How to crochet a square? Crochet squares - diagrams and description, video

How to crochet a square? Crochet squares - diagrams and description, video

Crochet square was previously called grandmother's needlework. And indeed, many women who retired, found their occupation at home, were fond of knitting. Next, consider how to crochet squares with different options.

More and more often, forgotten products are made in fashion, which before the craftswomen created with their own hands. Crochet square - again in trend. Dense, openwork, African with flowers in the middle of the square are perfect for creating various products, ranging from a simple blanket, ending with funny animals and pillows. It will not be difficult to sew these squares, but you can connect them after the presented master classes in this article. Moreover, there are many options for knitting products. So that the squares are not boring, they can be knitted with threads of different colors, inventing funny patterns, patterns.

Simple square from the center

A simple square crocheted or as it is still called - Babushkin, any girl who only learns to “handle” the instrument will be able to connect. Even those who are not strong in the schemes will easily connect the product. To begin with, you will need to tie a chain of 4 VP (air columns), connect it into a circle. Then in a circle you will knit SSN (crochet blocks) and air loops (VP). The colors of the threads can be alternated, combined, depending on your desires. In total, you will need to connect eight rows for one square, as a result you get an interesting product.

You can use the squares associated with crocheted to create a bedspread, blankets, pillows, etc. The only thing that large items need many such products are needed a large amount of material and patience.

IMPORTANT: The edges of the finished squares are usually tied with SSN (blocks with crochet), so the boundaries look neat, symmetrical. For beauty, they create interesting drawings with various shades of yarn.

Crochet square diagram:

Crochet square knitting patterns
Crochet square knitting patterns

Tools, materials for knitting a simple square:

  • yarn - 100 g
  • a hook of a suitable size

Step -by -step instructions for knitting a square with a crochet:

  1. As already mentioned, first dial VP \u003d 4 pcs. And connect them into the circle. Then do: 3 VP, knit 2 stb. With 1 crochet in a chain.
  2. In the next circular row: 2 VP and 3 stb., Again, with the 1st crochet.
  3. Further, the knitting scheme is this: 2 VP + three STB. with 1 crochet.
  4. First, two VPs are knitted, and then three STB. with 1 crochet.
  5. In the next circle: Start knit with one VP, in the upper column of lifting loops, knit a half-column with a 1st crochet.
  6. Then make a cloak, enter the tool (hook) into the loop, grab the thread, pull the loop, knit three loops on the knitting needle at a time, you will get the first row.
  7. Stitch three VPs, and two STB should be knitted between the loops and the lower column. with 1 crochet.
  8. Then, instead of columns, knit 1, in the VP, in the corner of the square you will need to make three SSN and two VP. Still knit three STB. with 1 crochet.
  9. Again, knit over the column of the previous row of the VP, and in the corner of three SSN + two VP then three more SSN. Knit so around the circle. At the very end, knit three SSN.
  10. Finish the row in this way: 1 VP, knit a half -cut with one crochet in the upper loop. Two rows are ready.
  11. In the third: make three lifting loops, after which, knit two STB below to the column. with 1 crochet. Stitch one VP above the columns, and knit 3 stb under the VP of the previous circle. with 1 crochet.
  12. Again, knit VP and corner columns \u003d 3 pcs. Nakid, three VP. And here, knit another 3 stb. with 1 crochet. + 3 VP and 3 stb. crochet.
  13. When you reach the next side, knit VP, and in the corner of three STB. with 1 crochet.
  14. So knit in a circle in each corner of the square until you pass all four corners in a circle.
  15. Make a VP and knit a half-crochet in the 1st crochet. Go to the 4th row. Make three lifting loops, grab 2 stb from below. with 1 crochet.
  16. Now, knit on each column along one VP, and between them three STB. with 1 crochet. Do the same further until you go through the entire circle of knitting to the corner arch.
  17. In the corner, knit three STB. with 1 crochet. Then three STB, three VP and three STB. Again, knit on the column of the VP, between them 3 SSN and so on according to the drawing.
  18. At the end of the fourth row, knit VP and three SSN.
  19. To complete, everything should be connected. Stitch three VP and connecting STB. In the upper loop of lifting at the very beginning of the row.
Knitting a square with knitting needles
Knitting a square with knitting needles

As you can see, it is not so difficult to crochet a simple square. You should just not get confused in the diagram and know the basic technique of crochet. If you learn this process, then in the future you can create other products with your own hands. By the way, then the following will be presented, a little more complicated than this.

