How to surprise guests with a festive dinner? Recipes for a quick and delicious festive dinner

How to surprise guests with a festive dinner? Recipes for a quick and delicious festive dinner

The article provides recommendations for a festive dinner and simple and quick recipes are given.

Sometimes the situation happens that there is no time to prepare a delicious and rich feast. And the holiday is approaching, and the guests are literally “on the threshold”. What to do? Firstly, you do not need to panic. After all, the main thing is the spiritual warmth with which you will meet your guests. Prepare the entertainment and ideas of joint pastime. Secondly, stock up on recipes for fast and light dishes. They will save the situation more than once when a festive dinner needs to be prepared as soon as possible.

Festive dinner
Festive dinner

Original and quick recipes for appetizers for the festive table

Snakes should be on every festive table. They are not only a food product, but also a beautiful decor. A skilled mistress will be able to give even uncomplicated snacks with chic.

  • The appetizer is the canapes. Kanapa sticks will be just a great decoration of the table. Another plus is that the appetizer is a portion, it is easy to take and eat. For the preparation of canapes, almost any products can be used. The composition of some snacks - canapes: cheese, olive, peeled shrimp; Sausage cube, cheese cube, cube of smoked meat; Cracker, cream cheese, olive. Canapes can be sweet, then they can be served during tea drinking or drinking wine. For example, you can build canapes of grapes, pineapple and banana. The banana needs to be sprinkled with lemon juice so that it does not blacken. For canapes, you need to use solid elastic products that can stay on a skewer
  • Stuffed eggs. Another simple and cheap way to cook a snack. Eggs can be stuffed with melted cheese and mayonnaise, cod liver and fish caviar. Also, it is easy to turn the egg snack into funny figures that will decorate any table
  • Roulet from Lavash. Buy a thin lavash in bread kiosk. Put the filling in it, like shawarma. And cut into portioned pieces. Vegetables can serve as a filling: cabbage, carrots, onions. Also, add meat or crab sticks, cheese and sauce. Such a snack is very satisfying and easy to prepare
  • A light snack from a tomato. Everyone has known such a snack since childhood. Tomatoes are cut into thin rings, lubricated with garlic sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Then decorated with chopped herbs
  • Meat and cheese cuts. If there is no time for cooking at all, make meat and cheese cuts. Show fantasy when decorating a dish
  • Also, pickled mushrooms, herring and other ready -made salted products can serve as a snack

How to make a salad for a festive dinner quickly?

In order not to delay the time for preparation on the day of dinner, harvest all the ingredients in advance. Boil and cool the vegetables and eggs, leave in the refrigerator. On the day of the festive dinner, you just have to cut everything and season with the sauce.

  • Salad from crab sticks. We will need: rice, eggs, crab sticks, canned corn, pickled onions, mayonnaise, salt. Boil rice and cool. Cut crab sticks, boiled eggs and pickled onions in small cubes. Then mix them with rice, corn and season with mayonnaise. Salt to taste. Decorate the salad before serving to the table
  • Beetroot salad. Such a salad is not only extremely tasty, but also useful. We need: boiled beets, walnuts, garlic, mayonnaise or sour cream, salt. Boil the beets and three of it on a coarse grater. Mix the beets with mayonnaise, crushed nuts, squeeze the garlic into the salad, salt it and mix thoroughly. Ready
  • Salad with crackers. We need: white unsalted crackers in the form of cubes, smoked ham, canned corn, Beijing cabbage. As a gas station, you can use mayonnaise or olive oil if desired. All ingredients need to be mixed and seasoned with sauce. Attention! Sukhariks quickly get wet. They need to be added only before serving to the table

A recipe for a quick cake with condensed milk for a festive dinner

  • To prepare a super fast cake, you need to prepare purchased cakes. It remains to decide on the choice of cream
  • The simplest and most delicious cream is based on condensed milk. There are several recipes using boiled and ordinary condensed milk
  • Recipe 1. We take butter and condensed milk (50 to 50). Sofue the oil and mix it thoroughly with the mixer with condensed milk. The cream is satisfying and greasy
  • Recipe 2. For this cream we need: condensed milk, sour cream, a little butter, vanilla sugar. All ingredients need to be carefully mixed until a homogeneous mass

How to cook a quick cake in the microwave?

The microwave is a wand - helped out for any housewife. If it is, then even a quick cake with its help will not be difficult.

  • The cake recipe is called "quick chocolate cake." Depending on the cream, the recipe is easy to change at your discretion and for your personal tastes
  • For the test, we will need: a glass of sugar, 2 eggs, 50 grams of butter, baking powder or soda, a glass of milk, sugar, 2 tablespoons of cocoa and flour (approximately 2 glasses)
  • Prepare the dough elementary. Mix all the ingredients to a homogeneous mass. Then pour the dough into a lubricated shape for the microwave. Form of heat -resistant glass is perfect. We put the cake in the microwave of 900 W for 7 minutes
  • Cut a little cake and remove it from the mold. We wait for complete cooling. At this time we cook the cream
  • We need sour cream, tiles of bitter chocolate, thickening for sour cream and sugar powder. We melt the chocolate in a water bath and whip all the ingredients thoroughly with a mixer
  • We cut the cake in half. Lubricate abundantly with cream between parts of the dough and the top of our cake. You can decorate with grated chocolate, nuts or cocoa. Leave the cake in the refrigerator for impregnation for a couple of hours

Napoleon's fast and tasty cake recipe for puff pastry

The classic recipe for Napoleon is long and tiring. Guests will not even suspect substitutions if you prepare this cake on a different, simpler recipe.

