How to tie Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with knitting needles and crochet: Description, video

How to tie Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with knitting needles and crochet: Description, video

Want to decorate the house for the New Year? We will help to connect Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - the main characters of this holiday.

Approaches New Year. Everyone wants to decorate their homes in order to quickly plunge into this fabulous atmosphere of the holiday. Needlewomen can make decor with their own hands - Father Frost and Snow MaidenCrochet or knitting needles. You just look below how nice and beautiful they are, your interior will definitely sparkle with new colors.

In another article on our website you will find master classes that will help crown heart to crochet Valentine's Day. Make your heart for a holiday with your own hands on a skewer or voluminous - it's simple and fast.

In this article, we published several master classes in knitting these characters, and you follow the instructions and knit. Read further.

Simple knitted Santa Crost Crochet: Description

Simple knitted Santa Crost Crochet
Simple knitted Santa Claus Crochet

Any novice craftswoman will be able to connect such Santa Claus. Make them many pieces, and here you have gifts for friends and relatives. Such "grandfathers" can decorate a Christmas tree or interior - beautifully and stylish. Here is a description of the creation of a simple knitted Santa Claus Crochet:

  • Tie a sliding loop from a pink thread. Then 2 air Peters.
  • Release 4 poles inside the sliding loop. With one cloak. Another pillar. With one cloak. It turned out 2 Pet.
  • Take a white thread and knit these loops together.
  • 8 column. With one crochet white thread. Another pillar. With one cloak., Without tie to the end, close the pink thread.
  • Cut the ring of the first sliding Pete. And connect the edges with one set. Pet.
  • 2 tbsp. BN on the trail. Pet., then 1 tbsp. BN. We repeat again - 2 tbsp. BN on the trail. Pet., then 1 tbsp. BN. Close the loops with a white thread.
  • 1 air. Pet, 4 pillars. With one cloak. We make popcorn, knitting the first and last white threads.
  • We knit 5 air. Pet. Pass the hook in the second Pet. And knit the Soid. Pet.
  • 1 air. Pet, 4 pillars. With one cloak. We make popcorn, knitting the first and last white threads.
  • Again we knit 5 air. Pet. Pass the hook in the second Pet. And knit the Soid. Pet. Repeat this way to the end of the white part.
  • 3 Pet and the Soed. loop.
  • Now we knit a hat hinges to the end and at the end of the Soid. Pet.
  • Then we knit with a red thread, pulling one loop from each white loop.
  • Close all loops for 2 Petes. together. But the 1st Pet. Air.
  • We recruit Petes. second row.
  • Now close, but with decrease - 2 Petes. from each side.
  • The next row is 1 Pet. We skip in the beginning and knit two loops together at the end.
  • Close a new row, like the previous ones - 1 air. Pet., and then 2 Pet. together.
  • We collect Pet., And then close, as in previous rows of 2 Petes. together.
  • The next row is usually knit, and then close again, knitting 2 Petes. together.
  • The next row with decrease and then close 2 Petes. together. Tie so to the end of the hat.
  • Expand the work and knit the Soid from the inside. Pet. Until the end of the hat, so that it turns out beautiful and keeps the shape.
  • That's all - it remains to make a pompom, nose and eyes. The nose will be red: knit 2 air. Pet. and in the first air. Pete knit a lush column and make a cloak. So repeat several times. Then knit all the Petes. Together and Pet.
  • Just like the nose, make a pompom for a hat, but from white threads: knit 2 air. Pet. and in the first air. Pete knit a lush column and make a cloak. So repeat several times. Then knit all the Petes. Together and Pet.
  • Sew a pompom on a hat.
Sew the nose of Santa Claus
Sew the nose of Santa Claus
  • To make a mustache, wrap a little thread on your finger, remove, take the thread from the nose and tie it. Sew your nose with a mustache to the muzzle and cut the white threads in the middle with scissors.
  • Sew the eyes of beads. Ready.

See how good Santa Claus turned out, and most importantly - simply and quickly. If something is incomprehensible, you can watch clearly in the video how the craftswoman knit such a decor.

Video: Super simple Santa Claus - Crochet Knitting

And here is another master class in the video that will help create Santa for 15 minutes.

