How to contact buyers on Aliexpress, and why is it needed? Message to the buyer on Aliexpress - how to write?

How to contact buyers on Aliexpress, and why is it needed? Message to the buyer on Aliexpress - how to write?

From this article you will learn how to write to other customers on Aliexpress And why it might be required.

Most experienced buyers when choosing a product use one very simple, but at the same time quite a reliable strategy. To determine how reliable the seller is, they view the reviews about the product on Aliexpress.

At the same time, they do not just look through them fluently, because sellers often ask customers to write a positive review for a discount or some bonus. Basically, such reviews consist of a pair of sentences and do not carry a special semantic load. What are they looking for there then?

They are looking for all bad grades to contact those who left them. Personal correspondence allows you to find out about all the shortcomings of the seller and goods. As a rule, dissatisfied buyers always honestly say what exactly they did not like.

If a Aliexpress you are not familiar with you yet and you do not know how to use it correctly, then we advise you to read the article on link. She will tell you how to make profitable purchases on the site.

How to write to the buyer on AliExpress?

Not every user is aware that Aliexpress it was created by a large Alibaba company, which has another wholesale store. So, both of these sites are connected with each other and when creating an account on Aliexpress, he automatically appears on Alibab. It just allows you to write messages to other users.

Another pleasant moment is that you can write questions in your native language, and upon receipt of an answer, a notification by e -mail will be sent. To see it, it will be necessary to enter the personal account on Alibaba according to the same data that are used on Aliexpress.

To write the site user you need, you need to do several simple actions. First you must find out the personal number of the buyer Aliexpress, that is, his ID. With it, you will write a message to Alibab.

How to find out the buyer ID on AliExpress?

To look at the ID of another buyer on Aliexpress, first go to a page with a suitable thing, and go to the tab "Reviews".


Here find a person who you want to contact. Be careful, since you can not press any name. This is due to the fact that sometimes people write reviews anonymously, so contacting them will not work.

Buyer's name
Buyer's name

Click in the name, if possible, and you will find yourself on a page with the buyer data. Click on the line with reference to the page and copy 9 digits in it after the Memberid inscription.

Buyer ID
Buyer ID
  • Now we have a buyer ID, it remains only to write a message.

How to write a personal message to the buyer?

For a quick transition to correspondence with the user Aliexpressuse this link:\u003dContact_action&Domain \u003d 4 & ID \u003d xxxxxxxxx

Here, replace the latter X on the received ID.

Message for the buyer
Message for the buyer
  • Immediately after the transition, you will find yourself in the window to enter the message. Ask all your questions and send it.

After receiving an answer, you will receive a notification by e -mail. By the way, be prepared for the fact that you may not get an answer. The fact is that not all buyers understand what kind of message they came and how to answer it. And someone is just afraid or ignores.

Video: How to write to the buyer on AliExpress? How to write a personal message to the buyer?

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  1. Does not work. For example, I do not anonymously leave reviews, but still my nickname is allegedly anonymous with sprockets.

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