How to crochet a square: African square, photo, scheme

Perhaps the African square crochet, one of the most remarkable ideas for creating products of such a plan. After all, the squares, or rather the hexagons are very pretty and from them you can create decorative gizmos and even animals.

To create such squares, you need:

  • threads of 100 g of four colors
  • hook number 3
African squares, crochet patterns
African squares, crochet patterns

Knitting scheme:

  1. Start knitting with threads of the first color according to the following scheme: knit a sliding loop with a hook, 8 VP in one ring using STB. with crochet, after VP \u003d 3 pcs again. for lifting. In the first loop of SSN (2 pcs.), VP, in the second 2 SSN, VP and so in each subsequent loop.
  2. Now, connect the following scheme with threads of a different color: in the very corner, begin to knit 3 VP, SSN (with two outputs), 2 VP, 2 SSN (with two outputs), in the next arch, knit 2 SSN (with two outputs), 2 VP, 2 SSN (with two outputs) and 1 more SSN (in two exits), 2 VP, 2 SSN (in two exits), STB. + STB. In the arch. 3 VP, 6 SSN (with two outputs), in the next arch 7 SSN (with two outputs), at the end of STB.
  3. Through the third color, tie the following composition: 1 VP, then tie the shares of the loop, where are the arches.

You will get a flower consisting of yellow, mint, turquoise threads, then you need to make a strapping with white threads, as in the photo below.

African square - hexagon crochet
African square - hexagon crochet

African squares: strapping

  • Take white threads and streamline the flower, or rather give it the shape of a hexagon. To do this, tie: 2 VP, SSN, 3 SBN, SSN, SSN, 3 SBN, SSN. In the corner of the strip 2 SSN (in three exits), 2VP, 2SSN (in three exits), SSN, 3SBN, SSN, SSN, 3 SBN, SSN. In the corner, knit the strip: 2 SSN (in three exits), 2 VP, 2 SSN (in three exits) and so four corners.
  • When you pass the circle, then knit: 2 VP, SSN, at the corners: 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN, just STB. At the end of the rides.
  • 1 VP, SBN, at the corners 2 SBN, 2 VP, 2 SBN, at the end of the STB.
  • 3 VP, SSN (in two exits), on the corners: 2 SSN (in 2 outputs), 3 VP, 2 SSN (in two exits) at the end of STB.
  • 1 VP, SBN, at the corners 2 SBN, 2 VP, 2 SBN, at the end of the STB.
African square rug
African square rug

Next, see what can be done with African squares. Here is such a bright pillow can decorate the interior of the room.

Bright African squares
Bright African squares
A similar image
African square bag
Pictures on request African square

Video: How to knit the African square?

How to tie a grandmother's square with a dense viscous crochet?

The square crochet with dense viscous is suitable for creating different products. It is best to use such squares for cardigans, dresses, knitted coats, bags, long skirts, shawls, scarves. This product is very easy to tie, but it will need more yarn than for openwork squares. Knitting scheme is not required. Already according to the model, an experienced needlewoman will be able to connect the same dense square.

And for those who decided to start only their training, then a master class on creating a product will be presented, where everything will be painted in detail.

Dense grandmother's square
Dense grandmother's square

The finished product will come out neat, beautiful, you can combine yarn of different colors. Choose thick and hook No. 5. Each row will be connected in the corner. Therefore, the place of docking will not be noticeable.