Video: Santa Claus in 15 minutes-master class

Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with knitting needles with a description: step by step, video

Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with knitting needles
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with knitting needles

To tie such cute characters is much easier and faster than it might seem. You will necessarily get it, since the viscisa technique is simple. We will knit 3.5 knitting needles. You will need red yarn for Santa Claus, blue - for Snow Maiden, beige - for the face and white - for decorating toys. So, we suggest making knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with knitting needles. Here is a description step by step:

Description of knitting
Description of knitting
Description of knitting
Description of knitting
  • Collar - Pick up 35 Petes with white threads.
  • Knit faces. surface 15 rows. Smarry loops are also needed.
Description of knitting
Description of knitting
Description of knitting
Description of knitting

As you can see, everything is simple. A little time and threads, but such beauty is obtained. Watch the videos below. In them, the craftswoman in his own way exalts these characters. It turns out also interesting.

Video: Santa Claus with knitting needles. Knitted Santa Claus. Knitted toys

Video: Santa Claus with knitting needles. Knitted Santa Claus. Knitted toys. Part 2 (assembly)

Video: Snow Maiden with knitting needles. Tilda Snegurochka. Knitted Snow Maiden. 1 part

Video: Snow Maiden with knitting needles. Knitted Snow Maiden. 2 part

How to tie Santa Claus and Snow Maiden Crochet: Description

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden Crochet
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden Crochet

Look what a sweet couple. They just touch. In this case, the Snow Maiden is not a granddaughter, but a faithful companion of Santa Claus. She is his wife, and the faithful companion of the chief donor of gifts. She drives him so that grandfather managed to all children and bring a bag of gifts. So, how to tie Santa Claus and Snow Maiden crochet? Here's a description:

Materials that will be needed:

  • Acrylic threads - bodily, red, blue, white, brown
  • Hook 1.5 mm
  • Filler
  • A needle with a big ear
  • Special eyes with glue or beads
Conditions for knitting
Conditions for knitting
Descriptions for knitting
Descriptions for knitting
  • Connection of a flesh -colored thread and continue.
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
  • The collar can simply be tied and sewn. Fasten the thread, cut and hide in the part.
  • When you bind the legs, fill them with the filler and sew them.
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
  • Sew your hair on the back of the head right near the edge of the hat.
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
  • To the ends of the crown can be tied at 35 VP on each side. If you don’t want to knit, then just attach the ribbon.

We collect products:

  • Santa Claus - Follow all the above assembly instructions and sewing parts to the body. Embroider your eyebrows with a white thread, brown your nose.
  • Snow Maiden - Make hair from white threads and braid the braid. To do this, attach 2 rows of white threads from the back of the head, like a fringe and weave it. Tie a tape. High the eyebrows with dark threads, and the bangs are white, frying cheeks. Sew the crown, making stitches in different places. Attach the bass earrings.

Products are ready, now you can put them to decorate the interior or give them. Watch the video below how interestingly the craftswomen of these characters are knitted.

Video: Santa Claus Crochet - Author's MK Svetlana Kononenko

Video: Crochet Snow Maiden - Part 1. Hand (2 parts)

Video: Crochet Snow Maiden. Part - 2. Body

How to tie Santa Claus on a hook bottle: Description, video

Santa Claus on a hook bottle
Santa Claus on a hook bottle

New Year is a special holiday. On the festive table, everything should be beautiful, and even a bottle of champagne. You can decorate them with covers that are easy to tie yourself. See how Santa Claus and a tree on bottles look stylish. Tie such a decor with crochet, because it is very simple. Here's a description:

Santa Claus on a hook bottle
Santa Claus on a hook bottle
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
  • Here is another option of how you can tie Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden on a bottle of champagne.
  • The impression of such a decor will remain with the guests for the entire coming year.
  • For knitting, you will need a hook, as well as threads of red and white.
  • For Snow Maiden, prepare white and pale blue threads, as well as a satin ribbon for a decorative bow.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden on a Crochet Crocad
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden on a Crochet Crocad
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting
Description for knitting

Watch the video how else you can knit such a cover on a bottle. The craftswoman tells everything in detail.

Video: Santa Claus's costume on a bottle of MK. Part 1

Video: Santa Claus's costume on a bottle of MK. Part 2

We knit Santa Claus and Snow Maiden Crochet and knitting needles: Ideas

If you are no longer a beginner craftswoman, but have experience in knitting, then you almost always do not need schemes and descriptions. Just looking at the product, you already know how to knit it. If you do not have enough ideas for inspiration, then below you will find several options on how to tie Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with hook or knitting needles. They are all beautiful, interesting, cute and funny.

Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Snow Maiden
Knitted Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Knitted Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Video: Santa Klaus Crochet. Father Frost

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