  • We will need: nonsense puff pastry, flour, butter, egg, glass of milk, lemon juice
  • We prepare the "cakes" for the cake. We cut the dough into pieces and bake in the oven according to the recipe, well, packaging. Do not worry if the cakes are a little broken
  • At this time, cook custard: beat the egg, add a glass of flour and 2 tablespoons of flour, sugar to taste. We put on fire and constantly interfere. We wait for the cream thickening and turn off, add lemon juice
  • Grind pieces of baked puff dough with our hands until a large -sized puff crumbs are obtained
  • Mix the dough with cream. We cover the shape of a cling film and put the cake into it. Leave in the refrigerator at night
  • In the morning we take out the cake, release it from the film and decorate it with the remnants of the puff dough. Napoleon is ready

Delicious and fast sandwiches for the festive table

  • Sandwiches with smoked trout. For these sandwiches, you need smoked trout, rye flour baguette, butter, fresh cucumber and greens. The sandwich is tasty, fragrant and in a spring bright
  • Sandwords with Brynza. We need: white baguette, feta cheese, tomatoes and salad leaves. Salad leaves must be cut so that they match the size of the baguette pieces
  • Sandwiches with a snack made of melted cheese. Cooking a snack: three melted cheese and egg, mix with mayonnaise and garlic. We spread a snack abundantly on each piece of white bread
  • Sands with cream cheese and ham. In thin slices, ham is cut and laid on bread, smeared with cream cheese. Sandwiches can be decorated with herbs
  • Cod booterbrides. The cod liver shifts with a fork, mixed with egg and mayonnaise. Decorate such sandwiches with a sliced \u200b\u200btomato
Festive sandwiches
Festive sandwiches

Recipes tasty and fast hot for a festive dinner

There are several simple second dishes that can saturate any company. The recipes of several of them are so fast that they take a minimum of time.

  • Potato with mushrooms in the microwave. Do you like French potatoes, but cook it for a long time? Try to modify the recipe by replacing the meat with mushrooms. Cut the onion with rings, mushrooms with plates and lay on the bottom of the baking sheet. Peel the potatoes and cut into thin plates. Lay on top, salt and pepper. Pour the dish with mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with cheese. Depending on the power of the microwave, bake the dish from 30 minutes to hour
  • Macarone casserole. This dish will be replaced by lasagni, which to cook for a long time. Boil pasta and fry the minced meat in a pan to a finished state. Prepare tomato sauce from broth, tomato paste, a pair of tablespoons of flour and spices. Put a part of the pasta in a greased baking sheet, pour them with sauce. Put the minced meat on top, pour the sauce. The final layer is pasta. There may be more layers, at your discretion. The top layer also pour the sauce, lay pieces of butter on it and sprinkle evenly with cheese. Bake a dish in the oven, until the fried cheese crust is formed
  • Potato "Fan". For this dish, you will need a whole, unpeeled potatoes, ham and hard cheese. We make many deep transverse incisions in potatoes. In each of them we insert the cheese or ham. We bake in the oven the dish until the potatoes are ready. Serve the dish, decorating with greens.

Fast festive meat dishes

And of course, not a single festive feast is complete without meat dishes. Consider a few simple recipes.

  • Baked chicken. Preparing the chicken quickly, most of the time will take precisely for baking. At night, Marina Chicken with salt, spices and garlic. Put in the refrigerator. Before baking, grease the chicken with a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard. We put in the oven on medium fire. We bake a little more than an hour, while pink juice stops standing out when piercing
  • Chicken wings in soy sauce. The dish is original and very tasty, came to us from Asian cuisine. We need: chicken wings, fresh ginger root, garlic, soy sauce, spices and a little salt. We pickle wings in soy sauce, adding grated ginger and finely chopped garlic. The wings pickled in this way can be baked or protruded
  • Portable meat baked in foil. You can cook pork with a large piece for a very long time, but bake portioned pieces quickly, decorating them and adding additional ingredients. On a piece of foil we put a broken piece of pork, sprinkle with spices and salt. Next, put fresh champignons, tomato slices and sprinkle with cheese. Gently wrap a piece. So we do with each portioned piece. We put on a baking sheet and bake 1 hour

How to surprise guests with a festive dinner: tips and reviews

  • So that dinner can be prepared quickly, prepare the components of the dishes in advance
  • Do not experiment with new dishes before the arrival of guests. If you are failing, everyone will remain hungry, and the mistress of the frustrated
  • Pay due attention to decorating dishes. Guests pay more attention to the appearance of the table precisely
  • Make one "Crown dish" that you can cook and present it in the best light
  • Do not cook too much. This will only take extra forces and means
  • Prepare delicious drinks, cocktails. Do not forget to stock up with ordinary drinking water
  • Take breaks between dishes, entertaining your guests. So the food will meet and the guests will be able to feel the whole gamut of tastes
  • Remember that the main thing is a warm atmosphere at the table

Video: how to decorate holiday dishes

Video: How to cook a festive dinner

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