Knitting scheme:

  1. Dial 5 VP, closed into a circle.
  2. In the first circle, do the following actions: knit 1 loop of lifting, 2 SSN, 2 VP, in this row there will be four types of columns, and they will be separated by VP. When you approach the end, do the following: 1 VP, crochet a loop through a loop with a rise, will go on a hook 2 pcs. loops, grab the thread and knit them with one column.
  3. In the second circle, knit 1 stb. lifting, into the arch of SSN (you get a corner of a dense square). Knit further to its sides. Then in each STB. Make SSN the previous row when you knit, capture the two sides of the loops. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe arch, knit: 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN. After that, the corner of the product will turn out, then knit as well as at the beginning of the second circle according to the drawing. Close a row like this: 1 VP, crochet a loop through a loop of lifting, will come out on a hook 2 pcs. loops, grab the thread and knit them with one column.
  4. In the third circle: 2 VP for lifting. Under the arch, do the following: in the SSN arch (you get a corner of a dense square). Knit further to its sides. Then in each STB. Make SSN the previous row when you knit, capture the two sides of the loops. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe arch, knit: 2 SSN, 2 VP, 2 SSN. After that, the corner of the product will turn out, then knit as well as at the beginning of the second circle according to the drawing. The only difference in knitting the third circle is that there are more loops, due to the additions. Close a row according to the following scheme: 1 VP, crochet a loop through a loop of lifting, will go on a hook 2 pcs. loops, grab the thread and knit them with one column.

Big hooks

If you have a goal to tie a large blanket or bedspread, or maybe a bedside rug, then it is better to knit a square with a crochet from thick acrylic yarn. Keep in mind that the hook also needs to be selected thick. Choose the tones of the threads to your taste.

Consider the example of covers for chairs how to tie a large and dense square with cones with your own hands.

IMPORTANT: It will be necessary to make additions on the corners of the square, as in the diagram below. To do this, knit 2 elements from the 1st arch.

The step -by -step guide to crochet a large square on a chair:

Crochet square knitting pattern
Crochet square knitting pattern

Grandmother's knitting process:

  1. Stitch 8 stb., Close them into a circle with a connecting column. Start knit the first row with 3 VP lift, after 4 SSN.
  2. The next business - form a bump: free the hook from the working loop, then enter the hook into the third loop and again into the working one. Pull the second in the 1st, several STB. They form a bump, which is still called popcorn.
  3. Then: 4 VP from a row 5 SSN. Enter a tool for knitting into a loop of the 1st STB., In a working loop, make one of these loops. Repeat the third point twice more, at the end of: 4 VP, connecting loop in STB. The first cones.
  4. Second row: 3 VP for lifting, knit two cones from each arch, on the sides of the square of 3 VP, the first bump will consist of lifting loops, 4 SSN, the remaining of 5 SSN.
  5. The third row: Corner arches should form two cones, between cones 4 VP. On all sides of the large square 3 VP + bump from the arch, 3 VP. Finish the row like this: knit connecting STB. The first cones.

The principle of work is clear, after which it remains only to continue the ranks according to the same scheme. It turns out that in each subsequent circle there will be more cones in 3 VP.

Square connected by the pattern of the bump
Square connected by the pattern "Shishechka"

The size of the square can control yourself. You can also choose the color gamuts of threads in any tones, the main thing is that they combine each other and fit under the overall interior of your room. Above the image is an example of such work. Thanks to this large square you can decorate the chairs. They are quite convenient to use, if you suddenly spill tea, coffee, then you can wash it, it will again become like a new one.

See more examples of article on our needlework website:

  1. Kofte bat and mouse knitting needles;
  2. Knitting the neck with knitting needles;
  3. Irish crochet;
  4. DIY Crochet backpack;
  5. What can be tied with your hands?

Video: Crochet openwork knitting

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  1. I liked it very much. Especially that the schemes are attached, not viso - you spend less time.

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