed. Basically, the participle uses double “NN” in the suffixes, but in a brief form it is only one.

To quickly identify the participle, you need to definitely remember its differences:

  • There is a verbal form denoting the signs and quality of the subject by its actions
  • Communion can mean two signs at once and they are transmitted both from the verb and from the adjective

How to determine the sacrament: morphological signs

Signs of communion
Signs of communion
  • First try to ask questions. If there is "what's doing?" or “what did you do?”, This is definitely not an adjective
  • It is important not to confuse the meanings of words, because participles can also change by times, views and so on
  • Communion is always obtained from the verb, and the adjective is from the noun
  • Suffixes of the word also matter. For suffering participles, this "Damn", "Jush", "Ash", "Lays"
  • In the present, the participles will have - "Lice", "Sh"
  • The past participle is different - "NN", "t", "ENN"
  • It is also important to be able to determine a short form. It arises from the suffering communion
  • A brief form of participle is a letter "H"always alone

Video: How to distinguish the sacrament from the adjective?

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